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Index to Documents

1. Note of quarterly catch-up meeting – 2 February 2017 Redacted to remove personal data and commercially sensitive information. 2. Chart provided by Stansted Ltd at meeting on 2 February 2017 3. Note of quarterly catch-up meeting – 10 May 2017 Redacted to remove personal data and information that is irrelevant to these proceedings. 4. Note of meeting between MAG and DfT – 26 July 2017 Redacted to remove personal data and commercially sensitive information. 5. Note of quarterly catch-up meeting – 9 February 2018 Redacted to remove personal data, commercially sensitive information and irrelevant information. 6. ‘Read out’ following Baroness Sugg visit to Stansted Airport – 21 March 2018 Redacted to remove personal data and irrelevant information. 7. Letter from MAG to DfT – 28 June 2017 Redacted to remove personal data. 8. Email from MAG to DfT – 11 July 2017 Redacted to remove personal data. 9. Email from MAG to DfT – 18 October 2017 Redacted to remove personal data. 10. Email exchange between MAG and DfT – 18-20 October 2017 Redacted to remove personal data. 11. Email exchange between MAG and DfT – 12-16 February 2018 Redacted to remove personal data and irrelevant information. 12. Email from MAG to DfT – 16 February 2018 Redacted to remove personal data. 13. Email exchange between MAG and DfT – 1-5 June 2018 Redacted to remove personal data and irrelevant information. 14. Email exchange between MAG and DfT – 10 May – 25 June 2018 Redacted to remove personal data.

Document Ref : <> Page 1 of 1 <>/<> DfT - Stansted Airport quarterly catch-up - Note of meeting Thursday 2nd February 2017 -10.30am -1/23a, Great Minster House

London Stansted Airport Divisional Chief Executive Officer, Stansted Airport Head of External Affairs, Public Affairs Director, MAG

DfT Dan Micklethwaite, Director of Aviation Sarah Bishop, Deputy Director of Aviation Policy Head of Airport Policy and Competition , Policy Advisor Airports Policy Advisor

New arrivals building planning application

• Stansted are looking to increase passenger numbers to 35 mppa by 2025 and are looking for Government support to grow in the Aviation Strategy. The airport are expecting an early March decision from their local council on their planning application for a new arrivals hall which will allow the increase. The airport's existing planning cap is for 35 mppa. • The airport asked DfT/Government if it could provide support for the planning application and noted that such support would be in line with the Airport Commission's recommendations [Action for DfT]. • The new building would be home to arrivals and a new baggage hall. The existing terminal would become the departures zone with check-in desks etc.

35 mppa+ planning application

• Stansted are planning for additional growth to 50 mppa in the future. • Stansted's next planning application, expected to be submitted in May, would be to increase its existing planning cap of 35 mppa to 43 mppa. •

• The new planning application could be difficult for the local council to reconcile with its own plans for housing in the local area. As such, Stansted felt that the council may delay making a decision and that the final decision could end up being called in by Government. • Stansted said they felt it would be odd in aviation strategy going forward to be very specific about expansion and development happening at Heathrow, stating its strategic importance, whilst being very unspecific in terms of other airports. The airport argued that a lack of clear policy from Government on development/expansion at airports other than Heathrow could be used by planning opponents to delay decisions being taken.


• Stansted asked about the HLOS timetable and said that they felt they had not been engaged with the Initial Industry Advice process to date [Action for DIT].

DfT - Stansted Airport quarterly catch-up - Note of meeting Wednesday 10th May 2017 -12 noon -1/23a, Great Minster House

London Stansted Airport Divisional Chief Executive Officer, London Stansted Airport Head of External Affairs, London Stansted Airport Public Affairs Director, MAG - MAG

DfT Dan Micklethwaite, Director of Aviation Sarah Bishop, Deputy Director of Aviation Policy Head of Airport Policy and Competition Airports Policy Advisor

Aviation Strategy/ NPS and Forecasts • Off advised that the new Off forecast is due to be published in autumn with the Aviation Strategy due for publication in 2018. Due to double counting, there is usually a disparity between combining individual airports plans for their potential growth and Dffs overall 'national' figure. • Stansted expressed concerned that wording of NPS, referring to expansion within existing capacity, with no mention of Stansted plans for growth to 43mppa. • As part of preparing for Aviation Strategy DtT is, considering sensitivity test of several scenarios to ensure that text in call for evidence considers policy uncertainty but cannot issue any statement until after the elections. • Off reassured Stansted that the wording of the NPS consultation was designed to ensure the process could not be called into question. • Off will arrange for their analysts to discuss the upcoming passenger forecasts with Stansted [Action for DfT] • Stansted is considering how best to reply to the consultation [Action for Stansted]

Stansted growth and future planning application • Jet2 Flights started in March and have contributed to rapid increase in passengers, currently approximately 2mppa higher than 2016 and could reach 3mppa increase by the end of the year. Stansted is outperforming load factors with a 2 to 5% increase expected on previous years and currently estimate between 26.7and 27 mppa for 2017. • Phase I expansion is entrain, with planning consent for the new arrivals building granted in March 2017. • The Business Case for Phase 11 has been prepared, with technical evaluation and consultation due for completion by mid-summer, but submission timing is an issue. The planning cap of 35mppa is still in place and current DfT passenger forecast, citing 35mppa by 2030 differs from Stansted of 35mppa by 2024, could prevent stakeholders agreeing to investment. • Stansted is delaying submitting investment case to shareholders for their agreement as uncertainty of forecasts could adversely influence decisions by both investors and planning officials. • Off is currently considering priorities for decisions to be made in the two-week period after the elections and before recess. [Action for DfT] • Stansted to draft a letter to incoming SoS, advising on when it would be helpful to their investment plans for a decision on the planning cap be made, Stansted will share wording with Off before sending. Stansted will also approach the for their support in having the planning cap raised. [Actions for Stansted]

AOB Stansted Night Flights Review • DfT advised that due to the General Elections the planned May publication has been delayed however, it is a priority for an early post-election decision. • DfT is in discussion with ACC to ensure that any changes are in place by July or early September at the latest to allow incorporation into new slots allocations.

Actions 1 DfT arrange for analysts to discuss upcoming passenger forecasts with Stansted 2 Stansted to consider & respond to [NPS and airspace] consultations 3 DfT considering post-election decision priorities 4 Stansted to share draft letter to new SoS and seek Airports Commission support for lifting planning cap. Lucy Chadwick meeting with Stansted Airport (STN) - 26 July

- CEO Stansted - Corporate Affairs Director, M.A.G - Head of external affairs Stansted

Lucy Chadwick - DIT DG ISE - Head of Airport Policy

1. Aviation Strategy and making best use of Stansted Airport

• Glad to see the launch of Aviation Strategy Call for Evidence document and will be responding. • STN continues to grow strongly and will want to raise their existing planning cap and therefore welcome the strong proposed support for making best use of existing runways • In 2016 airport handled 23.4mppa, estimated this year it will grow by 11 % to 26. 7mppa. • Jet2 launch this year will fly 1mppa and will based 9 aircraft at the airport next year. •

• • Estimate that by 2024 airport will hit 35mppa and 44mppa by 2029, STN have assumed Heathrow comes on line in 2030.

2. Stansted Transformation Programme

• STN have planning permission for a new arrivals terminal - estimated completion summer 2019. • Airport have been undertaking an informal consultation process. • Aiming to submit a planning application to grow the airport to 44.5mpppa to District Council in late 2017. This will also see the airport raise the ATM cap from 274,000 to 285,000 (today the actual movements are (181,000). • Existing terminal to be transformed to a dedicated departure building only- estimated completion date Spring 2021 • Upgrade airside infrastructure, stands and taxiways - estimated completion 2020.

3. Rail / surface access • Continue to discuss with the Dept. but disappointed at the lack of progress. LC says STN concerns are being noted and Ministers and keen to see improvements. • Interest to understand if Crossrail2 could be expanded to Stansted and if this would help finance the project.

4. Airspace modernisation

• Some confusion regarding the number of different items of work being undertaken; NATS / CAA resilience/ Heathrow. • Would be helpful to know the ToR, timeframe and how it relates to other work. • If airspace changes made there needs to be more support from NATS and Government, airports cannot take criticism alone as happened with LAMP2 which did not benefit STN. • DfT should be the arbitrator for airspace change. • Can DfT confirm whether NATS want capacity for just existing or possible further expansion.

5.AOB DfT - Stansted Airport quarterly catch-up - Note of meeting Friday 9th February 2018 - 09.30am - 4/33, Great Minster House

London Stansted Airport

, Corporate Affairs Director, Manchester Airports Group , Public Affairs Director, MAG

DfT Sarah Bishop (SB), Deputy Director of Aviation Policy Head of Airport Policy and Competition

STN business update

• explained the recent announcement of a daily flight from June 18 is expected to be a game changer for STN, offering levels of onward connectivity they've not seen before. Sales are promising so far.

They have started departure terminal and car park upgrades.

• explained OHL are about to expand their express freight business and have secured some additional night flights (from ).

. They think they can continue to drive down night noise whilst increasing movements.

Aviation Strategy

• SB explained the latest timetable, with a call for evidence response expected in March, a series of consultations over the rest of 2018 and a final strategy by mid-2019. • gave a summary of the consultation responses on the question of making best use of existing capacity and explained this policy would be going to Ministers for a decision shortly, with a view to including the outcome in the call for evidence response document. • asked about the latest thinking on future growth framework and stated MAG's position is that the strategic value of different airports should be recognised, and the importance of regional aviation. • asked about the scope of surface access. to arrange a separate meeting on surface access. • asked whether noise compensation was being reviewed. SB explained that following the UK airspace policy last year government made a commitment to explore the issue of mitigation vs compensation in airspace change and would be looking to gather evidence on this through the strategy consultation.

STN planning application

• They will be applying to Uttlesford Council for planning permission for two new taxiways and an increase in their passenger cap from 35mppa to 43mppa. Following community feedback they will offer an improved mitigation package and no increase in ATMs (so still 264k). They also want to remove the current split between passenger and cargo/GA, where 20% of capacity is held for cargo and GA (generally business jets). They believe their new noise insulation offer is amongst the most generous, at 100% of the cost, up to £5000, for everyone in the 57db contour (currently 50% cost in 63db contour). There may be a waiting list. The other big asks from communities were a night flight ban and a second tunnel into the rail station. They thought there may be a case for a second tunnel as part of four tracking the west Anglia mainline or with East­ West Rail but nothing would happen on either of these in the short term.


• outlined the feasibility plan work commissioned by SofS from NATS, and explained it would report in May. asked if DfT thought there were likely to be conflicts. explained we won't get any information on this until May but noted different parties have different views on the likelihood of there being conflicts. Nonetheless work is underway between CAA, NATS and DfT to work out how we would deal with any conflicts, and also the appropriate governance for such a large scale modernisation programme. to follow up with STN airspace lead.


• The planned Baroness Sugg visit was discussed and it was agreed she should visit the airport, college and cargo facilities. From: Sent: 13 September 2018 08:59 To: Subject: FW: Readout from Baroness Sugg's visit to Stansted Airport on 16 March

As discussed!

I APS to Baroness Sugg, Transport Minister for Aviation, International and Security, Department for Transport I I

Please note that all e-mails and their attachments sent by a Private Secretary on behalf of a Minister relating to a decision or comment made by a Minister, or note of a Ministerial meeting, should be filed appropriately by the recipient. DfT Private Office does not keep official records of such e-mails or documents attached to, or forwarded with, them.

From: Sent: 13 September 2018 08:58 To Subject: FW: Readout from Baroness Sugg's visit to Stansted Airport on 16 March

I Head of Office and Private Secretary to Baroness Sugg, Transport Minister for Aviation, International and Security, Department for Transport 5121 I From: Sent: 21 March 2018 18:06 To:

Sarah Bishop ; Caroline Low ; Dan Micklethwaite ;

Subject: Readout from Baroness Sugg's visit to Stansted Airport on 16 March

Hi all,

Many thanks again for all your work on the,Stansted Airport visit last week. Please see below the readout and ' actions from the visit.

Stansted Airport

Baroness Sugg began her visit with a tour of Stansted Airport's main terminal building, where she was talked through plans for the development of the new check in areas, the layout of a new restaurant and mezzanine, and the construction of a new arrivals building and aircraft stands.

The Minister then sat down with Ken O'Toole, CEO of Stansted Airport, where they discussed a range of issues, including the airport's current and future growth plans, engagement with local communities, the Aviation Strategy, next steps on the Draft Airports NPS and APO.

1 With STN expecting a decision on their planning application for expansion in July, Baroness Sugg agreed to consider how DfT can provide confidence to STN on the Government's position on making better use of capacity (MBU) in the light of the announcement being decoupled from the Aviation Strategy. ACTION and the team to consider options.

In the context of the Aviation Strategy, Ken explained that a direct reference to surface access, particularly pertaining to rail links to STN would be helpful in ensuring passengers have faster and more frequent rail services to the airport. ACTION: Steve and team to consider whether this should be added to the draft text.

Finally on APD, Ken suggested that a 1 or 2 year exemption from APD for new airlines introducing new long­ haul routes would underline the Government's promise to be open for business. [Post meeting note - the Aviation Strategy document will set out that we will listen to industry's views on this].

CargologicAir (CLA)

Baroness Sugg had an introductory meeting with the new CEO of CLA. explained how their operations have developed since the company was set up, and outlined their future plans to expand the business.

Follow up actions

Baroness Sugg would like to send thank you letters to STN, and CLA - can you please advise on who would be the most appropriate person to address these to for ?

If anyone has any questions please let me know.

Kind regards,

I , ·f Department for Transport Head of Office and Private Secretary to Baroness Sugg, Transport Minister for Aviation, International and Security 5/21, Great Minster House 33 Horseferry Road, London, SW1 P 4DR

Follow us on twitter@transportgovuk

2 london stansted . airport 1

PART OF M.A.G Our ref: L060617

Lucy Chadwick Director-General for International, Security and Environment Department for Transport Great Minster House 33 Horsef erry Road London, SW1 P 4DR

28 June 2017

Dear Lucy

London Stansted Airport, building for the future

Stansted Airport has today announced a programme of local consultation in advance of submitting a planning application to increase passenger and flight numbers at the airport which would enable us to make full use of our single runway.

Since MAG acquired Stansted in 2013, our vision has been to make full use of the airport's existing capacity in the most sustainable and responsible way. Over the last four years Stansted has been one of the UK's fastest growing airports with passenger numbers increasing by over 40% to 25 million today. Our cargo operation is the third biggest in the UK, helping British businesses trade with the global marketplace.

As part of our long term plan we intend to invest significantly in improving the passenger experience, having recently secured planning consent for a new £130 million arrivals building. As we continue to grow we want to attract more airlines and a larger route network, essential to the delivery of the Government's objectives to increase international connectivity and trade post-Brexit.

With passenger numbers at Stansted expected to reach 35 million by the early 2020s and a new runway at Heathrow at least a decade away, it is crucial that we make best use of Stansted's existing capacity. As you may recall we laid out these plans in our 2015 Sustainable Development Plan, the final version of which is available at wwvv.sti:lnstE~dairpon.c:orn/dE.~veloprnento!an

Later this year we plan to seek permission from Uttlesford District Council, our local authority, to raise our cap from 35 to 44. 5 million passengers a year (mppa) and allow an extra 11,000 flights (an increase of 3.9 per cent over the currently permitted number). These plans can be delivered within both the current boundary of the airport and existing environmental limits, supporting the UK's growth ambitions in the most cost effective and sustainable way possible.

At this stage, we want to gather the views of local residents and other stakeholder groups to help shape our plans and will be hosting a number of local community events. For ease, I have detailed the schedule of events in the appendix.

Enterprise House Bassingbourn F{oad CM24 lOW United l

With capacity for almost 45mppa, Stansted can contribute a further 20mppa of valuable capacity to the London system at a time when other airports face severe constraints, and benefit consumers by boosting competition and keeping fares low. Stansted's growth will strongly support the achievement of the Government's wider policy objectives, including the principle of making best use of available capacity in the period to 2030.

For these reasons, it will be important for Stansted's contribution to be recognised in the Department's upcoming work on the national aviation strategy to ensure its role in meeting demand in advance of a new Heathrow runway is reflected in Government policy and its investment priorities.

We would very much like the opportunity to talk you through these plans in more detail and discuss what role you see the Department playing in helping to shape our plans to make full use of Stansted's runway capacity.

Yours sincerely

Chief Executive 3


Stansted Airport - local community consultation events

• Thursday 6th July 3pm until 8pm at the Institute, 2A Broomfields, Hatfield Heath, CM22 7EH

• Saturday 8th July 1Oam until 3pm at Foakes Hall, 47 Stortford Road, , CM6 1DG

• Monday 10th July 3pm until 7pm at St John's Church Hall, , CM24 8JP

• Wednesday 12th July 3pm until 8pm at Braintree Town Hall, Fairfield Road, Braintree, CM7 3YG

• Friday 14th July, 4pm until 8pm at the Silver Jubilee Hall, Dunmow Road, CM22 6QJ

• Saturday 15th July 12pm until 4pm at Bolford Street Hall, Bolford Street, , CM6 2PY

• Monday 17th July 3pm until 8pm at the Town Hall, Market Square, , CB 1O 1HR

• Wednesday 19th July 3pm until 8pm at the Methodist Church, 34B South Street, Bishop's Stortford, CM23 3AZ

In addition to the events, comments and feedback can be shared at www.ourstansted.corn or emailing: [email protected] From: Sarah Bishop Sent: 17 September 2018 11 :58 To: Subject: FW: SSE latest Attachments: STN SSE Whats_the_Rush-Whats_the_ Truth.pdf

Sarah Bishop I Deputy Director Aviation Policy, Aviation Directorate, Department for Transport 1/25 From: [mailto: @magairports.com] Sent: 11 July 2017 10:24 To: Sarah Bishop Cc: Dan Micklethwaite Subject: SSE latest


Thought you should see the latest contribution from SSE. Will call to discuss.

Group Public Affairs Director Manchester Airports Group (MAG)


4th Floor, 14 Austin Friars, London, EC2N 2HE


The information contained in this email and accompanying data are intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential and / or privileged material. If you are not the intended recipient of this email, the use of this information or any disclosure, copying or distribution is prohibited and may be unlawful. If you received this in error, please contact the sender and delete all copies of this message and attachments.

Please note that MAG monitors incoming and outgoing mail for compliance with its Information Security policy. This includes scanning emails for computer viruses.

For more information about the MAG Group please visit http://www.magworld.co.uk/

1 Our main operating entities are Group PLC, a public limited company, registered in under Company Number 04330721, with the Registered Office at Manchester Airport Group PLC, Manchester Professional Services, PO BOX 532, Town Hall, Manchester, M60 2LA; Manchester Airpo1i PLC, a public limited company, registered in England under Company Number 01960988, with the Registered Office at Fao Sylvia Welsh Manchester, Professional Services Limited, PO BOX 532, Town Hall, Manchester, M60 2LA; Stansted Airport Limited, is a private limited company, registered in England under Company Number O1990920, with the Registered Office at Enterprise House, Stansted Airport, Bassingbourn Road, Essex CM24 lQW;

East Midlands Limited, a private limited company, registered in England under Company Number 02078271, with the Registered Office at Building 34, Airport, Castle Donington, Derby, East Midlands, DE74 2SA; Bournemouth International Airport Limited, a private limited company registered in England under Company Number 02078270, with the Registered Office at Bournemouth International Airport, Christchurch, Dorset, BH23 6SE.

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2 Compadng the ... c,urr~nt:$tan~t~d planQiflg. ctpplicati.c>n. bYIVl.ct.nche~ter Airpc)t1t:.•· (.;r9up•••(IVIAG}to the.Jast!;irnilar plc1nning.application by BAA

The G1 BAA Milestones application

None - New Aviation White Government policy support December 2003 Paper expected Spring 2018

35mppa to Scale of application "approximately" 44.5mppa

Increment "approximately" 9.5rnppa 10mppa

12 years to 2029 26 years to 2030 Assessment period no interim assessment with interim assessments

Scoping report June 2017 July 2004

Deadline for responses July2017 Nov 2004 to Scoping Report (5 weeks) (15 weeks)

No cdnsultation·document­ Full public consultation Consultation Just8 x roadshow events; July- October2005

Autumn 2017 -- just 4 or 5 April 2006 - 21 months after Planning Application months after Scoping Report. Scoping Report

Spare capacity when 10mppa 2.5mppa application submitted

For more information please contact Stop Stansted Expansion Email: [email protected] Tel: 01279 850558 www.stopstanstedexpansion.com Here are some questions you might like to ask Stansted Airport Ltd. 1) What would be the increase in the number of flights, compared to the number we had last year? Answer: 285,000 proposed v 180A00 in 2016 = an extra 104)600. 2) What would be the increase in the number of passengers, compared to the number we had last year? Answer: 44.5 million proposed v 24.3 million in 2016 = an extra 20.2 million.

Proposed increase in Flights v 2016 Proposed increase in Passengers v 2016 (thousand per annum} (million per annum)

40 250.0

200.0 30

.1SfLO 20

10 50.0 0 0.0

3) How many extra car journeys would there be to/from the airport compared to last year. Answer: SSE's preliminary estimate is that the number of airport-related car/taxi journeys on an average September weekday would grow from about 36,000 in 2016 to about 65,000. 4) What would be the impact on local air quality? Compared to last year, how many more tonnes of nitrogen oxides and particulate matter would there be as a result of the additional flights and additional road traffic. Answer: We do not yet know. Stansted Airport Ltd has not yet provided the air quality monitoring and modelling results needed to estimate these impacts. 5) What would be the impact on climate change? How many mmion tonnes of carbon dioxide would be produced by 285,000 flights per annum? Answer: SSE's preliminary estimate is 2.2m tonnes of CO2 per annum. After allowing for radiative forcing to reflect the greater climate change impact of CO2 emissions at high altitude and the impact of non-CO2 emissions, the figure rises to the equivalent of 5.5m tonnes of CO2. 6) What proportion of the employees at Stansted Airport are Uttlesford residents? Answer: The most recent figures (2015) show that 18.3% of the airport's employees live in Uttlesford, including overseas employees living in temporary rented accommodation. 7) How dependent is Stansted Airport on its major airline customer? What proportion of an Stansted's passengers are flying just with Ryanair? Answer: Ryanair last year accounted for about four out of every five Stansted passengers. 8) What are the main Brexit risks for Stansted in the future in terms of free access to EU airports and being able to recruit the staff needed by the airport and its airlines? Answer: We do not yet know but there may be some significant future risks. 9) How much profit did Stansted Airport Limited make iasf year? Answer: £98.7m before tax and £82.6m after tax (Year ended 31 March 2016). 10) What was Stansted Airport's revenue from airport car parking last year? Answer: £55.0m (Year ended 31 March 2016). From: Sent: 18 October 2017 15:58 To: Subject: FW: Update on Stansted Airport's pending planning application

Categories: Egress Switch: Unencrypted

I Head of Airport Policy and Competition Branch, Aviation Policy Division, Department for Transport 1/25 GMH I From: (STN) [mailto: @stanstedairport.com] Sent: 17 October 2017 17:39 To: Cc: Subject: Update on Stansted Airport's pending planning application

For your information, we have today publicly announced our revised proposals for 35m+ planning application in response to community consultation feedback on our plans. We will now apply to raise the cap to 43mppa to meet forecast growth over the next decade. The revised proposal represents a smaller increase in passenger numbers than originally proposed (44.Smppa) and will enable growth to be met without increasing the number of aircraft movements that are currently permitted to operate each year {274,000) and within our current environmental/noise limits.

We've communicated the changes with our Consultative Committee, key stakeholders and publicised through a blog on our media website http://mediacentre.stanstedairport.com/ceo-blog-weve-listened-and-future-growth-at­ stansted-will-be-met-within-our-current-flight-limits/

Limited coverage so far but what has been picked up has stuck the chord we were hoping for which is that we've listened to the feedback from the local community; acted on their concerns; revised our plans whilst majoring on the fact that further growth at Stansted can be contained within our current environmental limits. http://www.eadt.co.uk/business/stansted-airport-lowers-growth-target-following-public-consultation-on­ expansion-plans-1-5240308 http://www.bqlive.co. uk/london-the-south/2017 /10/17 /news/london-sta nsted-can-grow-despite-limits-says­ otoole-28313/

The BBC will also be covering the story this evening.

In terms of next steps we will be hosting a number of feedback sessions to keep up the engagement with local community to help lay the groundwork for a planning application submission in early 2018. We'll continue to keep the DfT updated on developments.

Any questions please let me know.


1 Head of External Affairs

londo;n stanst airport

Stansted Airport Limited Enterprise House, Bassingbourn Rd London Stansted Airport, Stansted, CM24 1 QW mobile: website: stanstedairport.com twitter: @STN_PressOffice


The information contained in this email and accompanying data are intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/ or privileged material. If you are not the intended recipient of this email, the use of this information or any disclosure, copying or distribution is prohibited and may be unlawful. If you received this in error, please contact the sender and delete all copies of this message and attachments.

Please note that MAG monitors incoming and outgoing mail for compliance with its Information Security policy. This includes scanning emails for computer viruses.

For more information about the MAG Group please visit; http://www.magworld.co.uk

Our main operating entities are Manchester Airport Group PLC, a public limited company, registered in England under Company Number 04330721, with the Registered Office at Manchester Airport Group PLC, Manchester Professional Services, PO BOX 532, Town Hall, Manchester, M60 2LA; Manchester Airport PLC, a public limited company, registered in England under Company Number 01960988, with the Registered Office at Fao Sylvia Welsh Manchester, Professional Services Limited, PO BOX 532, Town Hall, Manchester, M60 2LA; Stansted Airport Limited, is a private limited company, registered in England under Company Number O1990920, with the Registered Office at Enterprise House, Stansted Airport, Bassingbourn Road, Essex CM24 lQW; East Midlands International Airport Limited, a private limited company, registered in England under Company Number 02078271, with the Registered Office at Building 34, , Castle Donington, Derby, East Midlands, DE74 2SA; Bournemouth International Airport Limited, a private limited company registered in England under Company Number 02078270, with the Registered Office at Bournemouth International Airport, Christchurch, Dorset, BH23 6SE; Manchester Airport Group US Holdings Inc, 100 N LaSalle St, Suite 900, Chicago, IL 60602.

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2 From: [email protected]> Sent: 20 October 2017 00:07 To: Subject: Re: Future growth in current environmental and aircraft movement limits

Hi , sorry, I thought this had all been communicated into you and colleagues at DIT while I was on leave earlier this week. Yes, that's right, maintain ATM limit as today but seek to increase to 43mppa.

Happy to discuss more of you need any other information.

Group Public Affairs Director Manchester Airports Group (MAG)

From Sent: Thursday, October 19, 2017 7:04:18 PM To: Subject: RE: Future growth in current environmental and aircraft movement limits

Can I confirm my understanding of this is correct, that you proposal will mean that you will only be seeking to increase the passenger cap and not the A TM cap now?

I Head of Airport Policy and Competition Branch, Aviation Policy Division, Department for Transport 1/25 GMH

From: Stansted Airport [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Stansted Airport Sent: 18 October 2017 17:03 To: Subject: Future growth in current environmental and aircraft movement limits

Stansted Airport - We've listened Vicvv this email in vour browser


1 London Stansted Airport targets growth within current environmental and aircraft movement limits By Ken O'Toole, Managing Director, Stansted Airport

When I joined London Stansted Airport as its new Chief Executive in early September, I was already aware of a number of key issues that were important to our passengers, airline partners and, just as vital, our local community.

With around 26 million passengers using the airport each year - an increase of nearly 10 million passengers compared with five years ago - it was no surprise that future growth was at the top of the agenda and, importantly, how we plan for it.

Since then, I've spent much of my time listening to the views of all those with an interest in our future plans. I've been able to take a fresh look at our proposed planning application to grow beyond our 3 5 million passenger limit and use this as an opportunity to reflect on the feedback we received from across the local community at our events in July.

Our neighbours told us that they support growth and investment in the airport facilities and welcome a further increase in destinations and choice. They also told us that they were concerned about the proposal to increase in the number of flights that the airport is permitted to operate each year.

We've listened to those concerns and decided to adapt our proposals so growth can be met within the current flights limits.

That means we will now apply to Uttlesford District Council to raise the cap to 43mppa (million passengers a year) - a smaller increase in passenger numbers than originally proposed (44.Smppa). Most importantly this will be achieved without increasing the existing noise limits.

2 This is an example of community consultation in action - we talked about our plans, we listened and we have amended our proposals accordingly.

We have advised the Council of these changes as we believe these plans provide a better balance between ensuring our future growth and support for the regional economy and the impact on our community. This clarity will also ensure that airlines and business partners have the confidence to continue to invest and grow at Stansted.

We will be holding a series of feedback sessions in key areas in November 2017 to provide further information on our proposals before we submit a final planning application to amend the cap on passenger numbers, most likely in early 2018.

We hope this application will establish the way forward for the airport for the next 10 years. It will enable us to continue to work to make best use of our existing runway, provide more choice and new destinations, more jobs, help us further improve the airport's facilities and passenger experience and, most importantly, contain our growth within our current environmental limits.

If you wish to sign up to further london stansted information on our plans to -:,~irport www .ourstansted.com PART Of M.A.G

• • •

Copyright© 20T7 FortyShillings~All rights reserved. OurStansted information list.

Our mailing address is: Forty Shillings 10 Coppergate Mews Brighton Road Surbiton, England KT6 5NE

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5 From: < [email protected]> Sent: 16 February 2018 09:22 To: Subject: RE: SoS Meeting Attachments: Stansted brochure FINAL.pdf

Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Completed

Should be able to get something to you today. I mentioned that we had produced a stakeholder document, which is about the wider context of the airport's transformation programme etc. and it's attached.

I'll get anything else over later today.

Group Public Affairs Director MAG

I @magairports.com

4th Floor, 14 Austin Friars, London, EC2N 2HE

From: [mailto: @dft.gsi.gov.uk] Sent: 15 February 2018 15:28 To: Subject: RE: Sos Meeting

Hope all well.

It would be useful if you would give me a brief update on when you think you may be able to send us through some details of the STN planning app.


I Head of London Airport Policy, Aviation Policy Division, Department for Transport 1/2s I I

From: Sent: 12 February 2018 15:53 To: @magairports.com 1 < @magairports.com> Subject: Sos Meeting 1 Hi

Thanks for the call just now.

Thought I'd send you a quick email so you have my contact details.

Thanks for giving me a better understanding of wider agenda items for the meeting with Sos and next weE!k. Do let me know if there's anything more you expect may be discussed, equally given it's only a half hour meeting, if you think there's a good chance a topic will fall by the wayside it would be useful to know:

• Planning application • Priorities of MAG group • Manchester HS2 Station • Northern Powerhouse Rail • Stansted Surface Access • Making Best Use

Equally, I've chased the Aviation Minister's private office to try and sure up a date for her visit to the airport and will let you know when I hear more.


Department for Transport Head of London Airport Policy, Aviation Policy Division 1/25, Great Minster House 33 Horseferry Road, London, SWlP 4DR

Follow us on twitter @transportgovuk

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For more information about the MAG Group please visit; http://www.magworld.co.uk

Our main operating entities are Manchester Airport Group PLC, a public limited company, registered in England under Company Number 04330721, with the Registered Office at Manchester Airport Group PLC, Manchester Professional Services, PO BOX 532, Town Hall, Manchester, M60 2LA; Manchester Airport 2 PLC, a public limited company, registered in England under Company Number 01960988, with the Registered Office at Pao Sylvia Welsh Manchester, Professional Services Limited, PO BOX 532, Town Hall, Manchester, M60 2LA; Stansted Airport Limited, is a private limited company, registered in England under Company Number O1990920, with the Registered Office at Enterprise House, Stansted Airport, Bassingboum Road, Essex CM24 1QW; East Midlands International Airport Limited, a private limited company, registered in England under Company Number 02078271, with the Registered Office at Building 34, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, Derby, East Midlands, DE74 2SA; Manchester Airport Group US Holdings Inc, 100 N LaSalle St, Suite 900, Chicago, IL 60602.

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3 TRANSFORMING t6ND-ON->~,,,,\ , --~ --~-...... ~---~---,!- .... STANSTED AIRPORT/ lnvestin for the Future

MAG London Stansted Airport You can also find out more at www.ourstansted.com MAG ~,, @OurStansted London Stansted facebook.com/ourstansted Airport From: < [email protected]> Sent: 16 February 2018 12:29 To: Cc: Sarah Bishop Subject: 35+ briefing for DfT

Hope the below is useful.

STN 35+ Planning application Submitted to Uttlesford District Council (UDC) for publication on 22 February 2018. We will be announcing the submission, doing media and briefing on the day. Planning permission for Stansted's new arrivals terminal was secured in April 2017 This approval will provide the basis to proceed with £600 million investment (including the new Arrivals Building) Application will permit: o An increase in the number of passengers served by the airport from 35 to 43 million passengers a year o Two new taxiways and nine new aircraft stands (mix of remote and terminal stands) to create a more efficient airport and add airport facilities for new airlines o Maintaining the approved limit on aircraft movements to 274,000 (as previously agreed with UDC in 2008} o No increase in the permitted allowances for aircraft noise o No increase in airport land take We are introducing a generous new Sound Insulation Grant scheme for local communities and a package of other commitments: o Airport discounts for local people o Extra funding to support local road improvements and public transport connections o A new community and wellbeing fund to spread the benefits of Stansted to local communities o A commitment to create more jobs, apprenticeships and opportunities for young people through investment in the airport college and Employment Academy e.g. between 2,500 and 5,000 graduates through the new Stansted Airport College by 2028 o Doubling our local and regional economic contribution to £2bn a year o A commitment to becoming a carbon neutral airport by the end of 2018 Application follows consultation and publication of Stansted's Sustainable Development Plan in 2015 and targeted consultation on these plans in Summer 2017. UDC will now undertake a statutory consultation period not shorter than 21 days and anticipate consideration at planning committee in July 2018.

Group Public Affairs Director MAG

I @magairports.com

4th Floor, 14 Austin Friars, London, EC2N 2HE

1 Group Public Affairs Director MAG

I magairports.com

4th Floor, 14 Austin Friars, London, EC2N 2HE


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Please note that MAG monitors incoming and outgoing mail for compliance with its Information Security policy. This includes scanning emails for computer viruses.

For more information about the MAG Group please visit; http://www.magworld.co.uk

Our main operating entities are Manchester Airport Group PLC, a public limited company, registered in England under Company Number 04330721, with the Registered Office at Manchester Airport Group PLC, Manchester Professional Services, PO BOX 532, Town Hall, Manchester, M60 2LA; Manchester Airport PLC, a public limited company, registered in England under Company Number 01960988, with the Registered Office at Fao Sylvia Welsh Manchester, Professional Services Limited, PO BOX 532, Town Hall, Manchester, M60 2LA; Stansted Airport Limited, is a private limited company, registered in England under Company Number O1990920, with the Registered Office at Enterprise House, Stansted Airport, Bassingbourn Road, Essex CM24 1QW; East Midlands International Airport Limited, a private limited company, registered in England under Company Number 02078271, with the Registered Office at Building 34, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, Derby, East Midlands, DE74 2SA; Manchester Airport Group US Holdings Inc, 100 N LaSalle St, Suite 900, Chicago, IL 60602.

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From: @magairports.com> Sent: 05 June 2018 10:38 To: Sarah Bishop Cc: Subject: RE: MBU announcement & other things

Thanks Sarah, the heads up is much appreciated and look forward to seeing the MBU document whenever you can share it.

Group Public Affairs Director MAG

I @magairports.com

4th Floor, 14 Austin Friars, London, EC2N 2HE

From: Sarah Bishop [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: 05 June 2018 10:32 To: ; Cc: Subject: MBU announcement & other things

Thanks we've checked with private offices ·on the emirates invite and unfortunately it looks like no one is available to attend. Apologies for this and the lack of responses in some cases, apparently all are in the system but obviously very late notice now so sorry about that.

We are due to make the MBU announcement today, though grateful if you could keep this quiet for now. The key text is in the SoS speech to parliament which he'll deliver around lunchtime and says: The Airports Commission recommended that there would also be a need for other airports to make more intensive use of their existing infrastructure and we consulted on this in the Aviation Strategy Call for Evidence last year. I can confirm today that the Government is supportive of airports beyond Heathrow making best use of their existing runways. However, we recognise that the development of airports can have negative as well as positive local impacts, including on noise levels. We therefore consider that any proposals should be judged on their individual merits by the appropriate planning authority, taking careful account of all relevant considerations, particularly economic and environmental impacts.

We will also be publishing a short note on the strategy page of the website, hopefully today, which sets out consultation responses and the carbon analysis we have done. Happy to discuss further if helpful and can send you the link once live.

On strategy meetings the plan for the airspace & noise workshops is attached and I'll make sure you are in the loop as other events appear- there will definitely be a couple for airports, hopefully one involving the Minister. is on the case setting something up for next couple of weeks. 1 Thanks,


Sarah Bishop I Deputy Director Aviation Policy, Aviation Directorate, Department for Transport 1/25

From: [mailto @magairports.com] Sent: 01 June 2018 15:05 To: Sarah Bishop Cc < [email protected]> Su ed


Thanks for taking the time to discuss things today. A couple of things on which I agreed to find out more for you:

Emirate launch invitations - see separate email Planning Application updates on UDC website: we are still expecting additional information to be uploaded to the UDC site imminently but the person with responsibility for this is currently on leave. We are hoping to get confirmation on next steps and as soon as they are live I will let you know. Planning Application consultation: related to the above, we expect UDC to undertake another short (21 days) consultation on additional information and responses to queries etc. This is likely to be w/c 11 June or the following week. Again, as soon as we know a confirmed date, I will let you know.

As discussed, you will: Confirm all the latest dates, venues and content for Aviation Strategy Workshops (and any others planned but not yet in the diary) Speak to about a date for us to discuss emerging thinking on some of the Aviation Strategy issues ahead of a further meeting where we can share our more considered thinking on potential policy outcomes (towards end July) Confirm what detail you might be able to share ahead of the MBU announcement

Hopefully this covers it for now. Have a great weekend.


Group Public Affairs Director MAG

I @magairports.com

4th Floor, 14 Austin Friars, London, EC2N 2HE

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Please note that MAG monitors incoming and outgoing mail for compliance with its Information Security policy. This includes scanning emails for computer viruses.

For more information about the MAG Group please visit; http://www.magworld.co.uk

Our main operating entities are Manchester Airport Group PLC, a public limited company, registered in England under Company Number 04330721, with the Registered Office at Manchester Airport Group PLC, Manchester Professional Services, PO BOX 532, Town Hall, Manchester, M60 2LA; Manchester Airport PLC, a public limited company, registered in England under Company Number 01960988, with the Registered Office at Fao Sylvia Welsh Manchester, Professional Services Limited, PO BOX 532, Town Hall, Manchester, M60 2LA; Stansted Airport Limited, is a private limited company, registered in England under Company Number O1990920, with the Registered Office at Enterprise House, Stansted Airport, Bassingbourn Road, Essex CM24 1QW; East Midlands International Airport Limited, a private limited company, registered in England under Company Number 02078271, with the Registered Office at Building 34, East Midlands Airport, Castle Dorrington, Derby, East Midlands, DE74 2SA; Manchester Airport Group US Holdings Inc, 100 N LaSalle St, Suite 900, Chicago, IL 60602.

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For more information about the MAG Group please visit; http://wvv,v.magworld.co.uk

Our main operating entities are Manchester Airport Group PLC, a public limited company, registered in England under Company Number 04330721, with the Registered Office at Manchester Airport Group PLC, Manchester Professional Services, PO BOX 532, Town Hall, Manchester, M60 2LA; Manchester Airport PLC, a public limited company, registered in England under Company Number 01960988, with the

3 Registered Office at Fao Sylvia Welsh Manchester, Professional Services Limited, PO BOX 532, Town Hall, Manchester, M60 2LA; Stansted Airport Limited, is a private limited company, registered in England under Company Number O1990920, with the Registered Office at Enterprise House, Stansted Airport, Bassingbourn Road, Essex CM24 1QW; East Midlands International Airport Limited, a private limited company, registered in England under Company Number 02078271, with the Registered Office at Building 34, East Midlands Airport, Castle Dorrington, Derby, East Midlands, DE74 2SA; Manchester Airport Group US Holdings Inc, 100 N LaSalle St, Suite 900, Chicago, IL 60602.

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4 From: [email protected]> Sent: 25 June 2018 12:47 To: Subject: Re: STN visit 11th May

Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Completed


We can be fairly flexible w/c 6th Aug if that suits you?

Thank you

From: Sent: 24 June 2018 09:11 To: Subject: RE: STN visit 11th May HI Sorry for the delayed response - I wanted to be clearer on the application before committing to a date. I'm happy to speak to anyone, however would be the main person I would like to chat too. If STN's surface access planner is also around that would be really handy as I'm working on that area as pmi of the Aviation Strategy. Would you have a look at dates for August please?


I Head of London Airport Policy, Aviation Policy Division, Department for Transport 112s I I

From: [mailto @stanstedairport.com] Sent: 10 May 2018 16:43 To: Subject: RE: STN visit 11th May Hi Hope you' re well Is it just you were hoping to catch up with? If not, do let me know who else you were planning to see and I'll send across availability Many Thanks

Personal Assistant, Directors Stansted Airport, Enterprise House, Bassingboum Road, Stansted CM24 lQW m: It: e: @stanstedairport.com www.stanstedairport.com

1 if.MAG 1London Stansted Airport

From: (STN) Sent: 10 May 2018 10:29 To: Cc: Subject: RE: STN visit 11th May Hi that's fine. I'm aware that a local opposition group has requested a call in! . - please would you liaise with on suitable dates to meet/site visit in late May/June. Best,

From: [mailto @dft.gov.uk] Sent: 10 May 2018 10:24 To: (STN) @stanstedairport.com> Cc: < @magairports.com> Subject: STN visit 11th May Hi I believe I finally organised a visit to STN tomorrow as part of my introduction to the airport in my new(ish) role. I'm struggling to find the email trail confirming it, so I hope you don't mind passing on the message to those who are likely to have been part of organising it. On the basis that STN's planning application has (as you are no doubt aware) been requested to be called-in to central government and we are currently considering those requests, it would seem appropriate to delay my visit tomorrow for another time when this is off our desks. Apologies for the short notice cancellation, I was very much looking forward to the visit. It would be good to find another time soon. Thanks

I·' ~ Department for Transport Airport Policy, Aviation Policy Division 1/25, Great Minster House 33 Horseferry Road, London, SWlP 4DR

Follo-w us on twitter @transportgovuk

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Disclaimer The information contained in this email and accompanying data are intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential and / or privileged material. If you are not the intended recipient of this email, the use of this information or any disclosure, copying or distribution is prohibited and may be unlawful. If you received this in error, please contact the sender and delete all copies of this message and attachments. Please note that MAG monitors incoming and outgoing mail for compliance with its Information Security policy. This includes scanning emails for computer viruses. For more information about the MAG Group please visit; http://www.magworld.co.uk Our main operating entities are Manchester Airport Group PLC, a public limited company, registered in England under Company Number 04330721, with the Registered Office at Manchester Airport Group PLC, Manchester Professional Services, PO BOX 532, Town Hall, Manchester, M60 2LA; Manchester Airport PLC, a public limited company, registered in England under Company Number 01960988, with the Registered Office at Fao Sylvia Welsh Manchester, Professional Services Limited, PO BOX 532, Town Hall, Manchester, M60 2LA; Stansted Airport Limited, is a private limited company, registered in England under Company Number O1990920, with the Registered Office at Enterprise House, Stansted Airport, Bassingbourn Road, Essex CM24 1Q W; East Midlands International Airport Limited, a private limited company, registered in England under Company Number 02078271, with the Registered Office at Building 34, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, Derby, East Midlands, DE74 2SA; Manchester Airport Group US Holdings Inc, 100 N LaSalle St, Suite 900, Chicago, IL 60602.

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