Volume V, No. 3 John Davis Political Report January 16, 2012 JJoohhnn DDaavviiss PPoolliittiiccaall RReeppoorrtt © N P.O. Box 30714 Raleigh, NC 27622 Premium Subscription $245 Phone: 919-696-3859 www.johndavisconsulting.com/subscribe
[email protected] W D E S Tribute on MLK Day to Those Who Died for the Right to Vote NOTE: This story first appeared in a John Davis Political Report dated February 10, 2011, Vol. 4, No. 4, titled, A Tribute to Vernon Dahmer and the Right to Vote. It is reprinted today in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. Post: January 16, 2012 Vol. V, #3 “Pitts puts finger on Sessum, other Klansmen; Names seven he said accompanied him in fatal fire-bombing raid on Dahmer place” Hattiesburg AMERICAN, Hattiesburg, Mississippi, March 14, 1968 The Murder of Vernon Dahmer for Registering Blacks to Vote There they were! I knew that I had kept them. Finally, after an hour and a half of digging through a lifetime of dusty boxes in the attic last Sunday night I found the newspaper articles I had clipped almost 43 years ago from the Hattiesburg AMERICAN, the daily paper in Hattiesburg, Mississippi, the county seat of Forrest County. I carefully unfolded each of the eight faded and brittle articles one at a time, reading and remembering: Thursday, Jan. 25, 1968 11 charged with murder and arson Friday, Mar. 8, 1968, Pitts pleads guilty to Dahmer charges; Anticipated state's witness faces life on murder count plus long arson sentence Monday, Mar. 11, 1968, Selection of jury begins for Sessum murder trial Tuesday, Mar.