BAMBOOS for FARM and HOME 735 Alis)Y Cloud Bent {A
BAMBOOS FOR FARM AND HOME 735 alis)y cloud bent {A. nebulosa), hares- THE AUTHOR<«- Roland McKee tail {Lagurus ovatus), and the quak- is an agronomist in the Bureau of Plant ing grasses {Briza maxima^ B. minors Industry, Soils, and Agricultural E7igi- and B. media). neerinn. BAMBOOS FOR FARM AND HOME F. A. McCLURE THE BAMBOOS arc set off from the There have been many changes more familiar grasses by certain tech- since the carbon-filament lamp revo- nical characters, such as the woody lutionized illumination, but bamboo stems and the petiolate, or stalked, now promises to offer to the technical leaf blades. They comprise a highly world another fundamental raw ma- varied array of plants that range in terial, cellulose. That the bulk of size and habit from tiny dwarfs a few China's vast paper requirements has inches high to long and slender climb- been supplied, for hundreds of years, ers and giants a foot in diameter and by hand-dipped bamboo pulp is com- more than 100 feet tall. Among them mon knowledge. It may be news to are individual kinds with properties many, however, that paper is already that suit them, in aggregate, to a thou- being made by machine, on a commer- sand functions. Many of the uses, al- cial scale, from bamboo pulp in Trini- though of basic importance in the dad, Siam, Burma, India, and France, areas where industry remains largely as well as in China. The Forest Re- in the handicraft stage, are looked search Institute at Dehra Dun, India, upon in this mechanized world only publishes its annual reports on ma- as curiosities.
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