National Guidelines for Paediatric Hiv and Aids Treatment and Care

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National Guidelines for Paediatric Hiv and Aids Treatment and Care NATIONAL GUIDELINES FOR PAEDIATRIC HIV AND AIDS TREATMENT AND CARE FEDERAL MINISTRY OF HEALTH NIGERIA 2007 COPY RIGHT PAGE ISBN Number…….. FEDERAL MINISTRY OF HEALTH NIGERIA 2007 1 LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS NAMES ORGANISATION/ADDRESS Prof. Kike Osinusi Department of Paediatrics, UCH, Ibadan Prof. W. N. Ogala Department of Paediatrics, ABUTH, Zaria Dr. Edna Iroha Department of Paediatrics, LUTH, Idi-Araba, Lagos Dr. A. I. Rabasa Department of Paediatrics, UMTH, Maiduguri Dr. A. Nte Department of Paediatrics, UPTH, Port Harcourt Dr. E. A. Adejuyigbe Department of paediatrics, OAUTH, Ile-Ife Dr. S. Oguche Department of Paediatrics, JUTH, Jos Dr. S. D. Pam Department Paediatrics, JUTH, Jos Dr. L.W. Umar Department of Paediatrics, ABUTH, Zaria Dr. Isaac Elon Department of Paediatrics, FMC, Gombe Dr. Kolade Ernest Department of Paediatrics, UITH, Ilorin Dr. O. Oniyangi Department of Paediatrics, National Hospital, Abuja Dr. Mariya Mukhtar-Yola Department of Paediatrics, AKTH, Kano Dr. O.A. Owolabi Department of Paediatrics, UITH, Ilorin Dr. J.U. Ojukwu Department of Paediatrics, EBSU, Abakaliki Dr. G. Eke Department of Paediatrics, UPTH, Port Harcourt Dr. Abieyuwa Emokpae Massey Street Children’s Hospital, Lagos Dr. Rosemary Audu NIMR, Lagos Dr. Georgina Odaibo Department of Virology, UCH, Ibadan Dr. Pat Matemilola NEPWHAN, Abuja Dr. Abiola Davies UNICEF, Abuja Dr. Tunde Adegboyega WHO, Abuja Dr. Pyande Mongi WHO, Abuja Dr. Niyi Ogundiran WHO, Abuja Dr. N. Sani-Gwarzo CDC, Abuja Dr. E. O. Jaiyesimi CDC, Abuja Dr. C. Omeogu USAID, Abuja Dr. O. Ibe USAID, Abuja 2 Dr. Sunny Ochigbo APIN PLUS/Harvard PEPFAR, Lagos Dr. J. Mafeni ENHANSE/CCM, Abuja Dr. Shafiq Essajee Clinton Foundation, Abuja Mr. Stephen Kisayke Clinton Foundation, Abuja Dr. L. Anomnachi Clinton Foundation, Abuja Prof. John Farley IHV-Nigeria, Abuja Dr. David Bowman IHV-Nigeria, Abuja Dr. M. J. Gambo IHV-Nigeria, Abuja Dr. Orode Doherty ICAP Nigeria, Abuja FMOH STAFF Dr. A. Akinsete HIV and AIDS Division Dr. O. Salawu HIV and AIDS Division Dr. Evelyn Ngige HIV and AIDS Division Dr. A. Lawanson HIV and AIDS Division Dr. A. Adedeji HIV and AIDS Division Dr. L Uzono HIV and AIDS Division Dr. D. Bako HIV and AIDS Division Dr. Emi Monye HIV and AIDS Division Dr. B. Ibrahim HIV and AIDS Division Mrs. O. F. Adegoke HIV and AIDS Division Mr. S. A.Egbewumi HIV and AIDS Division Mrs Ima Dada HIV and AIDS Division Mrs. O. A .J. Adebari HIV and AIDS Division Mr. O. A. Ombungadu HIV and AIDS Division Dr. Olurunfemi. Amoran HIV and AIDS Division 3 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The Federal Ministry of Health appreciates the dedication and commitment of all those who contributed in various ways to the development and production of this document. The development of these guidelines was made possible with the support of our partners especially UNICEF and Clinton Foundation. Their continued support and technical assistance are highly appreciated. The contributions of all the former and current Directors of Public Health, National Coordinators and staff of the National AIDS/STIs Control Programme are highly appreciated. Dr Ngozi Njepuome Director Public Health Federal Ministry of Health 4 FOREWORD Twenty-six years after the first case of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) was diagnosed, the Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (HIV and AIDS) pandemic is now widely recognised as a major public health crisis which affects not only the lives of individuals, but also the future socio-economic development of nations. The HIV and AIDS pandemic disproportionately affect children and young adults. It is now an increasingly important cause of childhood morbidity and mortality in many African countries including Nigeria and has slowed down or reversed the gains of the child survival efforts of the last decade. This has become even more significant because children profoundly depend on adults, not only for physical and emotional needs, but also for the formulation and implementation of policies and programmes that affect their survival and development. In Nigeria it is estimated that one HIV-exposed child is born every five minutes. In recognition of the magnitude of the HIV and AIDS problem in Nigeria, the Federal Government has put in place a multi-sectoral response to prevent and control the epidemic. Part of this effort is the Health Sector Response being implemented by the Federal Ministry of Health. The development of these guidelines is part of the treatment, care and support strategies of the Health sector for the implementation of the Paediatric HIV and AIDS Initiative. The guidelines provide essential and relevant information needed by health workers not only to understand paediatric HIV and AIDS, but also to control and manage it. The Government expects that all those providing care for children with HIV and AIDS will strive to attain the standards prescribed in these guidelines. Professor Eyitayo Lambo Honourable Minister of Health 5 ABOUT THE GUIDELINES The Federal Ministry of Health with the assistance of UNICEF in 2003 developed the first draft of the National Guidelines for the Management of Paediatric HIV and AIDS, in response to increasing paediatric HIV and AIDS and the neglect of children in the National HIV programme. This is part of the multi-sectoral response of the Federal Government to the HIV pandemic. Although the final print of that document was not produced, it provided the template for the inclusion of paediatric HIV and AIDS management in the 2005 Guidelines for the Use of Antiretroviral (ARV) Drugs in Nigeria. However the 2005 Guidelines was considered inadequate in many aspects of paediatric HIV care. This realisation, in addition to the recent information on HIV and AIDS necessitated the current review of the document. The Guidelines provide current evidence-based scientific information on paediatric HIV and AIDS. It reviews the epidemiology, pathophysiology, clinical features, management and prevention of HIV and AIDS including associated conditions e.g. Tuberculosis (TB) co-infection. The legal and ethical issues related to HIV and AIDS are also briefly discussed. It is written for healthcare providers at all levels responsible for the care of children both in public and private sectors. It will provide information for the implementation of the Paediatric HIV and AIDS programme throughout the country. Since situations at different levels of care vary, users should adapt it to their settings. It will facilitate the scale up of treatment, care and support of children infected with HIV and AIDS. In the use of these Guidelines, health care providers at all levels must realize the need to establish linkages with pre-existing programmes to ensure efficient use of resources. Linkages with the following programmes will therefore need to be established (Fig. i.). • The Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV (PMTCT) • The Adult Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) • The HIV Counselling and Testing(HCT) • Home-Based care (HBC) for HIV-infected persons 6 • Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) • Integrated Maternal, Newborn and Child Health • School Health COMMUNITY SUPPORT • ADULT ART INTEGRATED PROGRAMMES PROGRAMME MATERNAL, INCLUDING • HCT SERVICES NEWBORN AND HOME-BASED • TB AND OTHER CHILD HEALTH CARE SPECIALISED SERVICES CLINICS PAEDIATRIC PREVENTION OF ADOLESCENT HIV AND AIDS MOTHER-TO- AND YOUTH TREATMENT, CHILD HEALTH CARE AND TRANSMISSION SERVICES SUPPORT SERVICES PROGRAMME ORPHANS AND SCHOOL HEALTH VULNERABLE PAEDIATRIC OUT- CHILDREN’S PROGRAMME AND OTHERS PATIENT AND PROGRAMME IN-PATIENT SERVICES SERVICES Fig. i. Linkages between paediatric HIV and AIDS and other programmes 7 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page List of contributors ...................................................................................................................... I Acknowledgements ...................................................................................................................... III Foreword ...................................................................................................................... IV About the Guidelines ...................................................................................................................... V Table of contents ...................................................................................................................... VII List of figures ...................................................................................................................... IX List of tables ...................................................................................................................... X List of annexes ...................................................................................................................... XII Acronyms ...................................................................................................................... XIII Chapter 1: Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 1 Chapter 2: Virology ...................................................................................................................... 2.1 Classification and structure 22. Variability of HIV isolates 2.3 Cellular receptors 2.4 Replication 2.5 Natural history in children below 6 years 2.6 Natural history of HIV infection in children ≥ 6 years 2.7 Factors predicting prognosis Chapter 3: Diagnosis of HIV and AIDS ..................................................................
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