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Standard Form For Members of the Leq1slature Name of 2. Marriage (s) date place 3. Significant events for example: A. Busine••--------------------------------~---------------- B. Civic responsibilities~~~t~~~,L~/a~~'~#~~~.·~~------------------------ T Jt! C. Profession.~~~·~·,~vtM~·-·------------------------------------- 6. Public Offices A. Local _____________________________________________________ B. State _____________________________________________________ . C. National~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 7 . 8. 9. Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa. lO.Educatio 11. Degrees _____________________________________________________________ Other applicable information__________________________________ _ Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa. Sou1ces Log for Legislalion Eulries l\ppl1c<lhlll Ly So11rco lion l\ppllca!Jle l\pplicable lnforme~lion ohle~i11ecl I ~ i l Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa. Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa. ) 0 Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa. hs -.(9-11) ... ·· ~th (1~11) .. eventh'~1'-11} . UEN. ··STANrf0NISDEAD. .aid · unknQwn ,,. .. ·1 said land _, ·surviving Veteran Fighting Payma.st_e"' of Big d grantees of He~rt and "C.'treat Record md .the same . ' Goes Up Higher. the plaintiff's '~< nes and resi --~-.:.._...;,· rnown claim- 1 the plaintiffs _Abolirtonioo~ With Jol\n. Brown and ~~sought .dili- · .J'fm • ane ~co.~:u WI~IJ Crook,. Brave Soldier ~nd Officer~-- - :~ . ant ip~. ----J the aforesaid · • [Jlainti!fs pray General Stanton married a daughter 1 ;e rehef, and / of Clark Conger .of this city. and . was ' td ·real estate · 11 . · . · · . ~stablished in we known -to our old settlers. We ile defendants: copy the following article from the ._:::=:=:::::::::=:::::::::::::::::::::::_ ::::;:::-::::::::::::: ~nts be .barred Omaha_World-He.rald: , · .!life, going first to San Francisco, then m ~aVlng . ?r "General Thaddeus H. Stanton the to Cheyenne. · He was detached and ·or Interest 1n . · . · · · ,.. • 1 • . ~ • Jortion of said retired paymaster general of the United j went out.m the field no:wv.a.nj then be- vice~ · . ask that the States, has signed' his last muster roll rtw.een pay trips and in 1876 was made B! Mcin· ;ale and . that and gone_ to: pay th~~ last · gre~t debt to Ichi.ef _· ?f w.uots for. General Croqk in 1 P1lll1Sh~~nt for the same. the God· of the·· umverse who 80 richly the campaign agamst the northern 1 U:t_> of txains r thereto and d · · I di · - · · · · · ·. e second da : .en owed the old . general with. a great , ~ . ans and had ;.a hand 1n the fight !passenger~, ' )istrict courl heart, a sunny soul and a life that 1w1th Crazy Hor:~ on Powder river in' death or hfE n the 13J;]l g_ay___ mad~_t.he wo!_ld .brighter and~happie]:.Ji~e _following yea,r.' . He commanded NQ~ l'." 11_" eld. at tlie for his ha_ ving live~ He died a.t 3:55 · scouting column against Sitting Bull, Weqnesda: ~ a.shington . T . · . · I · · · · · · t~-.. f · ds o\va, your de: p. ~· uesday Jan. 21 at his home at i recon~mteref the Bad Land§, fought u.e nen ( inst you and Thuty first and Harney streets. Had he at Shm Buttes, campaigned against ment in Ic dere~ thereon. lived just one week more he would have Dull Knife and after returning td. his bill which f.~--~l~h:!ff --: ·- beeJt:--65 years of age. .. · · duties as' paymaster was sent into the special C(}n: )r Pam 1 S.·" "It seemed'th~t the heavy pressure :field_again in the Ute campaign. ,. The"bill wh ?pon General Stanton during the clos- '~ 'A singular , episode was that fn ·this afternoc 1ng days of his o:ffich~l ·life, caused by whlch he figured at :Richmond after ~chools to l the Spanish-American war, closely fal- Lee's surrender.. Colonel Stanton. was In. _the ye . lowed by the. sudden relaxation after sent there with. $2,000,000 to pay off- Their locati his retirement last January 30, worked the army of the Potomac. He left the byjc._i~t bal seriously upon his health. Suffering _money i~ charge of the guard and took ;veek after· t from a broken leg of several years ago qu?-rters m a hotel. Toward morning In~ them, a addedits,weight. Complications· began· heawoke with tJ;te feeling· that some bemgnec~s~: undermining his. sturdy physique. and. intruder was in the room_:_- T~~ blin Th~_fir~~_t_?~ E several wee.lis "ago lie w~"~ompelled.to' wnicnhe had closed had·been opened. majority wi forego the pleasure of coming down to Listening he distinguished a stealthy second choi greet his old friends and was soon a:fter footstep and he saw in the dim light' t~e third ch in a serious way. For a time it was the shadow of an approaching man. After the te believed that he would raily and, in Without turning over Colonel Stanton ing the sru fact, he did appear to be improving, reached beneath his pillow, drew a to-be dropp but three or Jour days ago a sudden re- pistol~ and fired in the directim:i in way the fil lapse occurred. which he judged from the shadow the worked out. 6 . ~ in. line TWICE STATIONED IN OMAHA. man was coming. A cry followed the charge of · ~e'L.·.. -~t _1 ~= n~-" _"At_ two times during his military shot.. Colonel Stanton sat up and :fired present educ " w~ ·sen the -ca~erccw~as~eiierai sfantr0it"'8ta. ione , state. A si 3a.r on earth. _in Omaha; once from 1879 to 1885 and rushed to the porch and sent a bullet acres, not I€ '! the best. and again from-1890 to 1895. He loved the ~fter the retreating form o~ a compah- mile nor me best. Source:0ftr new Iowa Territorial friends and Statehe Legislatorsmade here Collection and compiled he by·called volunteers Ion and staffof theat the Stateburglar. Historical SocietyWhen of a Iowa .light Library, was Des Moines,business Iowa. sec 1 0P. for women 0 rrmh R. h HI· h omA. Ro when it came to b rought t h e b urglar who had entered' proff ered f rE .... ,; t.h ~- g:,9,n 1 :tion. Nice if he had been kept hi ·the line .at a Stanton had· ~en. an actlve memoer house. One iE t way down frontier post. So one must delv~ into for several years. industrial ref4 the history of the west and talk. with He l'"ooJed 'l'he Surgeons. and the other· ~st on earth; his comrades to learn what he haa done All doctors told Renick Hamilton of ry of Hardin i and where he has been. \Vest Jefferson; Ohio, after suffering 18 the sale of int< ·-' •.ck to sell '' 'Colonel• T. H. Stanton, the chief months from Rectal Fistula, he would of five miles o1 paymaster, is the most familiar. figure die unless a costly operation was per- state normal a hides, also in this part o_f the west ;of the ·army formed: but he cured himself wi~h five al institutions pay you the o:ffl.cers and the longest in s~i·vice' here boxes of Bucklen's Arnica Salve.. the 'ed in the futm of those who have been on. G~neral surest pile cure on earth, and the best already in for< Crook's staff and marched with • 'Gray salve in: the \vorld. 25c a box. Sold tural college; Wolf" across the ridges of Dakota and by Chilcote and Cook, druggists. A number-ei ----··--·.- the mesas of Airzona. 'J'be 1.o~va. Legislature. and referred t< \VITff JOHN BROW"'N. It will be remembered by those who tees. Hasse1q· " 'Colonel Stanton··· had a ~ste of were familiar with the doings of Phe r 'one from resid ~RJ, fighting long befo:ve·l-k'wor~ ~ u~ifor.m, . T\venty-sixth general assembly in extra I! f~te~ce t~ rais for he was an ardent a~Jolltw_mst and ses.sion that Dr. Georg.e A .. News.ome,, 1 h.:c l.·lb._ra_rF•::~ ST SIDE. stood shoulder to shoulder with John now secretary of the senate_, seCl~redj bill fr.ameq. __ Brown and Jim Lane in Kansas in 18f57 the same p;sition the~ .~s a result of· and the . · · • '~w;slltoexa!'fl!>'· and 1t;58 at the,siege of Lawrence and competitive 11eading-.. 'Tofhere wer.e 'J.aege• of'Des )f obtain Mtlml!.'((l was in about a,.q many. as he -t~uld get nmuerous candidates for the position of~ tien~f-l.'OltTttW~ it fi,,ct rr on frie ,. ~ into of the armed conflicts between the secretary, but :Or. N€)wman p;roved the the passage of· THOMAS free sou and the . pro-slavery parties. best reader .of the.m an,, anif. in" the two . examining .1x Subsequently he returned tcr Iowa and consecutivt sessions Iias been elected ha·nded Ln 1 or served with no .. other arms than (lrawn unanimously· to the some position. banks, askf'i:lg documents in the legislature for two \Vith the arrival of Colonel H. H. Rood lom1s up to 70 years. of Morint Vernon, ,,·ho appeared in Des real estate. .A "'It was.Iowa and not his native Moines yesterday, there has been a re-I ates of t}le me state, Indiana, that Ilad the credit of vival of gossip coneernirig the mt~ntitm I State universi· his services, for after entering the of his name with the state board of vVednesday as riNG.