Tower by: Elliot

Where is the structure located?

The is located in , ; which is located in Europe. The Eiffel tower is one of the wonders in the globe. About one hundred sixty-seven million people have visited the Eiffel Tower in France.

Who built the structure?

The person who built the Eiffel tower is called, Alexandre Gustave Eiffel. Eiffel was born on December 15, 1832 and died on December 28, 1923. He was one of the greatest (civil) engineers of all time. After he graduated from École Centrale des Arts et Manufactures in 1885, he began constructing objects out of metal. He began constructing the Eiffel tower in 1887 and finished two years later (1889). After the Eiffel tower was completed, he was known as The Magician of Iron. The Eiffel tower is made of wrought iron.

Why was the structure built?

Alexandre Gustave Eiffel built the Eiffel Tower for the 1889 world’s fair in May. The world’s fair was for the hundredth centenary of the French revolution. They thought it was a great idea. It was one of the tallest buildings of its time until the Chrysler building was built.

How does this structure develop or change?

The Eiffel tower is repainted every seven years with fifty tons of dark, brown paint so it won’t look rusty. They paint the Eiffel tower with three shades of brown. The bottom of the Eiffel is the darkest shade of brown and the top is the lightest shade. They paint it with fifteen hundred paint brushes and only twenty-five painters in fifteen months.

Why is this structure considered a wonder? Do you agree? Why or why not?

I think it is considered a wonder because the Eiffel Tower was constructed and exposed during the World’s Fair. And mostly everyone in the world recognizes this structure. Therefore, that’s why I think it’s a wonder.


“Skyscraper- Eiffel tower” Wonders of the world Databank 2000-2001 22 October 2012

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Ehrlichman, John. “Eiffel, Alexandre Gustave” The New Book Of Knowledge. 2003. Print. Pages: E.118, F.17, P.70

Paris: Eiffel Tower. Photograph. Encyclopedia Britannica. Web.7 Jan. 2013. .

Paris. Map/Still. Encyclopedia Britannica. Web. 7 Jan. 2013. .

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