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ISSUE NO. 5 AUGUST 1990 C 0 N M N M ^ ')) "7^ X<J »s COLLEGE CULTURE 4 l^jTWy WILDLIFE SLAUGHTER IN OUR OWN BACK- ''^\H[^ YARD 6 FITZGERALD }> YEARS DOWN THE \ ^ iW^ niACK AND NONE THE WISER 7 WINES THAT WILL t>V \ MAKE YOU WHINE 8 RALLY FOR BIGOTRY GET STUFEED FRED 9 ^, PLANS FOR THE RENOVATED UNION REFECTORY 10 IT AINT NECESSARILY SO THE BIBLE 11 THE SPIRIT OF EASTER THE IRA AND IRELAND 12 FREEDOM Of INFORMATION AND FREE LL'NCHES TOO 74 VOICES FROM NOWSA 15 CARTOONS PAGE 16 SEX THE CROSSWORD 17 DEATH IN THEf a*> STUDENTS UNION ONE LAST GASP 18 A POSTER 20 UNION NOTICES 22 A^' YUPPIES GUIDE TO THE. BIBLE 23 SURVIVE OR DIE ON HOLIDAYS 24 REVIEWS - CONCERTS, MOVIES, FOOD & THEATRE GUIDE 26 UNION NOTICES - WOMEN'S RIGHTS & CLUBS & SOCIETIES 30 CAR- POOLING 31 DAMIEN WEIS7, SATANIC PRIEST II 32 STUDENT POLITICIANS - YOUR MONEY, THEIR CAREERS 33 ^" LETTUCE TO THE EDITORS 34 SURVIVE OR DIE/HIITER'S REAL DIARY 36 STARS/IN THE TOWER 37 POETRV \TP, WOi'VE PUBLISHED SOME 39 *^'' THE BACK PAGE 40 "^h Jt v^^ 4' / ih I. ~^ R D EDITORS DIANA CASSIDY, NIK DOUGLAS & CORINA McKAY 4 LAYOUT ARTIST PETER l* TYPESETTING LOU LARDER AND SMARTYPE fc ADVERTISING MICHAEL LYE •>• PUBLISHER JANE LYE PRESIDENT, uo UNION aSJ PHONE 371 2568; 371 1611 exI 258 -^^^ FAX 371 4359 4 ADDRESS SEMPER c/o UQ UNION UNIVERSITY OF QLD ST. LUCIA 4067 • •••.<V':^'^-'--V>-:'.v . TALL STORIES FROM .,;..,;/,V,\\.--w.>Vy,^,:. SMALL MINDS •;•• if, • Have you read either of the leaflets pictured below? If not, don't waste your time reading this editorial. Ifs just us Trotsityite, red-scum, drug-taking Semper editors pushing the old poiiticai pram again. We're just mis using our postions as media barons to print outrageously biased opinions on those low forms of life — student politicians. You can read it if you can be bothered, and make up your own mind. The 'Pleasure Fling' The Union Executive training camp wos lield al Holse Lodge; S20 per person, wilh 6 people sleeping in each ol the 3 metre by 4 metre rooms. The cost come to $2000, compered lo the S3500 usually ipent on o changeover period (where the outgoing Union Executive trains f-vs'\, :••;•;'" <»M;-.<- :•••••.: .&:• the incoming one) a lot lower than the $6000 claimed in ihe teoflel. Those attending worked from Bom to midnight on management, slaff relotions, Union finances, campaigns [which contributed to o successful parking fees campaign), group work, understanding the Union Constitution and the legal duties o( being an eleded office bearer. The Union now hos a legal duty lo provide such training. There were no free wines, beer, surf skiis, clothing shopping, parties ot hotels etc. Porticipants went lo the beach once - ot about 10pm. Scolt McKenzie •i^>v. "••••••••::.. did not otiend. The 'Free Lunch' All 100 employees of the Union from the assistants to clericol staff receive vouchers for lunch at the Refectories os port of the industrial oward. This also applies lo the poid elected office bearers. And the Union Treasurer continues lo use her lunch vouchers although she is f^.\- :s",^,:'i'•:•:..•••.. ••••.• \^''! supposedly stounchly opposed to ihe concept. ^ •< ;-::K^*'\V»W'••••.;;'• "•••• .•.•.::•»:• The 'Publicity Stunt' D I T O R I A L For a s'ervice related orgonisotion like the Student Union to function properly, its services must be publicised to those who fund ihem and will benefii from'their use - the siudents. The Education olfice, which regulady assists studenls wilh unfair foils ond exclusions; the Activilies Area, which provides regular entertainment, bands, creative woH<shops, darkroom etc; the Clubs and Social areo, which provides resources to studenls who wanl lo get together to form a club for almost any reosor.; and many other areas which need publicily to be effective. The leaflet which did this did not cost $11,000. It did not publicise or mention anyone who is running in the upcoming elections, and thus could nol be on election stunt. i ^ \ ' , • * • •. 1 ' . ; The 'Nepotism in Semper' ^ ^ ' ^ ^ ^ We 3 Semper edilors were elected by the students. We made il quite cleor during the elections"thot our polilics were progressive ond that we would do our domnedest lo "keep the baslords honest". Now that we've trodden on a few people's toes they see the need fo discredit us. i ' One of the three editors, Nik Douglas, doei live with the Union President, bul did,so long before the elections last year. And who's business is it anyway? ' . ' .- n*^*.*^' The layout artist wos appointed by a committee of four elected office bearers and one staff representolive. There were 20 oppliconts for the position, three were interviewed,'and the besl qualified person was oppoinled. The records ore ovoilaL?le and the entire process,was ^m^!:''^-^S!'l done according lo the Union Constitution and relevant Policy. The loyout orlist was not sacked losl year Lut resigned. We sought to reslrvjcfure the posilion at the beginning of ihe year from casual rates lo contract labour because the duties of the layout artist are nol properly covered by any award woge in the printing and arlwoHcers indust7. The nature of the job involves woHting through the night and over the weekend and hoving the layout artist on an hourly contract helps (he Union save money in the long run by ovoiding costly overtime rotes. Many workers in the Union supported this reslmcturing, seeing •^;....... wis OS contract employment is slondord in the artworkers indust^. It was noted however that the Union does not usually support the concept of contract labour, that this position was an exception to the norm, and that it was nol to set a precedent for further contract employment in this organisalion. There were three applicants for the job of Advertising Agent, one of whom admitted he was lazy, and thus the most capable person was oppoinled pursuant lo Union Regulations. And yes the Semper ofiices ore being renovated, bul ot a cost much less ihan the $170,000 quoted. Note that the renovations won't storl until lote October and so we moy actually only hove o chance to inspect the new offices jusl before we finish our terms in early December. We have woH<ed very hord to ensure the offices were raised from their condition condemned by the University Health and Safety i-ift^v •••.^:^.:•"•••.v:;:;•^¥i5;<••,•' Officer, Barry Prott, and we hope that next year's editors, staff and Union members benefit from them - whoever these people moy be. ts.... :-X: •.' " •i':<"-v^i.. The 'Secretary's Jumper* As is standard in any job if personal effects ore damaged during work duties then these personal effects will be replaced. Thus the Union Secretary's jumper was replaced. This has happened before in ihe Union's history and no doubt will happen again. The mosl misleading aspect of the shit sheet is the heading The Articles Semper Won't Print". This implies that the materiol has been submitted to us ond we hove refused totJublish it - ihis is CRAP. We sow the orticles for the first time when they storied appeoring anonymously in libraries and refecs two weeks ogo. The sheet seeks lo discredit Semper ond eveiyone connected wilh il. We know who produced the sheet, and we con soy from post experience that oltempting to deal fairly wilh them is a waste of time. You give them on inch, and they take a mile ... and nice job in the stole government ihonk-you ve^ much. s^^^- I THE ARTICLES SEMPER WONT PRINT ^^}^:i;^:^ AUTlfUl AHna« ItAVtONt THING IN COMMON fRlt*4Dl COUNI THE POPES COMPEIIIION In the pages of this edition of Semper v/e've hidden lots and lots of Popes. All you hove to do is count them ond then come down lo Semper and go in the dra.w for some new-release albums ond singles we have to give away, HOURS OF FUN, ^ ?Jtl>^^?:i;?:<^;. *>.;^. College Culture has always been something each of us hears of and either are shocked and amazed or not really surprized at all depending on what you've heard. Not only does It reek of those B-grade American teenage movies where life is great so long as you are getting dmnk, throwing up and winning on, it also is a place where sexism and fun are hard to separate. ifestyle is a wtijrlwind of iniliafions, socials and various parties. With their own special culture, their own language and codes of behaviour, the environment in some of these colleges can L•tiecome stifling if not repressive for someone not willing to coniorm. With the different (nidations prepared for "freshers" first entering college, the molding of these people has tjegun. Kings like to beat up on theirs; make them clean the "seniors" shoes, clean their rooms and basically degrade themselves, until they get a chance to do the same to the "freshers" next year. You can see the vicious cycle start to develop. The hierarchy v\rfiich is developed within such colleges as King's, John's, Women's and Emmanuel is an excuse fo teach the first years what will heppen lo them if they behave outside the norm, Reading the various college magazines and newsletters the type of environment and communily these ignorant people live in, is exhibited. John's 'Croc's Mouth' is typical of what you would expect from an all male college. It's not surprising that you find things like: (a) XX: "I could never have sex" Jabber thought: "You could never get sex you dog faced bitch" (b) "X, your tils are real college assets" (c) "Fuck X, look at those tits" However, what is surprising is that fifty women are now living at John's College and these women had no real involvement in the magazine except to endorse the male view.