International Journal of Innovative Social & Science Education Research 9(1):105-112, Jan.-Mar., 2021

© SEAHI PUBLICATIONS, 2021 ISSN: 2360-8978

Perceived Influence Of School Community Relationship On Students’ Academic Performance In Public Secondary Schools In

Dr. O. T. Amie-Ogan & Benneth Wuku

Department of Educational Management Faculty of Education Rivers State University, , Rivers State,

ABSTRACT The study examined perceived influence of school community relationship on students‟ academic performance in public senior secondary schools in and Yenagoa City Local Government Areas of Bayelsa State. Two research questions and two null hypotheses were posed and formulated for the study. The study adopted the descriptive survey design. The population of the study was 1544 teachers from the 66 public senior secondary schools in Ogbia and Yenagoa City Local Government Areas of Bayelsa State. The sample size of the study was 240 teachers consisting of 120 males and 120 females which represents 15% of the population, selected through the stratified random sampling technique. A self-structured questionnaire titled, “Perceived Influence of School Community Relationship on Students‟ Academic Performance Questionnaire” was used to elicit responses from respondents. The questionnaire was validated by experts in the Departments of Measurement and Evaluations and Educational Management. A reliability index of 0.97 was achieved using the test-retest method of reliability. Mean and standard deviation were used to answer the research questions, while the z-test statistics was used to test the hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. The study found that : community assistance in the provision of physical resources and security services in public secondary schools contribute immensely to students‟ academic performance. In view of the findings of this study, it was recommended among others that government should orient host communities of public senior secondary schools on school support programmes to improve on academic excellence in such schools. Keywords: School Community Relationship, Physical Resources, Security Services

INTRODUCTION In the days of colonialism in Nigeria most schools and colleges were built and operated by the missionaries while just a few were built and managed by the government, private groups and individuals (Anderounmu, 2004). Schools owned by the missionaries were named after some nationalists, patrons, saints or proprietors themselves. It was observed that during that period many governors did not finance or support education in full as it ought to be, either because they did not recognize their responsibilities in this regard or did not consider it necessary. Similarly, communities did not play considerable role in the activities of the school. Taylor in Onukwube (2016), asserted that communities where these schools were sited played the least role in school administration. The community neither knew what was going on in the school, nor were they invited to participate in the school management. It was only in the 1970‟s that government realized it‟s responsibility for her citizens in respect to education, when the management and control of schools were taken over from their former owners. They provided virtually all the educational resources needed for schools to function effectively. However, government taking over the management and control of schools also brought to fore community support services rendered to schools, especially through the Parent Teachers Association (PTA) and the Alumni.


Amie-Ogan & Wuku….... Int. J. Innovative Soc. & Sci. Educ. Res. 9 (1):105-112, 2021

The obvious fact remains that, school community relationship is not a mandatory obligation compelling the community to perform some duties to the school. It is rather a relationship of persuasive influence on the community to extend helping hands to the school, to meet up some of its challenges and create the needed platform for teaching and learning to take place effectively. In addition, Bakwai (2013), posited that school-community relationship is a two-way symbiotic arrangement through which the school and community cooperate with goals of each other. The school being a microcosm of the society needs a good relationship with the community to function effectively, and in the same vein, the community also needs the school on all round development. The school cannot be single handedly managed by the school administrator to achieve the much expected outcome; therefore, he/she needs the support of the community to render basic and necessary services to the school for the achievement of educational goals. Onukwube (2016) opined that, in recent times, common experiences indicate that communities are known to be actively involved in the management of schools however, the school administrator as the head of the school occupies a crucial position to enthusiastically compel the community, to support the school relentlessly in areas of need. He/she is expected to identify with the community in their affairs as occasion demands. On the other hand, he is to relate effectively with the community through Parents Teachers Association (PTA) meetings at the beginning of each academic year and through such medium solicit for community members to assist the school. It is expected of the community to assist the school in the following areas: to finance extra-mural sports activities; provision and maintenance of school physical resources; organizing career talks; assistance in providing security services and assistance in maintaining students discipline in the school. In support of this view Obi (2004), stated that school – community relationship can take place between the school and the Parents Teachers Association (PTA), Old Students Association, Community School Committee, School Board of Governors and School Proprietors‟ Committee, among others. Nakpodia in Anthony, Yaro and Pev (2017), submitted that a community through a healthy working relationship with the school administrator and the entire school, would get to know the school strength and weakness and find ways of improving the areas the school is lacking, so as to achieve expected educational goals. Similarly, in the National Policy on Education (FRN, 2013), government unequivocally posited that it welcomes the contributions of voluntary agencies, communities and private individuals in the establishment and management of secondary schools, alongside those provided by the Federal and State government. Schools are therefore disposed to voluntary donations in cash or in kind, award of scholarships and giving of prizes to students for outstanding performance, which in turn motivates students to study their books. In line with the above Weli (2017) asserted that motivation is a psychological force that determines the direction of a person‟s level of persistence, in an effort to realize an expected objective. Hence, forms of motivation are bound to make students work hard on their academics. A community‟s resolve to provide and maintain movable and immovable facilities and instructional materials, determine how far students can go in their academic pursuit. This is because infrastructural facilities are a direct reflection of the quality of education that is offered in a school. In agreement Castaldi in Peretomode (2009), stressed that educational facilities are those things of education which enable a skillful teacher to achieve a level of instructional effectiveness that far exceeds what is possible when they are provided; hence, the need for a good school-community relationship in all the states of Nigeria. Influence of Community Assistance in the Provision of Physical Resources on Students’ Academic Performance School plant is described to be the totality of buildings for different uses, parks, lawns, equipment, textbooks and all used and unused spaces that influence the teaching and learning process in the school. NOUN in Dangara (2016) enunciated physical resources in education to include: classrooms/lecture rooms, staff offices, vehicles, health centres, laboratory and so on, which directly or indirectly contribute to the achievement of goals. School physical resources were said to have a direct impact on the learning environment and a key determinant of educational outcomes. Inspite of the benefits that accrue from saturation of physical resources in secondary schools government seem to inadequately provide for these educational resources. In agreement Agabi (2012) stressed that the resources provided by the government


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for the execution of education projects in Nigeria are inadequate and irregular as highlighted by the frequency of industrial actions in the education sector. This calls for a strong community-school relationship as it takes a cordial relationship between the school and community, for the community to assist in the provision and maintenance of school physical resources. The community through the P.T.A can mobilize various artisans within and outside the community such as carpenters, bricklayers, electricians and other skilled-workers to assist in the installation, maintenance and repairs of school facilities, perhaps at a cost effective rate among other numerous contributions. Koko and Nwiyi (2019), were of the view that the Parents Teachers Association as an educational agency gives financial and other assistance to the school. In the same vein Oparinde and Oyewale in Sa‟ad and Sadiq (2014) opined that school-community relationship have significant impact on the provision and maintenance of school facilities, school discipline, teachers job performance, academic achievement of students and overall success of the schools. It was observed in the two local government areas (Ogbia and Yenagoa City Local Government Areas of Bayelsa State) covered in the study that, majority of the communities were hosted by multi – national oil producing companies. These multi–national oil companies, apart from payment of tributaries and royalties, have Grassroot Memorandum of Understanding (GMOU) with all their host communities in respect to developmental projects to be done for them from year to year. Many of these communities if not all, use the opportunity to direct these oil companies to develop their schools to modern standard. The multi–national oil companies render services such as construction and renovation of new staff quarters/office, classrooms blocks, supply of instructional materials (e.g text books, computer for ICT centres etcetera) and electricity. In addition to what the multi-national oil companies are doing, the Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC), takes responsibility in ensuring the provision of some basic facilities to enhance effective teaching and learning in secondary schools. Influence of Community Assistance in Providing Security Services on Students’ Academic Performance Provision of security services through school-community relationship in security challenged areas will be grossly benefited to the school as it will ensure the safety of lives and properties. School safety is very important for students‟ academic excellence as unsafe schools would engender fear, distrust and disequilibrium of the school system leading to poor academic performance of students. Social vices such as kidnapping, banditry attacks, vandalization of school properties, armed robbery and pilfering can be nipped at the bud with relentless bond between the school and the community. According to Anyaogu (2013), the two terms „security‟ and „safety‟ are used interchangeably as meaning one and the same thing. Security ordinarily means; safety, protection, to defend, or freedom from damage and physical harm. That implies absence of fear or intimidation. Man is intrinsically driven to maximize available resources in ensuring physical, physiological and psychological safety. Hence, security is not just protection from physical harm, but also include the existence of peaceful environment for one to stay and function effectively, to fulfill one‟s purpose in life. Insecurity is a situation in which there is no assurance of life protection, wherein people live in fear of the known and the unknown dangers. When a community or a society is noted for crisis, wars, kidnapping, killing, destructions, stealing, cultism and unrest people will not be at peace to undertake any profitable business, as a result teaching and learning cannot take place effectively. Poor school environment and unprotected school compound exposes staff and students into the problem of insecurity. The prevalent events at such times are; stealing, fighting, sexual assault on female students, vandalizing of school properties, insult and assault on teachers. Thus, security and safety of school facilities and people refer to measures put in place to ensure that school environment is free from violence and criminal activities. A study carried out by Cash in Chukwuma and Nwachukwu (2016) which examined the relationship between safe school environment and students‟ academic achievement and behaviour found that, students made better scores in schools that had safe building condition than the schools that do not have safe environment. Many public secondary schools are denied of perimeter fencing of the school compound thus exacerbating uncoordinated ingress and egress of people, who are not part of the school system. In


Amie-Ogan & Wuku….... Int. J. Innovative Soc. & Sci. Educ. Res. 9 (1):105-112, 2021

addition Applebury (2021) asserted that research continues to illustrate that children who feel unsafe at school perform worse academically and are more at risk for getting involved in drugs and delinquency. Security challenges in schools could be addressed by co-opting members of the community into the school security team to form a formidable community vigilante group to mount strict surveillance services in and around the school to ensure that lives and properties are safe in the school. The vigilante group would serve as a check to cultic activities and other forms of misdemeanor among students in secondary schools. Statement of the Problem The broad goals of secondary education as enshrined in the National Policy on Education (FRN, 2004) are to prepare individuals for useful living with in the society and for higher education. Conversely, most state governments do not provide enough human resources and school facilities for the public senior secondary schools, thus the school system is fraught with paucity of school facilities, poor maintenance of existing facilities, dilapidated buildings, broken chairs and desks, lack of water supply, leaking roofs etcetera. Students in such schools may not do well academically; and this could be deduced from student‟s inability to write and express themselves fluently in English, lack of understanding of concepts taught which is exemplified in mass failure in both external and internal examinations. These could further lead to examination malpractice. In corroboration Anthony, Yara and Pev (2017) was of the view that lack of the following: fund for organizing intra-moral activities, physical resources and their maintenance, organizing career talks, provision for security services and students discipline are likely cause some physical discomfort for the students and are therefore bound to affect their academic performance in a negative dimension. Community services are therefore necessary to achieve secondary school goals. Hence, the study investigated perceived influence of school community relationship on academic performance of students in public senior secondary schools in Ogbia and Yenegoa City Local Government Areas of Bayelsa State. Purpose of the Study The study examined perceived influence of school community relationship on students‟ academic performance in public secondary schools in Ogbia and Yenagoa City Local Government Areas of Bayelsa State. Specifically, the study sought to; 1. examine the extent community assistance in the provision of physical resources influence students‟ academic performance in public secondary schools in Ogbia and Yenagoa City Local Government Areas of Bayelsa State. 2. find out the extent community assistance in the provision of security services influence students‟ academic performance in public secondary schools in Ogbia and Yenagoa City Local Government Areas of Bayelsa State. Research Questions 1. To what extent does community assistance in the provision of physical resources influence students‟ academic performance in public secondary schools in Ogbia and Yenagoa City Local Government Areas of Bayelsa State? 2. To what extent does community assistance in the provision of security services influence students‟ academic performance in public secondary schools in Ogbia and Yenagoa City Local Government Areas of Bayelsa State? Hypotheses Ho1 There is no significant difference between the mean opinion scores of male and female teachers on the extent community assistance in the provision physical resources influence students‟ academic performance in public secondary schools in Ogbia and Yenagoa City Local Government Areas of Bayelsa State. Ho2 There is no significant difference between the mean opinion scores of upland and riverine teachers on the extent community assistance in the provision of security services influence students‟ academic performance in public secondary schools in Ogbia and Yenagoa City Local Government Areas of Bayelsa State.


Amie-Ogan & Wuku….... Int. J. Innovative Soc. & Sci. Educ. Res. 9 (1):105-112, 2021

METHODOLOGY The research design used for this study was the descriptive survey design. The population of the study was 1544 teachers in 66 public secondary schools in Ogbia and Yenagoa City Local Government Areas of Bayelsa State. A sample size of 240 teachers consisting of 120 males and 120 females from 8 out of 66 public secondary schools was derived through simple random sampling techniques. A self-developed questionnaire titled: “Perceived Influence of School-Community Relationship on Students‟ Academic Performance Questionnaire (PISCRSAPQ)” was used to collect data from the respondents. The instrument had two (2) sections; A and B. Section A dealt with demographic information while Section B had 10 questionnaire items based on the objectives of the study. The response scale was structured on a 4- point Likert rating scale of Very High Extent (VHE); High Extent (HE); Low Extent (LE); and Very Low Extent (VLE) with values 4, 3, 2 and 1 respectively. Test-retest method was used to determine the reliability of the instrument and a reliability index of 0.97 was obtained using Pearson Product Moment Coefficient Correlation Statistics. Mean and standard deviation were used to answer the research questions with a criterion mean was 2.50. Questionnaire items with ratings below 2.50 denoted „Low Extent‟ while 2.50 and above signified „High Extent‟. The hypotheses were tested using z-test statistics at 0.05 level of significance. Analyzed data therefore, with calculated z-values above the z-critical value of ±1.96 were rejected and below ±1.96 were accepted. RESULTS Research Question 1: To what extent does community assistance in the provision of physical resources influence students’ academic performance in public secondary schools in Ogbia and Yenagoa City Local Government Areas of Bayelsa State? Table 1: Mean Opinion Scores of Male and Female Teachers on the Extent Community Assistance in the Provision of Physical Resources Influence Students’ Academic Performance in Public Secondary Schools. S/N ITEMS Male Female Teachers Teachers (N = 120) (N = 120) STD RMK STD RMK x 1. Community provision of land for building of school 2.60 1.02 HE 2.89 0.99 HE plants according to school curriculum and protecting the school land from encroachment to ensure good learning environment enhances students‟ academic performance 2. Community bargaining with companies operating in 2.50 1.09 HE 2.88 1.00 HE their area and Niger Development Commission (NDDC) to construct infrastructures for accommodations, offices classrooms enhance students‟ academic performance. 3. Community or its agent‟s assistance in procurement of 2.70 1.16 HE 2.76 1.14 HE books, computers and internet facilities in school enhance students‟ academic performance.

4. Community”s help in the purchase of equipment, 2.74 1.07 HE 2.93 0.91 HE reagents and specimens for the laboratory influence students‟ academic performance. 5. Community”s help in the provision of chairs, tables, 2.81 1.02 HE 2.85 0.96 HE chairs, boxes of chalk, chalkboards, rulers and learning materials enhance students‟ academic performance. Grand Mean 2.69 1.07 HE 2.86 1.00 HE Source: Field Survey, 2021


Amie-Ogan & Wuku….... Int. J. Innovative Soc. & Sci. Educ. Res. 9 (1):105-112, 2021

The results on table 1 revealed that questionnaire items (1-5) which had mean scores of 2.60, 2.50, 2.70, 2.74 and 2.81 for male teachers and 2.89, 2.88, 2.76, 2.93 and 2.85 for female teachers were rated to be above the criterion man of 2.50. This implies that community assistance in the provision of physical resources to a high extent influence students‟ academic performance in public secondary schools in Ogbia and Yenagoa City Local Government Areas of Bayelsa State. Research Question 2: To what extent does community assistance in the provision of security services influence students’ academic performance in public secondary schools in Ogbia and Yenagoa City Local Government Areas of Bayelsa State? Table 2: Mean Opinion Scores of Upland and Riverine Teachers on the Extent Community Assistance in the Provision of Security Services Influence Students’ Academic Performance in Public Secondary Schools. S/N ITEMS Upland Riverine Teachers Teachers (N = 120) (N = Std RMK 120) Std RMK x

6. Community members bringing security personnel to talk to 2.83 1.15 HE 3.08 1.05 VHE students on safety and security issues make students to be safety conscious and stay without fear to learn and study their books. 7. Community through the use of vigilante groups monitor 3.25 0.92 VHE 3.17 0.93 VHE activities on the school compound during and after school periods, secure school facilities used for learning and thereby enhance students‟ academic performance

8. The community through the vigilante groups arrest and 2.89 1.13 HE 2.92 1.11 HE hand over to the police any stubborn or suspected cultists in the school which make students stay safe and study thus enhancing their academic performance. 9. Community members giving prompt response to security 2.90 1.19 HE 3.19 1.06 VHE risk complaints from the school create a sense of safety for staff and students to stay calm in the school to do their academic work. 10. Community assistance in providing safety materials for the 3.13 0.95 VHE 3.25 0.92 VHE school, such as fire extinguisher, fire alarm, pipe borne water security light, and first-aid facilities enable the school to handle emergency situations which makes the school environment safe for students to study better to pass their examinations. Grand Mean 3.00 1.07 VHE 3.12 1.01 VHE Source: Field Survey, 2021 The results on table 2 revealed that questionnaire items (6-10) which had mean scores of 2.83, 3.25, 2.89, 2.90 and 3.13 for male teachers and 3.08, 3.17, 2.92, 3.19 and 3.25 for female teachers were rated to be above the criterion mean of 2.50. This implies that community assistance in the provision of security services to a very high extent influence students‟ academic performance in public secondary schools in Ogbia and Yenagoa City Local Government Areas of Bayelsa State. Hypotheses Ho1 There is no significant difference between the mean opinion scores of male and female teachers on the extent community assistance in the provision physical resources influence students‟ academic performance in public secondary schools in Ogbia and Yenagoa City Local Government Areas of Bayelsa State.


Amie-Ogan & Wuku….... Int. J. Innovative Soc. & Sci. Educ. Res. 9 (1):105-112, 2021

Table 3: z-test Analysis of Difference Between the Mean Opinion Scores of Male and Female Teachers on the Extent Community Assistance in the Provision of Physical Resources Influence Students’ Academic Performance in Public Secondary Schools Variables N Std Df z-cal. z-crit. SL Remark x

Male Teachers 120 2.69 1.07 Ho1 Accepted 238 -1.42 ±1.96 0.05 Female Teachers 120 2.86 1.00 No significant difference Source: Field Survey, 2021 Data on table 3 above shows a z-calculated value of -1.42, which was less than the z-critical value of ±1.96 at 0.05 level of significance and 238 degree of freedom. Since the z-calculated value of -1.42 was less than the z-critical value of ±1.96, the null hypothesis was accepted which states that there is no significant difference between the mean opinion scores of male and female teachers on the extent community assistance in the provision of physical resources influence students‟ academic performance in public secondary schools in Ogbia and Yenagoa City Local Government Areas of Bayelsa State. Ho2 There is no significant difference between the mean scores of upland and riverine teachers on the extent community assistance in the provision of security services influence students‟ academic performance in public secondary schools in Ogbia and Yenagoa City Local Government Areas of Bayelsa State. Table 4: z-test Analysis of Difference Between the Mean Opinion Scores of Upland and Riverine Teachers on the Extent Community Assistance in the Provision of Security Services Influence Students’ Academic Performance in Public Secondary Schools. Variables N Std Df z-cal z-crit SL Remark

Upland Teachers 120 3.00 1.07 Ho2 Accepted 238 -0.89 1.96 0.05 Riverine Teachers 120 3.12 1.01 No significant difference Source: Field Survey, 2021 Data on table 4 above shows a z-calculated value of -0.89, which was less than the z-critical value of ±1.96 at 0.05 level of significance and 238 degree of freedom. Since the z-calculated value of -0.89 was less than the z-critical value of ±1.96, the null hypothesis was accepted which states that there is no significant difference between the mean scores of upland and riverine teachers on the extent community assistance in the provision of security services influence students‟ academic performance in public secondary schools in Ogbia and Yenagoa City Local Government Areas of Bayelsa State.

DISCUSSION OF FINDINGS Findings on research question 1 on Table 1 revealed that male and female teachers opined that community assistance in the provision of physical resources to a high extent influence students‟ academic performance in public secondary schools in Ogbia and Yenagoa City Local Government Areas of Bayelsa State with aggregate mean value of 2.78. Hypothesis 1 on Table 3 showed that there is no significant difference between the mean scores of male and female teachers on the extent community assistance in the provision of physical resources influence students‟ academic performance in public secondary schools in Ogbia and Yenagoa City Local Government Areas of Bayelsa State with z-calculated value of -1.42 which was less than z-critical value of ±1.96. This finding agrees with Oparinde and Oyewale in Sa‟ad and Sadiq (2014) who found that school-community relationship have significant impact on the provision and maintenance of school facilities, school discipline, teachers job performance, academic achievement of students and overall success of the schools. Findings on research question 2 on Table 2 revealed that upland and riverine teachers opined that community assistance in the provision of security services to a very high extent influence students‟ academic performance in public secondary schools in Ogbia and Yenagoa City Local Government Areas of Bayelsa State with aggregate mean value of 3.06. Hypothesis 2 on Table 4 showed that there is no significant difference between the mean scores of upland and riverine teachers on the extent community


Amie-Ogan & Wuku….... Int. J. Innovative Soc. & Sci. Educ. Res. 9 (1):105-112, 2021 assistance in the provision of security services to a very high extent influence students‟ academic performance in public secondary schools in Ogbia and Yenagoa City Local Government Areas of Bayelsa State with z-calculated value of -0.89 which was less than z-critical value of ±1.96. This finding agreed with a study carried out by Cash in Chukwuma and Nwachukwu (2016) which examined the relationship between safe school environment and students‟ academic achievement and behaviour and found that, students made better scores in schools that had safe building condition than the schools that do not have safe environment.

CONCLUSION Based on the findings of the study, the researchers concluded that school-community relationship is very important as it fosters the academic performance of students in public secondary schools in Ogbia and Yenagoa City Local Government Areas of Bayelsa State; through the provision of physical resources and security.

RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Government should hold orientation campaign with host communities of public schools so as to encourage them to support the schools in their community in the building and purchase of relevant school facilities. 2. Principals should play diplomatic role in identifying with the community as occasion demands by allowing school facilities for community usage where need be, at a reduced or no cost, so as to influence the community to support the school in her areas of need.

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