A Deployable Data Architecture for Enterprises

Adrian´ Toth´ 1 and Mouzhi Ge2 1Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic 2Deggendorf Institute of Technology, Deggendorf, Germany

Keywords: Service , Computing, as a Service, Data as a Service.

Abstract: Nowadays, data have been considered as one of the valuable assets in enterprises. Although the cloud com- puting and service-oriented architecture are capable of accommodating the data asset, they are more focused on software or platforms rather than the data per se. Thus, data management in is usually not prioritized and not well organized. In recent years, Data as a Service (DaaS) has been emerged as a critical concept for enterprises. It benefits from a variety of aspects such as data agility and data quality manage- ment. However, it is still unknown for enterprises why and how to develop and deploy a DaaS architecture. This paper is therefore to design a deployable DaaS architecture that is based on the as-a-Service principles and especially tackles data management as a service. To validate the architecture, we have implemented the proposed DaaS with a real-world deployment.

1 INTRODUCTION such as Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), (PaaS), and (SaaS), it is unclear that how the as a Service features can be Big Data has received increasing attention in recent applied to data, and compared to other cloud service years, as organizations and cities are dealing with models, what the specific components for DaaS are. tremendous amounts of data with high complexity Thus, DaaS can on the one hand benefit from the gen- and velocity (Ge et al., 2018). These data are fast eral as a Service features, on the other hand, data can moving and can originate from various sources, such be managed as a service to potentially enhance the as social networks, unstructured data from different resilience and reusability for data-driven applications devices or raw feeds from sensors (Ge and Dohnal, (Rao and Nayak, 2019). 2018). Thus, cloud environment has been used to ac- This paper therefore proposes a DaaS architecture commodate the Big Data and significantly facilitate that can guide users to deploy the data centre on the the development of service-oriented computing for cloud. It can enhance the data accessibility through data management (Park et al., 2021). While service- different channels, and eliminate the geographical and oriented computing not only provides a better perfor- scalability limitations (Rajesh et al., 2012). We will mance of service offerings, perception, and quality of provide a blueprint of how as a Service features can service delivery (Mishra and Kumar, 2018), it also be used for DaaS. The architecture is mainly focused offers a foundation for the development, execution, on specific components to construct the DaaS. The composition, and integration of business processes proposed architecture is further validated by the phys- that are distributed across the cloud computing net- ical implementations with real-world deployment. work and accessible via standard interfaces and pro- tocols (Serhani and Dssouli, 2010). and service-oriented computing al- lows enterprises to focus more on effective cross- 2 AS A SERVICE platform application data exchange (Khan et al., 2019). However, when an enterprise intends to mi- The term as a Service has been widely associated with grate or build their with service-oriented different service models while it sometimes can be computing, there is lacking of guidelines on how to misleading or confusing to understand what actually design and build a Data as a Service (DaaS). Beyond the as a service is (Duan et al., 2015). With respect to understanding the well-known cloud service models the specific functionality, the as a Service on the cloud


Tóth, A. and Ge, M. A Deployable Data as a Service Architecture for Enterprises. DOI: 10.5220/0010470702780285 In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on of Things, Big Data and Security (IoTBDS 2021), pages 278-285 ISBN: 978-989-758-504-3 Copyright c 2021 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved

A Deployable Data as a Service Architecture for Enterprises

Table 1: Summary of features in as a service model. IaaS PaaS SaaS DaaS Monitoring computing resources software systems software applications data transactions Metering load of resources system performance application usage transaction attributes Security user’s responsibility combined responsibility provider’s responsibility provider’s responsibility of user and provider to protect application to protect data assets software Tenancy Partitioning - system instances application instances data pools Availability dependent on data cen- dependent on infrastruc- dependent on infrastruc- dependent on infrastruc- ter(s) ture ture or platform ture or platform Scalability on-deman resources allo- on-deman resources allo- on-deman resources allo- on-deman resources allo- cation/deallocation cation/deallocation cation/deallocation cation/deallocation Fault Tolerance task resubmission, stor- system replicas, load application replicas, or- data protection, data reg- age backup, etc. balancing, etc. chestration, etc. ulation, etc. Distribution - enabled enabled enabled and normal services may have the same functionality within the service represents a potential security but can be organized in different forms. For example, risk that might lead to exploitation of a security the difference between software and software as a ser- vulnerability (Mthunzi et al., 2020). The data se- vice does not depend on the functionality but on how curity is critical and it has been moved to the pri- the functionality is provided. Implementing the as a mary security stipulation. as a Service introduced Service method requires to meet a set of requirements dozens of challenging security problems that re- that guarantee the functionality provision (Moorthy sulted in a continuous security incident monitor- and Pabitha, 2019). Given that as a Service is con- ing, reporting, and resolving. sidered as a subset of cloud service model, there are • Tenancy Partitioning (Multitenancy) - It en- features that are inherited, meanwhile there are some sures that every tenant (user) is isolated from each specific features for data management. By reviewing other and prevents violations between them while the common features from IaaS, PaaS and Saas. We each user is using a single instance of the appli- have derived the following features for as a Service. cation (Aljahdali et al., 2014). Each tenant has • Monitoring - it covers the operations and actions its own operational environment and he is able to connected to the provided service that are later to work in the space excluding the ability to use oth- be observed, checked, and processed for meter- ers operational environment. For instance, the ap- ing. Monitoring results are assets, logs, and audit, plication database can be configured to serve just which grant repudiation and accountability char- for a single tenant, which would prevent storing acteristics to the service itself (Bouasker et al., multiple users’ data in the same database (Liu, 2020). These monitoring data are considered as 2010). There may be an exception when the ten- a trusted source of recorded events, operations, ants share spaces consciously with respect to their and transactions that are substantially significant needs such as collaboration. Tenancy partition- for further calculations such as billing for the used ing requires to implement access control and user resources. isolation. From the aspect of SaaS application, • Metering - it regulates the resource usage analy- this feature has been considered as highly impor- sis. This analysis takes into account the resource tant (Aleem et al., 2019). restrictions concerning the rules in the service • Availability - It can be seen as a warranty from level agreement (Narayan et al., 2017). The ser- a cloud perspective. It is usually expected that vice provider may deliver different service qual- the as a Service derivations meet criteria of high ities to the customers e.g. lower price for less availability and reliability (Li et al., 2020). As as resources, higher price for unlimited operations. a Service is adopted on the basis of cloud comput- The customers should be familiar with the terms ing, the availability is guaranteed partially by the of service and these limitations. Metering can be cloud, which means that the cloud hosted service observed as a special type of monitoring that is itself should be also resilient to errors and fault- required for business and marketing purposes. tolerant. • Security - It is a fundamental feature in the cloud • Scalability - This is the ability to increase or de- computing. Each interaction from outside or crease IT resources regarding the actual demand

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(Bellavista et al., 2017). Scalability can be dif- 3 DATA AS A SERVICE ferentiated into two types - horizontal and vertical ARCHITECTURE scalability. In vertical scaling we change the com- puting resources (such as CPU, storage, RAM, An architecture provides foundation components that etc.) on an existing machine while in horizon- reveals the implementation requirements. Thus, the tal scaling we change the pool of resources by DaaS architecture can be considered as a general tem- adding a new or removing an existing computing plate, which includes fundamental concepts and pat- machine. The resource addition is called scaling terns from various disciplines to facilitate the adop- up and resource removal is called scaling down. tion and implementation of DaaS. The DaaS architec- Horizontal scalability mostly includes clustering, ture defines an architecture at a conceptual level while load balancing fencing and other tools as well as the physical levels are designed by the enterprise it- techniques. self based on their available technical resources. In • Fault Tolerance - It is the capability of a sys- order to construct the DaaS, data architecture design tem that can operate continuously despite errors. needs to conforms with the service design. First of Most of the applications hosted on a cloud require all, the architecture needs to ensure that heteroge- a high level of fault tolerance that is solved by neous distributed data are provided from its author- transparent replication of applications (Moham- itative source, which requires a data acquisition com- madian et al., 2020). We distinguish two types of ponent. Next component processes the acquired data, fault tolerances - proactive and reactive fault toler- while it applies the necessary data policies, rules, and ance. Proactive fault tolerance means that the ap- regulation. A separate component is allocated for se- plication is preemptive by nature by using preven- curity because there is nothing more vulnerable than tion techniques before the appearance of the error, the data itself. Afterward, as the data are processed, such as precautionary migrations. On the other the data (including meta data) are delivered to the re- hand, reactive fault tolerance reduces the conse- quester in a specific format. There is also a particu- quences of the already occurred errors using prac- lar need for service management, because the DaaS tices for instance backups and rollbacks. should meet the service-level agreement criteria and • Distribution - A service is usually not a stan- service quality expectations, which are committed be- dalone service that provides all the functionalities tween a provider and a client. (Suresh and Varatharajan, 2019). The service may We propose the DaaS architecture that includes rely on other integrated services used for specific the following components. All those components are operations and additional resources. The specific organized in Figure 1. responsibilities can be shifted to other services in • Data Acquisition - it formulates an interconnec- order to improve efficiency of the business and in- tion layer between the system and each registered crease the service quality. data sources. Based on the derived features above, we have • Data Management - it defines data policies that compared the IaaS, PaaS, SaaS and DaaS, where how guarantee consistent data manipulation manners. the as a Service features can be used on the data is A set of standardized techniques are required in highlighted in Table 1. such an environment, which manage interoper- The service computing and its as a Service model ability between diverse and heterogeneous data have a beneficial impact on IT related business. The flows. increasing amount of divergent as a Service confirms • DaaS Engine - this is the core of the DaaS that the usefulness and effectiveness (Prasad et al., 2014). processes the data request accordingly to the data When the enterprises intend to use additional ser- policies, rules and further data regulations. vice features, these services can be implemented on- • Data Regulations - applies the rules and laws from demand. This can influence the costs per resources or the area of authority and legislation. The DaaS usage. The underlying architecture of as as Service needs to comply with the established legal entitle- model facilitates the extensibility and adaptive scal- ments, which are formally defined. ing. It reduces processing time and costs for enter- prises. Furthermore, the ubiquitous access makes the • Security - this is responsible for the continuous service widely accessible to a wide range of users. protection of DaaS data assets. Cyberattacks are still evolving by the time using more sophisticated methods than before. It is necessary to protect and ensure high security level for each component of DaaS during the entire operation of the service.

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• Service Management - it ensures that DaaS will data for subsequent data processing. The data aggre- satisfy all the customer expectations and re- gation can be described as a merge of multiple data quirements and maximize the business value and schema from the data mapping into one entity - more progress efficiency of the service. A service complex schema that will be later processed. needs to continuously improve its capabilities As a fundamental component of DaaS, data acqui- to assure achieving a high customer satisfaction sition interconnects the whole system with each data even though the customer data requirements may source that is managed by this system. Data acquisi- change from time to time. tion solves the data access problems in DaaS such as disparate data formats, access to the data by different 3.1 Data Acquisition interfaces, and data source selection. This component is closely connected to the DaaS engine, which inter- acts with the data through this component. The integration of heterogeneous data on distributed data sources introduces two principal challenges - integration of different data sources into one data 3.2 Data Management model, and performing manipulating operations on the data (Khan et al., 2019). Data acquisition rep- Data management includes all the data operations that resents an interface layer between data sources and are more focused on the data values. As Gartner the DaaS. This component of DaaS is the foundation defines the data management as “Data management layer in DaaS, which ensures proper data acquired consists of the practices, architectural techniques, and from physical data sources. tools for achieving consistent access to and delivery of A data source is an self-organized entity that sup- data across the spectrum of data subject areas.”(gar, ), plies the data. It can be a database, IoT devices, cloud DaaS requires to have a component that deals with the storage, data warehouse, distributed file system, etc; data representation, data coordination, data manipula- which might support further operations beyond this tion as well as data cleaning. data (Weik, 2001). Each data source can have its own To understand data and provide more comprehen- interface that implements an access protocol. To in- sive insights from the data, it is essential to conduct tegrate the data, the data sources need to support one data analysis. Data analysis in the context of DaaS commonly shared data mapping protocol in order to stands for knowledge and pattern discovering from deal with the problem of data divergence with differ- available data sets by using different approaches and ent communication protocols. Nowadays, there are techniques such as data mining. The acquired knowl- some promising technologies such as message broker edge can lead to enrichment of the basic data set, for that provides a translation from sender’s formal mes- instance, data augmentation can be implemented. The saging protocol into the receiver’s formal messaging results from data analysis can directly support the de- protocol, which mitigates the complexity of such a cision making. problem. Data control is responsible for procedures related Before data operations, data discovery is con- to data permissions, which include access, privileges, ducted to select the corresponding data sources that ownership, etc. Delivering data demands for data pro- includes the necessary data. The data discovery is tection from source to destination as well as its value responsible to select and prepare in advance the re- protection from misuse. Data protection from the le- quired data sources that includes pertinent data, which gal point of view will be described in Section 3.4. On will be required for the later search execution. The the other hand, the data control in data managements output of the data discovery phase is a particular list protects the data during its delivery that is followed by of data sources, which also includes supplementary its usage. Data control imposes the data source rules metainformation (Terzo et al., 2013). and ingestion defined by its owner. Data discovery is followed by data mapping that Especially in a Big Data context, the data can be maps proprietary source data into a standardized data inconsistent or with represented in different scales. structure. The data mapping transforms the data set Therefore, data standardization is to deal with data into an understandable format and ensures consis- inconsistency problem. Different data may repre- tency for later processes. The format represents a pre- sents different obstacles and difficulties associated to defined structure - a schema. tasks. Data standardization defines an uniform for- As certain data might be separated and stored in mat, which facilitates the work associated with such different data sources, data need be aggregated cor- inconsistent data. respondingly. Data aggregation is a process of data Data governance deals with the permissions and transformation with the intent to prepare combined specific criteria granted by the data owner to their data

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Service Management

Service Quality SLA Compliance

Data Management DaaS Engine Data Regulations

Data Analysis Interface Legal

Data Control Registry Privacy

Data Standardization Request Processing

3rd Party Security Data Governance Service Integration

Data Quality

Data Acquisition

Data Discovery Data Mapping Data Aggregation

Figure 1: Conceptual architecture of DaaS. sources. Some of the sensitive data may be prohib- The DaaS engine consists of two fundamental ited, allowed, or in a specific case provided under de- parts: the DaaS system and the DaaS registry. The termined restrictions and limitations such as partial system is responsible for the interoperability - infor- censorship. Overall, data governance regulates the mation exchange between two end devices. The data valuable information of data. consumer can access the DaaS via an interface. The Data quality can directly affect the efficiency and interface requests are processed by the DaaS system. effectiveness of organizations and businesses (Ge and The DaaS registry represents a catalog that includes Lewoniewski, 2020). DaaS is based upon data deliv- meta information about the data, which are used for ery that is associated with data risks and threats. To incoming requests in the DaaS. The registry contains minimize and eliminate data quality problems, it is information that includes the data relation, location, essential to focus on data quality improvement. Data accessibility, etc., which facilitate to understand the quality in DaaS provides a qualitative and quantitative data. The DaaS system then provides authoritative cleaning process for the available data, which leads to source data to the data consumer in a standardized the improvement of the overall data analysis provided structured data that can be understood on a success- by DaaS. fully processed request. The DaaS engine might be integrated with other third party services, which en- 3.3 DaaS Engine rich the feature set of the DaaS. The integration is controlled and accompanied by the conditions of ser- DaaS engine represents the core component of the vice usage that entail particular responsibilities. DaaS. It is a system that implements the DaaS poli- cies and regulates each data flows. This component 3.4 Data Regulations in the DaaS is mainly focused on operating efficiently data flows between the data source and data consumer that are managed and controlled in relation to the de- Data regulation is responsible for definition of data fined policies. protecting policies in the DaaS. This component of the DaaS is a connecting point between the cloud ser- vice and the area of authority and legislation, which

282 A Deployable Data as a Service Architecture for Enterprises

influence the data and its processing. By implement- the issue of trust from both business and customer. ing a proper data regulation, the DaaS can minimize For example, when the data are delivered to users, the the data privacy and data protection related issues in consuming side also needs to have the protection re- the cloud environment such as illegitimate data dis- sponsibility. semination. With the rapid development of IT and globaliza- 3.6 Service Management tion, Big Data introduces new data challenges, and results in newly defined policy to protect the data and The increase of data services leads to a growing de- its further processing in IT. DaaS needs to act in ac- mand for service management that is to control to cordance with the established legal and privacy rights. the overall service provision. Enterprise activities that The private data stands for every piece of information are performed to manage, control, deliver and operate that is considered as personal. Data protection rights data services offered to customers can be managed ac- have a high effect on how the service is provided by cordingly. The service management has a crucial role data providers and how the data consumers use the for the DaaS provider, as it ensures the customers’ ex- subscribed service. Data regulation is responsible for pectations for the provided service. the formal definition of each use case necessary from as a Service instances are associated with service the legal point of view that has to be implemented into delivery, as the name suggests, which delivers value DaaS. to the customers/subscribers. Service management Obligations derived from data protection and data is fundamental because it drives the associated areas privacy can significantly influence the DaaS. For ex- such as service strategy, service goals (including ob- ample, in Europe there are several rule enforcement jectives), service metrics (e.g., key performance indi- that defines these obligations such as GDPR. These cator), etc. The key role rests in a clear, well-defined rule enforcements mandate the enterprise to adhere to roadmap that will reduce costs and improve the effi- these obligations, which process or collect any type of ciency of the provided service. information related to its subscribers. The obligations The service management in DaaS also includes are influencing the data provider as well as to the data service delivery and IT service management. Trans- consumer. formation shift requires firstly to adopt a service de- livery model, which defines roadmap and establish 3.5 Security service blueprint for data services. It is required to have a clearly defined goals, strategy, mission and vi- sion of the data service. Service delivery deals with With the widespread presence of cyberattacks and se- the service subscribers respectfully. Furthermore, ser- curity breaches, the data security plays a significant vice management also tackles the DaaS operation role in IT management (Michener, 2020). Data se- management and continuous improvement, which al- curity protects data assets from undesired disclosure, low productive and efficient data delivery service. modification, exploitation, and destruction, whether accidental or intentional. DaaS is particularly vul- nerable, and may involve sensitive and confidential data. Securing DaaS system requires to protect the 4 IMPLEMENTATION data flow from source to destination. DaaS is a cloud service model and most of its A physical architecture represents a deployable archi- components such as data sources are integrated via tecture instance that describes operational character- network connection. Thus, it requires different secu- istics of the designed concept. In the physical in- rity operations, for instance, active data in the tran- stance, we show a physical architecture in Figure 2. sitions, data in an established communication chan- It is composed of real-world tools and services. This nel between endpoints, or persistent data stored in deployment consists of existing technologies and ser- the cloud data storage. Securing such a complex and vices that are optimized for the desired purpose in this constantly changing environment needs to provision instance. a continuously innovated scheme in each application The enterprise needs to obtain the requirements area of such a DaaS system to ensure the security. for DaaS provisioning such as cloud platform, cloud Moreover, data fraud is becoming more prevalent. storage, etc. The platform ensures essential features Enterprises may use different approaches such as wa- in the cloud. In our deployment, we have chosen the termarking or censorship to protect the sensitive data Cloud Platform as a PaaS provider from the to not being exposed, copied, and stolen. However, available alternatives such as Amazon Web Service, it will devalue the expected information. This raises Azure, , IBM Cloud etc.

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provided basic feature set of the DaaS. In most cases, the external service is added as an encapsulated ser- vice entity that is managed with respect to the in- ternal policies and terms of service. The integration process will connect the specific service by mapping the service interface to the message-oriented middle- ware. The integration result is a connected service, which can exchange data with other components of the DaaS. Current cloud storage providers offer a wide range of storage services such as backup and versioning. There is a large amount of options on how to im- plement cloud storage within a DaaS. Regarding the Figure 2: Deployable physical architecture of DaaS. price pool and available resources, the cloud storage may be an integrated service provided by a cloud stor- The usage of enterprise service bus (ESB) pro- age provider or a custom cloud storage. For large vides a efficient method for multiple divergent sys- scale data volume, using existing cloud storage may tem integration and management. Nowadays man- be a cheaper option to the enterprise in contrast to ufactures released and announced message-oriented re-implement the cloud storage. In our example, we middleware appliances such as Apache ServiceMix1 use an already existing cloud storage - Google Cloud that can realize the ESB communication system. The Storage, that is used for storage purposes of the DaaS. ESB is responsible for information exchange in real time between subsystems of DaaS. The usage ESB has the advantage to build a loosely coupled system. 5 CONCLUSIONS Furthermore, DaaS Engine delivers the requested data to consumers or applications. The engine can be In this paper, we have proposed a Data as a Service ar- implemented in various ways, we have chosen Flask chitecture to guide users to build, migrate and deploy 2 web framework and Gunicorn as our WSGI while data management on the cloud. The features of the as both of them are implemented in a Python language, a Service are derived from the IaaS, PaaS and SaaS. which is a general object oriented imperative pro- Those features are then applied as a foundational set- gramming language. The Gunicorn implements two ting for DaaS. The DaaS architecture further deal with roles - server side (requests handling) and application specific data functionalities along with data flow in side (request delegation). The Gunicorn invokes the the cloud computing. In order to validate the pro- corresponding python callable on the incoming re- posed DaaS architecture, we have demonstrated how quest. In our deployment, the Flask is the callables to instantiate the DaaS architecture to a deployable and responsible for processing requests in the data physical architecture. During the implementation, we management. Also, using Flask, there is a possibil- have reported the lessons learned from the DaaS im- ity to implement the data-related validation rules and plementation. It can be seen that the proposed DaaS policies in a custom way. Flask is a framework writ- can be applied in real-world deployment and can sig- ten in Python and supports the object mapping (in our nificantly help the enterprises to build their DaaS. case, object document mapping) of database items. As future works, the proposed implementation can The specific rules can be isolated and separated from be further developed and enriched by performance the application logic and stored in a persistent data benchmarks of the deployed instance including dif- storage, for instance, in a database - MongoDB. ferent tools and technologies. One of frequently used approaches to integrate data to other application is via application protocols such as HTTP or HTTPS. The access to the DaaS is REFERENCES enabled through a RESTful API, which is based on OpenAPI standard and implemented via Connexion Gartner glossary. https://www.gartner.com/ that maps each endpoint to the Python callables. en/information-technology/glossary/ Third-party service integration is to enrich the dmi-data-management-and-integration. Aleem, S., Ahmed, F., Batool, R., and Khattak, A. (2019). 1A framework composed of Apache ActiveMQ, Empirical investigation of key factors for saas archi- ApacheCamel, and Apache CXF, and Apache Karaf. tecture dimension. IEEE Transactions on Cloud Com- 2Web Service Interface Gateway puting, pages 1–1.

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