Saving Lives and Changing Minds with Twitter in Disasters and Pandemics: a Literature Review

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Saving Lives and Changing Minds with Twitter in Disasters and Pandemics: a Literature Review Review Saving Lives and Changing Minds with Twitter in Disasters and Pandemics: A Literature Review Hamed Seddighi 1,2,*, Ibrahim Salmani 3 and Saeideh Seddighi 4 1 Student Research Committee, University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences, Tehran 19857138711, Iran 2 Department of Social Welfare Management, School of Educational Sciences and Social Welfare, University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences, Tehran 1985713871, Iran 3 Department of Health in Disaster and Emergency, School of Public Health, Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences, Yazd 8916978477, Iran; [email protected] 4 Department of Social Planning, Faculty of Social Sciences, Tehran University, Tehran 14117131183, Iran; [email protected] * Correspondence: [email protected] or [email protected] Received: 5 October 2020; Accepted: 2 November 2020; Published: 19 November 2020 Abstract: Twitter is a major tool for communication during emergencies and disasters. This study aimed to investigate Twitter use during natural hazards and pandemics. The included studies reported the role of Twitter in disasters triggered by natural hazards. Electronic databases were used for a comprehensive literature search to identify the records that match the mentioned inclusion criteria published through May 2020. Forty-five articles met the selection criteria and were included in the review. These indicated ten functions of Twitter in disasters, including early warning, dissemination of information, advocacy, assessment, risk communication, public sentiment, geographical analysis, charity, collaboration with influencers and building trust. Preventing the spread of misinformation is one of the most important issues in times of disaster, especially pandemics. Sharing accurate, transparent and prompt information from emergency organizations and governments can help. Moreover, analyzing Twitter data can be a good way to understand the mental state of the community, estimate the number of injured people, estimate the points affected by disasters and model the prevalence of epidemics. Therefore, various groups such as politicians, government, nongovernmental organizations, aid workers and the health system can use this information to plan and implement interventions. Keywords: Twitter; disaster; risk reduction; preparedness; response; recovery 1. Introduction All disasters and emergencies are, by nature, chaotic and dynamic (Guha-Sapir et al. 2016). Disasters triggered by natural hazards change the lives of people in seconds and create physical, emotional and social damage. In such a situation, communication is critical in all phases of disaster management (Mukkamala and Beck 2016). In previous decades, people relied on traditional media such as TV, the radio and newspapers for the news. Sharing information was not easy and quick. In the new era, new technologies have given us the ability to communicate with others quickly and interactively. With rapidly evolving smart device technologies, people can now access information in milliseconds just with one click. Online social media such as Facebook and Twitter play a vital role in disaster management in the world and are recognized as the most popular source for receiving information during disasters (Gray et al. 2016; Avasthi 2017). People themselves are the producers and consumers of messages. The number of social media users worldwide, statistically, was determined from 2010 Journal. Media 2020, 1, 59–77; doi:10.3390/journalmedia1010005 Journal. Media 2020, 1 60 to 2016 with projections until 2021 (Murthy 2018). In January 2020, it was estimated that there are around 3.8 billion social media users around the globe (Kemp 2020). The increased worldwide usage of smartphonesJournal. Media 2020 and, 1, mobile devices has opened up the possibilities of mobile social networks2 with increased features such as location-based services like Foursquare or Google Now (Houston et al. 2015). Most3.8 social billion networks social media are also users available around the as mobileglobe (Kemp social 2020). apps, The whereas increased some worldwide networks usage have of been optimizedsmartphones for mobile and internetmobile devices browsing, has enablingopened up users the topossibilities comfortably of mobile access social visual networks blogging with sites via increased features such as location-based services like Foursquare or Google Now (Houston et al. 2015). a tablet (Mukkamala and Beck 2016). Most social networks are also available as mobile social apps, whereas some networks have been Ofoptimized all the for social mobile media internet networks, browsing, enabling Twitter users is a to particularly comfortably greataccess resourcevisual blogging for disaster sites via risk managementa tablet (Mukkamala research. and Twitter Beck 2016). was launched in October 2006 and quickly became the largest microbloggingOf all servicethe social (Murthy media 2018networks,). This Twitter study selectedis a particularly Twitter great among resource social networksfor disaster because risk it has themanagement world’s largest research. network Twitter of users,was launched can publish in October globally 2006 at any and moment, quickly allowsbecame users the tolargest generate content,microblogging is not designed service exclusively(Murthy 2018). for This news study releases, selected as Twitter opposed among to othersocial servicenetworks providers, because it and allowshas the the user world’s to participatelargest network actively of users, (Weller can publish et al. global2014).ly Thisat any active moment, participation allows users isto possiblegenerate due to thecontent, real-time is not content designed and exclusiv ease inely accessing for news andreleases, searching as opposed for available to other service information. providers, Twitter and is a socialallows networking the user and to participate microblogging actively service, (Weller enabling et al. 2014). users This to active read and participation post tweets is possible or short due messages. to the real-time content and ease in accessing and searching for available information. Twitter is a social Twitter messages are limited to 280 characters, and users are also able to upload photos or short videos networking and microblogging service, enabling users to read and post tweets or short messages. (MurthyTwitter 2018 messages). Tweets are are limited posted to to280 a publiclycharacters, available and users profile are also or able can beto upload sent as photos direct messagesor short to othervideos users. (Murthy Twitter is2018). one Tweets of the mostare posted popular to a social public networksly available worldwide. profile or can Part be of sent the appealas direct is the abilitymessages of users to to other follow users. any Twitter other user is one with of athe public most profile,popular enablingsocial networks usersto worldwide. interact with Partinfluencers of the who regularlyappeal is the post ability on the of users social to media follow site.any other user with a public profile, enabling users to interact Ewithffective influencers risk communication who regularly helpspost on di thefferent social stakeholders media site. to manage risk more effectively, to assist people atEffective risk and risk to play communication a more active helps role different in different stakeholders stages ofto disastermanage managementrisk more effectively, (OECD to 2016 ). The firstassist step people to eff atective risk and risk to communication play a more active is hazardrole in different identification, stages of risk disaster assessment management and vulnerability (OECD 2016). The first step to effective risk communication is hazard identification, risk assessment and as shown in Figure1(OECD 2016). Knowing the risks improves the user’s ability to use Twitter. It is vulnerability as shown in Figure 1 (OECD 2016). Knowing the risks improves the user’s ability to use then necessary to make policies at various levels to use risk communication and to use the necessary Twitter. It is then necessary to make policies at various levels to use risk communication and to use tools,the including necessary Twitter, tools, including for ongoing Twitter, planning for ongoing and evaluation planning and (Palenchar evaluation 2010 (Palenchar). 2010). Identify hazard Evaluate Assess risk policy Implement Develop policy policy FigureFigure 1. The 1. The place place of of risk risk communication communication in in disaster disaster risk risk management. management. DueDue to the to widespreadthe widespread use use of of Twitter, Twitter, various various studiesstudies have have been been conducted conducted on the on theuse useof this of this onlineonline social social network network in in disasters disasters and and pandemics.pandemics. DeDeineriner et etal. al.(2017)(2017 studied) studied public public sentiment sentiment in in responseresponse to to measles measles outbreaks through through Twitter Twitter monitoring monitoring (Deiner (Deiner et al. 2017). et al. 2017They ).indicated They indicated that that TwitterTwitter could be used as as a a tool tool to to dispel dispel opposition opposition to tovaccination vaccination and and suggested suggested that thathealth health institutionsinstitutions should should urgently urgently develop develop strategies strategies toto increaseincrease interaction interaction with with people people through through online online social media. Tang et al. (2018) reviewed 27 articles about Twitter
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