Principal Designer / Geomatic Consultancy 180EXPERIENCE AS a PRACTICE, PUTTING the CLIENT at the HEART of EVERYTHING WE DO
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BUILDING CONSULTANCY BUILDING CONSULTANCY OUR VALUES / C OMMITMENT / to excel every day Act with / be proud of everything you do INTEGRITY Fresh THINKING / always look to do things better 8 Build strong RELATIONSHIPS / work well with everyone UK OFFICES YRS BUILDING CONSULTANCY / DESIGN & CONTRACT MANAGEMENT / HEALTH & SAFETY SERVICES / ASSET & PROPERTY MANAGEMENT / PROFESSIONAL SERVICES / PRINCIPAL DESIGNER / GEOMATIC CONSULTANCY 180EXPERIENCE AS A PRACTICE, PUTTING THE CLIENT AT THE HEART OF EVERYTHING WE DO EDUCATION / CIVIC OUR GOALS & COMMUNITY EXCEED OUR CLIENTS’ EXPECTATIONS / RESIDENTIAL / because excellent client service is the best way of achieving job satisfaction and growth. INFRASTRUCTURE / RETAIL / HEALTH MAXIMISE & SOCIAL CARE / JOB saTIsfacTION AND PERSONAL COMMERCIAL DevelopMENT to attract and keep the best people who provide the best service to our clients. C. G ROW OUR BUSINess PROFITABLY to gain strength in the market place and allow us to invest in our people and give them the opportunity to develop. MEMBERS375 OF STAFF 4 WHO wE are AT AHR BUILDING CONSULTANCY WE ENJOY SEEING THE POSITIVE IMPACT THAT OUR WORK HAS ON PEOPLE. WE GET A REAL BUZZ FROM SOLVING PROBLEMS AND FROM BRINGING A CLIENT’S VISION TO LIFE. Within an industry and environment that doesn’t stand still, we’re enthused by the variety of our work, and seeing our team develop, providing practical, creative and sustainable solutions as well as ensuring that we go beyond each project, adding social and enviromental value wherever possible. AHR Building Consultancy is a team of experienced and highly motivated professionals who provide advice and services to clients throughout the UK. Building Consultancy has been an integral part of the AHR tradition since the practice was established in 1835. Today, AHR Building Consultancy operates from strategically located offices throughout the UK. Our expertise, combined with modern techniques and technologies, enables us to provide our clients with a thorough and efficient service to ensure that their property realises its full potential. Our approach is one that recognises the changing world in which we live and work. A world that needs a different way of working. We create new environments and care for existing buildings to enhance the fabric of our communities. Above all, we are about what can be achieved with open minds, fresh clever thinking and overall collaboration. Always looking to do things better, and more efficiently, combining professionalism with technical competence and flair. 5 INN OVATION BUILDING consultancy INN OVATION VI RTUAL REALITY / DIGITAL CAMPUS / GENERATIVE DESIGN / VISUAL PROGRAMMING / GIS INTEGRATION 6 building consultancy INNOVATION INN OVATION / Throughout our history we have always looked at how we can do things more effectively and efficiently, delivering greater value to our clients. This continues today in our Innovation Group, focusing on a number of workstreams which we believe will improve our service. VIRTual REALITY / W hilst Virtual Reality is commonplace in multimillion pound projects, we have developed the skills and expertise to deliver this experience for any scale of project, with the value in terms of stakeholder engagement being significant. It allows clients to step into their new or refurbished space and fully appreciate and critique the design, whilst removing the need for costly design change on site. The use of gaming technology provides a truly interactive experience to test the functionality of the design. DIGIT AL ESTATES / Our long term investment in digital technologies is driving us towards the creation of a digital estate. The consolidation of digital mapping, laser scanning and building information models is allowing us to create accurate 3D models of entire campuses, town and city quarters. With the advent of the Government Geospacial Commission and the drive to use data more effectively, we believe there will be significant development in this field in the coming years. V ISUAL proGRAMMING / W e recognise that the hard lines which existed between the professions and skill sets are rapidly blurring, now more so than ever in the field of programming. Closed API, out of the box software is in the decline and we are working hard to leverage the software we use every day to develop new ways of working. Our Surveyors, Designers and Developers are combining their skills to deliver projects more efficiently and create new client propositions. Recent examples of this include interactive ownership maps and automation of repetitive design tasks. 7 SERVICES 8 DESIGN & CONTRACT MANAGEMENT (14) PROJECT DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT / BUILDING INFORMATION MODELLING (BIM) / PROJECT MANAGEMENT / CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION / EMPLOYER’S AGENT / COST CONSULTANCY / PRINCIPAL DESIGNER / CDM CLIENT ADVISOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES (16) BUILDING SURVEYING / DILAPIDATION & SCHEDULES OF CONDITION / PARTY WALL MATTERS / DEFECTS ANALYSIS / EXPERT WITNESS ASSET & PROPERTY MANAGEMENT (18) ASSET MANAGEMENT / PORTFOLIO MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT / BIM FACILITIES MANAGEMENT GEOMATIC CONSULTANCY (20) SCAN TO BIM / MEASURED BUILDING SURVEYS / TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS / UTILITY MAPPING SURVEYS / DRONE SURVEYS / CONSERVATION & HERITAGE (22) SIGNIFICANCE & UNDERSTANDING / SURVEY & ANALYSIS / REPAIR & MAINTENANCE / DEVELOPMENT & REGENERATION / GRANTS & FUNDING / LEGISLATION 9 sectors INfrasTRUCTURE (26) AOUT Matic TICKET GatES / CustoMER Waiting FACILITIES / TICKET OFFICES / REtail FACILITIES / ENTRANCES & REMODELLING / CONSERVATION & HERitagE / accEssibility / FEasibility STUDIES / CYCLE PRovisions / WC REFURBISHMENT RESIDENTIAL (28) REFURBISHMENT & REMODELLING / REpaiR & MAINTENANCE / WINDOW & DOOR REplacEMENT / accEssibility adaptations / INDEPENDENT LIVING / coMMUNAL spacES / assistED LIVING / HOUSING associations / local authoRITIES / RETIREMENT / NEW BUILD / EMployer’S agENT SCHOOLS & acaDEMIES (30) CIF & capital FUNDING SUPPORT / CONDITION SURVEYS / ROOFING WORKS / EXTENSIONS / REFURBISHMENTS / ENTRANCES & REMODELLING / BOILER REplacEMENT / accEssibility / DEVElopMENT PLANS / SPORTS facilitiES / MODULAR solutions / block REplacEMEnts / HEating & ELECTRICAL UPGRADES / SEN SCHOOLS FURTHER EDUCATION (32) collEGES & SIXTH foRMS / classROOMS / TEaching spacES / OFFICES / SPORTS facilitiES / ARTS & PERfoRMANCE spacES / accEssibility / EXTENSIONS / REFURBISHMENT & REMODELLING / ENTRANCES & RECEPTIONS / condition SURVEys HIGHER EDUCATION (34) REpaiR & MAINTENANCE / TEaching spacES / LABORatoRIES / OFFICE & study spacE / EXTENSIONS / REFURBISHMENT & REMODELLING / EstatE DEVElopMENT / SPORTS facilitiES / DINING & REtail facilitiES / CONDITION SURVEYS CIVIC & COMMUNITY (36) consERVATION & HERitagE / OFFICES / FIRE & RESCUE / SPORTS & LEISURE / MUSEUMS / local authoRITIES / justicE & DEFENCE / ACCEssibility / FEasibility STUDIES / REFURBISHMENT & REMODELLING 10 (38) SPORTS & LEISURE SPEcialist SPORTS facilitiES / REpaiR & MAINTENANCE / PRincipal DESIGNER / lottERY SPORTS FUND / REFURBISHMENT & REMODELLING / SPORTS pitchES / SCHOOL SPORTS facilitiES (40) HEALTH & SOCIAL CARE WARD RElocation / SPEcialist EQUIPMENT / EstatE DEVElopMENT / REFURBISHMENT & REMODELLING / REpaiR & MAINTENANCE / sustainability / condition SURVEys / FEasibility studiES / CONSERVATION (42) RETAIL dilapidations & SCHEDULES OF condition / contRact ADMinistRation / PRojECT ManagEMENT / REconfiguRation / MEasuRED SURVEys / PORTFOLIO ManagEMENT / REpaiR & MAINTENANCE / INTERNAL & EXTERNAL DECORATIONS / / REMODELLING (44) coNservaTION & HERITAGE QUINQUENNIAL INSPECTIONS / CONSERVATION / LIAISON WITH REGULATORY BODIES / PLANNING PERMISSION / DETAILED PROPOSALS / REPAIR & MAINTENANCE / FABRIC INVESTIGATIONS / CONDITION SURVEYS (46) GEOMATIC coNSULTANCY SCAN TO BIM / LASER SCANNING / MEASURED BUILDING SURVEYS / UTILITY MAPPING SURVEys / TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS / 3D MODELS / DRONE SURVEys / VIRTUAL REALITY (48) PRINCIpal DESIGNER PRincipal DESIGNER / HEalth & SAFETY SITE AUDITS / CLIENT advisoR / HEalth & safETY FILES / CDM REgulations (2015) / CO-ORdination OF HEalth & safETY FILES / CLIENT LIAISON / RISK assEssMENT & ManagEMENT 11 SERVICES our servICES building consultancy DS E IGn & coNTRACT MANAGEMENT W e provide professional advice, design and detailed recommendations on the successful internal and external refurbishment, conservation, remodelling, repair, maintenance and extension of all types of building, both old and new. 14 building consultancy our servICES POCR JE t DesIGn & DevelopMENT / CONTracT ADMINISTraTION / From the earliest inception stages, our typical involvement in a W e are highly experienced in the administration of building project starts with the interpretation and development of your works under a variety of forms of contract, ranging from ideas and aspirations into concept and feasibility proposals, traditional JCT through to NEC. We actively manage contracts supporting these with accurate cost advice. Developing to ensure the client and contractor meet their obligations through detailed design, statutory submissions and other under the terms of the building contract. approvals, we will keep you closely involved in all aspects of the project’s development, leading through to managing the contractor procurement process and overseeing works EM PLOYER’S AGENT / onto and through the site build process to handover for use, W e provide a comprehensive Employer’s Agent service, followed by contract close out. drawing on extensive experience in administering and managing contracts. Our team has vast expertise in selecting