Product Data Sheet
PRODUCT DATA SHEET SanDry ™ CLAY DESICCANT S-BAG Complete Protection Made Simple SanDry ™ Clay Desiccant is significantly developed that pr ovides high water adsorption capacity. The adsorption capacity will reach up to 40% of its own weight. This exhibits to a proportional decrease in the quantity weight and sm aller bags size with cost effective solution . Clay Desiccant is Environment-Friendly as natural o ccurring mineral. Bagged desiccant are intended for use in removing m oisture from air in the package and closed spaces to prevent corrosion, mold, mildew and oxidat ion. PACKING SPECIFICATION Bag Weight Packing per Box Packing per Tin Product Code Dim ension (gram) 320x320x305(mm) 230x230x350(mm) L x W (mm) XX-0001ZB 1 50 x 30 6,000 5,000 L XX-0002ZB 2 60 x 30 5,000 3,000 XX-0003ZB 3 70 x 30 3,000 2,500 XX-0005ZB 5 60 x 45 2,000 1,500 XX-0010ZB 10 65 x 60 1,200 800 XX-0020ZB 20 90 x 60 600 500 W PRODUCT SPECIFICATION PRODU C T Brand Name SanDry™ Clay Desiccant Trade Name Clay Desiccant Bag Bag Type 3-side seal DESICC AN T Trade Name Clay Desiccant Chemical Name Montmorillonite Clay Appearance Beaded Mesh Size 2-4mm Color Red Brown Granules Adsorption Capacity at 25 ℃ 20% RH 12-13% wt. 40% RH 19-21% wt. 90% RH 45-55% wt. SUBSTRATE Material Net Paper OneWay Melfit Waxy Tyvek® Code (XX) NP OW MF WX TV ST AN D AR D Manufactured in accordance with MIL-3464E Type I & II, BS 7529 APPLICATION Small hermetic seal package (approximate <1ft 3 ) INDUS TRY Machine parts, Semiconductor electronics, Optical devices, Tools, Weapons, Cameras, Medical equipments, Military inst ruments and Armaments, Pharmaceuticals, Food stuffs, Museum stora ge etc.
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