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' ,. ..' 24 10c Pages Eumb Ctmmtu leader A Copy E24 JTTLEFIELD, LAMB CO., MXAS, TlfUKSDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1957 NUMBER 27 karly C-- C News 'Business Analysis' InETTV WILLIAMS few bo less com-- would ' his I mink stole out of Lists 29 Littlefield Needs nn vour morale, I" this month's bills i- - ..a win say kiuui-- I. and e don't need the Study Lists Imitations oi nrooi iik Quota - Vote L things we can't nf- YULETIDE SEASON GOES Lwe n,i I Insoected it Good, Iiday, and Roby says On Cotton miO FULL SWING HERE City's ildwl when ne gsis i" sit-rec- he will bo happy just k Littlef ield will get "all lit up" heie Friday night as under a tree some- - tho Clulstmas season plunges into full swing. Set Dec. 10 Mayor Ellis Foust and the award-winnin- g Littlefield Bad Points dm to trade her mansion High School band will kick-of- f the season by turning on link stole. Clulstmas decorations throughout the business district. Cotton producers of Lamb The decorations, including strings of lights along The Chamber of Commerce iik the United Fund County will vote Dec. 10 to help Phelp Avenue, will be on 7 p.m. Tuesday listed Littlefleld's 29 turned at biggest headed for success. The determine whether or not mar- They were put up through efforts of the city, the "needs" after study of a keting quotas will in recently completed cli- are coming In well and be effect Chamber of Commerce and Southwestern Public Service "business nut's a foot! barometer on their 19J8 ciop, County ASC Co. mate analysis." Manager The Chamber's report came to expect when the big Lamar Atcn announced The Friday night send-of- f will signal the opening of i th's week. after eight committees complet- s underway nest week. Christmas bujing in Littlefield stores, too. parts of survey. u are so pleased at It will be tho twelfth time that Merchants here are loaded with a variety of Yuletldc ed their the icgis-leir- Questions were through- a of Helping wiih only the nation's gioweis hoe d gifts, stoied up through a long hnrvest season. asked - out the city on these topics: r a ear that we're de- their choice on the ques- A huge Dollar Day Is planned Monday, backing up fie PLANNING CIIKISTMAS l'AKTY Memliura the Teen To;vn student boanl Llttfefield community purogresslveness, gov- to make It a success. of at tion. 's slogan of "Have More Fun Get More Done High look over Christmas cards to get Ideas decorating' ... ernment, labor people, for the Community Center for Teen Marketing quotas have been in .. Shop Early. Shop Littlefield for Christmas." relations, Town's labor costs, community karing gave a fine even- - annual Christmas party. The event Is scheduled Dec. 20. to right are Charlotte effect for the last four crops. will be put on parking meters throughout the services Webb, Margo Williams, Vaughn, Billy lff Sacks and Interta'nment Saturda Konnle Webb, I'atila Caiuiilckle, Charles Dual, Larry Last December, 92.4 per cent of city all of next week. facilities, Cox and Caret Bcllomy. Duval is president of the board. (Staff I'ho(o) the furmcrs voting approved quo- message "Merry Christmas Institutions and business The sacks will carry a of citizenship. under protest that we tas for Uie 1957 cotton crop. the parking is on the house Compliments of the City of there. Somehow, he Two-third- s of the voters must of Commerce." Recommendations included a Littlefield and the Chamber new for y.'rstand the logic of favor quotas, if they arc to re- CTaus will make his annual visit Friday, Dec. brochure the city for 29 Ballots Santa its drive for industry, studies of miles and paying AreaToTake Time Out main effective. The f'r3t referen- 6. at 4 p.m., when the annual Christmas Parade will be liars to dum, w.is held In 1938. available plant sites, and othef 1 sec the same held. items designed can sec on television Under legislative provisions, to bring industry Returned In the Secretary of Agriculture here. must proclaim An urban renewal (slum clear- r i'I heln much when I a national market- ance) program It the For Thanksgiving Day ing quota and a national acreage for Littlefield additional attract' C-- C also was nowhere and sceine all Election allotment for upland cotton Cat Cagers Open called a need. I clothes the audience is Llttlcficld and Lamb County offices will close for the day. Most whenever he finds that the total Street Paving Needed Chamber Commerce offi- I However, by the time will take time out for furkcy and stores in the area nIj.o will bz of supply the normal sup Among other recommendations Saturday Thanksgiving cials counted 29 ballots in ply. were more paving, nicht. he Thursday with closed. the street a new - bet-te- Ivd he mliiht as well be most area residents planning to s election of four new dlrcc- - The total supply of upland cot- hotel or motel fcr'The city,- r 1957-5- 8 Drills port about it. havo! n Dr. Lee Ilcmphlli, pastor,, of ton for the .marketing Basketball traffic planning, a better visitors or trins. Upm uVvoling closed Mo'ifvj yediWs 23.C Llttlelleld's Wildcat cageis, The Wildcats were scheduled to golf In Sam kidded the Ajplty-wld- e Thanksg,lylng wor; estimated at mil- course, new swimming pool Iaf a. open their season last night, lilt who Vus selling the rvitebuiu or uie erection win do lion Toinnlng bales and the nor- bint on making respectable , anrt an FFA nnrl 4.H f.irm deliver tho sermon,1 fn Every C-- season; mectirieWhitharral PapUwrs at wnen she told him field 10' In announced later, Manager mal supply, that needed for do- showing""thls vpened , ThaChanfoer'came 'up at a.m. Jio First e ith ' thing give Thanks," at the city-wid- Whltharral. 75c. he said he didn't Methodist Church. Jdck Lacy said. mestic uses, for cxpqrts and a 30 workouts Monday under a new these and other "heeds' alter1' Thanksgiving service. Kenneth Clapp. open sched- - dozen, r . one was Several area towns also have Up for election to four posts per cent carryover, reserve, is coach, The Cats their home studying answers to more than tlf estimated ot 17.6 million bales. I aRC' 150 questions. planned community Thanksgiv- Rev. Harry Vanderpool, pas- were Glenn Batson, Dr. Glenn Eight iettermen were In the .Fr,diaylln re,t.urn really Thus, the prospective total sup- - ment Only an It found that community snucaled when ing dinners. tor of the-- First Methodist Burk, Tom Ililbun, fold as practice sessions began. the got Howard. Illv ovcnoils Ihn nnrmnl cnnnUr hv .A Kam0 Js glaled wl(h u to Isn't well seated r, diversified industrial fe and ht The Emmanuel Lutheran Home, R. W. Mauley, C. H. Mes-sc- qr--, Church, will preside over anomer try were long-rang- wt program the 'about 5.6 million bales, quo- - uacK lor begin at 7:45 p.m. at the high ly, doesn't have a e pro- thi llehtt Church In Llttlcficld also will Kenneth G. A. and It. He's service. Reast and las lor 1958 crop of upland wards Charles Duval and Miles school gym gram for Improvement, never gottci have a Thanskglving service, White. the isn't readint: It vet. ichedulcd 10:30 a.m. Dr. Rnymopd Burns, pastor of cotton had lo be proclaimed. Stephens, Centers Hilton Hemp- Reporting for practice ses- kept clean and attractive for at the Lacy also that the lied the performance church. the Presbyterian Church, announced . Marketing quotas operate hill and Gaston Shaw und Guards sions Monday were the eight enough, and dossn't have a good First s membership in- oeginnlne. .. when children dis- drive for thiough accragc allotments. A Buddy Jones, James Prcssley, Iettermen Dale zoning approach. These items School will be will read the scripture and give now $9,200. returning and I'ome oung missed throughout vestments stands at grower who exceeds the cotton James Goldston and Bill Jeffries. Rhodes, Floyce Barry were answered In tne community barlton? the county the morning prayer. goal is $13,000. Pierce, rth with Lov Llfo" The acicago allotment his Littlefield had a nigged cage Bill Bobby Cun- progrcsslveness section, "I this afternoon. They'll return to C-- for farm, Armes, Wade, Dr. John Holder will sing "My has bulk of 1956-57- , Ih gusto. school Monday, 2. The turned the under a cotton marketing quota season in dropping all Its ningham, Masslngale, Goveriunttnt 'Good' Dec. drive to newly form- Robert hi still holding Banks, city, county Task" as patt of the service. the over its program, will be subject to a conference games. Jerry Collins, Phillip Zohn, Rex On government, the analysis on to and federal Soil Oil Music will provided by ed and Club, Dug-ga- can talK me into com be the mnrketink quota penalty of 50 'Most of the men on team Foust, Alfred Lingnau, Alex showed the city compared favor- bou choir of Lacy said that the Chamber per that can't niako mi liter the First Methodist cent of parity on the farm's are back, with a year of experi- W. T. Erwln and Lewis Put- ably to other towns this size. The Church, directed by Mrs. Al wilt begin using a new letterhead excess lie. Man Arrested production. ence under their belts. nam. report said the city has a "good It Chambers.