SLLL - Senior Scholars February 4 – March 3, 2019 T WENT Y -FIRST ANTISEMITISM AND ITS ORIGINS

Feb 4 – Greco-Roman Roots

Feb 11 – The Theological Angle

Feb 18 – Folk Superstition and Economics

Feb 25 – From to Race

Mar 3 – White and Quick Review (1816-1882)

• Arthur de Gobineau, in full -Arthur, comte de Gobineau • Published The Inequality of Human Races in 1854. • Served as secretary to the writer and statesman during the latter’s brief term as foreign minister in 1849. Later he had his own diplomatic career, which took him to posts in , , Frankfurt, Tehrān, , and . Arthur de Gobineau quotes I

We come now to the white peoples. These are gifted with reflective energy, or rather with an energetic intelligence. They have a feeling for utility, but in a sense far wider and higher, more courageous and ideal, than the yellow races; a perseverance that takes account of obstacles and ultimately finds a means of overcoming them; a greater physical power, an extraordinary instinct for order, not merely as a guarantee of peace and tranquility, but as an indispensable means of self-preservation. At the same time, they have a remarkable, and even extreme, love of liberty, and are openly hostile to the formalism under which the Chinese are glad to vegetate, as well as to the strict despotism which is the only way of governing the negro. Arthur de Gobineau quotes II The white race are, further, distinguished by an extraordinary attachment to life. They know better how to use it, and so, as it would seem, set a greater price on it; both in their own persons and those of others, they are more sparing of life. When they are cruel, they are conscious of their cruelty; it is very doubtful whether such a consciousness exists in the negro. At the same time, they have discovered reasons why they should surrender this busy life of theirs, that is so precious to them. The principal motive is honour, which under various names has played an enormous part in the ideas of the race from the beginning. I need hardly add that the word honour, together with all the civilizing influences connoted by it, is unknown to both the yellow and the black man. Arthur de Gobineau quotes III

Such is the lesson of history. It shows us that all civilizations derive from the white race, that none can exist without its help, and that a society is great and brilliant only so far as it preserves the blood of the noble group that created it, provided that this group itself belongs to the most illustrious breach of our species. Arthur de Gobineau


• He generally regarded positively, describing Biblical as “free, strong and intelligent people…” He praised their ability to survive in the diaspora and appreciated their opposition to intermarriage (and so to racial mixing).

• Vehemently disagreed with that religion, (esp. Roman) could counteract or overcome race. I (1865-1937)

• Follower of Gabineau except defined race not by language but by traits identified through physical .

• Three distinct races: Caucasoids, and . Nordic theory subdivided Caucasoids into three groups: Nordics, Alpines and Mediterraneans. Madison Grant II

• Pushed “Nordic Superiority – “The Nordics are, all over the world, a race of soldiers, sailors, adventurers, and explorers, but above all, of rulers, organizers, and aristocrats in sharp contrast to the essentially peasant character of the Alpines. and knighthood, and their still surviving but greatly impaired counterparts, are peculiarly Nordic traits, and feudalism, class distinctions, and race pride among Europeans are traceable for the most part to the north.”

• “[The Mediterranean] race … gave the world the great civilizations of Egypt, of , of including , of Etruria and of Mycenean . It gave us, when mixed and invigorated with Nordic elements, the most splendid of all civilizations, that of ancient Hellas, and the most enduring of political organizations, the Roman State.” -- The Passing of the Great Race

• Reviewer: Jonathan Price - favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite - April 9, 2014 • Subject: Mandatory Reading This book should be mandatory reading for all --especially those of school age, and double especially, by those attending Marxist indoctrination centers in colleges and universities. What's that you say? "Racist"? Why, because the information doesn't agree with your (whether you realize it or not) Jewish Marxist world view, which is based on lies and falsehoods, especially the doctrine of so-called "racial equality", of which only exists in a FANTASY WORLD. Christian I

• British Israelism holds that the people of the are "genetically, racially, and linguistically the direct descendants" of the of ancient Israel.

• Two House theory: today’s Jews are descendants only of the ;

• The inheritors of the covenants with the tribes of and Manasseh are identified as modern day Britain and the of America Christian White Identity II

• Reject the “Two House” Theory; Contemporary “Jews” are not descended from any Israelite tribe; • The true inheritors of the of Abraham, and are Whites in Britain and America, or Caucasians in general. • In some cases modern-day Jews are described as from the seed of Eve and Demography : The Great Displacement

This theory posits the demographic replacement of native French in due to low French birth rates and mass immigration from and .

This same existential threat applies to all white populations, in , Britain and the United States. Of all the human races, only the White race is facing potential extinction in a relatively near future.

Often describes this as an “invasion” or a “colonization”. White Theory

• A that there is a movement, often blamed on Jews, to promote , mass non-white immigration, , low fertility rates, abortion, etc. in order to promote the extinction, or at least suppression of, the White race.

• This may be the result of a secret master plot or simply of demographic changes that are being allowed to occur. The Turner Diaries • Published in 1978 by William Luther Pierce, • Sept. 16, 1991 is the first entry in the diary. • The diary describes a white citizens rebellion (“The Order”) against the government (“The System”) -- African American enforcers led by Jewish politicians—which is attempting to confiscate all guns in the United States. • Centered in the western US and eventually nuking the east coast, The Order wins and eventually whites take over Europe and recolonizes Africa. Influenced: Ruby Ridge (1992); Waco (1993); Okla City (1995) Recent “Replacement” Events

• August 2017 -- during a white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, VA, leaflets were distributed bearing the slogan " is a code word for white genocide".

• November 2018 -- the perpetrator of the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting had written, “ Daily Reminder: Diversity means chasing down the last white person." and that "HIAS likes to bring invaders in that kill our people. I can't sit by and watch my people get slaughtered. Screw your optics, I'm going in.“

• March 2019 – The perpetrator of two attacks in , NZ posted a 74-page manifesto titled "The ”, in which he said that the attacks were aimed at non-European , immigrants in Europe who are "invading his land. committed the 2011 mass killing in Utøya Island, Norway claimed to be the commander • August 2019 – The perpetrator posted a manifesto, titled The Inconvenient Truth. The author expresses support for the Christchurch of a secret Christian military shootings and cites "cultural and ethnic replacement", and an order plotting an anti-Muslim "Hispanic invasion". revolution in Europe.


Arab Antisemitism I

• Largely unknown in the classical Arab/ because Jews were also “People of the Book”.

• Grew in 20th Century due to: • Collapse of the • Western • Rise of Arab Nationalism Nazi Propaganda Haj Amin al-Husseini meeting with Adolf • Hitler (December 1941) • and creation of Israel • Agitation of Arab Christians Arab Antisemitism II --Muslim Brotherhood

In 2003, Israeli-Arab Raed Salah, the leader of the northern branch of the Islamic Movement in Israel published the following poem in the Islamic Movement's periodical:

You Jews are criminal bombers of , Slaughterers of pregnant women and babies. Robbers and germs in all times, The Creator sentenced you to be loser monkeys, Victory belongs to , from the Nile to the . Arab Antisemitism --Egypt

The Egyptian government-run newspaper, Al Akhbar, on April 29, 2002, published the following editorial:

With regard to the fraud of .... Many French studies have proven that this is no more than a fabrication, a lie, and a fraud!! That is, it is a 'scenario' the plot of which was carefully tailored, using several faked photos completely unconnected to the truth. Yes, it is a film, no more and no less. Hitler himself, whom they accuse of , is in my eyes no more than a modest 'pupil' in the world of murder and bloodshed. He is completely innocent of the charge of frying them in the hell of his false Holocaust!! The entire matter, as many French and British scientists and researchers have proven, is nothing more than a huge Israeli plot aimed at extorting the German government in particular and the European countries in general. But I, personally and in light of this imaginary tale, complain to Hitler, even saying to him from the bottom of my heart, 'If only you had done it, brother, if only it had really happened, so that the world could sigh in relief [without] their evil and sin.’ Antisemitism -- Egypt

• Egyptian actor Mohamed Sobhi said in a May 12, 2019 interview on Nahar TV (Egypt) that he was proud that an antisemitism suit was filed against him at the International Court of Justice for his role in the antisemitic Egyptian TV show “Horseman without a Horse.”

• Over two million copies of “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion” were bought by university The Egyptian TV series, ''Horse Without a students within three months of Horseman,'' traces the history of the Middle the show’s broadcast East from 1855 to 1917 through the eyes of an Egyptian who fought British occupiers and the Zionist movement. Arabic Language Newspaper Cartoons

1967 -- Nasser kicking the Jew (Israel) into the sea, with the armies of Lebanon, Syria and supporting him. Al-Farida, Lebanon Jews Responsible for Twin Tower Attack Durban Anti- Conference

• Book distributed at the 2001 UN- sponsored Durban Conference

• The beginning of the Second (“Al- Aqsa”) Intifadeh, 2000-2005

• anti-semitic-cartoons-2001 Antisemitism --

This cartoon by Derkaoui Abdellah won the 2006 Holocaust cartoon contest. It depicts an Israeli crane erecting a wall around . Partially hidden by the wall, which has the Auschwitz concentration camp painted on it, is the dome of the Al-Aqsa mosque contests-in-iran Iranian Press

Israel is celebrating the discovery of the tomb of King Herod, the Jewish king who ordered, two thousand years ago, to kill all the children because soothsayers had foretold that a child would be born who would topple him from the throne. [This child] was the Messiah who fled to Egypt with his mother, Mary. And two days ago an Israeli soldier shot and killed a Palestinian child in his mother's womb! -- and-iranian-press

Al-Ahram (Egypt), May 12, 2007. Gaza Blockade and Attempt to Break it

• “Terrorist State”

• Published after the attack on the Gaza Flotilla, 2010

• Al-Watan Israel and Palestinian Children

• “Maybe a terrorist?” • ca 2011; no source Palestinian Textbooks After Move of U.S. Embassy to West Jerusalem

6. Fars, December 16, 2017 (Iran, Arabic- Al-Ittihad, UAE, December 17, 2017 language edition What About Europe? And in

• AfD is the only in Germany that declares “Jew-hatred” as “inseparable” from , and says out-loud that Islamic religious dogma is “incompatible with the German constitution”.

• That is Dimitri Schulz’s view of the far-right (AfD). A Jew, Mr Schulz is one of a small band of Jewish AfD supporters who see the party as a bulwark against the Islamic threat to Europe. Mr Schulz is launching a group called “Jews for the AfD” — the only party, he says, that is 100 per cent committed to defending A march organised by the Germany’s traditional Judeo-Christian values. AfD, the far-right party, carrying portraits of people they claim are victims of migrant violence Adapted from = A Mishmash of Everything What Kind of New Alignment is Emerging? Stay Tuned…