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Vol. V, No. 16 Price: 20 cents Georgetown University Law Center, Washington, D.C. Tuesday, February 9, 1971 Metzger Says Trade Protection Is Declining The protectionist trade As was proved by the passage movement of the 1960s is on the of the Smoot-Hawley Act of decline, according to GULC 1930, restrictive trade legislation Professor Stanley D. Metzger. hurts rather than helps U.S. Professor Metzger has served as trade. Other nations react with chairman of the T ariff restrictive barriers of their own. Commission and is a recognized With the loss of export markets, expert in the field of the domestic economy declines international trade. The as the burden of supporting Georgetown International Law these industries is placed on the Society sponsored Professor U.S. consumer public. The best Metzger’s speech at the Law example of this burden is the Center on “The Drive for well-sheltered American oil Restrictive Trade and the industry, whose protection costs Portents for the Future.” the public $4-6 billion each year. With the attempt to pass the Concerning the claims that ultra-protectionist trade bill in th e cheap imports are the last Congress, this latest irreparably injuring the textile upsurge of the restrictive trade and shoe industries, reports philosophy led by the textile requested by both President and shoe industries has passed its Johnson and President Nixon zenith, argued Professor have shown these industries to By March, the building should be 90 percent complete. By Summer, our move will take place. On Metzger. be ahead of the national average September 17 and 18, the building will be dedicated. The U.S. must go on the in growth profits and offensive in the future and set unemployment. In fact, for the the protectionists on the period of 1960-1968, mill defensive. America, in profits rose 48% as compared to conjunction with Japan and the a national average of 22%. The New Building Not Perfect Common Market, should initiate White House Task Force report a program to free ‘remaining released in June, 1970, shows by Phil Armstrong served plan are alternative library. Faculty will enjoy tariff barriers and such nontariff this trend to be continuing suggestions for the remaining offices that are near the library barriers as quotas and overly despite some decline in the last Barring a major disaster, the 100. The Chapel, however, is and classrooms. Carpeted floors stringent safety regulations. year or so due to general new Law Center will definitely commodious and there is a in these classroooms will Inefficient and incompetent economic conditions. be usable by the Fall of 1971. possibility it could be used as a improve acoustics. industries must not be sheltered By freeing trade restrictions, However, the project is facing multipurpose room. Anyone with detailed in order to promote a true world the U.S. would not become the several major problems, which The student lounge promises questions or suggestions about trading community. This change “dumping ground” for other raise the spectre that the new to be a major source of relief for the new building should see Bill would entail a 10-15 year nations’ industry. We always building will not be everything those in search of serious Harvey, ’73, who is student program but it is quite feasible, retain the leverage of instituting that students might anticipate. relaxation. More than 300 at a chairman of the Committee on according to Metzger. Such a retaliatory tariffs to such tactics Generally these are cost overruns time will be able to sit down and the New Building. He knows program would, of course, allow but, if we desire other nations to and space allocation difficulties. contemplate the new assortment what’s going on and can be some assistance for the lower their barriers, the U.S. Any costs beyond the of Macke Vending Machines—the reached at 864-3299. adjustment period. must do so also. approximately $11.5 million Macke people somehow Professor Metzger’s speech is already budgets have to be negotiated our lawyers into an Juris XVI th e first of a series of approved by the main campus ironclad, five year contract and presentations by t he trustees. The University’s general the only way the machines will International Law Society on financial situation is, if not disappear is if Macke suddently topics of current international bleak, certainly not favorable at takes leave of its desire to make Coddling the Victims interest. the present time, and money for money and takes them out such things as furnishings and voluntarily. interior “non-necessities”—e.d., Those who despair about the And National Policy Student Says public address systems-is very possibility of losing a whole by Art Buchwald tight. year’s procedure notes will be Student activities are going to able to place them in one of 400 Nevada Law find themselves scrambling for anticipated book lockers. Those Mr. Buchwald is a well-known the allocated office spaces; plans with sore legs will enjoy the columnist and author whose Is Ignored call for possible sharing. The elevators; those with short legs articles appear in newspapers Moot Court Room, however, will enjoy the riser seating in the across the country, including the by Ron Sinoway will seat 450. There are about big lecture halls. The library District's Washington Post The 200 parking spaces, 100 of should please everybody but follow ing are tw o articles which will probably go to the those who enjoy the ease with T h e S.B.A. recently expressing some of his thoughts appropriated funds to the Legal faculty. A lottery, a seniority which books can be “long-term regarding the crime situation. system, or a first come/first borrowed” from the present Aid Society so that the Society could send a student CRIME representative to the state of AND Nevada to join a litigating and Parry-Hill Seeks Position NATIONAL POLICY investigating team of welfare lawyers from around the As Non-voting Delegate T he crime problem in country. Washington, D.C., as everyone The holding by the United The following is an exclusive knows, is serious. And everyone States Supreme Court in Kelly v. interview granted to the is worried about it because it Goldberg (that a welfare Georgetown Law Weekly by could have an effect on the recipient can have his grant independent candidate for the national policies of the country. Art Buchwald terminated only after a fair office of D.C. non-voting hearing, conducted by an It’s very difficult for people to who would mess with us. But of delegate to Congress, Joseph make decisions on the affairs of impartial hearing examiner, and G. W. Parry-Hill. The interviewer course, our real business is an adverse decision in that state when they are living in an peace.” was Barry Mayefsky, a second atmosphere of apprehension and hearing) was flagrantly and year law student at Georgetown anxiety. “It’s good to talk to someone intentionally violated on a University Law Center who is, Let me explain what I mean. who is neither a dove nor a number of counts by George P. himself, a former independent Not long ago I was getting a hawk,” I said. Miller, the Nevada State Welfare candidate, as he ran last briefing on America’s defense “Without giving away any Director. Miller directed that November for the New York posture from my good friend secret information, our missile grants to 22% (894 families) of State Legislature. Miss R. Elayne General A.B. Em at the sites right here in the continental the state’s welfare recipients Coppage, who is associated with I STEREO REPUBLICAK Pentagon. United States could knock out should be immediately TE KOR D.C. DELEGATED the National Council of Farmer “The United States has never anything the other side could terminated, and that another BTATIVE TO li. S. send over.” Cooperatives, donated her time r IN 100 YEARS ! been stronger, in spite of 28% should unilaterally have taking down the interview AVE YOUR SUPPORT? everything you read,” General An aide walked in. “I’m sorry their grants reduced. The team verbatim. This enabled the Law r* h \ A LONG, LONG Em told me. “ We’ve got to bother you, sir, but your car was in Nevada to see that a Weekly to provide its readers " 4 * * «r 12 * hardware in every part of the has been stolen.” T.R.O. against Miller, per Woods with Mr. Parry-Hill’s responses globe, and while we’re not “My car!” v. Miller, restraining him from virtually uncut and unedited so Mr. Parry-Hill is a chief looking for trouble, I assure you “ Yes, sir. Right off the acting in disregard of Kelly v. that you could judge for engineer in the Merchant Marine that there isn’t a nation in the Pentagon parking lot.” Goldberg, was enforced. There yourself “the candidate. ” (Continued on page 5) world, including you know who, (Continued on page 3) (Continued on page 2) Page 2 GEORGETOWN LAW WEEKLY Tuesday, February 9, 1971 Id Est Nevada Law I (Continued from page 1) Notice are also numerous other constitutional and statutory defects, both in Miller’s abuse of I SCIA Announcement Reflections existing constitutional and federal statutory law and in his implementation of existing There seems to be more than a medium amount of Nevada welfare regulations that The Student Criminal Justice Association has arranged a tour.;! interest in so-called “student apathy” of “Why am I in are probably in violation of of the Lorton Reformatory and Youth Center complex for pi federal statutes. (To cite an Friday afternoon, February 19. Car pools will leave the Law:!. Law School and what the heck does it have to do with the example: Nevada has a §;Center at approximately noon with the tours to last from§ real world?” syndrome. regulation for removing children approximately 1 to 4 P.M. Signup sheets are located on the;! Mrs. Ochberg’s article in the February 2 issue of the on ADC grants from the rolls i bulletin board apposite the library and interested students should | Law Weekly was especially perceptive in concluding that between the ages of 16 and 21. pjsign up no later than noon February 12; students will be|| the larger the gap grows between myth and reality in the If a child in that age group is ^contacted by telephone as to car pool arrangements. either getting failing grades or A Two other definite tour dates have been set although later |; American legal system, the more “apathetic” (or restive, as attending college, he is removed ^announcements describing the facilities and transportation;! the case may be) law students will become. The factors from the rolls. This means that if | arrangements will be published. One tour, of the Narcotic is which might be said to have contributed to this gap are a 1 7 year old has the fi;Treatment Administration (Dr. Robert DuPont’s methadones: many and complex. Certainly one reason is the relative opportunity to go to college, he !|program), has been set for Saturday morning, March 20,f: can’t because any support ;|beginning about 10 A.M. The other tour, of Patuxen Institute,! affluence of post-World War II America, which has allowed money he gets will be cut off, !|will be conducted on Saturday, March 6. today’s generation of college and graduate students and whereas if he goes to vocational younger professors to sit back and, with the help of school, the grant will continue.) instantaneous dissemination of information through the Nevada’s standard of need for media, to see that there exists a lot of unpleasantness in a needy mother and two children is approximately the world. And yet it is possible for a student to make it $266/mo.-this is the total figure almost through the prime of his life living off a federal that the Nevada Welfare compensation were informed by Pollack and Steve Cole, staff grant that many of these unpleasant people have indirectly Department has determined is the employees at the state attorneys at the Columbia paid for. necessary for a family of three unemployment office that they Center on Social Welfare Policy The individual in American academia is not subject to to cover all food, personal could draw unemployment and Law; Steven Bardict of Los incidentals (recreation and items compensation, which would not Angeles, formerly a Reginald many of the countervailing pressures of other less-sheltered necessary for the maintenance of affect the size of their welfare Heber Smith fellow; and I. The groups. (Consider: Would you rather tell your employer or personal hygiene and suitable grants. Not one recipient I team interviewed many of the your professor that he is a jerk?) Moral values, once appearance), clothing, household interviewed provided any recipients who will be getting formed, are more readily reinforced; unfortunately maintenance (which covers the evidence on which the state fair hearings in the next month scholarship is being equated more and more with the cost of household supplies, could prove its fraud charge. or so, established an interview medical chest supplies, fuel for I aslo documented a number procedure; coordinated with and ability to argue for the pristine purity of one point of view cooking, heating, and includes of cases where, due to the enforced the efforts of the rather than to see all sides of an issue. Rhetoric has to a the cost of utilities) and shelter. T.R.O., the recipient had been understaffed Clark County Legal large extent replaced research. And students have become However, the benefits paid given a knowing opportunity to Aid Office; and spent a good one of the more intolerant groups in American society. are far below this subsistence request a fair hearing and had deal of time drawing up the brief The ability to integrate moral commitment with tolerance standard of need. Each recipient done so, and where people from in Woods v. Miller (The gets a base grant of $25. This is the welfare department, without complaint will list many more towards the viewpoints of others is what separates John subtracted from the standard of prior notice, went to these abuses and violations, as well as Gardner from William Kunstler. need, in this case leaving an recipients’ houses and attempted remedies, than are discussed Where does this leave Mrs. Ochberg’s student? With a unmet need level of $191/mo. to coerce the recipients into here.). compliment, a recommendation and a caveat: The Twenty per cent of this withdrawing the fair hearing A number of lawyers will be questions are good, but the answers are too simple. And figure-$38—is added to the base request. Tactics used included going to Nevada in the next few grant, making the total grant saying that no recipient had ever weeks to implement much of the who told you that you invented morality? each month $113 for all won a fair hearing in Nevada procedures and plans devised by tm personal needs and shelter. (This is true—three people, the team. They will concentrate Miller charged that 50% of including Miller, listen to a tape on interviewing recipients and the recipients in the state had of the hearing and then make a conducting fair hearings. committed fraud cither by determination.) and that if the Additionally, members of the working or by receiving recipient went through with his National Welfare Rights Patrick G. Horan unemployment compensation fair hearing, he would be Organization will be arriving in without reporting it to the criminally prosecuted for fraud. Nevada shortly. It is the feeling Legal Writing Contest welfare department (One can (Twenty-two cases were of both attorneys involved and work or receive unemployment reported to the district organized welfare recipients that compensation and still receive a attorney’s office in Reno—all if the state director in Nevada Eligible: lowered welfare grant, in some were thrown out for lack of can unilaterally and illegally circumstances.) and so evidence.) flout the laws and remove 22% first year lull and part-time students of Georgetown University The team that arrived in of the state welfare recipients Law Center only. unilaterally directed that they all be terminated or reduced. The Nevada last week was composed from the rolls, so can someone Nevada Welfare Manual section of Professor Ed. Sparer, of the in California, Alabama, or Req uirements on overpayment states that University of Pennsylvania; Ron Washington, D.C. current payments cannot be This is to be a research paper and therefore must be adequately reduced because of prior documented by footnote, etc. overpayment unless current excess resources are available, or There is a maximum of 20 double spaced, typewritten pages of where there is evidence that text. (Footnotes, which are to be at the end of the paper, are not clearly establishes that a included in the 20 page limit.) recipient w ilfully withheld information about his income or Proper legal writing form both in textual and footnote material resources. Assistance payments must be followed. must be based on need in the light o f currently available Emu (fritter Publiratimta Topic: income and resources. Editor-in-Chief...... Jo Gramling Therefore, Nevada must show The nature of the topic will be at the discretion o f the individual evidence that clearly establishes Business Editor...... Allen J. Kruger entrant, but must be demonstrably within the ambit of first year wilful withholding of Distribution Editor...... Kenneth F. Carobus courses (contracts, criminal justice, procedure, property, and information from the welfare torts). department. 1 obtained (Srorgrtmatt Siam HJerkly Sttristatt documentation in case after case Selection Criteria: involving people terminated, EDITORIAL BOARD showing that they informed Treatment of subject matter, writing skill, thoroughness of their caseworker that they were research, originality, proper form as determined by the rules of Managing Editor...... Tuck Miller working; that caseworkers told Associate Editor...... James Delancey Uniform Citation. them not to bother reporting income since the amounts were Production Editor...... Lewis Greenbaum Entries: so small; that in the first six Features Editors...... Willie Schatz, James Sandman months of 1969, at the same News Editors...... John Fadden, Larry Fox All entries are due by 12 noon Monday, 15 February 1971. time Miller openly violated federal law and failed to Photography Editor...... Scott Blaze All entries will be submitted to the Registrar’s Office. implement the Work Incentive Cartoonists...... Bill Ulrich, Eric Smith Program (WIN —designed to The original plus 2 copies of the complete entry must be Staff...... Steve Durovic, Phil Armstrong, allow recipients to have about submitted. Warren Connelly, Bob Redmond, Lucius Rivers, Gary one-third of their earnings not Gearhart, Liz Smith, Mike McGovern, Lois Frankel, Jerome apply to the size of their welfare The entrant’s name, address and telephone number will appear on Murphy, Lyn Ochburg, Lloyd Levenson the entry. grant, so that they might have a chance to get off welfare), The Georgetown Law Weekly is published twenty-four times a year. recipients were told that those The views expressed herein are those of the newspaper or its by-lined Award: reporters and do not necessarily reflect those of the student body, who failed to get jobs would administration or faculty unless otherwise specifically stated. Winning entry-$50 cash. Winning entry will also be published in have their grants reduced, and the RES IPSA LOQUITUR magazine. those getting jobs would have Mailing address: 506 E Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20001. Tele. their grants raised; that people 7 8 3 -3 9 1 2 . applying for unemployment Tuesday, February 9, 1971 GEORGETOWN LAW WEEKLY Page 3 National Policy Revision Sought In (Continued from page 1) “Of all the nerve,” the general shouted. He put on his coat and said to me, “I’m sorry I have to break this up.” And then, to his aide, “Let’s go ahead with the bombing School Closing Policy raid on the DMZ. And double the bomb loads.” Two students recently evening.” In 1966, however, the Maryland...... 316 submitted to Dean Fisher the policy was changed to close the Pr. George’s Co...... 158 1 wandered over to State to see if I could talk a friend following proposal concerning school when the Dean, in his Montgomery Co...... 131 on the Middle East desk into having lunch. He was G U LC ’s school cancellation discretion, so decided. Howard Co...... 20 wrestling with rhe tricky situation out there. “It’s our policy. Associate Dean A discussion of the need for a Baltimore Co...... 7 policy to find a peaceful solution to this problem, making Schotland is interested in change, and suggested criteria 316 student reaction to the for decision, are attached. sure that neither the Arabs nor the Israelis feel they’ve recommended changes. Virginia...... 524 won anything. But at the same time we must calm the Discussion with Regard • .Arlington Co...... 263 fears of both parties and urge them to reconcile their We urge you, for the below To School Policy Alexandria ...... 171 differences.” stated reasons, to revise the day During Snow Emergencies Fairfax Co. Just then his secretary came in. “It’s your wife on the school closing policy during (& Falls C hurch)...... 89 phone.” He picked it up. “Hello... What do you mean snow emergencies, and to bring I. Statement in Justification . Pr. William Co...... 1 it into conformity with the 524 someone broke into the house? They took everything?... I evening school policy. The One of the most repeated know you wanted me to put bars on the windows... Will present day school policy is that doctrines, if not the most Total Suburban you calm down?... Yes, I’m coming home right away.” He classes are cancelled when repeated, during the course of including Anacostia...... 867 slammed down the phone. District of Columbia public instruction at Georgetown Total District of Columbia schools are closed. (It is unclear University Law Center is that: less Anacostia ...... 683 “What about the position paper you were going to do whether this is the only time day “When the rationale, upon on the crisis?” his secretary asked. classes will be cancelled. This' which a rule or law is premised, Two facts should be noted. My friend was heading for the door. “The hell with the memorandum proceeds on the has changed, then the rule or law First, fifty-six per cent (56%) of position paper. The Arabs and Israelis can kill themselves assumption that District of must change accordingly.” The the GULC (day and evening for all I care.” And he walked out, slamming the door. Columbia closings determine present policy governing the divisions) live in the suburbs, I had nothing better to do, so I decided to look up a pal Law Center policy on that day.) closing of GULC day classes in clearly a majority. Second, the We request that you, or the event of a snow emergency at the Department of Housing and Urban Development. He Arlington County figure includes someone you may appoint, presents a challenge to the law much more than Arlington City. was just going over plans for a large housing project for make the decision independent school to change a rule for George Washington Parkway, one of the major cities. “What we have to do is give people of the District of Columbia •which the rationale is no longer Key Bridge, and Lee Highway decent housing,” he said. schools, keeping in mind road valid. are obstacles that this sizable “Once we can improve the environment, we will be able conditions of the metropolitan The present policy, which has portion of GULC students must area. The 1970 student directory been in effect at least since to deal with the problems of the underprivileged and cross. discloses that 710 evening and 1961, is that day classes are The Directory also disclosed disenfranchised. Now this model program, if it works, day students live in the District cancelled when the District of that of the GULC faculty: 47 could be repeated in every part of the country and—” of Columbia. Assuming that all Columbia public schools are live in Maryland, 13 live in “Mr. Bostitch,” A uniformed guard rushed in. “They 710 District residents are in the closed. It is plain to all that Virginia, and 60 live in the just robbed the employees’ credit union downstairs and day school, there would be more when the policy was established, District of Columbia. Therefore, than 600 day students living in the vast majority of students and the faculty splits 50-50 between took twenty thousand dollars.” the suburbs. That means that at faculty lived near the law center. suburbs and the city. “That does it!” said Bostitch as he tore up the plans least 40%, and probably a The reasons for the student into little pieces. “No more Mr. Nice Guy.” majority, of the day students exodus to the suburbs are many II. Proposed Policy I was about to go back to my office when I ran into a live in the suburbs. When and complex —and are not Governing Closings judge. “We must get to the root of crime and eradicate the suburban roads are hazardously important for our purposes here. icy, and the law school is open, T he simple fact is that The above figures show that causes of it,” he said as he walked back to his court. suburban students-and Georgetown University Law law students must travel many “Punishing people is not a solution for the long haul.” In faculty —are faced with the Center is no longer a “city” miles, and over many highways his chambers he said to his clerk “Where’s my robe?” dilemma of risking accident and school (with regard to the and bridges, to get to school. “Someone stole it during lunch.” possible injury or missing residence of students and Georgetown has been fortunate, Red-faced, the judge took his seat on the bench in his important classes. The law faculty), but a “metropolitan” particularly in light of the school should not place its school. January 13th ice storm, to have regular suit, and before the defense attorney could even students in this situation. This is avoided for so long a vehicle make his plea in the first case, the judge slammed down his especially so because the number A geographic analysis of the tragedy involving students going gavel and said, “Twenty years.” of days when this situation student body, as listed in the to or from school, and the suits exists are very few. Student Director for 1971, that might follow. However, the CODDLING VICTIMS OF CRIME There is precedent for our shows that, by a substantial liklihood of such tragedy ever suggestion to abandon the margin, the majority of GULC occurring can be precluded by a “mechanical” test and replace it students live outside the District timely reassessment, at this There is so much talk about crime in the streets and the with a test of “reasonableness.” of Columbia. point, of the policy involving rights of the criminal that little attention is being paid to Prior to 19 66, the snow closings in bad weather. To the victims of crime. But there is a current of opinion that emergency closing policy for the No. of further such reassessment, the our courts are being too soft on the victims, and many of evening school was that “If the Area Students following Proposed Policy District of Columbia government District of Columbia ...... 710 them are going unpunished for allowing a crime to be Governing Closings and Delayed dismisses its employees before Downtown ...... 660 Openings in Inclement Weather committed against them. One man who feels strongly 4:00 p.m., there will be no On campus ...... 23 is submitted: Our request is that about this is Professor Heinrich Applebaum, a classes or examinations held at Anacostia ...... 27 day school policy be brought criminologist who feels that unless the police start cracking the Law Center on that 710 into conformity with evening down on the victims of criminal acts, the crime rate in this school policy. To this end, we country will continue to rise. record, it may prejudice the judge when he’s sentenced.” suggest the following: In the event of inclement “The people who are responsible for crime in this “I guess in this country, people always feel sorrier for weather, such as snowstorm, country are the victims. If they didn’t allow themselves to the victim than they do for the person who committed the ice storm, or fog, or other be robbed, the problem of crime in this country would be crime.” weather that creates solved,” Applebaum said. “You can say that again. Do you know that in some hazardous conditions for states they are even compensating victims of crimes?” people traveling to or from “That makes sense, Professor. Why do you think the school, courts are soft on victims of crimes?” “It’s hard to believe,” I said. 1) The determination “We’re living in a permissive society, and anything “Well, it’s true. The do-gooders and the bleeding hearts as to whether the Law goes,” Applebaum replied. “Victims of crimes don’t seem all feel that victims of crimes are misunderstood, and if Center (for both divisions) to be concerned about the consequences of their acts. they were treated better, they would stop being victims. shall close for the day, They walk down a street after dark, or they display But the statistics don’t bear this out. The easier you are on remain open, or open at a the victims, the higher the crime rate becomes.” later hour shall be made jewelry in their store windows, or they have their cash independent of the registers right out where everyone can see them. They “What is the solution, Professor?” determination made by seem to think that they can do this in the United States “I say throw the book at anybody who’s been robbed. the Main Campus or and get away with it.” They knew what they were getting into when they decided Washington, D.C., public “They should know better,” I said. to be robbed, and they should pay the penalty for it. Once school system. a person has been a victim of crime and realized he can’t 2) T he decision “Look at the way we pamper the victims of crime in pursuant to (1) shall be this country. As soon as they’re hit over the head, we call get away with it, the chances of his becoming a victim made by the Dean of the an ambulance and take them to a hospital. If they’ve got again will be slim.” Law Center or by an Blue Cross or a hospital insurance plan, most of their bills “Why do people want to become victims of crime, Associate Dean whom he will be paid. They know they’ll get workmen’s Professor?” may so designate. If the compensation while they’re recovering. What have they got “Who knows? They’re probably looking for thrills. decision is to be made by an Associate Dean, it is to lose by becoming victims of a crime?” Boredom plays a part, but I would think the biggest factor preferable (if possible) “You speak as if all the legal machinery in this country is that victims think they can still walk around the streets that the decision be made were weighted in favor of the victim, instead of the person of their cities and get away with it. Once they learn they by an Associate Dean who committed the crime.” can’t, you’ll see a big drop in crime statistics.” living outside the District. “You make a lot of sense, Professor. Do you believe the 3) T he decision “It is,” Applebaum said. “While everyone is worried pursuant to (1) should be about the victim, the poor criminal is dragged down to the American people are ready to listen to you?” announced over radio and police station, booked, and arraigned, and if he’s lucky, “They’d better be, because the criminal element is television stations in the he’ll be let out on bail. He may lose his job if his boss hears getting pretty fed up with all the permissive coddling of District of Columbia about it, and there is even a chance that if he has a police victims that is going on in this country.” (Continued on page 4) Page 4 GEORGETOWN LAW WEEKLY Tuesday, February 9, 1971

Revision Sought In School Closing Policy E.D. White

(Continued from page 3). Moot Court conditions, but should not differential between number (263) of metropolitan area. be carried to the extreme of Washington and the suburban students live, Competition 4) In making the closings on behalf of suburbs of up to 5 and to Montgomery determination pursuant to rendering plants or coffee degrees. [Note that all County, because that is In order to properly plan the (1), the Dean making the factories. Tornado warning Federal meteorologi­ where the greatest administrative aspects of the decision should give conditions are included cal an d weather number (40) of elimination rounds of the consideration to the because, within the past reports are made at suburban faculty White Competition, the decisions announced by year, tornado warnings have the suburban airports members reside. Barristers Council must have the public school districts been issued throughout the and not at the (5) Should be self an idea of how many students o f th e District of Washington metropolitan downtown office.] explanatory. The Law plan to participate in the Columbia and the area, and a tornado did This differential Center should open late White Moot Court adjoining suburban actually hit Fairfax County. becomes critical by the same number of Competition. If you are counties. Particular Of course, the above during snow and hours, rather than the presently planning to enter, consideration should be examples of snow, ice, fog, freezing rain, causing opening time set, by the please place a note to that given to Montgomery and smog, flooding, and tornado setting or glazing in late opening school effect in the Barristers’ Arlington counties. should not preclude the suburbs while districts. This provision Council mailbox, located in 5) If District and consideration in case of Washington remains is mandatory because, if the E Street lobby under the suburban schools decide other serious forces dry. conditions are so front stairway. We must have to open late, the Law majeure. (3) The decision must congested in the areas these statements of intention by Friday, February 12, but Center policy should The important element be announced before a with the greatest density they will in no way create a conform. of “inclement weather” set time so that the that students within binding obligation to enter. 6) The Law Center requisite to necessitate students will hear the those areas need should make every effort closing or opening late is announcement before additional time to reach Any questions may be to open late, whenever “hazardous conditions.” they leave at their usual their destinations, then addressed to the Council and possible, rather than to Such conditions would be hour. The recommended students coming longer placed in the mailbox, or our extension is 231. It is not open for the day. those subjecting those times would be prior to distances from outside important for the success of 7) No student of the driving or riding in to school 7 A.M. for the day the city will need an the Competition that we have Law Center should be to loss of control, skidding, school and 4 P.M. for equal or greater amount this information immediately. penalized in any course or or extremely poor visibility, the evening division. of time, or at least an otherwise for any lateness or those walking to school Suggested stations for allowance of time so or absences resulting from to falling and or injury. making the that the congestion may hazardous roads. ( 1 ) T he present announcement are clear up. policy is the same as that WTOP, WMAL, and (6) Late opening is to Wanted III. Closing Remarks of the main campus of WRC be preferred to closing: Georgetown University. (4) , (5), and (6) a. because of the Photographer, with owngjj Georgetown University Law The present policy of These sections are not American Bar camera. Easy money!! Center has been a leader among closing when the meant to bind the A ssociation Leave name and phone>| law schools in recognizing Washington, D.C..public discretion of the Dean or accreditation number in Res Ipsa Loquiturg; changing conditions and schools close is wise for to infringe upon faculty requirements as to the box in Registrar’s Office. modifying school policy to meet the main campus, for the an d administrative requisite number of these conditions and student majority of students at prerogatives. Rather, days per session, and needs. The present school main campus live on or these provisions are b. to provide the closing policy in snow in close proximity to the designed to provide the fullest opportunity emergencies is surely a minor campus.. The rationale Dean with standards for the faculty and Student issue. But yet, here the that, if the sidewalks in upon which to base his students to cover the conditions have changed as has town are too hazardous discretion. He is still intended amounts of Bartender been demonstrated above. Law for children to walk the vested with independent materials in their school policy must reflect the several blocks from judgment as to closing or courses. Service problems facing its commuting home to school, then it late opening. The (7) This provision is students. Especially in light of is likely that the standards are designed to to apply to those courses "ADD A PROFESSIONAL the precedent established in sidewalks on campus are insure informed exercise in which the professor TOUCH TO YOUR 1966, and the fact that the too hazardous to walk of that discretion. has set a “no cut” or PARTIES" mechanism for determining ( 4 ) Particular the one or two blocks “ limited cut” policy. 783-3912 whether the school should be from dormitory to class consideration is to be The provision would closed is now established for is not as readily subject given to the decision of overrule that policy for 5 PM -11 PM Weekdays night school and Saturday to erosion as it is when Arlington, because that the particular absence or classes, we urge you to assess the applied to the Law is where the greatest lateness. propriety of our present policy. Center. The main campus rationale does IV. Appendix not apply to the Law Statement in Explanation Center’s situation Of the Proposed Policy because: The following explanation of a. Few GULC the provisions of the proposed students live on the policy is appended to serve as a main campus. Neither “legislative history” and to be th e Law Center WANTED: considered with the exercise of B u lle tin nor the College men and women for man­ th e proposed policy in Student Handbook agement positions in government. determining definitions, context mentions the Must meet physical requirements. Financial aid available for in­ and scope of the proposed possibility of living on college trainees, or applicants policy. campus. In fact, the can enroll in special training Student Handbook, at course on graduation. Stateside and/or overseas travel Definition of “inclement page 58, encourages guaranteed. weather” students to live in A broad definition of suburban Maryland “ inclement weather” has and Virginia. Only 23 been given rather than of the 1,550 law setting a definite level of x students, or 1.48%, number or requisite inches live on campus. or precipitation or so many b. GULC is a world parts per million of smoggy apart from the main air. A broad definition is campus. Even those essential in the case of snow 23 must commute the and ice because Washington two miles from main

has become, in the past, campus to the Law Here’s a government position with a lege, you can get your commission SCN271 totally paralyzed by as little Center. real future for both men and women. through the Air Force Officer Train­ I USAF Military Personnel Center An officer's job in the Air Force. A ing Program. It is open to all college I Dept. A as one inch of snow. (2) The reason for | Randolph AFB, Texas 78148 However, the broad having the decision management level job in anybody’s grads, both men and women, who book. Certainly, there’s no better qualify. ' Please send me more information definition of “inclement made, whenever way to get the experience and train­ Check it out. You’ll find that the I on: possible, by a Dean weather” is not merely ing needed for executive responsi­ Air Force is one career that offers I □ Off i6er Training School quantitative, but is designed living o u tside the bility. something for everyone. Nearly 430 to pertain to more than District of Columbia is If you have two years of college different jobs, ranging from aero­ I □ Air Force ROTC Program snow and ice or freezing twofold: remaining, you could find yourself nautical engineering to zoology, earning an Air Force commission with almost everything else, includ­ NAME______AG E rain. It includes flooded a. He would have (please print) ing flying, in between. But whatever streets (During the spring of while you learn, through the Air firsthand knowledge Force ROTC two-year program. your duties, you’ll soon discover ADDRESS 19 7 0, heavy rainfalls o f th e weather Along with college credits and a that the Air Force will let you move

flooded large sections of conditions and of the commission, you'll receive$50 each just as far and as fast as your tal­ c i t y S T A T E Z IP Alexandria and Arlington extent of public snow month as a student. And upon grad­ ents can take you. So look ahead and let your col­ and necessitated closing removal or salting uation, that management position PHONE DATE OF GRADUATION sections of the George operations in the we promised will be waiting for you. lege years pay off for you with a If an advanced degree is in your managerial position in the U.S. Air SCHOOL Washington Parkways and suburbs. plans, you’ll be happy to learn that Force. Just send in this coupon or the Rock Creek Parkway.), b. Building density, the Air Force has a number of out­ write to USAF Military Personnel I understand there is no obligation. fog, smog and even tornado industry, and heating standing programs to help you fur­ Center, Dept. A, Randolph AFB, conditions. Smog would fit plants located in ther your education. Texas 78148, and get your postgrad­ within the definition if downtown If you’re in your final year of col- uate career off the ground. there should be temperature Washington create a Rod yourself in the United States Air Force inversion or “killer smog” temperature Tuesday, February 9,1971 GEORGETOWN LAW W EEKLY Page 5 Parry-Hill Seeks Position As Non-voting Delegatefrom ^ 11 and has resided in D.C. since Washington University financing the District’s police Parry-Hill: The head of the This may not appear bad, on 1942. He was a pacifist during communities. put in the hands of the United Republican Committee for its face, but when you are the second World War and was But I would say that my States Congress? D.C. I believe a man named dealing with five thousand arrested in 1945 for protesting problem has been to get these Parry-Hill: Not really, because, Henderson, who is head of the names that have to be the dropping o f the AtomBomb students registered to vote here until statehood is achieved and Republican Committee, signed individually typed or printed on Japan. He is half-American in the District as opposed to th e District has sole the letter. I could be wrong in, it is virtually impossible to Indian and half Welsh. He is back home, where their responsibility for its finances about his name; my memory is accomplish without a very campaigning on the issue that he parents’ homes are located. and Congress’s controlling of not as good as it used to be and large staff of workers. knows the people’s problems as These students, especially the the purse-strings is cut, the 1 have been extremely busy he is the only candidate “moderate” politically, register District must have some since then. (The chairman of Political Campaign simultaneously on the Welfare, back home where they feel realistic solutions to its many the Republican Committee for Is a Charitable Organization Medicaid and Food Stamp they have more status even and varied problems. the District of Columbia is a programs. Mr. Parry-Hill has run though they have no real Mr. Pendleton, which, in my Mayefsky: Of course, any twice for the Delegate-at-Large’s power to change things in their opinion, could be confused ' candidate needs a great deal of seat on the District of home towns. with Henderson.-BM). money in order to even get on Housing Code the ballot. If I may, how are Columbia’s school board against Mayefsky: If I understood you Needs Strengthening Mayefsky: Could you tell us Julius Hobson and, both times, correctly, your major support why you think the Republican you intending to finance your campaign? enough o f his signatures were or political assistance is found Mayefsky: As you must be Committee Chairman sent you invalidated to disqualify his among the “radicals” of our the letter of assistance? Parry-Hill: I have been duly aware, every candidate has licensed as a charitable petitions. society, due to the fact that some proposals on urban Parry-Hill: 1 believe they sent y o u cannot make the institution by the District In addition, he intends to renewal and the housing out several of these letters in politically “ moderate” government to solicit funds in donate 11 garage buildings he problem facing the people of an attempt to create the owns to be turned into free students realize their potential “fantasy” of a contest for the the D.C. area. I had to the District. Could you explain guarantee that these funds clinics for the poor people o f the strength. Their political your position on this issue to Republican nomination and set strength would be in the would be spent on advertising District. Also, he has founded an our readers? up a “straw man” to be organization named “RALLY District because of their great knocked off by Nevius. This with firms based within the ROUND,” which are the initials numbers, as I understand it. Parry-Hill: The housing codes of would give the Republicans District. standing for the Revolutionary Parry-Hill: Yes, but I am still the District are as backward as some of the publicity that the Mayefsky: Let me interrupt for Abraham Lincoln Legions of striving for the moderate vote the codes found in most states. Democrats, with all their a minute and ask you if you Youth for Rehabilitation Order rather than the esoteric. I have These codes allow contractors candidates, were getting. Also, know if it is legal to represent Understanding and National presently gotten some 400 to build houses under the it would look as if the ultimate yourself and your candidacy Deliverance. This organization is students to register down here theory of ‘‘planned winner of the nomination for office as a charitable dedicated to becoming a and I hope to continue to obsolescence” and the people actually had grass roots organization? unifying force through which create a “fist” of unity among wind up suffering. That is what support. Parry-Hill: I was informed by the minorities of our country the minorities. is happening all over the the District licensing agency can gain political power. District where developments that this was the only type of are built and, several years permit to solicit funds I could Abolition later, they are virtually Signatures Would get at this time. They okayed it Mayefsky: Mr. Parry-Hill, what of the District Government uninhabitable. If the housing Be Delivered and issued it to me. Therefore, would you consider your codes were strengthened and 1 assume that a politician’s platform and how does it Mayefsky: One of your issues is then subsequently enforced, Mayefsky: Why didn’t you campaign expenses are substantially differ from the statehood for the District. the housing problem would be, accept the help of the considered to be charitable other major candidates for the Would you propose keeping at least, improved. Republicans and try to win the expenses incurred by a delegate’s seat? t h e present District nomination from Nevius? charitable institution and can Parry-Hill: The big issue is and government until the District Parry-Hill: 1 sent my aides to be paid for with funds solicited has been “Home Rule” for the obtains statehood? Fauntroy, Nevius, Phillips interview the Republican under a charitable District. I would say that and Yeldell Criticized heirarchy to discover whether organization’s license. Even Also, what is your opinion of or not the letter was a with my newly acquired “Home Rule” is not enough. the present D.C. government The people of the District must Mayefsky: Turning from issues legitimate and sincere effort on charitable permit, the and its effectiveness in the part of the leadership: The communications media has be given statehood with the handling the problems of the to candidates, why did you representation that goes along decide to run in a race that list of registered Republicans been ‘‘unavailable” to me people of our city? was not open to me, only a because of my independent with that, namely two senators Parry-Hill: The present already has two candidates plus and two representatives. I a great number of prospective promise was given that ward status. government is a hindrance and leaders or people known in the believe in bringing youth into I would propose its abolition in candidates striving, as you are, the political picture to inject to get on the ballot as an various wards would deliver the Only Candidate Acting the interim. necessary signatures from “new blood” into the parties independent candidate? As a Unifying Force Mayefsky: How do you stand on Republican voters living in and government of the District. the proposed Metro system? If the students would unite their wards. This, of course, Mayefsky: What do you feel are Pairy-Hill: The Metro system Parry-Hill: My opinions of the was never realized. with the other minority groups should be under the total candidates will give you some your “real” chances for prevalent in the District, the control of the D.C. idea of why I’m a candidate. election as the District’s first minorities would wield an government. Mr. John A. Nevius, the Congressman? effective voice in bringing Mayefsky: Discussing the Republican candidate, is a Election Law and Media Parry-Hill: If I can obtain the about changes rapidly and commuter problem, what is “lawyer,” which tells most of Labeled Unfair necessary signatures, I believe I through the establishment. your reaction to the present the people what he represents To Independent have an excellent chance of I want to be the voice and talk of taxing the commuters? and how 1, personally, would being victorious in the general candidate of the minorities Parry-Hill: The Metro system characterize him. Mayefsky: Do you feel you have election. 1 am the only united as one into a “fist” that been treated fairly by the news candidate seeking to unite the would be all that is needed in The Reverend Mr. Fauntroy, can be brought to bear on the the way of taxing commuters if media? minorities of our city into an people who are blocking the the Democratic candidate, is a Parry-Hill: No, definitely not. effective political force to the control and revenues minister who could not needed changes and make the produced from the system The newspapers and television bring about changes through legislative and executive recognize an act of God if it stations have neglected not th e system. The other were invested in the hands of were shoved right in his face. departments more responsive the District. only me, but most candidates are all divisive or to the needs of the common Mr. Channing Phillips hit independents. My only success devious. people. ‘‘cloud nine’’ at the so far has been to get an Mayefsky: Are you presently Democratic Convention and interview on WTTG, Channel Would Support Fauntroy Congress Must Finance has not come down yet. effectively appealing to the District Police 5, even though I was the first minority groups and students Mr. Joseph Yeldell has candidate to announce my Mayefsky: If you are not able to underworld connections, in my obtain the signatures you need, in the D.C. area and, if so, how Mayefsky: Another constantly intentions before Nixon ever opinion. what are your political plans? effective have your efforts talked about issue is crime- in signed the bill Congress had been to register students to I originally attempted to run passed. In addition, I was the Parry-Hill: I would actively the District. First, do you for the Republican nomination support the candidate who 1 vote in D.C. rather than in believe the police under Chief first candidate to register for their home districts? against, and as an alternative both the Republican and believe represents ideals and Wilson are doing a good job? to, Mr. Nevius’s candidacy but ideas that are closest to my Parry-Hill: No one can do And, secondly, what independent nominations. without the support of the the leadership was looking for way of thinking. Presently it alternatives or improvements a black candidate to run. Even appears to be Reverend minority groups present in the do you espouse for this Mayefsky: Have you any District in this election. I have though a Republican myself, I comments on the election laws Fauntroy, who has had one. of problem that is plaguing urban was denied the list of the his aides already approach me taken steps to insure the centers across the country? that you are forced to abide support of the Spanish registered Republicans, I by? for my support. speaking voters of the District Parry-Hill: Police are not and assume because I was a by having my ads printed in cannot do an effective job in member of the wrong minority Parry-Hill: The election law is District Should Retake local Spanish publications. protecting the citizens of this (Mr. Parry-Hill is half American unfair to any independent Land Given to Va. These particular political ads city until the financing for this Indian.—BM). I later received a candidate because of the large were printed in the Spanish essential service is placed on letter, 10 to 12 days before the number of signature Mayefsky: Thank you for your paper in both Spanish and the Congress and the Federal election, stating that the requirements. As you know, time, Mr. Parry-Hill. Is there English, at my request, so as to Government where it belongs. Republican party would help I’ve had my encounters with any final comment you would reach out to these people as no The payroll of the police him get on the ballot as a the election law previously, like to express to our readers? other candidate- has done should be increased and salaries candidate for the nomination when I ran for the delegate at Parry-Hill: Just that students, as before. raised by Congress. How can against Mr. Nevius. large seat on the D.C. school any other minority, must unite As to student support, I have we expect them to do the job board against Mr. Hobson. or be satisfied to remain received assistance from young we require... Both times I had enough powerless to effect their people associated with such Mayefsky: Excuse me, sir, but is Republican Committee signatures invalidated by the programs. Also, one final note diverse and unrelated it not inconsistent on your part Chairman Wanted election law to disqualify my that, if I am elected, I would “popular” groups as the Black to, on one hand, advocate the A “Straw Man” Candidate petitions. The law requires that advocate the return of the land Panthers, Yippies, Gay abolition of the present the petitions have the name the District gave to Virginia so Liberation, Women’s government of the District, Mayefsky: Who in the and address of the individual that the people of the District, Liberation, and members of statehood for the District, and Republican Party sent this signer printed or typed in the who it rightly belongs to, can the American and George then want -the money for letter to you at that time? column next to his signature. control its use. Pa9«6 GEORGETOWN LAW WEEKLY Tuesday, February 9r 1971 Butterflies and Ruling Class Brighten D.C.

by John Esche unconvinced mother) that he addled girl next door. concerns the 14th Earl of True the God of Love is dead, can survive on his own, away There is undoubtedly a Gurney (Douglas Rain), who but Lord Jack Gurney who is Butterflies Are Free opened a from home. To this end, he has message about the returns on his father’s death to taking his seat in The House of two-week stand at the National taken a garret apartment in the indomitability of the human assume control of the family Lords is now Lord God Theatre last night and you will New York Village and has set up spirit that these people are estates. The only problem is that Almighty, The Law Giver; in be hard pressed to find a lighter, housekeeping of sufficient selling, but don’t worry about it; he believes himself to be the short, Jack the Ripper. more diverting evening in normalcy that it comes up just enjoy this slick little Lord God of Love, Jehovah, The entire cast is handsomely Washington. something of a jolt to his entertainment while it’s here: Buddah, J.C. himself; and the polished as we have come to The story, by Leonard shapely neighbor to find that he While Butterflies flit around family wants him committed. expect from Arena productions Gershe, is about a blind boy is sightless. (She: Why didn’t th e National, a dazzling Actually, the boy is a chip off and, under David Williams’ making it (no pun intended) on you tell me you were blind? He: satire-force called The Ruling the old block; a staid English capable direction, even the his own in Manhattan and was, You didn’t ask.) Class is stomping through the new jurist found swinging from a incongruous vaudeville turns as everyone knows by now, Gloria Swanson, of early Kreeger Theatre, across the mall rafter in a tutu and cocked hat. work beautifully. Leo Kerz’s set inspired by an actual blind law movie fame, has star billing and at Arena Stage. Kudos to all He explains that his conclusion is imaginative and elegant, a student who was classified l-A does a pleasing enough job as the concerned. was really quite simple: “I found credit to the first production in by his draft board. protective mother who, as it If Butterflies is a refreshing that when I prayed to Him, I this new theater. Using Put aside any thoughts of turns out, isn’t so bad after all mist of warm humor, The Ruling was talking to myself.” projections and an ingenious self-pity, though; there is none (your mothers will love her); but Class is a cloud burst of hilarity In the nick of time, at the living room that smoothly folds to be found in this show, at least the real star of the show is the and irony. At times in the end of the first act, the family into itself has evoked the elegant not on the surface. The key boy. second act the satire reaches too psychiatrist cures him before aura of “the stately homes of word is comedy and it means it. David Huffman, as Don, is far for its bite, but the play is uncle can have him certified and England” and taken full The humor is warm, fast moving, excellent. When I saw the show more than redeemed by the safely in the looney bin. Did I advantage of the flexible no and guaranteed to please. It is in Baltimore a few weeks ago, downright brilliant first act, say cured? Perhaps I should proscenium-thrust stage also a trifle unlifelike; or perhaps the audience greeted his firm, uniformly fine acting, and even amend that: In the second, our arrangement at Kreeger with an that’s really a bit of self-pity jaunty performance with a star’s the imaginative, elegant set. trusty shrink discovers that the essentially proscenium piece. peeping out from beneath the ovation. He first played this role The play, by Peter Barnes, cure was not quite complete. Tickets for the run ending shiny veneer. in the New York production, February 21 are scarce but, if You see, Don Baker is following Keir Dullea, and serves you can get one, don’t miss The proving himself. He has been the show well. So does Kristina Ruling Class. given six months to show (his Callahan as the bubbly, slightly

NEWSLETTERS HANDMADE LEATHER They’re at it Again! GOODS MADE TO ORDER BY SKILLED CRAFTSMEN AT by janies sandman scurrying about enlisting support from the electorate.” & FLYERS REASONABLE PRICES! The whispers have begun “Come now, Mr. Crowley, again, as they have every year aren’t you just engaging in fancy around S.B.A. election time. rhetoric?” “Who is going to run?’’ “Can I “To the contrary. There have support him in full conscience?” been many surprises that have “How will he best serve my occurred to our benefit. The 'Pn.amfrt

Send the FTD "LoveBundle" for Valentine's week. Name Address ♦As an independent businessman, each FTD Member Florist sets his own prices. City State Zip Tuesday, February 9, 1971 GEORGETOWN LAW W EEKLY Page 7 • - Music B.B. King by S. Durovic getting the gigs now, playing one of Django Rheinhardt, the why many say he’s the greatest debut, “Nobody Loves me but places like Mr. Kelly’s in JYenchgypsy jazz guitarist of guitarist in the world. The my Mother” (And She’s 16 G reatest Hits (Fantasy- and doing TV spots, a thing that, the ’30s (“Walking Dr. Bill” is sweet-sad, high pitched, stinging, Probably Jiving Too). And, Galaxy 8208) several years ago, would have the best example of that) to the sustained single notes, often one finally, the Live at Cook County (ABC S-509) been out of the realm of fully-assimilated style that note being a whole phrase, a Jail (notorious as the worst in Blues on Top of Blues (ABC conception for a bluesman. It’s comes by about the mid-'50s. whole statement, just hanging the country and, from what I’ve Bluesway BLS-6011) about time. All the classics: “Sneaking out there by itself in space. I heard from some of its patrons, (ABC Bluesway He’s sort of a middle period Around,” ‘Sweet Sixteen,” “3 suspect that he got the idea from it must be), is good because it BLS-6016) bluesman, being 45 now (same O’clock Blues” (his first Django who at least hinted at shows him with an audience that His Best (ABC Bluesway age as Chuck Berry!), having recording, supposedly), “Sweet that sound when he played with is, at the very least, sympathetic BLS-6022) played professionally for more Little Angel,” T-Bone’s his passionate style, tho’ B.B.'s is to the blues he lays down. The Live and Well (ABC Bluesway than 25 years. Still, he’s lost “Everyday I Have the Blues” much more developed. It is fully intro is atrocious (“Beloved” BLS-6031) none of his edge and tho’ some and my all-time favorite, “Bad his own creation, despite any Sheriff Joe Woods is announced (ABC Bluesway blues aficionados say he’s Luck” (“I just caught four aces influences. and the place comes down with BLS-6037) stagnating, 1 think they miss the and the police broke down the His Best is like Blues on Top, boos.) but the rest is top-grade Indianola Mississippi Seeds (ABC point of how bluesmen are. I’d door.”). The Fantasy LP is hard tho’ if you have to choose all the way, with an interchange ABCS-71 3) say he’s in a sort of mature to get but worth the sweat, I between the two, this one is a between B.B. and the inmates, a Live in Cook County Jail (ABC prime. The LPs listed are hardly think. It was reissued in ’68, but bit better. There’s some shit on bit of history, and a medley of ABCS-723) a complete discography since, by both my first and second copies it (“The B.B. Jones” from a his oldest songs. Prison denim his own admission, B.B. has cut were ripped off and all I have is movie score) but also some cover, stencil title! Most people into the current more than 300 singles and a tape at present. classics: “Don’t Answer the If you’re going to get any music scene are familiar with 30-plus LPs. But, unlike some The best bets, however, are Door,” “Paying the cost...” B.B. LPs (You absolutely B.B. by now. He’s probably the who’ve been overrecorded so the recent LPs on ABC that (again), “Tired of your Jive,” a should, if you haven’t already.) most influential guitarist ever. that their limited material has B.B.’s been releasing with new version of “Sweet Sixteen,” and you’re pressed financially, Any guitarist who bends a note been stretched painfully thin regularity. Good sound, good and “I Don’t Want you Cuttin’ Completely Well is and gets a whine is beholden to (John Lee Hooker and Lightnin’ productions, empathetic Off your Hair.” recommended foremost, then B.B. for that sound. The major Hopkins are examples that come backing, et al. He’s been with Live at Cook County Jail, rock guitarists from Clapton to to mind), just about any B.B. ABC since, 1 think, about 1964, Live and Well is also very Lucille, His Best, Live and Well, Bloomfield are all direct King LP is worth the bread. He’s and released about a dozen, fine, with a live side and a studio then the others. Greatest Hits, if descendents. B.B.’s guitar Lucille been on a dozen labels stretching every one at least good, with a side, and includes his famous you can get it (and, if so, tell me is the epitome of blues back to 1950-Sun, fairly wide range of stuff from “” in where) and the United-Superior expression-spare, compact, United-Superior, Crown, ABC, blues ballads (Actually, he’d be a addition to another “Sweet releases are very fine. Support simple, lyrical, bottomless. But Fantasy, Kent (which bought up fine jazz singer or a Nat Cole Little Angel” and “Don’t your local bluesmen. the recognition of his guitar is a tapes of old cuts from various balladeer if he wanted to.) to Answer the Door” (The relatively recent thing (seven to small labels) and so on, on 78s, hard, searing, cynical blues. Live duplication doesn’t matter since eight years) because, above all, 45s, LPs. The United-Superior at the Regal shows him at he never does the same number B.B. is a consumate blues singer records are good but have been Chicago’s version of the Apollo, the same way twice, and these Notice and it was for this that he out of print for a while (tho’ probably the hippest and most last two are live anyway.). became known among blues they do turn up a lot). The sympathetic blues audience you Completely Well is probably listeners. If anything, his singing recent Kent reissues are can find, about 1965. Blues on the best LP he’s made, with an There will be a meeting at is even more accomplished than ;well-packaged but they are Top... is a straight-ahead blues absolutely outasite 10 minute 1 P.M. this Thursday, his guitar. duplications of material found LP but with orchestration jam version of “You’re Mean,” February 11, in the Law I could get into a long rap [on other records and some of backing, which works well and his dark, mournful classic “The Weekly office for all those about what blues is and what it ,the material is in poor shape. 16 extends his range. He’s not Thrill is Gone,” an outstanding interested in publishing a means, but I’ll resist the Greatest Hits is the cream of the overpowered by the production, ‘‘Confessin’ the Blues,” and yearbook for GULC next temptation. Those of you who ■ early and middle period B.B., and the LP has a couple of really everything else highest quality. year. The details will be dig blues don’t need the rap, and with the originals of the outstanding numbers, “Paying Six stars. discussed with a the rest porbably can’t be •.numbers that made him “The the Cost to Be the Boss” and Indianola... is fine too (I'm representative of the converted with talk. But blues is Man” among blues listeners. It “I’m Gonna Do What they Do to getting repetitious.), with a probable publisher and a the blood of rock and jazz and goes back pretty far and covers Me.” couple of interesting sidemen , former Editor-in-Chief of when the latter two stray too far everything from his earliest Lucille is an outstanding LP the ubiquitous Leon Russell and Harvard Law S chool’s from that root, they lose much efforts where he plays more like with a 10 minute, rap-playing Carole King. Includes “Chains yearbook, which is run on a of their vitality, as has often T-Bone, with a clipped, picked solo describing his guitar, how it and Things,” along the mold of profit to those who work on been demonstrated. The sad syncopated guitar style and got its (her) name, and a “ Thrill,” and Russell’s it. thing is that blues, even now, odd-fingered runs that remind satisfying exposition showing “Hummingbird” and a piano gets too little attention. A case of too little too late, since by the time the big (or not-so-big) blues boom came among GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY SUMMER SCHOOL audiences, both white and young black, most of the top blues men were over the hill or dead, and ANNOUNCES there are very few to take their places. In B.B.’s case, fortunately, 1971 SUMMER JET FLIGHTS TO EUROPE the recognition and the gravy are beginning to come while he still SPECIAL has something left to offer and DATE FLIGHT PRICE while he’s still young enough to reap the benefits. But most of J u n e 20, 1971 N e w Y o r k -L o n d o n -P a r is $230.00+ the major postwar blues men are A u g u s t 26, 1971 P a r i s -L o n d o n -N e w Y o r k beyond this. My own main man, the Wolf, is 61, has had several heart attacks and won’t live A v a i l a b l e o n l y t o G e o r g e t o w n s t u d e n t s , f a c u l t y , s t a f f , a n d i m m e d i a t e f a m i l i e s . much longer. Muddy is washed up. Spann and Earl Hooker are F or a ll f l ig h t s , a $100 deposit is required immediately . F inal payment must be dead. T-Bone is old and made by A p r il 20, 1971. T he $100.00 is refundable if cancelled prior to A p r il 20, expatriate. Many of the rest that are alive work seedly local places OR IF ELIGIBLE SUBSTITUTE IS PROVIDED AFTER THAT DATE. in Chicago or work at other jobs because they can’t eat as M a k e a l l c h e c k s p a y a b l e a n d m a i l t o : musicians, while shit groups like Grand Funk and Zep make 20 U n i v e r s a l T r a v e l S e r v ic e grand a crack copping and 1825 C o n n e c t i c u t A v e n u e , N.W. bastardizing blues licks. That is, W a s h i n g t o n , D .C . 20009 of course, one of the things that makes blues what it is, but that’s (202) NO 7-3202 meager justification. B.B. is

F o r t h o s e c o n t in u in g t o D ijo n a n d S a l z b u r g , r a i l a n d a i r information w i l l be f u r ­ n i s h e d AND TICKETS OBTAINED. Spend an unforgettable

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New lower rates; full credit for courses. Write today for details E l i g i b i l i t y : A l l s t u d e n t s , f a c u l t y o r s t a f f o n l y w h o h a v e b e e n e n r o l l e d a t from World Campus Afloat, Chap­ LEAST SIX MONTHS PRIOR TO FLIGHT DEPARTURE. man College, Box CC16, Orange, CA 92666 Pa9«8 GEORGETOWN LAW WEEKLY Tuesday, Febniary 9,1971 Halftime Smoking In Classrooms Open Door Policy In the immortal words of Dave McCarthy, “This building isn’t i a firetrap, it’s a flue!” proved their point emphatically with no strings attached. Everyone is aware by now of our concern over risks of fire this by electing no one to their Hall. Unfortunately, baseball was year because of our crowded conditions and, hopefully, has The list of rejections featured unable to overcome both its become familiar with the Fire Emergency Procedures, which are Early Wynn, one of a select list addiction to rules and its now posted throughout the classrooms. In this connection, we of pitchers to ever win 300 practice of racism, so the black ask that there be renewed efforts to enforce a long-standing games; Yogi Berra, who hit more stars of the officially segregated official policy against smoking in the classrooms. By so doing, we home runs than any catcher in years will have to be satisfied can eliminate fire risks that we simply cannot afford this year, history and was MVP three with this showing of the national and also be responsive to a number of students who have raised times; and Ralph Kiner, one of pastime’s esteem for their the problem with the administration. the leading home run hitters in contributions. Given the We will be grateful for your cooperation. It would be history. All three men are well conservative nature of the game, appreciated if each professor would make an announcement in his qualified for admission but they they were probably fortunate to classes on the smoking subject. were denied-at least this time obtain even this much. around by a characteristic assertion of independence on the part of the Baseball Writers’ Association. This is probably a Tortfeasor Defeat Loyas l i good thing because it aids in by Willie Schatz keeping Cooperstown a by Lloyd Levinson frying pan into the fire for the hopeless Murder Inc. (0-3). sanctuary for the select few, but Spanish Flyers (3-0). They The Hustlers (2-1), behind Once again it seems that the it can get out of hand. The The Tortfeasors’ (3-0) tight barely overcame the Goldfingers Rich Minton’s 23 points, sports world is in hibernation. writers have a duty to make sure defense and team play 39-37 behind a showy defeated the Parman’s (1-2), There has been almost as much that they are not so impressed handcuffed the Loyas (1-1) last performance by Rod Ficker. The 42-35. Keith McCrea again paced hews from that part of the world with their own importance and week 41-36. The Tortfeasors’ Goldfingers were led by Roger the Parmans with 17 points. as there has been from another power to ignore the credentials balanced attack was led by Ron Epstein’s 16 points. The Spanish The D.C. 12 (2-1) handed part of the globe. (That little of deserving eligibles. Their task Babler and Mark Biros who had Flyers are scheduled to do battle Section 3 (1-1) its first loss of corner is in Southeast Asia, but will become even tougher over 11 and 10 points, respectively. with the Tortfeasors on Sunday the season 43-29. John Fenrich that’s all I can say about it the next few years as more The Loyas were paced by Phil and the Flyers will need a super had 11 for the “ 12” while John because there’s an embargo on players, notably Mickey Mantle Young’s 1 1 points. The Loyas performance to remain Sado paced the losers with seven news from there.) The Knicks and Sandy Koufax, become can take comfort in the fact that unbeaten. points. and Bucks continue to dominate eligible for enshrinement. it is quite probable that the The Third World (1-2) won In other league games, the the court scene, while the Bruins The Veterans’ Committee, playoffs will include a rematch their first game of the season, arc increasing their advantage entrusted with electing players with the Tortfeasors. Ducks (1-0) won their first defeating the winless Silent league encounter 42-16 over over the Rangers. For all you from the distant past, made up It may be a case of out of the Majority (0-3) 46-37. Richard hot stove fanatics, spring for the blank drawn by the Mesa was high for the winners training is only ten days away. younger group when it elected with 16 while Marsh Gross took The Fight is still a month away, seven men for admission. The game honors with 21 points. and all indications are that a best choice in this group was Dig Yourself great number of people are being George M. Weiss, who stands by rapidly dying. I would venture priced out of a chance to see it. himself in the executive category to suggest that, had it not been Despite the high prices, (along with Branch Rickey). by Johnny Barnes ho-no-rable Richard M. Nixon for Viet Nam and dope, there promoters are experiencing no This was more or less a slap in and began to put political would never have been a rebirth problems in filling their halls, the face to the Writers’ W.E.B. DuBois coined the ten pressure on those radical-liberals of hope and scattered progress. which is more than one can say Association, but knowledgeable years of reconstruction who were causing the threat to White folks would have passed for certain other halls involving sources indicate that all these following the Civil War, “The white supremacy. Uni-Gov and when it came time to act had sports. There have been three players deserved admission. Mystic Years.” I like to refer to other tricks bent at diluting the they not felt the pinch of Hall of Fame elections in the t h e upsurge of the black vote were conceived. The oppression. past week, two in baseball and One Step at a Time nineteen-sixties as “The Mystic poverty programs are gone and Tricky Dick will have a one in football. The differing Years Reborn.” OEO is under fire. The white substantial number of “our results seem worth examining The most important and During reconstruction, black activists are now into ecology boys” out of Viet Nam soon. and. anyway, there's not much far-reaching news of all concerns people were able to produce a because, if this young nation is Dope laws are being updated else to write about. a group of players who never governor, a senator, nine to survive and progress, the since the rich and the super rich Turning first to football, the had a chance to “officially” representatives, boo-koos local industries must be checked. In are now in close proximity to late Vince Lombardi and six prove their greatness. These officials and, in addition, blacks the words of that racist devil that thing. And once again, it is players were selected for players toiled in relative and whites living together in and Paul Harvey, “the environmental no longer fashionable to enshrinement in the Football obscurity in Negro leagues out of wedlock was as regular as movement will either dwarf or sympathize with the black Hall of Fame at Canton. Ohio. throughout the first half of the reefer. Everything was obliterate the black movement.” movement. Ask the SBA and The six players are Andy century. They had their own honkydory. The Mystic Years Reborn are DIG YOURSELF. Robustelli, Y.A. Tittle, Jim schedules and their own teams, What happens to a dream Brown, Norm Van Brocklin, and sometimes played three deferred, daddy, ain’t you Bruiser Kinard, and Bill Hewitt. games in a day in different cities. heard? There can be no quarrel about The closest they were allowed to As suddenly as reconstruction the credentials of these men come to the majors consisted of emerged, it was just as quickly 'MJelawte Students since all easily rank among the barnstorming tours against major suppressed. America elected greats at their respective league clubs. These teams had Rutherford B. Hayes and began positions. This is obviously many outstanding players, to put political pressure on those important but, perhaps, more including one whom many “radical republicans” who were important is the fact that one experts regard as the greatest causing the threat to white PLEAD YOUR LUNCH person, much less seven, was catcher of all time, Josh Gibson, supremacy. The trick bag admitted at all. This indicates a and the pitcher who kept going election laws were created, the on forever, Satchel Paige. Until vast difference in the attitudes Klan and the others began to at the of the admissions committees now, these two and many other grow and all hell broke loose on for each shrine. greats have been kept out of the black folks. The white liberals hallowed Hall by the color of and radicals got into another To Each His Own their skin. Last week, thanks to groove because it was no longer an edict by Commissioner Bowie fashionable to sympathize with COURTHOUSE The selection process for Kuhn that establishes a special black people. Besides, industry admission to each Hall is ten-man committee, these greats was booming and if the new approximately the same. One from the past will get their government were to progress, a P ro Football Writers’ chance. concentrated effort at Association from each city, plus However, in a reaction typical developing this money-maker the association president, elects of both sports in particular and had to be initiated. CARRYOUT members to that sport’s Hall. society in general, they will not There’s a certain amount of The entire Baseball Writers' be granted full admission. The sufferin' in a dream deferred. Association votes on members to entrants from the Negro leagues The wonderful sixties have that Hall, which is simply a will be placed in a special now come and gone. During that 4Q2 5th Street. N.W. larger version of the football category, defined by course of time, black people elections. However, the diamond Commissioner Kuhn “as part of once again were able to produce scribes are not so quick to vote a new exhibit commemorating a senator, several representatives, for enshrinement as are their the contributions of the Negro tw o big-city mayors and Sandwiches ready made or specially prepared gridiron counterparts. leagues to baseball.” In other goo-gobs local officials. Blacks for your taste. One reason for this may be words, they won’t actually be and whites living together in and that the baseball Hall has existed members of the Hall. Apparently out of wedlock was a common much longer than the football the baseball moguls decided that scene, even on television and in Hall. Thus the baseball writers would be going too far. It the theaters. Token niggers were are more apt to feel the strong cannot be denied that the given the red carpet treatment. pinch of tradition, and this helps long-delayed recognition of It seemed more possible than Coffee Donuts Cake Drinks to explain their reluctance to Gibson, Paige, and such other ever that the United States was Savor our Specialty' vote candidates into the Hall greats as Cool Papa Bell and prepared to pay her dues to the without a waiting period. The Buck Leonard is a major step ex-slaves and fulfill that oft’ baseball writers are also quite forward in the fight for equality referred to dream. fond of asserting their in sports. But it could have been What happens to a dream independence, and they seem to much more significant had the deferred, daddy, ain't you ITALIAN MINI-SUBS save a great deal of it for Negro league stars been made heard? election time. This year they full-fledged members of the Hall America elected the