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Phone: Eagle Express 413-423-3326 http:// SCHOOL WEEKLY NEWSLETTER www.erving VERY BEST ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ERVING, MA NOVEMBER 15th, 2019 We would like to thank the Erving Cultural Council and the EES Library for bringing Sarah Campbell to Mr. Rubin's class, to talk about maps and the early history of Erving. She's a local historian and she shared her expertise with last year's 2rst grade in the spring of 2018 and again this month with this year's 2rst grade. Kids learn about Erving, historical maps, and get to touch centuries old artifacts that would be commonplace in their homes generations ago. The Erving Cultural Council is a local agency which is supported by the Massachusetts Cultural Council Friday, December 20th Cookie Exchange and Holiday Concert Early Dismissal 12:00 Monday, December 23rd – Sunday, November 17th Wednesday, January 1st CNC Playgroup rd Winter Break – No School 10-11:30 am Tuesday, December 3 PTO Meeting - 6 PM Thursday, January 2nd Wednesday, November 20th th Return to school from Winter Break Savings makes “cents” Wednesday, December 4 Savings makes “cents” st Thursday, November 21 th Annual Thanksgiving Dinner Sunday, December 8 Erving Eagles Basketball For students and staff CNC Playgroup 10-11:30 am Sign-Ups October 15 – November 30 nd Friday, November 22 th Math Coffee Hour 8:30 – 9:30 Monday, December 9 Kindergarten – Grade 2: Instructional 6th Grade Holiday Bazaar begins Conference Room Grades 3 & 4 Boys and Girls Teams th Grades 5 & 6 Boys and Girls Teams November 27th, 28th & 29th Wednesday, December 11 $24 per child for Erving Residents / No School for Thanksgiving Break “Secret of Parenting” 5:30 – 7:00 pm $30 per child for non-Residents Cafeteria Register online at Wednesday, December 18th Savings makes “cents” From The Principal’s Desk: Dear Families and Friends of Erving Elementary School.
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