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KENAI PENINSULA BOROUGH RESOLUTION 98-072 (Substitute) Introduced by: O'Brien I ~e-.J~I ~ Date: 09/01/98 ~ Action: Vote: KENAI PENINSULA BOROUGH RESOLUTION 98-072 (Substitute) A RESOLUTION ENCOURAGING THE USE OF THE PORTS OF HOMER AND SEWARD AS PORTS OF CALL FOR THE MN KENNICOTT DURING 1999 AND SUBSEQUENT YEARS WHEREAS, the M/V KENNICOTT's inaugural year serving Southcentral Alaska is Quickly coming to an end and scheduling for the KENNICOTT for the 1999 season will be occurring very soon; and WHEREAS, previous discussions with state officials indicated that ifthe traveling public would use the Port of Homer and could fill the ferry to capacity at Homer, then Homer would be considered as a port of call; and WHEREAS, two ports on the Kenai Peninsula, Seward and Homer, have the port facilities and passenger capabilities to support the ferry operation; and WHEREAS, it is beneficial for the Kenai Peninsula to provide entry into the State that allows the traveling public access to the Kenai Peninsula and Southcentral Alaska, cmd convenient access to Southeast Alaska for central and southern Kenai Peninsula travelers; and WHEREAS, Ports ofCall at Homer and Seward would offer entry ports into the State that pro\iide access to the Kenai Peninsula and Southcentral Alaska to the traveling public; and ./(A.-A,"".( ::~,~<J~"A ~ WHEREAS, the PortS ofHomer provide. convenient access to Southeast Alaska for central and southern peninsula travelers; and ,_ .,.­ '7 /' ; .-' If ,. t J( ~ c/.. ) ~L) L,,"-,,~ ...\ _ ~ l I' {A",.\.. {l (..1)., '<_ J ........../'-'- c,.~; WHEREAS, the Port ofHomer has the facilities to easily accommodate the KENNICOTT and its passengers; and \VHEREAS, ticketing authorities have indicated that it would not be difficult to reach capacity with Homer-based travelers; and WHEREAS~.tlr€'Iiortof.Seward proyides·t:olivetti~nt access to,Sootheast Alaska for ceIl.tra1-apd .. -' eastern peninsura:"iisw~ll as SouthcentrafAIasKatravelers; and "'" WHEREAS, Seward has proven effective in filling to capacity the new ferry vessel KENNICOTT on two port of call visits, and this trend is projected to continue; and Kenai Peninsula Borough, Alaska Resolution 98-072 (Substitute) Page I of2 f' -, I 0-n'r- ~ C ~1 1-1 ~ t <; ~~-;v 'cu",- / WHEREAS, S@!!!!Iis-involved in a dock expansion projecPin conjunction with the Alaska Mamne Highway System which will result in Knew ferry terminaland docking f~or preferential moorage; 4- ) ~_- r.. n~ r o. -. '-'-1 _.'-~ ; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE ASSEMBLY OF THE KENAI PENINSULA BOROUGH: SECTION 1. That all efforts be made and all consideration be given to making the Port ofHomer a port of call for the M/V KENNICOTT. SECTION 2. That all efforts be made and all consideration be given to continuing the use of the Port of Seward as a port of call for the M/V KENNICOTT. SECTION 3. That copies ofthis resolution be provided to the City ofHomer, the City ofSeward, Speaker ofthe House Phillips, Senator Torgerson and Joseph Perkins, Commissioner ofthe Alaska Department ofTransportation and Public Facilities. SECTION 4. That Commissioner Perkins is hereby requested to consider implementing a marine highway schedule that includes Homer as a port of call, beginning with the 1999 schedule. SECTION 4. That this resolution shall take effect upon adoption. ADOPTED BY THE ASSEMBLY OF THE KENAI PENINSULA BOROUGH THIS 1ST DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1998. Jack Brown, Assembly President ATTEST: Linda S. Murphy, Borough Clerk Resolution 98-072 (Substitute) Kenai Peninsula BoroUgh, Alaska Page 2 of2 90% ofthe spruce trees are dead. 5% ofthe live trees are poor ill quality or tightly bunched toget~. 5% are alive and healthy trees. between 10 to 25 years old. These trees should be saved and transplanted to a desirable location. 1 YEAR This area has just been logged. Circle DP's use ofthe feller buncher and grapple skidder to remove the trees and limbs. Ther by cutting the clean-up tum:: in half 2 YEARS This land was timbered two years ago. The grass has taken over and cattle have grazed it twice this summer. Without the stumps removed only livestock can utilize the land. SYEARS This field is in its third year ofgrass production. Extreme care was taken to save th soil and its hurnas and nutrients. We harvest over 2 ton of bay per acre and pasture cattle on it ? C2/Cd, SEP-Ol-98 rUE 14:2; KENAI PENN BORa CLERK FAX NO. 9072828615 /~..... ,// • "",\ , / \ .-. I A~~"AL!,NIS ' ..... ---------./ r~.c 3m: 34.0 • 10639 l-i'eMi Spur HUiY • KenOl, A!osko 99011 • (907) 2'83-3314 70: kscmbly Presiol,,;rlC Ja~k Brown :vlemoers of the A.ssembly DATi: AuS!:Ust 31. 1998 SUBJECT: Site Rccre;acion Ua:n<;,e Rr.newal We at Alask:l.l3I1es siYe no excuse for the delay in paying oUt CWTent tax bill. \Vha. Alaskala."!~~ i~ ::l<; for is :itce to bring our back tQ.x(,'S CLL"t".;nt by October 23rd . and Still use our license. (f.this request is denied it would th~ rr...1uiet anOt1er 45 d:l~ My)nd that. This would Ix due to r~CtlUI:~ lo:st from lack of alcohol ~a)t:S. Bowling r<:venues in general are seasonal and our season traditionally <:'~l'1:S the week ofl<&bor day. We have bee:l in thi.~ pCl~i6")n befo~e a.,d have a1'.vay>. hrought the debt currer.t, On another nOl~ of info::mation Which you mayor Clay not remember. on O<;tobcr n, I<fQti wI.' w~i\.'ed ~ leeter in which yov forgave bac;" taxc;s never !eIJ,)l'l~U b,.· 2 bowlilg cent(;I'!>. We qucstioned that decision ,vith newl) clc~Led Mayor, the hOT'lortlblc Me Mik..:: Nanare. Althoug.h nothing CV(.T came ot'ihl; Ilj~c~siun the '2 centers :n question receiver. a hea [thy tax break. The C()n~erviltive figures WE: ~~. quoting ~m~jl1~~t £:)r tlle OC'lt cente!' S9S,000.00 b fC'L k<!~U.l; ~l~s enl)' slncc 198J. lfwe h:l.d done :.h, sam.: tHng OVER $30,000.00 WOulcJ have been in OUI pockets. We our not 3SklnJ; fol' any reli<:f other than time. It "oul'l plc::~c us to receive any suppon ir. this marter. p, c~:/o~ SEP-Ol-9g rUE 14:28 KENAI PENN BORO CLERK FAX NO. 9072628615 ~, s:-~\ KENAI PENINSULA BOROUGH \. 1"" 144 ."J. BINKLEY • SOLUOHJA. ALASKA • 9966G 75Dg '. L.L...., .\. ~op..- ~~ 8U~iNESS (907) 262·444 T FAX (907)262·' B92 'F~ , .~. ~ ...... """-. -o,pJI" • MIKE NAVARRE MAVOR ()u()b~r 2:-l. : ()'i6 1"0: _\!1 bo\vling tstablishI11~nt~ ;H1d Lcugucs Subject: Applicability of KPB Cod~ Secti v:1 5.18.430. (Over :$500.00 Sales) as they llpplv to bo-.ylll1S ,:st",bli:;ll1l,-':I.l::>. DeM Bllsin~::.:; owner: [t ha<; cnm<> tn th", atte"tion 0f th.. b.)I'Ou;;h t!wt at ;C..:l~l L\'I'll iJ rille (our bo\.v!i ng eSl(\bli~!1menr.s located on the Kenai Pen:nsula Borough ~fe giving ovel' $500.00 treo.tmcnt ro the I<:'<.lgues \\ Ijldl bowl at .hei~· pluces of bU:SiI1css. f\fli~r carer'ul review the borough has made the fol:owing tinclings and l.:onclusions: Fjnding~ of f~~ct I) I::<.H.:\1 league bo\-vtet LlSlllllly pays tor his:h~r own bowlit~g through the lei:lgw: s~creIary. ::::i Il1 ucdition ~ach bu\,",'ler muy contribute tCl I h~ li'<lgU~ 8.n addi ti()n~l t:lm.oullt for trophies, priz~:; and 01' Zln epd () f Sl;:lSOn banquet. 3) Al1lUllll.:; r~;"lllir'C'L[ by the l-owling ¢stilbli:slllllClll luI' bowling :1re then remitted by the lengue )ecretnry 4) The ~(j(1 !tiOll<.ll Jmounts collected by th~ kn.gue ~~(:r~'tary over the cost (1 f bowl ing. if 'Lny, are rc:'tailled by [he lea~ll~ ~;~(;ret'lt·:v. S) The leagut: has no r:lOnty excepl \"hal is ~i\c1 it by the in(.:ividllal bowler [or tbe specific rn1rpo.:e ()~' pClying b~."" Illig f~";:5 LInd ta!H.;; 1l:~'Ig..l~ ctarges.,:etc.). 6) Tll~ leagues are n~ithcr for pro tit bll"incsse~ nor non-profit busine$:;es qllulifying under IRS ('ode :'.cctlnl"\ SOjrc){)) r.:s cxent[Jl. l.ilW! 1) [he person v.b) p<Jys [11:: bill ili. Lll:: l:1.ISW:1ler, purchaser ()!' b~!yer. ( Se~ blc.Ll:k's la\v dictionary fifth ¢'.iltion Page:; 348, 1\11, o.nd 181. Tllcse lo.:l'l11S are lISed il1lel'c!umgeo!J/J' in Iht,; ordim!l1('" .?l Kft3 Ordil7w7Ce Seuirm ~.18A~U ComputMion -l\lfl~imllm t.,x. The tax shall be applied on:y to th~ first 5500.)0 or each :separalt: ~uk, rem. or s¢rvice tl"un3'lI.;tion, except ..1S otbel \" ise provided in this se~li[)n CnncllliOjOrl: ). It is tile inGJ vilJunJ ))mv}l'f5 HJW :m:. jn 1:)(1. {1:/yi17:J liw !a(11! dHlt'g0S. sl1llC rentaL etc .. not th~ !<:"leUC, In Llddl(IU:l. it i:s ll1(: il~dj\'iliLlal !.'l)wkr \VliO is n:i.:~:ving rile senir:es ofth~ bowling l:stablish:11ent nnd enjoying th~ pr!\'i!i;!.!e ()f !.1o'.,,!:ng 1'or;) f(~l~ IKH lh~ bowiin!4 leo.gue. FAX NO. 9072628615 P. 04/04 SEP-Ol-9g rUE 14:29 KENAI PENN BORG CLERK 2. The secretary is merely actinG as .1 conduit for the payment of the individual h(m1~rs bne ~ha.rgc3. The D.111(JWll of mOlley given to the bo\vling estahlishment by the leo.gui; secretary is entirely taxable because no individual bowler's sale is in ~xcC'ss of$500.00.
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