Scoop, March 22, 2019.qxp_Layout 1 copy 3/31/19 7:41 PM Page 1 4 - SCOOP U.S.A . - Friday, February 1, 2019 Celebrating 58 Years of Community News by Adelaide AbSdur-Rcahmoan opUSA Black History198 7 ECarl Broyan Brennnett, eNatior nal Football League
[email protected] player is born in Birmingham, AL. 1989 (Michael Len Williams, II) Mike Will Made It, PISCES- February 19 - March 20 rap artist (Mercy) is born in Atlanta, GA. Pisces – The Dreamer 2007 Walter Turnbull, founder of the Boys Choir of Generous, kind and thoughtful. Very creative Harlem dies in New York, NY. and imaginative. May become secretive and vague. Sensitive. Don’t like details. Dreamy and unrealistic. Sympathetic and loving. March 24 Kind. Unselfish. Good Kisser. Beautiful. For those you love, you will exert all your energies Aquamarine is the stone for the month of March towards making those you love happy. You are very In legends, aquamarine has its origin in the treasure chests affectionate, intuitive, somewhat psychic and never of the mermaid. It is though to bring good luck and fortune enthusiastic. to sailors. It is believed that if a person dreams of aquama- 1907 (Janet Nettie Harmon) Janet Harmon Water - rine he or she will meet new friends. According to ancient ford Bragg, first African American woman to hold a traditions aquamarine will guarantee a long and happy mar- Commercial Pilot License is born in Griffin, GA. riage. A symbol of youth and happiness, aquamarine de - 1912 Dorothy Irene Height, president of the National rives its name from the Latin “aqua” and “mare,” meaning Council of Negro Women is born in Richmond, VA.