Perth and Kinross Council Will Be Held in the Gannochy Suite, Dewars Centre, Glover Street, Perth, PH2 0TH on Wednesday, 22 June 2016 at 13:00
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Securing the future… Improving services Enhancing quality of life Making the best use of public resources Council Building The Atrium 137 Glover Street Perth PH2 0LQ 20 June 2016 A Meeting of Perth and Kinross Council will be held in the Gannochy Suite, Dewars Centre, Glover Street, Perth, PH2 0TH on Wednesday, 22 June 2016 at 13:00. If you have any queries please contact Committee Services on (01738) 475000 or email [email protected]. BERNADETTE MALONE Chief Executive Those attending the meeting are requested to ensure that all mobile phones and other communication devices are in silent mode. Members: Provost E Grant All Councillors Page 1 of 248 Page 2 of 248 Council Wednesday, 22 June 2016 AGENDA MEMBERS ARE REMINDED OF THEIR OBLIGATION TO DECLARE ANY FINANCIAL OR NON-FINANCIAL INTEREST WHICH THEY MAY HAVE IN ANY ITEM ON THIS AGENDA IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE COUNCILLORS’ CODE OF CONDUCT. 1 WELCOME AND APOLOGIES/SUBSTITUTES 2 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST 3 MINUTE OF MEETING OF 18 MAY 2016 FOR APPROVAL AND 7 - 14 SIGNATURE 4 MINUTES OF MEETINGS OF COMMITTEES FROM 11 MAY 2016 TO 8 JUNE 2016 (copy issued under separate cover) 5 MATTERS ARISING FROM PREVIOUS MEETING - 11 FEBRUARY 2016 At the Special Meeting of the Council on 11 February 2016 the Council approved the Revenue Budget 2016/17 to 2018/19 (Report No. 16/51 refers). For financial planning purposes the 2016/17 Final Revenue Budget assumed that a “living wage” of £8.25 per hour for social care workers in the adult care sector would be paid from 1 July 2016. This was in line with the Scottish Government’s aspiration for the rate to be in place by no later than 1 October 2016. The agreed National Care Home Contract now assumes a 2 staged uplift in rates from 1 April 2016 and then a further uplift from 1 October 2016 which will see the £8.25 rate achieved in that sector. Local negotiations with non-residential care and housing support service providers are still underway. The Council and the Integration Joint Board are working towards ensuring that the living wage of £8.25 per hour for social care workers in the adult care sector will be in place for 1 October 2016. This is in accordance with the agreement between Perth and Kinross Councils and the Scottish Government. The Council is asked to agree this position. Page 3 of 248 6 PERTH AND KINROSS COMMUNITY PLANNING PARTNERSHIP (i) MINUTE OF MEETING OF THE PERTH AND KINROSS 15 - 36 COMMUNITY PLANNING PARTNERSHIP BOARD OF 19 FEBRUARY 2016 (ii) BRIEFING NOTE BY EXECUTIVE LEAD OFFICER 37 - 40 Report by Senior Depute Chief Executive, ECS (Equality, Community Planning and Public Service Reform) (copy herewith 16/276) 7 COMPOSITE CAPITAL BUDGET 2016-2023 41 - 76 Report by Head of Finance (copy herewith 16/277) 8 DEVELOPING THE CULTURAL OFFER IN PERTH AND 77 - 116 KINROSS UPDATE AND NEXT STEPS Joint Report by Senior Depute Chief Executive, ECS (Equality, Community Planning and Public Service Reform) and Depute Chief Executive, Environment (Sustainability, Strategic and Entrepreneurial Development) (copy herewith 16/278) 9 PERTH CITY HALL 117 - 124 Report by Depute Chief Executive, Environment (Sustainability, Strategic and Entrepreneurial Development) (copy herewith 16/279) 10 COLLABORATIVE WORKING TO ENHANCE THE HISTORIC 125 - ENVIRONMENT 134 Joint Report by Senior Depute Chief Executive, ECS (Equality, Community Planning and Public Service Reform) and Depute Chief Executive, Environment (Sustainability, Strategic and Entrepreneurial Development) (copy herewith 16/280) 11 TAY CITIES DEAL – PROGRESS REPORT 135 - 150 Report by Depute Chief Executive, Environment (Sustainability, Strategic and Entrepreneurial Development) (copy herewith 16/281) 12 SUPPORT FOR THE PERTH CITY ECONOMY 151 - 164 Report by Depute Chief Executive, Environment (Sustainability, Page 4 of 248 Strategic and Entrepreneurial Development) (copy herewith 16/282) 13 PERTH AND KINROSS COUNCIL BUSINESS PLAN 2016-2019 165 - 200 Report by Depute Chief Executive, ECS (Equality, Community Planning and Public Service Reform) (copy herewith 16/283) 14 RIVER TAY HEAT PUMP AND NETWORK PROJECT BUSINESS 201 - CASE 234 Report by Director (Environment) (copy herewith 16/284) 15 LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOUNDARY COMMISSION FOR 235 - SCOTLAND - FIFTH STATUTORY REVIEW OF LOCAL 242 GOVERNMENT ELECTORAL ARRANAGEMENTS IN SCOTLAND - FINAL RECOMMENDATION TO SCOTTISH MINISTERS FOR WARDS IN PERTH AND KINROSS COUNCIL AREA Report by Head of Democratic Services (copy herewith 16/285) 16 PROPOSED TIMETABLE OF MEETINGS 2017 243 - 248 Report by Head of Democratic Services (copy herewith 16/286) 17 APPOINTMENTS TO COMMITTEES/OUTSIDE BODIES The Council is asked to agree the following appointments with effect from 1 July 2016: (i) Scrutiny Committee Councillor K Baird to the Scrutiny Committee to replace Councillor A Stewart. Councillor B Vaughan as Convener of the Scrutiny Committee. Councillor K Baird as Vice-Convener of the Scrutiny Committee. (ii) Audit Committee Councillor K Baird to the Audit Committee to replace Councillor A Stewart. Councillor D Cuthbert as Convener of the Audit Committee to replace Councillor B Vaughan. Councillor B Vaughan as Vice-Convener of the Audit Committee. (iii) Lifelong Learning Committee Councillor K Baird to the Lifelong Learning Committee to replace Councillor A Stewart. (iv) Strategic Policy and Resources Committee Councillor A Livingstone to the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee to replace Councillor A Stewart. (v) Tayside Valuation Joint Board Councillor C Shiers to the Tayside Valuation Joint Board to replace Councillor A Stewart. (vi) Perth City Development Board A member from Ward 10 to the Perth City Development Board to replace Councillor A Stewart. Page 5 of 248 (vii) Perth and Kinross Sports Council Councillor C Shiers to the Perth and Kinross Sports Council to replace Councillor A Stewart. Page 6 of 248 PERTH AND KINROSS COUNCIL COUNCIL MEETING 3 18 MAY 2016 COUNCIL MEETING Minute of meeting of Perth and Kinross Council held in the Gannochy Suite, Dewars Centre, Glover Street, Perth on Wednesday 18 May 2016 at 2.00pm. Provost E Grant, Councillors H Anderson, K Baird, R Band, P Barrett, R Brock, A Cowan, I Campbell, D Cuthbert, D Doogan, B Ellis, J Flynn, A Gaunt, J Giacopazzi, C Gillies, A Grant, T Gray, K Howie, G Laing, J Kellas, A Livingstone, M Lyle, E Maclachlan, A MacLellan, D Melloy, I Miller, A Parrott, D Pover, M Roberts, W Robertson, C Shiers, L Simpson, A Stewart, H Stewart, B Vaughan, G Walker, M Williamson, W Wilson, and A Younger. In Attendance: B Malone, Chief Executive; J Fyffe, Senior Depute Chief Executive, ECS (Equality, Community Planning & Public Service Reform), J Valentine, Depute Chief Executive, Environment (Sustainability, Strategic and Entrepreneurial Development); B Atkinson, Director (Social Work and Housing), G Taylor, C Flynn, R Hughes, S Grant, S Wright, L Gowans, R Fry, S Hendry, S Rodger, K Donaldson and J Symon (all Corporate and Democratic Services), D Littlejohn, J McCrone, C Horne and F Kerr (all Environment Service); S Flanigan (Housing and Community Care); S Boyle (Audit Scotland) Apologies for Absence: Councillors M Barnacle and A Munro Provost E Grant, Presiding. 371. WELCOME AND APOLOGIES Provost Grant welcomed all those present to the meeting and apologies were submitted and noted as above Provost Grant congratulated Councillor A Stewart on his election on 5 May 2016 to be a member of the Scottish Parliament, and welcomed Councillor K Baird to her first Council meeting following her election on 7 April 2016. 372. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST There were no Declarations of Interest made in terms of the Councillors’ Code of Conduct. 373. MINUTES OF MEETINGS FOR APPROVAL AND SIGNATURE (i) The minute of the special meeting of Perth and Kinross Council of 11 February 2016 (arts. 98-102) was submitted, approved as a correct record and authorised for signature (ii) The minute of the meeting of Perth and Kinross Council of 24 February 2016 (Arts. 187-206) was submitted, approved as a correct record and authorised for signature. Page 7 of 248 PERTH AND KINROSS COUNCIL COUNCIL MEETING 18 MAY 2016 374. NOTICE OF MOTION SUBMITTED IN TERMS OF STANDING ORDER 26 Motion Councillors (A Stewart and L Simpson) This Council wishes to highlight the increasing concern of local businesses both in Perth and other towns in Perth and Kinross about the inability of the current SNP administration to show any meaningful leadership in developing and effective strategy to support businesses, including retail and tourism. This Council asks the Chief Executive to present a report to the next full meeting of the Council in June clearly identifying measures and timescales that are proposed to address these concerns; this report to form the basis for future consultation with local businesses. First Amendment (Councillors I Miller and A Parrott) Council reaffirms its previously stated commitment to support, wherever possible, the retail and tourism and wider business sector across Perth and Kinross. A report by the Depute Chief Executive (Sustainability, Strategic and Entrepreneurial Development) focussing on the particular issues in Perth City has already been commissioned and will be brought to the Enterprise and Infrastructure Committee on 1 June 2016, Strategic Policy and Resources Committee on 15 June 2016 and Council on 22 June 2016. Council recognises the changing face of retailing nationwide due to the internet and pledges to continue with our work to support retailers in adapting to the changing market Calls on all Councillors to show a united front against negative comment. Second Amendment (Councillors A MacLellan and J Flynn) The Labour Group believes this Motion is premature as we have received assurances that there will be a full report coming to the June Council meeting for approval. The Council therefore resolves to await the outcome of this report and to consider any further action necessary to support local businesses.