CHALCIDOIDEA 15 GN Euxanthellus SLvTr 1915 3

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CHALCIDOIDEA ���� 15 G�N�� Euxanthellus S�Lv��Tr�� 1915 �3 n f lnd Editorial Advisory Group (appointments made on a rotational basis) MEMES A EOMOOGY DIVISION Department of Scientific and Industrial Research Mount Albert Research Centre Private Bag, Auckland, New Zealand Ex officio Director — Mr J. F. Longworth Leader, Systematics Group — Dr B. A. Holloway Co - opted from within Systematics Group Dr T. K. Crosby, Dr G. W. Ramsay UIESIIES EESEAIE Dr R. M. Emberson Entomology Department, Lincoln College Canterbury, New Zealand MUSEUMS EESEAIE Dr J. C. Yaldwyn Director, National Museum of New Zealand Private Bag, Wellington, New Zealand OVERSEAS EESEAIE Dr J. F. Lawrence CSIRO Division of Entomology G.P.O. Box 1700, Canberra City A.C.T. 2601, Australia Series Editor Mr C T. Duval Systematics Group, Entomology Division prtnt οf Sntf nd Indtrl rh Mount Albert Research Centre Private Bag, Auckland, New Zealand n f lnd br 1 Chldd (Int nptr — ntrdtn nd rv f nr n llr fl S Entl prtnt rth M (trl tr Crll d ndn SW7 5 Enlnd E W lntn 1 Entl vn prtnt f Sntf nd Indtrl rh Mt Albrt rh Cntr rvt Alnd lnd l nt ll rprntd n lnd — And Aphlnd Chldd Eld Epld Ertd rlpd ttd Snphrd rd nd rhrtd; l Mrtd Mrtd 1rnt ddr Snt ll d 1 Uppr Mtr ln lnd Cataloguing-in-publication citation NOVES, S Chldd (Int nptr — ntrdtn nd rv f nr n l- lr fl / S EW lntn - Wllntn SI blhn 199 (n f lnd ISS 111-533 ; n 1 IS 77-55-5 I lntn EW II tl III Sr UC 595793(931 Date of publication: see cover of subsequent numbers Suggested form of citation S; lntn EW 199 Chldd (Int nptr — ntrd- tn nd rv f nr n llr fl Fauna of New Zealand [no.] 18. Fauna of New Zealand prprd fr pbltn b th Sr Edtr n ptr- bd txt prn lt nd lr prntr thnl h Edtrl Advr Grp nd th Sr Edtr nld th flln -prtn DSIR PUBLISHING: r rft — prvn f prdtn nd dtrbtn Mr C Mtth - tn th prdtn nd rtn MOUNT ALBERT RESEARCH CENTRE, DSIR: M M d — tn th pblt nd dtrbtn r Crn - rtl pprl f MS ntrbtn Mr W lr - tn th prprtn f rtr Mr M tr - phtrdtn f ln lltrtn Front cover. h nt dptd r Rotoita basalis, fl (bv nd Palaeomymar nlr, fl (bl © Crn Cprht blhd b SI blhn O x 971 Wllntn lnd ASAC Α prntd t th fftn fl f Chldd nd th n f Mrtd nn fr lnd Eh fl hrtrd b brf dn Whr nr th nn lnd nr f tlv fl — vz And Aphlnd Chldd Eld Epld Ertd rlpd ttd Snphrd rd rhrtd nd Mrtd — r d Eh n dnd nd ll- trtd th ln drn f t lt n rprnttv p t r prvdd n dtrbtn nd ht nd th nn ht tn f th lnd hldd fn r rd n ppndx tbl Sp r pld n frt-thr tblhd nr nd n n n prpd n th rhrtd rdl rd nd hll t r nnd th trptrx Wtd (Aphlnd CECKIS O AA Gn Eutrichosomella Grlt 1915 3 •• Sprfl CHALCIDOIDEA 15 Gn Euxanthellus Slvtr 1915 3 • l AGAONIDAE 15 philippiae Slvtr 1915 Gn Herodotia Grlt 1931 1 Gn Pteroptrix Wtd 133 3 subatriventris (Grlt = rdl rd n nn Gn Pleistodontes Sndr 13 1 = hll t n nn imperialis Sndr 13 • l CHALCIDIDAE 24 • l APHELINIDAE 17 Gn Antrocephalus Krb 13 5 Gn Ablerus rd 19 19 Gn Brachymeria Wtd 13 5 Gn Aphelinus ln 1 . 20 phya (Wlr 13 abdominalis (ln 1 rubrifemur (Grlt 1913 asychis Wlr 139 teuta (Wlr 131 gossypii brl 193 Gn Proconura dd 1915 5 humilis Mrt 19 mali (ldn 1 subflavescens (Wtd 137 • l ELASMIDAE 26 Gn Aphytis rd 19 20 Gn Elasmus Wtd 133 chilensis rd 19 chrysomphali (Mrt 191 • l ENCYRTIDAE ( n 13 diaspidis (rd 11 ignotus Cpr 1955 • l EULOPHIDAE 7 mytilaspidis ( rn 17 Gn Cales rd 197 1 Gn Centrodora örtr 17 1 • l EUPELMIDAE 28 scolypopae lntn 19 Gn Eupelmus ln 1 3 xiphidii (rn 19 =lndn Grl Gn Coccophagoides Grlt 1915 1 antipoda Ahd 19 Gn Coccophagus Wtd 133 22 cyaneus (Grl 19 gurneyi Cpr 199 Gn Eusandalum tzbr 15 3 ochraceus rd 195 barteli (Grl 19 scutellaris (ln 15 Gn Macroneura Wlr 137 3 Gn Encarsia örtr 17 22 vesicularis (tz 173 citrina (Cr 191 =n (Wlr 139 formosa Ghn 19 Gn Tineobius Ghn 197 31 koebelei (rd 19 pergandiella rd 197 • l EURYTOMIDAE 31 perniciosi (r 1913 Gn Axanthosoma Grlt 1913 33 -5— Gn rhph Ahd 1 33 Gn Ufn Grlt 1911 7 (Crn 191 lr n n 7 bb (hn 135 lt n p 7 rdd Gv 1933 Gn Stl Wlr 13 33 • • Sprfl MYMAOMMAOIEA fnl Ottn 191 • l MYMAOMMAIAE Gn tr Wlr 1 3 Gn lr Mnr 191 lnr (Wlr 13 nlr (lntn 19 • l MYMAIAE ( n 17 3 • l EIAMIAE 35 COES Gn Atrtx Grlt 199 35 Anldnt hl 19 Intrdtn 7 rph rltnhp • l EOMAIAE 3 ll ntrl n lnd 9 Clltn nd prrvtn 9 • l OOIIAE 37 nt hrtr nd rphl 11 Gn tt 197 37 K t fl 13 bl 197 rptn ( `Chlt f tx 15 frn 9 • l SIGIOIAE 37 Appndx bl 1-3 t tn 5 Gn Chrtr Mthl 159 3 Illtrtn 3 Gn Snphr Ahd 1 3 xn ndx 9 flvpllt Ahd 1 rt Mlntt 1917 • l OYMIAE 39 ACKOWEGMES Gn dntr Ghn 191 W r rtfl t ll t SI Entl lnfll (Grlt 1917 vn th Mntr f Arltr nd hr - Gn Mt ln 1 nd nvrt fr prvdn pn nd fr lt (Sdr 1795 tn n vr Spl thn r d t nd- prtrph Whtl 193 vdl h ntnd Ml trp drn th r Gn htd Grlt 1913 nd tn f 19-1 rbr rrtt (MA t - Gn drn Spnl 111 1 lnd CO; nd Anntt Crt t Cbb rvr ; Gn rd Wlr 171 1 rn d t St Arnd tt ; d n t ntpd (Krb 13 Knh Kr ; d Klnpt (MA t t- Gn r ln 1 1 rn AK; Wll Khl (SI t nfld AK; hn vrn (Wlr 133 nrth (SI t rnhd AK; d Mfrln (SI t r ll n nnl MC; tr • l ICOGAMMAIAE Mddn (SI t trn AK; rnd M (SI t Gn Aphlnd Grlt 1911 AK; t Qnn t p MK; Gr Gn rh Strnd 19 (SI t trn AK; nd tr Wtt (SI t Mnr Gn thrr örtr 15 h lrtn rth WI h trp lltn pr- Gn Mphr brl 193 5 vdd lr prprtn f th pn vlbl fr Gn Olt Wlr 151 5 td l Mnnn pnt th r f 19-1 nd Gn drn Ghèr 19 5 191- rtn th nptr fr trp lltn Gn rhr Wtd 133 5 W r prtlrl rtfl t Anntt Wlr h rn- fnlt Crvr 197 d th Ml trppn prvd thnl r n th Gn rhrtd Grlt 191 rtn f lltn nd rrnd nd t prt n fld btr rj 1979 lltn trp hn r l d t th rt f Gn rhrt Grlt 191 th rth M (trl tr r A Mnd —- (ΜΗ nd Mr nrth (SI fr flttn Chld r n f th t prtnt rp n ppld 1-r xhn vt t lnd nd t Mr S bll ntrl ( 195 nd hv bn dl dl fr h prt n th xhn nll r d h n lnd ( bl Mn p rtfl t r fr h hlp n dntfn n f ntrdd fr th prp hv b tblhd th hld ltd bl fr h nt n th n- fftv prtd f nt pt f rltr nd rpt nd fr lln t nfrtn fr h thn hrtltr ( bl Svrl xt p hv npblhd nrpt n th Atrln nr f r- b tblhd dntll prbbl ftr bn tn fl f Chldd prtd th plnt trl h hld n b td th dfd nvrnnt h rdn r th xt plnt nd pl n prtnt prt n ltn th dvlpnt f ptntll dn nt S hld r pt b f thr phtph IOUCIO hbt r xpl Ertd dvlp n th h prfl Chldd vr lr rp f pr- d f rd lvr lrn nd nd thr d t nptr nldn rld-d nrl th t f r drbd p ( 197 h r ll rprntd Gvn thr prtn t rltr nd hrtltr n n nrl ll prt f th rld bt t rp thn th lnd t rprn tht lttl h bn pb- prfl ppr t b t dvr n th trp h lhd n th lnd hld fn Expt fr f jrt f hld r ll r vr ll nd n hv drptn f n nr nd p — b Wlr (139 trnl lptrd ntnt vn trnl tll Krb (13 Ahd (19 19 Crn (191 bl rn brnz r prpl hn hr lrtn brl (191 199 Ghn (19 197 Grl lptr nd rt rphll dvrt th (19 n (191 Krrh (19 Krrh Yh- n f th t vrd nd ttrtv rp f n- t (19 h lntn (199b 1971 nd ptr lntn (19 1971- r nld h bn ltd h prfl hr ndrd t pr tnt t f ppr pblhd b Grl (193b Mllr fl th Mrtd bn trtd prt (1935 Cbr (1959 nd lntn (193 197 197 prfl th Mrtd ( p vr 1971b hh r lrl nrnd th th ntrdd th lt f vrl f th fl r prl dfnd fn In ll p ntl 19 pblhd nfrtn n th dffrnt rr rnn dffrnt nbr f f- lnd fn dl th nl 75 nr nd 9 l; (197 rnd nl nn fl nd p ( Appndx bl l (195 rnd n tnt-fr h prnt td bd lt ntrl n trl fl hh h ltd n th lnd Arthrpd Chld prbbl xhbt rtr rn f bll Clltn (AC hld b SI Entl vn dvrt thn n thr prfl f nptr n Alnd nd fr n xtnv Ml trp nd rt Mt p r prtd bt rp f p-nt rv n bth th rth nd Sth lnd p n vrl fl r phtph And drn 19 nd 191 Althh blv tht th dvlp nl n f nd phtph p l r trl rprnttv pl f th hld t b n th Elphd Ertd trld nt- fnd n lnd lr r rn pr- td nd rd tvl prl rvd r xpl vr lttl trl rtd bl ttn t t lbrt xprn h bn n fr th Mnt Ent r (K r fr n th Chldd hr r ltr nd rr th trn nd ntrl rth Ilnd p; tprtd nd ndprtd; prr h ntrbtn rv t nr lvl th lvn ndr nd trtr prtd; plbrn p- fl f Chldd nd Mrtd hh ; nd p th plndl lrv S p r r rprntd n lnd b lvn r fr nr xtrl plph hr thr ppr t b vr K t th nr f th rnn fl rrn n ht-pf All tr t f ht r ttd th lnd brn r nldd thr n prt fr th (hh b prtd b p f ntrbtn t th `n f lnd r (En- Mrd rhrtd Elphd Enrtd rtd — 19; Mrd - lntn r Aphlnd t th pp (ttd b vrl rp f 199 r n rv f th Atrln nr f hld trld n prtlr Chld tt n xtrl xldn Eld Enrtd Aphlnd Snphr- brd rn f ht nldn vrtll ll ndptrt d Mrd nd rhrtd b r rdr n xptrt nd rhnd (19 —7- ae umes o secies (S a geea (Ge o ae 2 Summay o oogeogaic eaiosis o Cacioiea a Mymaommaoiea i ew eaa, geea o Cacioiea kow om ew eaa.
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