Tybee Island

Sept. 23, 2012

8:30am Delegate Registration

9:09am Call to Order Gary Theisen, General Chair

-Attendance- Teresa Coan, Secretary

Teams Present:



- Review of Minutes- Gary Theisen- General Chair

The minutes were out on web, opportunity to review, motion to approve minutes- Hugh Convery, Second- Rob Schreer. Passed with No opposition

-Registration- Claude Rhen- Regisration Chair (absent) Report given by Gary Theisen

New Information about the cost of the Background checks being decreased to $19 after the first part of the year. Please wait until New Link to process your back ground checks. A reminder was not to send in 2012 applications please wait for the 2013 applications-Rob via email from Claude.

-Gary received data from Claude stating that GA is over 8,000 swimmers, data sent out from USA swimming, which moves GA into top 10 states

Financial Report-Stu Hixon-Treasurer (absent) Report given by Gary Theisen

-Budget was displayed on Screen

-Gary pointed out that we are operating with only 2-3 months of reserve.

-250K in bank, 2 checking accounts, one for zone team-$6,000 approx.

-approx. $140,000 in securities

- approx.$60,000 in Checking account

-approx. $18,000 in money market

-Discussion about budget $600,842 income vs. $530,000 Page 2

HOD Sept. 23, 2012

-Discussion of the concerns of the money situation- by various coaches

- 2-3 months’ worth of contingency available in case of catastrophic event, giving lots of travel money out

-dropping percentage of money out from meets-budget/ making balance

-Stu Proposal

-600k vs 400k

-loss of $61,000

- zone team net income $4,000

-last year $100,000 income, did not get credited in the proper year.

- 9% bump in registration cost

-Steve G. Investment consultant from USA swimming will not let money disappear. We need to start balancing budget again

- Additional costs add up zones, trials, etc.

- Question: how does GA compare to other LSC's from around country, Gary- a lot of LSC’s sit on a ton of money

-Deposit made this week/ $40,000 deficit, $31,000 deposited, leaving $9,000

Proposed budget this year $443,089.00. Please refer to the document which Stu has provided.

Motion to accept the Budget- Adam Byars, Second Rob Schreer, passed with no opposition

Administrative Reports-Phil Hurd (absent)

-Phil is recovering after surgery at this time.

Sanctioning Committee-Pete Junkin(absent)

Reocrds/Top 16-Emillee Williams (absent)

NTDB-Kathy Stephens- (absent)

Page 3 HOD Sept. 23, 2012

GA-LSC Board of Review Report-Rob Copeland (Absent)-Report sent in-

One person in Georgia was added to the USA Swimming Individuals Permanently Suspended or

Ineligible. However this individual was suspended for actions that occurred prior to his arrival in

Georgia. The GA-LSC Board of Review had no in the case against Sean Mendoza who was suspended

4/16/2012 for violation of USA Swimming rule 304.3.5.

Two other incidents were reported to the GA Board of Review chair. One involving a non-USA

Swimming aquatics instructor and one involving a USA Swimming coach. Both of these were referred to the National Board of Review, without action by the GA. Board of Review, pursuant to USA Swimming rule 403.2.1.

Age Group Chair- David Weeks

-Please to refer to the proposed cuts for 2013 SCY 14 & U State Championships

-David/ New state cuts

-each age group that had more entries, 40-45 places compared to 18 places

-level playing field, bring up younger, drop down older-base time standards -single time standards, no single age finals

-LCM Meet standards being worked on the next month/month and a half

-Please note that NO long course cuts made last year will not be accepted for SCY state

- David- reason for making adjustments to cuts to control size and session length for meets, change

–David, Hugh and Lim in a heavy discussion.

Motion on the floor- to keep LCM cuts the same until Feb.

-Gary/ keep LG standards the same for SC state

Discussion has now involved multiple people around the room.

–POINT OF INTEREST called-Hugh Convery

-Lucas F. (Gwinnett Aquatics)- kids will pay price for adjustments changed down the road

-Hugh Convery arguing that changing LCM time standard screws kids Page 4 HOD Sept. 23, 2012

-Falco F. (GOLD) - saying that we don't need to change LCM cuts until FEB for next year

-vote on adjusting time standards for state meets

–POINT OF INTEREST called-Hugh Convery- Restating the motion and pointing out that David Weeks, Chair is out of line.

-MOTION- Falco-to keep LCM cuts the same until FEB, Second-Hugh, Passes with 2 votes of opposition

-State 10&U will be moved to the afternoon.

-motion to make 1650 cuts convertible from 1000- Lucas F./ motion withdrawn by Lucas F.

-Question- When will the time standards be changed again? David explains that the Age Group committee will advise and recommend.

-14&U Championship meet-Discussed the problem with the 50’s using the chase starts.


HOD Sept. 23, 2012

-2013 Zones will be @ Greenville, South Carolina**Swimmers with JR Natl. Cuts are not allowed to attend**

-2014 Zones are planned to be held in San Antonio, Tx.

-State LC Bids in July

1. GCAT- Chatham County- July 18-21 Thursday-Sunday $4.50 per event

2. Gwinnett Aquatics- Ga Tech- July 17-20 $5.50 per event

Senior Committee- Adam Byars

-87 athletes at Olympic trials, highest percentage of athletes compared to other LSCs

-former athletes

-Paralympic athletes

-Jr Pan Pacs

-National Team announcements

Page 5 HOD Sept. 23, 2012

- State meet will be host by Lanier Aquatics and Swim -July 26th- July 28th

-1000 instead of 1650, move Medley relay, No adjustment for time standards

-Zones July 30-Aug. 3 –Greenville, SC

- US OPEN July 30-Aug 3 –Irvine

-Juniors Aug 5-9 (Irvine)

Open Water-Rob Copeland (absent)-Report presented by Adam Byars- GA-LSC Open Water Report

The updated USA Swimming Open Water event application for sanction and safety plans was sent to

CCAC Swimming coaches, for a possible state Open Water championship. Efforts for a 2013 championship will be pursued.

The first sanctioned open water swim of the year will be held September 22, 2012. ' s Swim

For Your Life includes 0.5K, lKand 5K races, along with a clinic. Clinicians this year are Olympians

Aaron Peirsol, , , , , Kathleen Hersey, Mark

Gangloff, and Dominik Meichtry. Returning as emcee is 3x Olympic gold medalist, the voice of

Swimming, Rowdy Gaines.

OUTREACH- Tommy Jackson- NO Report

Masters Report-Ed Salzman(Absent)-Report sent to and read by Adam Byars-

Georgia Masters continues to average 800 - 850 members per year.

- USMS Spring Nationals- Greensboro, NC with 1,863 swimmers competing.

- USMS Summer Nationals - Omaha, Nebraska immediately following the Olympic trials and attracted 1,257 swimmers.

FINA Masters Worlds were held this year in Riccioni, Italy attracting 10,000 swimmers.

- 2014 they will be held in Montreal, Canada.

-Next year's USMS Spring Nationals - Indianapolis, Indiana, May 9-12, 2013.

-USMS Summer Nationals - Marguerite Aquatics Center, Mission Viejo, California, August 7-11, 2013. Page 6 HOD Sept. 23, 2012

- USMS will host the 2013 Pan American Masters swimming and Open Water Championships Selby Aquatic Center, Sarasota, Florida, June 5-13, 2013.

Georgia coaches, remember - you can include your Masters Swimmers in your meets by applying for a

"Dual Sanction" Contact the Georgia Masters sanction chair for additional information - Ed Saltzman mailto:[email protected]

Athletes Reps- Thomas Grover, Sr. Rep. and Josh Locke, Jr. Rep.

- One big issue of including a disabled rep to our committee

-Gary Theisen - LCM Senior State meet will be where the athletes are- elected/selected

-Banquet-Athletes voted to keep the banquet and to keep the food, add 1-2 guest speakers

- Discussions on: safe sport/ abuse and bullying between coach and athlete

-Zone Meet/ Georgia had 4 disabled athletes representing at Zones. The meet had 9 total disabled athletes competing.

-10 Athletes at Summer Jrs

-athletes voted to keep the All Star towels

Coaches Chair- Jim Young

-Committee met yesterday to restructure the coaches committee as listed below

2 coach reps from each division, 2 athletes reps from each division = 10 members of the group

-Sub committees were formed to sub divide talents as below:

Meet subcommittee-Pike Hightower, Chair

Banquet subcommittee- Judy Prokopiak

Coaching subcommittee- Bill Forrester, Chair

-general discussion on meet issues

- Sanctioned Time Trials have been approved by BOD to be allowed all Sanctioned swim meets.

-All Star Banquet

-recommended to hold the LSC Banquet at Lake Lanier Islands April 13,14th, 2013

Page 7 HOD Sept. 23, 2012

-Initiate - GA Coach Clinic one afternoon at Lake Lanier is being looked into

-no report on camps

-announcement that voting has been completed for Coach of the Year:

Charles Todd, Age Group and Jason Turquotte, Sr.

Technical planning- Jonathan Foggin

- worked on meet schedule found mistakes on the fall schedule

- Trick or Treat meet and St Patty's Day meet left out

- Discussion of the BIDS for State meet-- Gwinnett Aquatics at Ga Tech and Georgia Costal (GCAT) at Savannah

- Hugh- states that it should be a requirement for every meet, you must send a link where you keep your meet results for at least for 1 year active. Do the entire meet report, it is listed on the Sanction Report and send the link.

- Question- Lim/- could we have someone type up instructions and send out?

- just added meet bids last night, 2 SCY meets list

-Each team Gwinnett Aquatics-Hugh Convery and GCAT- Bill Forrester were both given time to promote why their location should be chosen for the LCM Age State Meet.

Voting – had to be decided by counting “showing of hands”

- 31 on favor of Savannah, 16 In favor of Ga. Tech

- GCAT- Savannah will be the host for the LCM Age State Meet

- 3 proposals Technical Planning Report will have the divisions with team names listed.

1- Clarifies bidding of divisional meets

2- Outlines timeframe for reevaluating whether teams should move division

3- for teams who wish to change division

-meet sanction, team eligibility restricted by division

-Lim/ asked about transition for Tara Page 8 HOD Sept. 23, 2012

- Motion to accept technical report, Second multiple, motion accepted with no opposition

Officials-Rob Schreer

- Certified Official high-, 261 certified officials

- Update on change to session count for stroke and turn, and starter reduction.

- Update on the homeschool program for admin and clerk of course

- Update on the homeschool for stroke and turn shows successful this program has become- 35-50% @ mega clinics versus Homeschool Program at approx. 75%. Encourage your parents to get involved.

- Conducted 19 clinics throughout the year.

-Updates to GA scratch rule

-time trials are now allowed in any sanctioned meet

Announcements-Gary Theisen

- At the Convention the following legislation transpired Clubs design two policies with regards to bullying and communications- emails, cellphones, face time, face book

: Responsibility for clubs to design and adopt procedure for bullying

-US Swimming is developing a template that you MUST adopt or if you are a club affiliated with facility that has a policy on bullying you can adopt that as your own.

*Requirement –Bylaws will be changed.

- Identification of an Individual Athlete Protection Contact Person-Point of communication and contact person. BOD has ask Gary to serve until next April. This person does not have to be a Board member and maybe a dual role. If anyone is interested in serving in that capacity let Gary know.

-Legislation strongly discourages athletes or anyone else to deck change.

-Next Meeting: Lanier Island Apr. 13-14, 2013

-Up for election General Chair and Secretary, and Sr. Committee Chair. The Sr. Chair and Secretary are at term limits.

Motion to adjourn @ 11:06am, second multiple, no opposition

Submitted Oct. 16, 2012/Final Approval Pending

Teresa Coan, Secretary