Wanderings in the Highlands of Banff and Aberdeen
WANDERINGS HIGHLANDS OF BANFF AND ABERDEEN SHIRES: WITH TRIFLES IN VERSE. BY J. (I. PHILLIPS. " Away, ye yay landscapes, ye gardens of roses, of rove In you let the minions luxury ; Restore me the rocks where the snowflake reposes, For still are they sacred to freedom and lovu." Bvitox. BANFF : FEINTED AT THE BANFFSHIKE JOURNAL OFFICE. 1881, DA CONTENTS. -pb ( TOMINTOUL, I.NCUKOKV, AND TIM'. lu AMPIANS, . 9 STRATIIAVEN AND FERGAN \YEI.L, ... 17 THE BRAES OK CONGI.ASS, . 23 GLENBUCKET, STRATHDON, AND GLENNOCHTY, . 28 CORGARFF AND STKATHDON, . -35 Gl.ENSUIE, Bl.ACKWATER, AM) LOWER C'ABRAi:H, . 54 UPPER CABRACII, . -59 GLENRINNES : ITS ARCHEOLOGY AND AGRICULTURE, . 68 THE BRAES OF GLENLIVET SIXTY YEARS AGO, . 75 PRESENT BRAES OF GLENLIVET, .... 83 OLD COLLEGE OK SCAI.AN, BRAES OF GLENI.IVET, . 88 INVERAVEN AND LOWER GLENLIVET, 95 THE MOSSES OK GLENI.IVET, . m POETRY. LAND OF THK BRAVE, . .119 DREAMING, ...... 120 IN MEMORY OK BELLA. .121 A RETROSPECT, . 123 To ANNIE, ....... 124 BLIGHTED HOPE. ...... 125 FORSAKEN, . .126 AN ODE TO NATURE, ..... 127 AN ADDRESS TO THE WIND, ..... 120 A DREAM, . 130 LINES TO A LADY, ...... 132 MOURNING, ...... 134 AN APPEAL, . 135 To THE RISING SUN, . 137 Two MEETINGS, . .138 PAST, PRESENT, AND FUTURE. .... 140 To Li /./.IE, ....... 142 THK FLOWER OF FIDDOCHSIDK, .... 143 A BATTLE FIELD, ...... 144 LIKE, ....... 145 884725 ? R E F A C HE Wanderings which form the greater part <>t this volume have all, with one exception, appeared at different periods during the past six years in the newspaper press. They were fairly well received by the public when read separately, which encourages the hope that they will be equally fortunate when presented in the present form.
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