Eco. Env. & Cons. 26 (November Suppl. Issue) : 2020; pp. (S65-S69) Copyright@ EM International ISSN 0971–765X

A review analysis on environmental factors influencing morphology and behaviour of estuarine Mollusc

*Arundhati Ganguly1&4, Banani Mandal2, Arunava Mukherjee3 and Susanta Kumar Chakraborty4

1 Asutosh College, S.P. Mukherjee Road, Kolkata 700 026, W.B., 2Jogesh Chandra Chaudhuri College, Prince Anwar Shah Road, Kolkata 700 033, W.B., India 3Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda Centenary College, Rahara, Kolkata 700 118, W.B., India 4 Department of Zoology, Vidyasagar University, Midnapore 721 102, W.B., India

(Received 20 March, 2020; Accepted 4 May, 2020)

ABSTRACT The phylum , the second largest non chordate group of organisms inhabits all types of terrestrial and aquatic habitats. Benthic invertebrates represent an important group in the food web; influence various functional aspects in the ecosystem like energy flows, nutrient re-mineralization in the sediment etc. In this article, strong relationship between various environmental factors on molluscs in estuarine habitats is discussed. Analysis have been made on the influential environmental variance such as temperature, light, pH, tidal cycle, salinity, soil substratum, humidity and other environmental attributes on the behavioural response and external structure of molluscs.

Key words: Environmental factors, Benthic mollusc, Morphology, Behaviour, Adaptation.

Introduction (Vermeij, 1973). Molluscs being the predominant fauna in the mangrove play a significant ecological Estuarine environment being one of the most pro- role in the structure and functioning of this ecosys- ductive natural habitats supports a unique assem- tem, show a great complexity in their trophic status blage of flora and fauna especially adapted to live at due to their presence at different levels in the food the margin of the sea. To survive within the inter- web as detrivore, filter feeders, herbivores and tidal zone of coastal environments, plants and ani- predator (Kottè-Mapoko et al., 2017). The nature of mals may have to withstand exposure to desicca- the molluscan community is strongly influenced by tion, osmotic stress, temperature stress, UV radia- physical conditions of the environment (Kabir et al., tion, as well as problems associated with gas ex- 2014). Availability of food and shelter with spatio- change and accumulation of metabolic wastes dur- temporal variation and hydrodynamic forces in the ing their periodic exposure to air. Henceforth, inter- estuarine region create microhabitats for tidal organisms exhibit adaptive structural, macrofauna and directly or indirectly affect the behavioural and physiological modifications or ad- quality of living of immigrating larvae and juveniles aptation in response to such environmental stresses of benthic organisms (Ronnback, 1999). Pulmonate S66 Eco. Env. & Cons. 26 (November Suppl. Issue) : 2020 snail and several other groups have conquered scallop, Argopecten purpuratus where large and thick mangrove lands with the elimination of the and shell production was negatively influenced by conversion of the mantle cavity into lungs acidic condition of the environment (Lagos et al., (Shanmugam and Vairamani, 1999). The 2016). malacofauna restricted to the tree zones of Effect of tidal cycle and salt grasses have adapted for re-ab- sorption of calcium carbonate from internal shell telescopium inhabiting on upper inter- structures to survive in difficult situation tidal zone found inactive and clustered together in (Sanpanich et al., 2004). Byssus threads formation in refuge microhabitats and succumbed to heat stress Mytilus edulis are very much influenced by environ- on exposure at mudflat and their migratory mental conditions like agitation, excision, tempera- behaviour started with the onset of tidal inundation ture, salinity, tidal regime and seasonality. (Young, (Lasiak and Dye, 1986). . littorea preferred to 1985). Organic sheet formation on inner shell wall in remain stationary during high period. As their Geloina erosa and G. expansa was observed as an mobility was mostly negatively influenced by tidal adaptive response in the individuals who had suf- amplitude, they showed a high affinity to low fered from extreme shell dissolution. (Isaji, 1993). line (Stanhope et al., 1982). The adult individuals of gastropod, Melampus coffeus (Pulmonata, Effect of temperature and light: Water temperature Ellobiidae), a common snail in mangrove forests played a crucial role on movements of Littorina and salt marshes along the Atlantic Ocean coast littorea for high recovery of snail distribution on showed a particular behaviour related to tidal cycles upper intertidal and mid-intertidal bed during win- by climbing trunks, seedlings, prop roots and pneu- ter months. (Carlson et al., 2006). In vitro condition matophores of mangrove plants during spring tide Littorina littorea, maintained at low temperature (16° to avoid submergence, while juveniles remain on C and 20° C) showed induced defences by growing substrate surface under leaves and inside trunks larger and thicker shells which decreased or inhib- (Proffitt and Delvin, 2005). The magnitude of hydro- ited at higher temperature (24° C) (Bibby et al., 2007) dynamic forces directly influences a snail to hide and similar result was also observed in scallop from free-stream flows in sheltered cracks or crev- Argopecten purpuratus (Lagos et al., 2016). The move- ices as a resistance of dislodgement from the sub- ment of male Littorina ardouiniana and Littorina stratum (Trussell, 1997). Littorina obtusata exhibits melanostoma in mating season to track by clear morphological variation in respect to shell following their trails might be influenced by height, shell length, and area along shores temperature (Erlandsson and Kostylev, 1995). exposed to differential wave energies. Decreased Littorina spp were so sensitive to sunlight that they shell length of L. obtusata was observed after storm were translocated to lower side of the leaves of man- in wave exposed area (Trussell, 1997). Copulation in grove plants and shaded part of mangrove stilt root Littorina scabra was correlated with lunar cycle and which show control over diurnal movements with very much influenced by moist environment both in changing illumination (Kamardin et al., 2006). vivo and in vitro condition (Maruthamuthu and Effect of pH: Gastropods, auratum from Kasinathan, 1986). Tidal inundation also influenced acidified sites showed significantly higher activity the age specific association of mollusc species with in vertical migration using mangrove trunk and others. Such as, high association of Littorina littorea pneumatophores and more rapid migration out of was observed with mussel bed, Mytilus edulis in low acidified than highly alkaline estuarine wa- intertidal zone whereas the juveniles of L. littorea ters (Amaral et al., 2014). At extremely low pH were greatly associated with barnacles in deep tidal (pH<5.0), retraction into the shells of Bembicium bed (Saier, 2000). The ratio beween shell length and auratum which might be learned or inherited over aperture height was observed to be increased in in- multiple exposures serves as a cue to reduce the dividuals of Littorina plena exposed to high wave acidity stress in the population (Amaral et al., 2014). action (Rugh, 1997). The formation of thicker shells in gastropod, Littorina littorea in presence of predator (crab) was Effect of Salinity: being an disrupted at low pH (Eschweiler et al., 2009, Bibby et euryhaline species can tolerate a wide range of sa- al., 2007). Similar response was also observed in linity from 15 to 34 ppt (Alexander and Rae, 1979) GANGULY ET AL S67 with decreasing survival rate at fresh water level. T. of Telescopium telescopium is made by the quiet na- telescopium, which distributed widely in marine, es- ture of the environment (Haque and Choudhury, tuarine and brackish water system has potential re- 2015). Increased pressure might forced sistance to withstand desiccation for a long period medium size group of Littorina irrorata to stay out of of time up to 6 months (Vermeij, 1973). water, whereas large sized snails being not suscep- tible to predator’s attack did not show any kind of Effect of soil substratum: In Nodilittorina australis, response (Stanhope, 1982). In vitro condition on pre- developmental plasticity in shell morphology indi- dation-related mortality of L. irrorata was observed cates partial dissociation of colour and sculpture in restricted vertical migration (Vaughn and Fisher, (Yeap et al., 2001). Soil parameters such as nitrate, 1988). Changing in foot colour was suggested to be phosphate, ammonia, pH, temperature and salinity an indicator of trematode (C. lingua) infection in affect the density of T. telescopium in either sub- Littorina sp (Willey and Gross, 1957). Microhabitats merged area or dry area in an estuarine landscape like cracks and crevices on tidal flat were preferred (Graffer, 2014). Better activities like rasping, copu- for shelter during storm surge or tidal wave shock lating and movements on semi-fluid soil substratum (Saier, 2000; Carlson et al., 2006). Trail following were observed in Telescopium telescopium which was behaviour in gastropods help them to locate prey also oriented by ebb tide, light and wave motion and attached food particles on previously laid mu- (Petraitis, 1982). The foraging behaviour of molluscs cus trail (Ng et al., 2013). was also influenced by the richness of mangrove leaf litter and microbial growth on substratum and Conclusion the slime trace and odour of other on man- grove trunks (Kamardin et al., 2006). All the studies discussed here indicate that environ- Effect of humidity: Deposition of organometallic mental factors like temperature, pH, salinity, light complex (Fe, Mn) in sediment is very important as intensity, humidity, tidal inundation and habitat a humidity preserving factor for maintaining specialization impose largely on the morphology smoothness of shell (Plaziat, 1984). Smooth coated and behavioural pattern of molluscan community shells are found solitary and sparsely distributed at inhabiting in mangrove as well as estuarine habi- shaded areas, whereas the typical type was found in tats. Among these factors pH, light luminescence abundant and aggregated at open and bare areas. and tidal amplitude create greater impact on mor- (Budiman, 2009). The density of Telescopium phological characteristics in respect to size, thick- telescopium in dry area was higher than the sub- ness, smoothness and colour pigmentation of mol- merged area (Lasiak and Dye, 1986; Rangan et al., luscan shell. On the other hand, water temperature, 2015). Habitat segregation or degree of shadiness tidal flow and uniqueness of habitats are analyzed might be an influential factor on shell form in as the major influential factors regulating various Telescopium sp (Budiman, 2009). Besides the reduc- behavioural pattern of mangrove based mollusc tion of colonization density in dry season, ship- species. A very minimal number of studies have worm Neoteredo reynei (Bivalvia, Teredinidae) been done till date on morphological and showed a peculiar behaviour by closing off their behavioural changes of malacofauna in dynamic burrow on wooden log during low tide for better estuarine environment. This review analysis will protection from desiccation and overheating foster interest for detailed research on the (Rimmer et al., 1983). The unique tree-climbing bi- dynamicity of mollusc community in estuarine en- valve, Enigmonia aenigmatica, which occurs mostly vironment especially in India. on Avicennia sp and Sonneratia sp shows shell colour variation from red/ deep purple to golden brown References when attached directly to the mangrove leaves (Sigurdsson and Sundari, 1990). Alexander, C. G. and Rae, J. C. 1979. 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