Faculty Engaged in Sustainability Related Research
Faculty Engaged in Sustainability Related Research FACULTY IN EXPERTS DIRECTORY DEPARTMENT SUSTAINABILITY RELATED RESEARCH TOPIC Alan Mobley Public Affairs Criminal Justice, law and society, community-based service learning, restorative justice, social sustainability. Elisa (EJ) Sobo* Anthropology Medical anthropology, medical tourism, healthcare quality improvement, children with special health care needs, medical traditions, reproductive health, nutrition and body image, health education, coping with HIV/AIDS, health-related risk perception. Matthew Lauer Anthropology Population, ecology, environmental studies, indigenous rights and sustainability issues in Latin America and the PaciVic Ramona Perez* Anthropology MeXico, OaXaca, tourism and development, gender and political economy, peri-urban development, ethnicity and national identity, migrant networks and social identity, community policing and MeXican communities, ethnic groups and higher education Seth Mallios Anthropology Anthropology, archaeology, San Diego cemeteries, San Diego history, Historic preservation Andrew J. Bohonak Biology Evolutionary biology, population genetics, freshwater insects & crustaceans, conservation genetics, population genetics, genetics of managed populations, estimating movement with genetic markers, vernal pools, the endangered San Diego fairy shrimp. Biodiversity, endangered species. Brian Hentschel Biology Coastal dead zones, pollution, conservation. Biology, oceanography, Marine invertebrates, benthic ecology, larval ecology, compleX life cycles,
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