Leaders State Hopes & Resolutions at Con Vo
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7T The eyes of Argus are upon me, and no slip will pass unnoticed. -George Washington ILLINOIS WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY Volume 80 Bloomington, Illinois 61701, Friday, September 14, 1973 Number 1 Leaders State Hopes & Resolutions at Con vo By Bob Kamholz SAMMY SCIFRES, Assistant fare rights were identified as from the Board Room." Mr. to the detriment of the univer- Professor of Voice of Wesleyan's major Senate concerns. Schneider, an alumnus of Wes- sity community. Representatives from the stu- School of Music represented THE STUDENTS' Rights leyan, recounted his own lack Mr. Schneider stressed, dent body, the faculty, the ad- how- the faculty and sang "Fear no Statement and an appeals board of awareness of the board's ever, that ministration, and the governing such a situation does more the Heat o' the Sun" by were noted as specific proposals functions when he was an un- not necessarily mean an body of the university partici- unin- Quilter. President Eckley then through which Senate hopes to dergraduate, so he outlined the formed or unresponsive pated in Illinois Wesleyan Uni- govern- introduced Student Senate pres- deal with such concerns. form and function of the gov- ing body. Rather, versity's President's Convoca- the board ident Tom Patterson. Patterson concluded with a erning body. Citing such diverse feels that "the thoughtful coun- tion on Tuesday morning, Sep- Patterson spoke on the role bit of personal philosophy. duties as electing a university sel of the whole university tember 11. com- of a viable student senate and While conceding that the pre- president, managing endow- munity is required." In this President Eckley presided the need for it to emerge "Out sent age makes it exceedingly ment assets and granting ten- manner, the board functions to over the convocation. In a of the Wilderness." Presenting difficult to determine the valid- ure to members of the faculty, measure competing demands. speech entitled "In the Begin- personal, popular, and profess- ity of ideas, he expressed the board president Schneider also Speaking both to the faculty ning . .," President Eckley ional criticisms of Senate's role hope that the political process spoke of the conceptual basis and the student body, board welcomed both faculty and stu- and operations, Patterson noted might aid in such a determina- for the composition of the cor- president Schneider concluded dents back to the university to the student body that "we tion. On a purely personal level, porate body. Stressing that that these two groups can work and commented on the many must manage our own affairs be- Tom interpreted that statement while "the Board of Trustees with the corporate body be- changes confronting Wesleyan fore we can expect an increased as Henry Wallace did: "I may should be truly representative cause "the Board of Trustees is currently and in the near fu- role in other university affairs. not solve anything for you; but of the university community," willing to listen and learn." ture. Citing the plans for the The Senate president cited the I won't let you down, won't sell it should not be merely a bat- Finally, Schneider spoke of implementation of the course need for improved procedures you out; won't lie to you, and tleground of special interests. the need to search for and per- module system next fall as an in many areas of operations, I won't tell you one thing when Such factionalization and frac- ceive the truth. Citing the alum- example of such change, Wes- particularly the Senate budget, I mean another." tionalization result in a grasp ni of Wesleyan as representing leyan's President invites stu- and he praised the work alrea- CLIFFORD E. Schneider, the for power among interest an "aristocracy of service," Mr. dent participation in an aware- dy done in adopting a new Sen- President of the Board of Trus- groups; thus, President Schnei- Schneider expressed the hope ness of the transformations oc- ate constitution. tees of Illinois Wesleyan Uni- der expressed the opinion that that the present student popu- curring at Wesleyan. Dr. Eckley In striking a balance, how- versity, represented Wesleyan's faculty and student representa- lation of Illinois Wesleyan will concluded by noting that since ever, Patterson discussed sever- governing body with "A View tion on the board would work continue on such a course. the present generation is situa- al areas in which greater coop- ted "on a watershed of history," eration is needed between Sen- its precarious position presents ate and other segments of the a challenge to regain the con- university community. The finan- sensus in values that has been cial plight of the student, aca- so elusive in recent years. demic rights, and student wel- Koehn to Speak in Bulgaria Dr. Donald Koehn, assistant vestigators to the truth; and professor of philosophy at Illi- that to attain the truth, human nois Wesleyan University, will thought must be translated into read a paper at the 15th World the public-or action-domain. Congress of Philosophy, which "I am personally honored to will be held next week, Sept. 17- have my paper accepted for 22, in Varna, Bulgaria. this international meeting of The congress is held under philosophers," Koehn said. the auspices of the Federation "I especially welcome the op- portunity Internationale des Societes de to call attention to Philosophie (FISP) and, this the philosophy of C. S Peirce, not because year, "under the high patronage he was an Ameri- of Todor Zhivkov, President of can philosopher, but because the State Council of the Peo- the universal appeal of his phil- ple's Republic of Bulgaria." osophy is not sufficiently rec- ognized beyond America's This will be the first time shores," he added. "By listen- the coigress has been held in ing to others, I shall have the an Iron Curtaid ceuntry. unique opportunity to consider The paper, "Logic, Truth and, points of view of those from Action in Peirce's First Public other countries that I have neg- Statement of Pragmatism," will lected." be read Thursday during the And he concluded, "National- Faculty Art Exhibit to part of the agenda called Open Sunday Prob- ism should have no place in lematica II-Language, Logic philosophy any more than it An exhibition of art by the for the first time at Wesleyan, during the school and Action. year in the should have in science. Philoso- faculty of the Illinois Wesleyan will have about 10 oil paintings Merwin Gallery. Peirce is considered by phil- phy should be universal and the University School of Art Will of landscapes, seascapes and The schedule is as follows: osophers to be the founder of world congresses provide insti- open at 1 p.m. Sunday, Septem- space. Brian will exhibit litho- Oct. 14-26, Monnett Experi- pragmatism, the United State's tutional recognition of that ber 16, in the Merwin Gallery graphs, pen and ink drawings mental Aircraft; Nov. 2-21, San distinctive contribution to the ideal." of the new art building of the and a letterpress and lithograph. Francisco Bay Area Printmakers history of Western philosophy, A native of Danville, Alice Millar Center for the Koehn Fine McCullough will have four Show; Nov. 25-Dec. 14, The De- and the greatest American graduated from the University Arts. pencil drawings and six steel sign Necessity: A Smithsonian thinker who ever lived. of Illinois and both received a The exhibition will be open and wood sculptures. McNeil Institution Exhibition; Jan. 13- Koehn's paper deals with the master's and doctor's degrees free to the public through Oct- will exhibit a selection of paint- 26, Second Annual Illinois High relationships of the basic ideas from that institution. He holds ober 10 during the new gallery ings, drawings, lithographs and School Art Exhibition; Feb. 10- of Peirce's first an additional public state- master's degree hours-1-4 and 7-9 p.m. Tues- a ceramic sculpture. 28, Bloomington-Normal Art As- ment on pragmatism-validity, from the University of Chicago. day through Sunday. sociation Amateur Exhibition; truth, reality and action. Peirce He is a member of Phi Beta Mrs. Kohn will have ceram- Mar. 7-21, Chicago Area Show; believed that valid reasoning is Kappa and Phi Kappa Phi. Members of the faculty are ics, drawings and collages on Mar. 24-Apr. 14, Albion College the basic idea of philosophy; Koehn also is a member of William Lee, director, Fred exhibition. Thompson will ex- Student Exchange Exhibition; that there are real things, the the American Philosophical As- Brian, Ed McCullough, Bart Mc- hibit several oil and acrylic Apr. 16-May 17, Bachelor of reality of which consists in the sociation, American Association Neil, Mrs. Donna Kohn and Wal- paintings. Fine Arts Degree Exhibition; fact that, in the long run, valid of University Professors and ter Thompson. The faculty exhibit will be and Summer 1974, School of Art reasoning will lead human in- the Charles S. Peirce Society. Lee, who will be exhibiting the first of 10 shows scheduled Student Exhibition. Page 2 THE ARGUS-Illinois Wesleyan University, Friday, September 14, 1973 _ , I HR C Sponsors Slogan Contest The Bloomington Human Rela- the slogan. Remember the slo- 8. No Human Relations Com- Saint's Column tions Commission and Associa- gan is more important than the mission person or family mem- tion of Commerce & Industry of design; however, every entry ber is eligible to enter. I II~ McLean County are sponsoring must have both. Keep in mind The Bloomington Human Re- When a student comes back swered adequately, which is not a slogan and poster contest to that the slogan should be as lations Commission endeavors to Wesleyan after a summer of surprising, simply because it determine the official slogan for short as possible.