Lowing Seven Mandatory Subject Areas, Or “Elements:”
SEASIDE GENERAL PLAN UPDATE EXISTING CONDITIONS REPORT Prepared by: Raimi + Associates - Project Lead Rincon Consultants, Inc. Lisa Wise Consulting, Inc. TJKM Veronica Tam and Associates Inc. Whitson Engineers TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION 2. DEMOGRAPHICS AND SOCIO-ECONOMIC CHARACTERISTICS 3. MARKET AND ECONOMICS 4. LAND USE 5. COMMUNITY DESIGN 6. TRANSPORTATION + PARKING 7. HOUSING CONDITIONS 8. PARKS AND PUBLIC FACILITIES 9. CONSERVATION AND NATURAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 10. HAZARD, AIR QUALITY, AND NOISE 11. UTILITY INFRASTRUCTURE 12. HEALTH CONDITIONS 1. Introduction The City of Seaside is embarking on a significant and exciting multi-year effort to develop a new General Plan. This Existing Conditions Report is an initial step in the Seaside 2040 General Plan update planning process. The report will help inform the City of Seaside Aerial View. update of the General Plan, which serves as the City’s long-term blueprint for important topics such as land use, mobility, conservation, infrastructure, community character, and quality of life. This report provides background information about the Seaside General Plan Update, including the purpose of the document, City history, a description of the planning area, and information about General Plans. It also includes a range of information and data about the demographic, physical, natural, economic, and transportation conditions in Seaside. It is intended to document the baseline conditions in the City of Seaside, while also providing contextual comparisons with Monterey County and California where applicable. Data and information in the document were collected from a variety of sources, including statistics from the U.S. Census, conversations with community leaders, and City staff.
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