Sitaraman Microbiome (2018) 6:163

REVIEW Open Access Prokaryotic within the human holobiont: ecological- evolutionary inferences, implications and possibilities Ramakrishnan Sitaraman

Abstract The ubiquity of horizontal gene transfer in the living world, especially among , raises interesting and important scientific questions regarding its effects on the human holobiont i.e., the human and its resident bacterial communities considered together as a unit of selection. Specifically, it would be interesting to determine how particular gene transfer events have influenced holobiont phenotypes in particular ecological niches and, conversely, how specific holobiont phenotypes have influenced gene transfer events. In this synthetic review, we list some notable and recent discoveries of horizontal gene transfer among the prokaryotic component of the human , and analyze their potential impact on the holobiont from an ecological-evolutionary viewpoint. Finally, the human-Helicobacter pylori association is presented as an illustration of these considerations, followed by a delineation of unresolved questions and avenues for future research. Keywords: Microbiome, HGT, Lateral gene transfer, DNA transfer, Symbiont, , Co-evolution, Natural selection, Host-microbe interaction, Helicobacter pylori

were typhoid germs, and cholera germs, "Noah and his family were saved -- if that could be and hydrophobia germs, and lockjaw germs, and calledanadvantage.Ithrowinthe‘if’ for the consumption germs, and black-plague germs, and reason that there has never been an intelligent some hundreds of other aristocrats, specially person of the age of sixty who would consent to live precious creations, golden bearers of God’sloveto his life over again. His or anyone else’s. The Family man, blessed gifts of the infatuated Father to his were saved, yes, but they were not comfortable, for they children -- all of which had to be sumptuously were full of microbes. Full to the eyebrows; fat with housed and richly entertained; these were located in them, obese with them, distended like balloons. It was a the choicest places the interiors of the Family could disagreeable condition, but it could not be helped, furnish: in the lungs, in the heart, in the brain, in because enough microbes had to be saved to supply thekidneys,intheblood,intheguts.Intheguts thefutureracesofmenwithdesolatingdiseases, particularly. The great intestine was the and there were but eight persons on board to serve favorite resort. There they gathered, by countless bil- as hotels for them. The microbes were by far the lions, and worked, and fed, and squirmed, and sang mostimportantpartoftheArk’scargo,andthe hymns of praise and thanksgiving; and at night part the Creator was most anxious about and most when it was quiet you could hear the soft murmur infatuated with. They had to have good of it. The large intestine was in effect their heaven. nourishment and pleasant accommodations. There They stuffed it solid; they made it as rigid as a coil of gaspipe. They took pride in this. Their principal Correspondence: [email protected] hymn made gratified reference to it: Department of Biotechnology, TERI School of Advanced Studies, 10 Institutional Area, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi 110070, India

© The Author(s). 2018 Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Dedication waiver ( applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated. Sitaraman Microbiome (2018) 6:163 Page 2 of 14

Constipation, O Constipation, In the evolutionary context, natural selection acts dir- ectly on phenotypes and only indirectly on genotypes The Joyful sound proclaim [21]. Selection is blind to the underlying causes of a phenotype: It is merely sufficient to produce an advanta- Till man's remotest entrail geous phenotype in order to reap the benefits of in- creased fitness [22]. For example, the regulatory Shall praise its Maker’s name." networks underlying the control of mating type in phylogenetically close species of may diverge sig- – Mark Twain, Letters from the Earth (1909) nificantly in terms of how individual genes are regulated but without affecting the final output of the network [23]. Likewise, functional convergence for catabolism observed in the human has Background been attributed to the cooperation of different microbial The human (or other multicellular host) with its symbi- species in different individuals [24] (see Fig. 1 and the otic microbiota is termed the ‘holobiont’—a term coined section ‘HGT driven by human diet: examples of envir- by Lynn Margulis [1]. The tenability the holobiont view onmental selection’ below). Furthermore, the possibility in the specific sense of its being a unit of selection was of neutral or nearly neutral evolutionary changes implies first elaborated by Zilber-Rosenberg and Rosenberg [2]. that the existence of a particular phenotype may not ne- Advocates of this view point to the importance and cessarily indicate its utility in terms of prior episodes of indispensability of the human-microbial in selection or enable us to infer the nature of the selection multiple contexts—anatomical, genetic, physiological, that brought it about in every instance [25, 26]. As metabolic, developmental and immunological [3]. Critics Sydney Brenner put it, ‘biology, because of evolution, is of this view suggest that the majority of human-micro- only the art of the satisfactory’ [20]. All that we can say bial associations that develop after birth do not fulfill the with any certainty is that the evolution of multicellularity requisite criteria of vertical transmission and partner fi- among eukaryotes (with or without prokaryotic interven- delity [4, 5]. It was previously suggested that this process tion) opened up new ecological niches for other of microbial colonization commences via the placenta in organisms, especially prokaryotes, by serving as a con- utero itself [6], but subsequent studies attributed this centrated source of nutrients and a fairly stable habitat. finding to contamination [7]. Thus, colonization by ma- Current interactions between these two groups— ternal microbes commences during the passage through whether as commensals or mutualists or parasites or the birth canal and later through breast milk [8–13]. Hu- even facultative opportunists switching between com- man microbial communities undergo post-natal remod- mensalism and —offer few clues as to how eling and begin converging to the characteristic ‘adult’ these various relationships evolved and stabilized in the profile as early as age one [14, 15]. Had this associ- first instance. The acquisition, modulation and mainten- ation been entirely facultative, and both microbiota and ance of a characteristic microbiota by multicellular hosts host (especially the host) capable of elaborating ‘normal’ is probably evolutionarily ancient and conserved across phenotypes with little or no impact on the overall fitness, diverse lineages. Characteristic and conserved micro- there would be no conceptual or methodological advance biota are present even among representatives of basal in using the word ‘holobiont.’ However, rapidly accumulat- metazoan lineages such as sponges (Phylum Porifera) ing data in the field highlight the obligate nature of this [27–30] and Hydra vulgaris (Phylum Coelenterata) [31]. association for humans (and other multicellular organ- The fluctuations in microbial composition in isms) in ensuring homeostasis over the holobiont’slifetime the initial stages of colonization in H. vulgaris involve (surveyed in [3]). For example, it has been observed that host modulation by anti-microbial peptides (AMPs) germ-free mice, though viable, exhibit various develop- resulting in the eventual stabilization of the assembled mental and immunological abnormalities [16–19]. We microbial communities over the lifetime of the host [32]. therefore suggest that one need not necessarily privilege Recent research based on analysis of the more rapidly the holistic view over a more reductionist view of the evolving gyrB gene, rather than the more slowly evolving holobiont as a collection of relatively autonomous inter- 16S rRNA gene, has uncovered evidence of co-speciation acting modules, especially because organisms and com- of gut microbiota within hominid lineages—humans, munities are indeed constructed on a modular plan [20]. chimpanzees, gorillas and bonobos. Specific clades of Bac- Rather, the holobiontic view is a reminder of a higher level teroidaceae and Bifidobacteriaceae identified by gyrB se- of complexity that we cannot afford to ignore if we are to quences have been maintained within these four hominid arrive at a more complete understanding of the working lineages over the order of ~ 105 generations [33]. However, of multi-organismal assemblages, including ourselves. the distribution of Lachnospiraceae indicated that lateral Sitaraman Microbiome (2018) 6:163 Page 3 of 14

Holobiont A Holobiont B Holobiont C

Phenotype X Phenotype X Phenotype X

Selection for phenotype X

Survival & propagation of holobionts A, B and C

Fig. 1 Holobiont phenotypes and selection. Holobionts A, B and C elaborate the same, positively selected phenotype ‘X’. Each multicellular host denoted by the outermost rectangle harbors four types of microbiota members (smaller shapes), with colour indicating a specific function. Hosts A and B have identical genetic backgrounds (indicated by the yellow fill color), but there is a redistribution of functions within the same components, symbolized by identical shapes but with changed colors within the outer rectangle. Host C differs from both A and B in having an entirely different genetic background (green fill color) as well as components (different shapes) but crucially retains all the functions required to produce favorable phenotype (colors are ‘conserved’). Thus, even though a holobiont phenotype (identical in all three cases) may be positively selected, the functional elements that produce this ‘favorable’ phenotype need not be identical. The findings of Lozupone et al. [24] support such phenotypic convergence under selection microbial transfers between hominid species could also phenotypic diversity and population size are grist to the have occurred, leading to the conclusion that the human mill of evolution and ecology. The large population size microbiota consists of both co-speciating and independ- and short generation time of microbes relative to their ently evolving microbial components. multicellular hosts enables the rapid emergence and es- In trying to understand how these assemblages devel- tablishment of novel biological capabilities within a short oped, diversified and persisted over evolutionary time, period of time, given specific selection pressures and/or we face a problem that Darwin faced in his own time: ecological opportunities. The paucity, or perhaps our own lack of recognition, of Horizontal gene transfer (HGT; also termed lateral ‘transitional forms’ that could provide us a window into gene transfer [LGT] or horizontal DNA transfer [HDT]) evolutionary innovations and ecological conditions that among prokaryotes accelerates phenotypic diversification resulted in the relatively stable holobionts of today. In by enabling the exchange and acquisition of genetic this context, we highlight the unprecedented observation material (and potentially, novel phenotypes), thereby that a sulfonolipid termed ‘rosette-inducing factor’ bypassing the need for repeated evolution and retention (RIF-1) produced by the aquatic bacterium Algoriphagus of genes through vertical (lineal) transmission [38, 39]. machipongonensis can induce the formation of a ‘multi- Investigations of several prokaryotes have progressively cellular’ rosette, an aggregate of individual cells, in the added to our knowledge of the mechanisms of DNA free-living, unicellular choanoflagellate Salpingoeca ro- transfer and uptake by conjugation, transformation and setta [34]. This observation raises the interesting possi- transduction. Additionally, novel modes of HGT such as bility that the transition to multicellularity and the later membrane vesicles [40–44], nanotubes [45] and - acquisition and maintenance of a microbiome was per- like gene transfer agents (GTAs) [46, 47] have been dis- haps a saltationary, rather than gradual, episode in the covered. (For recent, comprehensive overviews on HGT evolutionary history of holobionts [35]. Given that the in prokaryotes, see references [48–50].) High rates of human microbiota consists of many species of microbes HGT among prokaryotes have been remarked upon. For whose collective numbers are of the same order as the example, Vos et al. (2015) estimated that in the case of number of cells in the human body [36, 37], it is reason- two phylogenetically distant strains of the opportunistic able to consider the microbiota as a reservoir of pheno- pathogen Pseudomonas syringae, gene gain by typic (i.e. metabolic and physiological) diversity. Both HGT had occurred at a rate equivalent to 20% of the Sitaraman Microbiome (2018) 6:163 Page 4 of 14

rate of point mutation [51]. Studies of the human micro- the rate (tempo1) of prokaryotic HGT resulting in the biota, a large fraction of which are related to the intes- elaboration of distinct phenotypes by the holobiont. In tinal/gut microbiota, indicate that HGT is widespread this section, we outline some findings that could have a within the prokaryotic component [52–56]. HGT is bearing on our understanding of this issue. We also sur- probably a major contributor to diversification vey studies conducted in other contexts that reveal pre- compared to at least in some lineages viously unsuspected indications of the modulation of of human-associated [57]. At the collective prokaryotic HGT by the host and microbial components level, Liu et al. [53] identified extensive HGT averaging of the holobiont, enabling us to make some testable pre- 43.9 HGT events per microbe among 308 members of dictions. The information and inferences presented in the human microbiota for which sequences this section are summarized in Fig. 2, wherein facts, the- were available. Notably, they detected HGT between or- oretical possibilities and predictions are clearly ganisms located at different body sites, and gut micro- demarcated. biota were found to have the largest number of HGT candidates. Tamames and Moya [58] analyzed prokary- Putative host effectors influencing microbial HGT otic HGT from the available metagenomes of four differ- Evidence for specific host effectors influencing microbial ent samples—a whale carcass, Sargasso sea water, farm HGT is so far scanty, but there are tantalizing glimpses soil and human feces. Within the last sample, the appli- of possible effectors and mechanisms. A culture- cation of phylogenetic methods indicated that 1% of all based study of conjugation efficiency between two open reading frames (ORFs) had been subject to HGT. clinical isolates of E. coli (Ec77 and Ec56) found that con- − Analysis of the same data by compositional methods jugation efficiency (8.46 × 10 5 transconjugants/donor) − yielded a higher estimate of 2.5–6.5% for HGT. decreased by a little less than twofold (4.51 × 10 5- In this synthetic review, we recount some notable dis- transconjugants/donor) when the E. coli strains were coveries and analyses of HGT within the prokaryotic co-cultured with a human colorectal adenocarcinoma cell component of the human microbiota that are potentially line (Caco-2), as compared to controls [66]. More intri- relevant to the holobiontic context. Though both pro- guingly, cell-free culture filtrates of Caco-2 cells from the karyotes and eukaryotes constitute the human micro- apical side (but not the basolateral side) were found to biota, this article focuses on the prokaryotic component exert a similar suppressive effect that was ameliorated that is far better studied, significantly more numerous upon protease pre-treatment of culture filtrates. There- [59] and possesses several well-characterized modes of fore, the authors of that study inferred the existence of a HGT. Moreover, we have purposely highlighted only protein (or ) secreted by Caco-2 cells that are cap- those instances of prokaryotic HGT that are modulated able of modulating conjugation between enteric bacteria. by or can potentially modulate the host phenotype, Whether such a factor(s) is (are) secreted in vivo within thereby necessitating a holobiontic perspective. Unstated the human gut is presently unknown. implications of previous studies of HGT in prokaryotic The resident microbiota are under constant selection pathogens vis-à-vis the microbiota are also discussed. by host innate immune system that produces cationic Finally, some aspects of the association of the gastric anti-microbial peptides (CAMP) or cationic host defense commensal/pathogen Helicobacter pylori with humans peptides (CHDP; e.g. defensins) that are capable of de- are re-evaluated within the holobiontic framework. stabilizing bacterial membranes [67–71]. We speculate However, we do not discuss general aspects of HGT that such membrane destabilization may incidentally within the microbiota, HGT between the host and the contribute to HGT in those microbes that are not ex- microbiota or between eukaryotic and prokaryotic posed to lethal concentrations or are exposed for brief microbiota within the human host [60]). Finally, the dis- periods of time insufficient to cause lethality as they semination of via HGT has not transit through different niches (e.g. through the intes- been covered in this article, except in a tangential way, tinal lumen). This mode of HGT could be especially sig- owing to the availability of several reviews devoted to nificant for species that are not naturally transformable. the subject [61–64]. The terminology used in this review Also, the lysis of target organisms inevitably results in adheres to the conventions proposed by Marchesi and the release of DNA into the environment that is poten- Ravel for microbiome research [65]. tially available for uptake by transformation by other or- ganisms. It is therefore possible that CHDPs are hitherto Modulation of prokaryotic HGT: interplay of host overlooked host factors that promote gene transfer by and microbiota the destabilization of bacterial membranes. However, One line of future inquiry that would add weight to the this view needs to be balanced with the finding of Cullen holobiont view would be to determine how the host or et al. that resident bacteria such as are the microbiota (or particular members thereof) influence relatively resistant to host CHDP action compared to Sitaraman Microbiome (2018) 6:163 Page 5 of 14

Unknown host factor(s) CRISPR- Inflammation-mediated Cas DNA damage

Environmental ? selection

T6SS HGT R-M Microbial ? Inflammation e-DNA ? systems

? Mobile gentic elements – plasmids, transposons, insertion sequences, AMP/CHDP Competence-linked integrative conjugative Norephinephrine bacteriocins elements, transducing phages etc. Fig. 2 Factors influencing prokaryotic HGT within the human holobiont. A factor may enhance (—>) or inhibit (—|) HGT among the human-associated microbiota. Some factors like R-M systems may have a dual role depending on the specific context. Blue arrows with a question mark (‘?’)indicate instances wherein an effect on HGT in vivo is postulated but experimentally unverified transient pathogens, enabling them to survive increased Host inflammation and microbial HGT: Correlation to CHDP secretion during a host inflammatory response to connection infection [72]. If resistance to CHDPs were a feature of Some data in the literature suggest that inflammation of all members of the resident microbiota, we may surmise host tissues could influence prokaryotic HGT. A study that resident microbiota predominantly serve as recipients, by Stecher et al. highlights a connection between inflam- rather than as donors of genetic material. Incidentally, the mation and HGT among Enterobacteriaceae in the foregoing analysis also implies that bacterially-derived mammalian (murine) gut [75]. The authors observed membrane-targeting antimicrobial peptides like polymyxin that when enteric inflammation is induced in mice by B, whose mode of action is similar to that of CHDPs and is streptomycin administration and followed by infection being reconsidered for usage against multidrug-resistant with Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium (STm), gram-negative pathogens [73], could likewise potentiate it resulted in an increase in the abundance of resident E. HGT among the microbiota. Indeed, Cullen et al. also coli (mostly phylogenetic group ECOR B2) amounting to found that human-derived strains of Bacteroidetes, Firmi- > 80% of the total intestinal bacteria. This promoted cutes and Actinobacteria displayed significant polymyxin re- conjugal transfer of plasmid 2 (p2) from STm to E. coli sistance, leading them to suggest that resident bacterial at very high efficiencies. Thus, the apparent influence of strains from the three phyla are probably resistant to host inflammation on HGT may be coincidental, in that CHDPs [72]. One in vitro study to date reported that poly- inflammation-associated in the microbiota could myxin B nonapeptide, a less nephrotoxic derivative of poly- fortuitously lead to greater opportunities for HGT for a myxin B, was able to promote low levels of E. coli HB101 subset of microbes that proliferate in large numbers. − transformation (a frequency of 1 × 10 7/cfu) with plasmid It is interesting to note that the opportunistic patho- pBR322 DNA in the absence of calcium chloride [74]. gen Pseudomonas aeruginosa, usually a harmless com- However, its effect on in vivo HGT among bacterial micro- mensal of humans, produces a matrix containing biota has not been investigated yet. Introducing marked extracellular DNA (eDNA) during growth in . strains into pathogen-free mice and monitoring marker ex- eDNA has been found to induce human neutrophils in change with and without polymyxin B administration at vitro to produce pro-inflammatory cytokines (IL-8 and physiologically tolerable concentrations would perhaps IL-1β)[76]. A study in mice by Trompette et al. found address this question. Therefore, the usage of such that an increase in fermentable dietary fiber increased membrane-targeting antimicrobials may have to take into the numbers of Bacteroidetes relative to , account their potential to promote HGT among resident with a concomitant increase in circulating short-chain fatty microbial families and the recent history of the patient’sex- acids that can have an anti-allergic inflammatory effect on posure to antibiotics. sites far away from the gastrointestinal tract, such as the Sitaraman Microbiome (2018) 6:163 Page 6 of 14

lung [77]. These findings suggest that those members of note that the relation between HGT and the SOS re- the microbiota that are capable of modulating inflamma- sponse/DNA damage is also species-dependent. For tory states in the human host could have an effect on HGT example, in Streptococcus thermophilus, a lactic acid within the microbiota. Stress hormones such as catechol- bacterium used in the dairy industry, the SOS re- amines (CAs) that are known to be involved in inflamma- sponse antagonizes rather than promotes the develop- tory responses could be a group of likely mediators, given ment of competence [83]. that several bacterial species, both pathogenic and com- Thus, the inflammatory state that influences HGT be- mensal, respond to CAs by changing growth rates and viru- tween members of the microbiota may be a consequence lence factor expression (recently reviewed, see [78]). So far, of pro-inflammatory states induced in the host by a only one report by Peterson et al. has explored the possibil- component(s) of the microbiota itself. Stated differently, ity of a direct link between CAs and HGT in bacteria [79]. the induction (or suppression) of the host inflammatory Working with a clinical strain of Salmonella enterica sero- response potentially couples microbial HGT to interac- var Typhimurium and E. coli, Peterson et al. demonstrated tions between the constituents of the holobiont. This a threefold increased efficiency of transfer (~ 1.5 × leads to an interesting question of what comes first: − − 10 6 versus ~ 5 × 10 7 transconjugants/donor) of a Does inflammation lead to dysbiosis or does dysbiosis conjugative plasmid from the former to the latter in promote inflammation? More importantly, how resilient vitro at physiologically relevant concentrations of nor- is the holobiont to such states, and how and when is the epinephrine (5 μM). ‘tipping point’ reached? Can perturbations arise due to Another mechanism potentially coupling host inflam- random drift, as well as during long-term environmental mation to HGT among the microbiota could be via the and physiological alterations e.g. change in diet or exer- production of CHDPs as a result of infection-induced in- cise respectively? In this context, we point out the ‘key- flammation (recently reviewed, see [80]). CHDPs could stone pathogen hypothesis’ that suggests that certain potentially contribute to HGT among the microbiota as pathogens, themselves not very numerous, could exert a discussed in the previous section, notably with less se- disproportionate influence on both dysbiosis and inflam- lectivity than mechanisms such as bacterial conjugation mation [84]. The term ‘keystone’ is derived from ecology or viral transduction. However, it must be noted that and qualifies a species that exerts a greater influence on CHDPs such as human LL-37 are also involved in down- its ecosystem than would be expected from its population regulating the inflammatory response [80], while their size alone. In our context, we wonder if P. aeruginosa (dis- overall effect on bacterial membrane permeability would cussed above) could play the role of a keystone pathogen be expected to remain unchanged. Thus, our postulated in terms of inducing inflammation that might, in turn, facilitation of gene transfer by CHDPs may not be en- modulate HGT within the microbial community. tirely dependent on the induction of inflammation. Recent work on Salmonella enterica serovar HGT driven by human diet: examples of environmental Typhimurium-induced inflammation indicates that in- selection flammation caused by pathogens can promote HGT Understandably, the human gut microbiota is subjected among different Salmonella strains via activation of to environmental selection based on food sources, espe- prophages. Prophage activation results from the trig- cially in omnivorous humans. HGT events under envir- gering of the bacterial SOS response in response to onmental selection can result in the preservation of gene the DNA damage caused by free radicals released by sequences from transiting species, especially if there is a host immune cells (e.g. neutrophils) during inflamma- strong and persistent selection pressure (such as a reli- tion [81]. As free radicals would not discriminate be- able natural resource). This scenario was spectacularly tween pathogens and commensals, the consequences borne out by the analysis of carbohydrate-active for HGT are intriguing. Additionally, the effect of the (CAZyme) genes in the gut microbiota of Japanese indi- bacterial SOS response on competence also bears dis- viduals. CAZyme genes encoding specific for cussion. The human pathogen and naturally compe- marine algal (porphyranases and agarases) tent bacterium Streptococcus pneumoniae lacks the had been transferred from a seaweed-dwelling sapro- LexA repressor and the SOS response. Instead, its re- troph (closely related to )to sponse to DNA-damaging agents such as mitomycin plebeius within the Japanese gut microbiota C and fluoroquinolones includes the induction of [85]. These genes were not encountered in the microbial competence [82]. It is tempting to speculate that mi- metagenomes of North American individuals (based on crobial DNA damage due to the immune response data available in 2010), indicating that the widespread may be involved in the development of competence consumption of seaweed over generations in Japan exerted in not only S. pneumoniae but also among members selective pressure, fixing this trait enabling B. plebeius to of the resident microbiota. However, it is salutary to exploit a reliable resource. A subsequent study indicated Sitaraman Microbiome (2018) 6:163 Page 7 of 14

that HGT via an integrative and conjugative element (ICE) resistance determinants are known to persist in the micro- resulted in the horizontal acquisition by the gut bacteria biota for significant periods of time (at least 2 years) after B. thetaiotaomicron and B. uniformis of a polysaccharide cessation of antibiotic administration [64, 90, 91]. On the utilization locus (PUL) that enabled these bacteria to other hand, it is also possible that these determinants con- utilize agar and carrageenan (derived from marine algae) tribute to fitness regardless of external antibiotic adminis- [86]. Interestingly, these genes are present not only in tration because they confer resistance to chemically Japanese individuals but also in Spanish and American in- related antimicrobial compounds produced by the mem- dividuals, indicative of microbial adaptation to the sea- bers of the microbiota themselves (also refer to the discus- weed derivatives in the modern diet, especially processed sion on polymyxin B in the section ‘Putative host effectors foods. A different study of carbohydrate-active enzymes in influencing microbial HGT’). the human microbiota by Lozupone et al. indicated a con- vergence, in terms of overall catabolic ability, i.e. pheno- Microbial modulation of HGT type but not in terms of actual species similarity or The reciprocal relationship between the host and its identity [24]. Interestingly, this study indicated that such microbiota highlighted in the preceding section does not functional convergence was most likely attained via HGT preclude evolutionary conflicts between and within the rather than vertical transmission, in both bacteria and individual members of the microbiota. The members of of the gut. It is notable that other studies have the microbiota also produce membrane-destabilizing revealed extensive HGT within human gut-dwelling agents that could potentially promote HGT in a manner [87, 88]. It seems that the adaptation of this analogous to CHDPs mentioned earlier. Bacteriocin pro- important member of the gut microbiota to its ecological duction by the members of the human microbiota has niche and its carbohydrate-utilizing functions are signifi- been inferred by bioinformatics analyses [92–94] and cantly predicated on prior episodes of HGT. also experimentally verified [95, 96]. In the case of In 2016, Song et al. characterized a β-agarase gene Streptococcus mutans, a member of the human dental (aga1) in the soil bacterium Paenibacillus sp. SSG-1 that plaque , competence development is coupled to was found to be highly similar to genes found in human the secretion of bacteriocins, to which it is itself im- oral and gut bacteria—Paenibacillus sp. D14 and Clos- mune. Under these conditions, S. mutants was also tridium sp. D5 respectively [89]. Surprisingly, no homo- found to be capable of taking up plasmids released by S. logs for aga1 were found in other members of the two gordonii in co-culture. [97]. Likewise, the gut-dwelling S. genera. The closest match was with the marine bacter- salivarius couples bacteriocin production to genetic ium Rhodopirellula sallentina SM41, indicating HGT competence [98]. S. salivarius are found to from a marine bacterium to the human microbiota due contain multiple ICEs, including those encoding bacte- to seaweed consumption. As Paenibacillus sp. SSG-1 riocins [99]. Thus, the bacteriocin-producer, itself im- was isolated from soil at a site distant from a marine en- mune to the effects of bacteriocin production, is poised vironment, Song et al. surmised that this was likely due to reap the benefits of DNA release by target organisms. to spitting or the usage of human waste as fertilizer. In addition to maintaining community composition, bac- We therefore suggest that HGT can serve as an ‘ar- teriocin production has potentially promoted HGT, chiving’ mechanism establishing a reservoir of genes de- especially when it is coupled with the development of rived from transitory . Perhaps this is competence. An analogous situation obtains in the case advantageous for the holobiont as it promotes the acqui- of type VI secretion systems (T6SS) that are abundantly sition and stabilization of useful functions within a com- distributed in gut Bacteroidales genomes, often by ICEs, plex microbial community with a high turnover rate. and encode secreted bacteriolytic effectors [100]. Organ- While the identity of the individuals performing the isms encoding such effectors also encode immunity pro- function may change over time, the function itself (and teins that prevent autolysis. From the viewpoint of HGT, therefore, the phenotype) is retained without disruption it would be interesting to determine if any of the T6SSs (Fig. 1). The presence of such a ‘reservoir of functions’ in the human microbiota are co-regulated with compe- may also enable adaption to altered food sources, as en- tence development, as has been recently observed in the countered during long migrations. In the modern con- human pathogen [101]. All the same, text, the presence of such a reservoir may enable the our view of bacteria lysing their competitors as a means transfer of antimicrobial resistance determinants to in- of obtaining new genetic material must be tempered coming pathogens that could, in the extreme, lead to the with an alternative possibility that DNA can also serve death of the holobiont and the potential dispersal or loss as a nutrient when taken up by the cellular competence of these determinants. Also, note that the fitness cost of machinery, at least in γ-Proteobacteria, enabling survival maintaining antibiotic resistance in the absence of anti- during the stationary phase [102]. This is especially im- biotic selection may not be too great. Antimicrobial portant because Proteobacteria, though not as abundant Sitaraman Microbiome (2018) 6:163 Page 8 of 14

as Bacteroidetes and Firmicutes among the human gut would be of interest to determine whether similar mecha- microbiota, nevertheless contribute to significant func- nisms that affect competence in concert with enhancing or tional variability [103]. suppressing barriers to HGT are operative among the Prokaryotes encode a variety of mobile genetic ele- members of the resident human microbiota. ments, collectively termed the mobilome, that partici- Restriction-modification (R-M) systems are ubiquitous pate in HGT. Additionally, (and perhaps in both Bacteria and Archaea, as borne out by the con- the less-studied archaeal ) are also significant tinuously expanding database of restriction enzymes contributors to HGT within the prokaryotic component [109]. The presence of an R-M system in a bacterium of the human microbiota (recently reviewed, see [104]). (or an archaeon) largely, but not completely, prevents The mobilome has been extensively analyzed in the con- the stable acquisition of DNA sequences containing un- text of antimicrobial resistance (reviewed in [56]), but protected R-M target sequences. However, this is not en- there have been few studies determining their contribu- tirely an all-or-none situation. Foreign DNA, even if it is tion to functional aspects of the holobiont. A systematic a suitable target for restriction endonucleases, can be oc- search for plasmids in the human gut microbiota found casionally modified, and therefore protected, by DNA that most genes on these plasmids (other than methyltransferases associated with R-M systems of types replication-related and unclassifiable ones) happened to I–III. R-M systems (especially types I–III) themselves encode addiction modules such as toxin-antitoxin sys- may be considered selfish genetic elements that ensure tems [105, 106] that do not have a clear functional sig- their propagation due to post-segregational killing, i.e. nificance for the holobiont. An extensive comparison of death of daughter cells that do not contain the R-M sys- the mobilomes of Fijians and North Americans indicated tems due to dilution of the protective (methylating) ac- that they differed in the abundance of specific plant tivity of the DNA methyltransferase component [110]. starch-degrading glycosyl hydrolases [107]. This could As selfish genetic elements, their dissemination by HGT be reliably attributed to environmental selection due to would potentially result in their new hosts acquiring re- their respective diets, with the Fijian metagenomes also sistance to phages within the environment. Indeed, R-M exhibiting a greater abundance of plant matter relative systems can also occur as mobile genetic elements [111], to the North American ones, underlining the potential and R-M systems, especially of type II, can be trans- importance of the mobilome in holobiont adaptation to ferred horizontally [110–118]. While R-M systems may varied diets. be considered barriers to HGT, the production of double-stranded DNA breaks by restriction endonucle- Specific prokaryotic barriers to HGT ases essentially produces substrates for recombination as Specific prokaryotic barriers to HGT are of two major well [119]. Also, note that single-stranded DNA is types: the CRISPR-Cas and restriction-modification largely immune to restriction enzyme digestion, even if (R-M) systems. The CRISPR-Cas system in bacteria and is unmodified and contains target sequences recognized archaea is analogous to an adaptive immune system in by the enzyme. It has been proposed that R-M systems that it can prevent future productive infections by (and by extension, similar barriers to HGT) could serve phages that have been encountered earlier. An interest- to maintain species stability [120] as well as that of ing observation by Jorth and Whiteley (2012) in the case clades within a single species [121]. However, this view of the human periodontal pathogen Aggregatibacter must be counterbalanced by the observations of Oliveira actinomycetemcomitans links CRISPR-Cas to bacterial et al. [122] who found that HGT is positively correlated transformability [108]. The bacterial population of this with genome size and numbers of R-M systems encoded pathogen consists of both competent and non-competent by the genome. R-M systems also tended to limit HGT strains that breed true. However, non-competence coinci- between phylogenetically close organisms containing dentally results in the loss of significantly greater numbers non-cognate R-M systems, while permitting genetic ex- of cas genes compared to competent strains. Accordingly, change between evolutionarily distant organisms encod- Jorth and Whiteley suggest that rapidly changing environ- ing cognate R-M systems. ments would favor dynamic genomes and, therefore, competent strains, whereas stable environments would The human-Helicobacter pylori association: a case favor non-competent strains. This also means that study in shades of grey non-competent strains that lack functional cas genes are Our view of host-microbe interactions has historically vulnerable to phage infections, which could again select evolved in the background of what has been termed a for competent strains. While being careful to avoid tele- ‘dualistic framework’ of ‘good’ versus ‘evil’ [123]. Briefly, ology, we observe that one barrier to HGT (non-compe- these include the initial concept of pathogens versus tence) has concomitantly compromised another barrier that host, subsequent ideas of ‘good’ and ‘evil’ members of could enable HGT through phage-mediated transduction. It the microbiota and inflammatory and non-inflammatory Sitaraman Microbiome (2018) 6:163 Page 9 of 14

states in the host. However, as Eberl [123] has suggested, inhabiting the stomach and C. jejuni the small both microbes and their host exhibit multiple pheno- intestine—this raises the possibility of HGT between types in a variety of contexts, with the outcomes transiting and resident bacterial species, ensuring the spanning a continuum, rather than two distinct, non- dissemination of genes from one to an- overlapping categories. We suggest that the case of other. Rohrer et al. determined that the comB T4SS Helicobacter pylori, an ancient [124] and a prominent (present in all H. pylori strains) was necessary for plas- member of the human stomach microbiota [125, 126]is mid uptake in recipient H. pylori cells by both trans- highly supportive of this viewpoint. A recent analysis of formation and conjugation [137]. The genomes of some historical patient data indicates that it infects more than H. pylori strains contain “plasticity zones” harboring half the human population [127]; however, the majority transposons that encode, among other elements, the tfs3 of H. pylori carriers are asymptomatic. Infected individ- [138, 139] and tfs4 [140] type IV secretion systems. uals present with varying degrees of gastric inflamma- However, the components of these two T4SSs do not tion, and a progressively decreasing minority of hosts seem to influence HGT [137]. develop peptic/duodenal ulcers or gastric cancer or While H. pylori is naturally competent [141, 142], it lymphoma of mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue. also encodes exceptional numbers of R-M enzymes— The co-existence of H. pylori with its human host, the more than twenty on average across all known strains chronicity of its infection and the variable nature of the (see It exhibits consider- clinical outcomes for the host indicate that co-evolution able strain diversity across geographical locations [143] of H. pylori and humans is an ongoing process and per- and even within a single human host [144]. Given the haps reflects a ‘transitional form’ of holobiont evolution large numbers of R-M enzymes that each strain encodes, alluded to in the introduction. It has been suggested that trans-species HGT would be expected to preferentially the view of H. pylori as a human pathogen is due to its involve H. pylori in the role of DNA donor, rather than discovery in a pathogenic context and that this associ- an acceptor, as was seen with the case of C. jejuni ation may be viewed as the result of a trade-off between (above). Even among H. pylori strains, we might expect costs and benefits for the human holobiont [128]. In- that the success of HGT might depend on the extent of deed, there are indications that H. pylori has a protective genetic relatedness (i.e. sharing the same R-M comple- effect against childhood diarrheal diseases [129]. Gastric ment). Incidentally, the plasmid transfer experiments of inflammation caused by H. pylori infection enhances the Rohrer et al. [137] involving unrelated clinical isolates of gastric immune response against the cholera vaccine H. pylori suggest that the numerous R-M systems are [130]. H. pylori infection is also positively correlated not insuperable barriers to DNA transfer in H. pylori. with enhanced protection against tuberculosis [131, Bubendorfer et al. (2016) carried out a detailed analysis 132]. Therefore, it is possible that the cost of developing of inter-strain transfer of genomic DNA fragments and diseases later in life due to H. pylori infection is offset in their patterns of integration into the recipient genome evolutionary terms, by the increase in the likelihood of via homologous recombination using carefully chosen H. the human host attaining reproductive age [133]. pylori strains in an attempt to address this issue [145]. The spectrum of clinical outcomes upon H. pylori in- Their study, conducted entirely in vitro, indicated that fection, especially the development of gastric cancer due recipient R-M systems do not seem to affect the integra- to chronic inflammation later in life is strongly corre- tion of homologous DNA, even though they seem to be lated with the presence of a pathogenicity island (PAI) effective barriers against the integration of heterologous designated cag (cytotoxin-associated gene) that encodes DNA. a type IV secretion system (T4SS) and has probably been acquired by some strains via HGT [134, 135]. The cag- Conclusions PAI encodes the oncogenic CagA protein that can be The role of intra-prokaryotic HGT in the overall survival translocated via the T4SS into host cells with which H. and propagation of the human (and other) holobionts is pylori comes into close contact. This has the effect of barely beginning to be understood, not least because of tilting the balance in favor of increased inflammation the immense technical, logistic and ethical challenges in- and gastric cancer risk, but it is not known whether in- volved. HGT could potentially ensure the wider dissem- creased and chronic inflammation due to H. pylori infec- ination (and preservation) of genes derived from rare or tion influences HGT in H. pylori and/or other members transient/extraneous members of the microbial commu- of the human microbiota. A subset of H. pylori strains nity and restore functions that would be otherwise com- also encodes one or more T4SSs that can transfer DNA promised as a result of gene/species loss. Moreover, to other strains as well as related species like Campylo- human cultural evolution may also have already impacted bacter jejuni in vitro [136]. Given that the primary habi- HGT in unforeseen methods. The invention of sewage tats of these two bacteria are different—H. pylori networks that concentrate unprecedented quantities of Sitaraman Microbiome (2018) 6:163 Page 10 of 14

human and waste before eventual disposal (with or themselves vary in terms of kind, degree and duration, without treatment) into water bodies has presented micro- probably resulting in a wide variation of transfer rates organisms with a nutrient-rich environment on a vast throughout the holobiont’s lifetime. The influence of scale that was absent for most of human history and may second-order effects i.e., changes that alter HGT rates, is have affected microbial HGT in unknown ways also difficult to quantify across the board for a highly di- [146–148]. The intensive farming of food verse and still insufficiently characterized, dynamic mi- (both terrestrial and aquatic) prevalent in more in- crobial community. For example, it has been discovered dustrialized nations uses antibiotics on a large scale, that Roseburia hominis, a firmicute symbiont of the hu- leading to the increased abundance of antibiotic re- man gut, exhibits an upregulation of the of sistance determinants as well as an increased inci- genes related to plasmid mobilization/conjugation dence of HGT [52, 149]. Notably, such activities may 14 days after being administered to germ-free mice eventually influence populations that are located at [158]. Therefore, information about a ‘background’ rate significant distances downstream or along the same of HGT may not be as informative as we might expect. coast (in the case of marine environments) in unpre- Rather, it would be more informative to determine how cedented ways [150, 151]. particular instances of HGT have contributed to overall The holobiontic perspective has the signal merit of functionality and fitness, thereby strengthening the asso- bringing into sharp focus the value of functional studies ciations that constitute the holobiont. of the microbiota as a necessary and informative com- Microbiological research has afforded us unparalleled plement to studies based on 16S rRNA gene-based di- glimpses of the hidden lives led by DNA in prokaryotic versity analysis. Functional information integrated with communities comprised of billions of individuals, not other available ‘omics’ technology platforms, especially only in its journey down lines of lineal descent but also proteomics and , could be more inform- across phylogenetic groups. Both and ative in identifying interactions that cooperate to pro- medicine have come a long way since Mark Twain wrote duce the holobiont phenotype. Metagenomic sequencing his corrosive satire quoted in the beginning. It is increas- of microbial communities can, in principle, enable iden- ingly clear that humans do not merely provide ‘sumptuous tification of HGT events within the population under housing’ for the microbes but also receive significant eco- scrutiny using computational methods. However, a limit- system services in return. And more importantly, ‘germs’ ing factor in detecting HGT in these communities is our causing ‘desolating diseases’ are by no means representa- ability to assign a source organism for the short se- tive of the salient contributions of a vast number of mi- quence reads typical of metagenomic samples. Recent crobes either. However, precisely because research efforts work assembling genomes entirely from metagenomic have focused intensely on ‘germs’ for more than a century, data demonstrates that such a reconstruction is indeed much information is available that could be leveraged to possible [152–154]. Microbial culturomics—the high- better understand the role of HGT in maintaining holo- throughput culture of organisms in complex communi- biont homeostasis. As the case of H. pylori indicates, some ties—can potentially provide us with reference genomes of the implications of this information may be underap- for comparison and is beginning to be applied to the hu- preciated due to its focus on pathogenesis. Thus, we can- man microbiota [155–157]. not help but appreciate Mark Twain’spresciencein As noted in the first section, some estimates of the ex- discerning that the microbes (harmful or not) were indeed tent of HGT in individual microbes as well as microbial ‘the most important part of the Ark’scargo,’ and affirm that communities are available. However, compared to detect- rapidly accumulating knowledge of the many functions of ing HGT events post facto, estimating their rate presents the microbiota in diverse multicellular organisms provides additional problems. The mechanisms of HGT and their ‘man’s remotest entrail’ with sufficiently weighty reasons frequency of occurrence are dependent on the species ‘to praise its Creator’sname.’ under consideration as well the environmental condi- To reiterate, positive or negative selective pressures tions (biotic and abiotic) prevailing at a given time. In can impact the holobiont simultaneously and at multiple order to determine changes in rates above a ‘back- levels of complexity. The choice of the holobiont as a ground’ as a result of a particular intervention, it would unit of selection does not exclude other units of selec- be necessary to monitor HGT between donors and re- tion at lower levels of complexity—human, microbial, cipients before and after the said intervention. Clearly, at genomic or genetic. In this article, we have purposely the present time, such studies can be conducted with in- highlighted only those instances of HGT modulation dividual organisms (depending on our ability to culture that couple the human host and members of the micro- them), but not with entire communities. Additionally, biota, thereby supporting the current usage of the term quantitative assessments made based on particular spe- ‘holobiont’ [159, 160]. Understandably, many questions cies may not be applicable to others. Selection pressures remain unaddressed. What is the relative contribution of Sitaraman Microbiome (2018) 6:163 Page 11 of 14

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