Xxixth Report on Competition Policy Xxixth Report on Competition Policy 1999

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Xxixth Report on Competition Policy Xxixth Report on Competition Policy 1999 1 61999 8 KD-28-00-018-EN-C European Commission XXIXth Report on Competition Policy XXIXth Report on Competition Policy 1999 (Published in conjunction with the ‘General Report on the Activities of the European Union — 1999’) Price (excluding VAT) in Luxembourg: EUR 21 ISBN 92-828-9984-5 OFFICE FOR OFFICIAL PUBLICATIONS ࢟ OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES L-2985 Luxembourg 9 789282 899847 EN Venta • Salg • Verkauf • Pvlèseiw • Sales • Vente • Vendita • Verkoop • Venda • Myynti • Försäljning http://eur-op.eu.int/general/en/s-ad.htm BELGIQUE/BELGIË ÖSTERREICH EESTI EGYPT Jean De Lannoy Manz’sche Verlags- und Eesti Kaubandus-Tööstuskoda The Middle East Observer Avenue du Roi 202/Koningslaan 202 Universitätsbuchhandlung GmbH (Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry) 41 Sherif Street B-1190 Bruxelles/Brussel Kohlmarkt 16 Toom-Kooli 17 Cairo Tél. (32-2) 538 43 08 A-1014 Wien EE-0001 Tallinn Tel. 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