Rusty-Bellied Shortwing Brachypteryx Hyperythra at Lava, Darjeeling, India in April and June 1996
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't16 SHORT NOTES bill 133.9mmj rorallengrh 460 mm; weight520 g.Moult REFER.ENCES score:5{4'2i01. The bird was banded with Malaysian metal bandV-08368. Alstin, O. L,, Jr. lnd Ku.odaj N. (1972)The birds ofJ.pan Fourteenother species of wate$irdswere caugit and $atus and distribution.a,ltr -M,E.Cant.ttool. lA9(4): l-641. banded from 20-22 November 1992, when the Dr-l'in,on.Cc.Kenneo).R S a drJl...r.C oo'I4" \'o' oysrercarcherwas netted (Table1). 4 4.Ph ipp ..o\a''aa,d.rr{-rl.ralc.Bn ' sists'Union {ChecL lGt no. l2). Hayna., P, Marchant,J.and Pmer,T (1986)Snorobtrdr d, &drfi, s,idr, Bo*on: HoughronMirflin co. arddle to the PVCF bird b.ndins ream,composed Specialrhanks McCIure, H. E. {r9?,1),&lrgnlian ont enatual al tle bi& of Aid, ofH. Gonzales,E. Pcndon,and G.Toledo,for rhei dedicated6eld BaDgkok:U. S. Am! Medical Conponcnr, SEATO Medical eforisi to theJlpan Ovc^easCoopcrationVolunteers M. Sanoand S. SasaDori,Bho phor.sraphedthc oysicrcatcherand assistedthe Magsala,v.P M., Rigor, R. P, G.nzdles,H. L .nd Ntap o' A. M, PWCF field teamj 10 rle Asia. Vetland Burea! for ploviding the ( r 939) .trr",r o/ O/d,so lJla,a, Phir?fut{, unh rnDnddoti.tu baDdsand skilhi to the YanashinaIn$itute iot lat dttre ca&raarior, aeb! Ciry:AsianVcrlrnd BurcaulhiliF Olniihology,wild Bird So.iety ofJap.n, and Nikon Co. for banding a.d monitoring equipmenriand io thc Foundationfo. Philippine Massala! P M., Rigor,R.P, Gonzales,H.LiToledo,G., Sano,M. Environmen!and world ldildlifc Fund-lntcrnarionalfor srantssup md Michelsen, T. ( r 993) ,4 dll eeklkroJ bit: at nie Olaqavildw portins P!qCF activnieson Olanso.H. C. Miranda,I!. kindly re Sdrclrdry. Cebu City: Phil,ppinewedtnd & vildlile Conserw- iesed an earlierdrrft of thn paper.M.ssalay aho would like to tion Foundati.n,I.c. acknowledgethe help offorncrVicc M.yor C. Eyasoi Lapulapu Redman,N. (1991)'Ivo nev spccicsoibirds ao.rhc Philippincsand Citr for senerouslyprovidins r $afhousc in Olansolsland; ofthe odrcr notablelccords, F,rFra,l8r 119-124. ( o. p-'r"on As n \ io oroLidins-omm-nno Japdnln.ernau' n., S. R. and Blackshaq K T ( 1976) ,4 ,.' llitz .o d? tion eqlipnent for the Islandiof Mayor E.r{teisleand his *aff and 6tdr ,/Iaea,.'Iiripei: MeiYa Publ. In.. courcilnen frob Lap apu Cnr Finally wc wnh to thank the local suppofielsand friendsand all thoscin rhe Olangocomnuitl rno rn one rs) " , .rhc' hav. 'elped Jre-e.ear-h .nd .' n.<'.sri. r1l Petla M. Magsalay, PhilippinelYeddnd ervildliJe CanserDdtian Faunddtion, Inc., c/o Cebu Zoo' CaFnol Hilk, Cebu Cit! abn 6000, Philippines. Roben S. Kennedg, Frcderi.k and Ame! Geiet Co .dions dnd Research Cente,' Museu'n oJ Narutal Hktor! fc S.ience, Cinciflnati Museun CenteL1 720 Gilbet Arenue, Cincinnati OH 15202, U S.A. aldr prel by1 tail Rusty-bellied Shornvin g Braclrypteryx lryperythra at Gri Lava, Darjeeling, India in April and June 1996 Ta Snc IWEIN MAURO and ED\rARD \ERCRUYSSE Between24 29 April 1996 the authon, togerherwith resultingin no lessthan nine differentierritorial males the Bram Demeulemeester,were birding the remnant beingfoJnd in rhe.ame general area. Our observarion' primary forest, tall secondarygrowth and cleared, constitute the fiIst definire records of Rusty bellied run scrubby areasaround the village of Lava, Darieeling, Shortwingfor dle Daieeling areasince 1920 and remain northemWestBensal, India.\atile searchingalong the one of the very few field observationsdrouglout the roadrowards the Neoravalley at about2,000 m elevation species\ft strictedmnge. fro in the morning of27 Aprjl our attentionwas suddenly The following description was compiled on the Pr€ drawn towardsa previouslyunnoticed c1ear,loud and strensthoffield notes and sound rccodings taken on lab musical song emanaringfrom a damp well-vegetated 27April 1996.Copies ofthese recordings were deposired (H gully flearby.In responseto tape playbackof the sound ar rhe British Ubrary National SoundArchive, V/ildlife M: recordedsong our mysrerybird soonpopped out and S€ction,London. get good identified sul IM,beingfirstto a look at it, readily SIZE AND STRUCTURE A typic^l Brachlpftrlx' Shortwing B/acrl?teryi th1 ir as a male Rusry beliied featuring a rounded head, short straight bili, short lnknown and much sought-after hlpe\)thra, a viInrally rounded wings, short squaretail and noticeablylong Fortunatelyir was one of easternHimalayas species. rarsi. Similar in size and genenl build to Lesser performingindividuals, \thich stayedaround Nt thosestar Shortwins B. l€rdor&D,safld noticeablysmal1er, more until the three of us obrained hishly long enough slender and shorter tailed thanvhite-broived Shorrwing sarisq'ingviews whiLe itwas singingits headotratpoint a.,rou ra"a (neitherspecies seen in direct comparison). range. Meanwhile a second male had started blank Primary projectionshort, encompassingabout 15% of vocalizing nearby. In early June EV revisited Lava, (r rall1O (?000) SHORTNO'I'FS iisjbl. i.riiel l.ngth \\'!rg-ri!r fnllhg nrid\1a_!rlong rhe R.cent publishcdrcpofrs ofihc speci.srr. ofduce coll.clcd in and tlerf \aDrdapha NrLion!l Prfli. Arunechal PradcshiD l9li7,l9ES HEAD AND NF.Cli Chin, ftrcat end chesr oraLlge- and one sighrcdin Kamleng\\'jl.ijili Sxnctu !Ir. Afunaclial n 'r9.1 mfous.shxfplv de urcrLed lioD of \\hich I .r dl. l99ti Collrr r. d1.l99li lvase d..r darLiLllue snnihf ro thet of I ra,uara. iAthre)r Headr 1933; IQUL 'l "1. lt)gi). Our o$n olrscr\aiFns ob\iou! suFercililunstafting close to brse of conlinn drc ."ninr.llf F'.e, P. .-1,.1',r\'r! rqrn uff€f nrandible,brordcst mid\\a! al,ns rhc loresand 1.. l)arleeling arca. shere rhe specics.ti{xfpearecl tio r rLrc grr.lualhielitfing out lo iust b.hh.t.\e. record rlicr \ld! lql0. \\'hen on. nes collecred .rt UPPERPARTS Unilo.Drly cle.r Llfli bluc as rn R. \lansru at 1.100 m .lclaixrn bl G. E. Slus (II.!rh M881. \\rhile $e l-lNDERl'ARTS Lrnifof mlt .range-rulirus. rccordcd whirc browe.l and L.sser Sliofrrings lroDr d !afier! of h!birais. !I o!r BARI PARI S Ilill blrck Lrsmxllpale horn.rrca obsdllrions ot n lilfJ, \.rlr,?came liom reL.rilch sieef, f.sinci.d n) b.r!e ol losef mrndible. Legs pale lesh Llxmt, Llensel!\ c-qcrrtcdgulli.s Nithin secoD.]lf! gro\rh colored.his bLNcLrish. !.d, clerrl\'. dris appeafed to torD drc decisire l.rcror nl Ih. occurf.ncc ofrhc speciesCLnlar.?r/. (199.11 \iOICE Th. song c.n be tn[scfib..] xs a trsi, cieif, rrik Rusi)-bclli.d ShorNi.g !sVuhcf abl.. FI(\rc!er, \rf! liquid and musrc.rl$arblc coDsisrins ofa longsefies cerrlrnl trctors prolicle rn oprimisric ric$ fof irs of quicklr al.elirrrringup lrd do\rn, slishdr sluued lons-rcfn surr ival:hrgc ifacrs.ltirresL remir urdisrurbed prrrs nor.s,.l'siincdy intf.'duccd bl a shorr r/r 1lr or iu rx in ol thc crstcrn Himliar!sr n{rte.rlld usueil\'lasling !p to 1.1 secords, cnding thc sp.cicsocclrfies quit. r sidc lhiiudinrllengci rn.l ii rbruFLl).Lesscf ShoflNing rlrnosr inraiebh ! ap|e;rrslo hlcf{rc habirar .tcgfadarion Lo sonc .\ (as mLrchshorrcr. g.n.ralh onl\ lasringuF t.' 2.l j seconds, rn(licxr.Ll b\' our obscrlxlions ir) sdcoD.lrr!gNNrh). Iar lessliquicl. tLrNgh alsodi\rincrl! introduccd.b.icf Ncrcrihclcss,rhc spcci.s m:1\'alrer.l) h!\c sullifecl musicllnrrblDg soDgofaboLrt l0 1l noLcsrlrcnaring considcrlbh ffonr l{rssaod hrlrilli rh.rar;o. ,r'." ..rl-.1\.t .1.\ -1...'rJ r". nirhrn rh. l(N'cf fafr Ctbr C oi 'rs altitLrdinrldisrribLriion. ). rbfufilr ending qiLh ! disiincitr. shofi r\, In sinLer Rusn bcllicd Short$ing hasbeen recor.led as l(N is llnrtimes seemngh chirpmgDLrie.'l he songof\\'hirc 5-101n,rndicarDg a se.rsonrldcf.nd.n.c.n lo\land and liothill bnntd Shori\ling umalh hsting ut n) 1.5seconds .r]d iropic.rl e1-er-sreenxnd seDl erergrcer fenrn,f.srs.shich rhhoughNofe uriablc is \.r! diff.fcnr tu.m rtralol Lhc uc .,r,.,-l r,a'r.ier or ' r I .r prc!(rs nki sfeciesberng noric.rbl,\ lighef pirched rnd reqr . Hlstoicrllt ii has, hoNevcr.:ilso a Drr'. crplt)in e, nruch Dro( slurfugNerble, inroducecl trccn found urilizng dnck secoDdrrl soub bI uF Lo rhrtc charactelistic \lhistled .r/,!r: noi.s (\.. and dcnsc of rccds in \;ni.r (Srclcnst9l l).,\ n!le seenor:7 I9I2 Figurc l ). In song drc Rusrt bellied Shof $\ ins held irs JrDuafI ii 1,000 m arounctT(ingllr. \\'c!r Lril h.ll:cock..t. \hi1. Ihe uings scfe hcld s1;ghrlr, Bcrgll b! Sr.lens ra at (t 925) i\ rs rn deisc 71f!rtl,r.,rd b,rtnlroo I Gim rcLL.l dl (1q98) lisr$hirc-bro\ c.l Bush Robin Trriqflrdt rj,lndirn Bluc Robin |1rlJ!, bfr,,?Jd rtld Sn.ivl bro$cd IJlvc.rLchcfFtrr.l,1d /f?rr1r,I as possiblc conli'sionspecics, rli ol which halc diffcrenrsongs rnd scneral build..rtld LrcL<cnrifelr ofange-rufous und$pfiIs. ft $ rs nore$1rfih: rharrhe Rusrv bellieLlShoft\\1 g $c obscn..t diffcrcLl somc$'har ii|)tr Ihepl.rtc in Gfirnnicii /r.r/. | 1998) ln hrurg ihc entire undcrprrLs,nrclLrding rhc abclomen,umlormll orangc Hrstoricall!, Rus!! bellied Shoftirnrg is kno\1t Nirh cc.raint,vfrom sp.crncns secufedm Dofrh.est Indir tiom rhc Dafjeelins afea, Siiatim.Assam, A.Lrnachal Pradcshind, doubrfuu!, Nasaland.One specrmcnrs hbclleLl\epal'bu1its prolcnancchas bccn quesrioned (H.adi lgltE). SLrrpisrrgli. cluringihe fe.iod 23 23 N'rldlife Ila) 1973 a male ancl feDralc \rere collecred at Gonsshan, north-$'csi Yunnan Prolince, Chin.r, suggesrlngthe spccicsprobibl! rlnges morc \illch tliroughout rh.