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Shark Scene Vol 27 Oregon realizes they are all out of olives Vol 27 March 23, 2018 Dylan Weller signs to play with Alma College By Brittney Roberson out of town who would be Shark Scene Staff Writer on the sideline supporting him as well. Another Saint louis ath- “I’m excited to run the lete is college bound. Sen- ball again, and even more ior Dylan Weller signed excited to run behind my his letter of intent to con- former teammate Braden tinue playing football at Hanley who plays offen- Alma College Monday, sive tackle,” Weller stat- March 19. Weller has ed. been playing football for A real eye opener for nine years and is happy to Senior Dylan Weller continues his football career Weller was when the final continue his career at the with the Scots of Alma College (photo by Michael seconds on the clock ran next level. Munderloh). out against Breckenridge Weller will be playing his last high school game. running back and has been enth grade. His mom, dad his career and have done a He knew at that moment working for this oppor- and Rima have been his lot for him. He has other he didn’t want to be done tunity since he was in sev- biggest fans throughout friends and family from playing football. Students prepare for end of marking period grades By Mackenzie Strong At this point in the school year, Shark Scene Staff Writer students may start to tune out, wanting it to be the end of the year At Saint Louis High School, the and skipping school more often. students are getting ready for the However, it is important for stu- end of the marking period, Friday, dents to stay in school and to re- March 23. The end of the marking main focused on their studies. period happens to be right before “I have a lot to do before Friday, spring break. Students should be like packing for spring break, and getting all there missing assign- getting all my work done and study- ments turned in before grades are ing for tests, so I’m super stressed finalized. out,” commented Lily Hindenlang. “Mostly yes, my things in classes Dylan McCloskey (right) strug- are all caught up and I am 100 per- gles to finish up school work cent ready for spring break,” said Autumn Bradbury when asked if before the end of the marking she is prepared for the end of the period (photo by Michael marking period. Munderloh). Shark Scene News p. 2 BPA competes strongly at state By Brittney Roberson first in Fundamental Spreadsheet Sharks Scene Staff Writer Applications, and Rachael Lovejoy also placed first in Advanced Members of BPA competed in Spreadsheet Applications. the state competition at the Amway Maverick Giles said “ I was in a Plaza and Hotel March 15-18. hard event so I didn't place, but it There was a big amount of stu- was still fun. I got the statesman dents who did an excellent job and award for my torch.” placed. Alex Lawhorne placed Rachael Lovejoy commented, “I sixth in Fundamental Accounting, wasn’t expecting at all to get first Allyse March got fifth in Funda- place in Advanced Spreadsheet. I mental Spreadsheet Applications, was very happy with the results Breck Hodges placed fourth in however. When we travel to Dal- Fundamentals of Web Design, Ad- las, I am most excited about stay- am Lawhorne got third in Funda- The BPA team crams into an ing in the hotel because it has a mentals of Web Design, Rachael elevator for a quick picture water park in it.” Lovejoy placed third in Database (Photo by Terri Reeves). Nash, Lovejoy, Hodges, Alex Applications, Elizabeth and Adam Lawhorne, March, Vanderhart, Alex Lawhorne, Al- in Graphic Design Promotion, Ad- Vanderhart, and Jewel will be ad- lyse March and Jenna Jewel placed am Lawhorne got a Bronze Medal vancing to Nationals in Dallas, second in Broadcast News Produc- in Information Technology Con- Texas May 9-15. tion Team, Joseph Nash got second cepts Open, Breck Hodges placed Singing Hands take to the stage STL students enjoy annual event By. Jake Davis atmosphere to be around.” mance if they have anoth- Shark Scene Staff Writer Fellow Shark Haylie Ha- er one soon.” worth said, “ I've never This is one of the big- The Deaf and Hard of been to a singing Hands gest events of the year as Hearing program at Saint before but I have seen plenty of friends and fam- Louis High School held videos of them perform- ily come to support and their annual Singing ing. I think it is great that pack the gym. Hands concert at Shep- the kids get to have an If anyone has the herd High School Thurs- opportunity to have fun chance to come watch day, March 15. This con- and show their parents next year who didn't this cert is put on by Mrs. Lar- how hard they have been year, take the opportunity son’s classes. working in class." and show those students Senior Travis courter Ryan Downs said, “This Senior Humberto Alba some Shark pride! If any- poses with sister was my first year being a said “ I watched one sing- one did end up making Brook Courter after part of the singing hands ing hands before and I the show and watched the Singing Hands 2017 thought that it was pretty students perform, they concert, and it was really (Photo by Amy Cour- fun. Everyone was really cool. I would definitely send their sincere thanks nice and it was just a good go watch another perfor- for attending the event. ter). Shark Scene Opinions p. 3 Hats and hoods hiding students By Joseph Davis but unless the hat is outra- son isn’t unrecognizable takes. For the freedom of Shark Scene Staff Writer geous, I don’t see how. because you can’t see their the student body, and for It’s kind of irritating and I forehead. the freedom to express We’ve all asked it at one find it pointless.” Some even say we don’t oneself, I say it is time to point or another, why Many people see hats as wear hats or hoods be- legalize headwear. can’t we wear hats or unnecessary, a distraction, cause it’s what we’ve al- hoods in school? I get that or even disrespectful. I see ways done— you know, the dress code is decided it as an expression of who tradition. This is complete and enforced by the school I am as a person. I wear bogus as well. Just be- board, and they’re doing certain clothes because I cause we’ve been doing what they think is best for feel that they express how something for a long time us. However, sometimes it I feel. For many teenagers, doesn’t mean it’s right. seems that the “no hat or expression through clothes Look back in American hoodies” rule is the only is a big part of who they history and see how long dress code violation being are as a person. I under- some of our mistakes last- enforced. Jacob Fry said, stand if it is deliberately ed... go ahead look. The “I find the no hat rule to offensive, but otherwise I point is, you shouldn’t be a waste of time; if think its fine. Teachers continue doing something someone wants to wear a might say it’s because because it’s the “norm. Reyna Rojas sits with hat, I say why not? I be- they can’t identify you if You should always try to her hood on (photo lieve it could be because you have a hat on; well, improve your ways and by Carly Daniels). hats are a “distraction”, that’s a flat out lie. A per- look back on your mis- Website restriction– restricting our learning? By Faith Best definitely should not be allowed on Shark Scene Staff Writer our Chromebooks and they aren't. I think it really depends on the We all probably have our favorite person as to what websites they go game that we like to play on our to. Let’s say we have the privilege Chromebooks, but not all of us are of getting one of our favorite web- able to play it due to blocked web- sites unblocked; if someone uses sites. Or maybe you look up a ques- that privilege irresponsibly then tion on Google and you go to click they shouldn't have that privilege, on a link to hopefully get the an- but that doesn't mean that other swer, but you can’t because it’s people shouldn’t. Kyla Anderson blocked. Alayna Corder is very frustrat- says, “Yes, the school does block I think that some of the websites ed with the amount of blocked too many websites. There has been many times when I have tried to that our school blocks should be websites she encounters blocked, but some of them don’t research things and the websites (photo by Aleeya Bradley). need to be blocked. I have had ex- have been blocked.” periences before where I need help Overall, I think that the school finding an answer to a question an I sites because one time I was look- could let us have a little bit more can’t find it because all of the web- ing for a website for my work and it freedom with some websites. but it sites that I want to go to are was blocked even though it had no really all just comes down to how blocked.
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