Information brochure


Impressive landscape with deep blue lakes and imposing mountains.

Discover a world that captivates you.


Portrait Introduction ...... page 3 Emergency Numbers and Important Phone Numbers ...... page 4

Municipality Administration ...... page 6 Local Council ...... page 7

Leisure activities Badi Hergiswil ...... page 8 Ski Lift "Langmattli" ...... page 9 Advent Season ...... page 10 Nextbike ...... page 11 Clubs and Societies ...... page 12

Life in Hergiswil Education ...... page 14 Parish ...... page 16

Version 07.2020

2 Portrait

Hergiswil is a highly attractive place to live. It is situated on the shores of Lake and surrounded by Mount on one side and by Mount Lopper on the other side. Over the years the two traditional parts “Hergiswil Dorf” and “Hergiswil Matt” have grown and new resi- dential areas have been developed and integrated. The local bus helps to connect these ar- eas. The bus is free and the service is being trialed until the end of 2021.

Centrally located Hergiswil is well connected with Lucerne, Sarnen, and even Zurich by public transport or through the motorway. Commuting is easy thanks to the two train sta- tions “Hergiswil Dorf” and “Hergiswil Matt” where trains stop every 15 minutes.

The healthy business location of Hergiswil is linked to the moderate tax rate that the munici- pality has been pursuing for decades.

This brochure is filled with the most important informations and activities in Hergiswil. If you are interested in more information or news about Hergiswil, please visit our website or contact the local administration.


Emergency Numbers and Important Phone Numbers

Name Phone number Addiction Advice 041 618 76 03 Aids Info Hotline 041 410 69 60 Dentist Emergency Service 1811 Die dargebotene Hand (Mental Health Emergency) 143 Emergency Medical Service 041 610 81 61 Fire Departement 118 Hospital / First Aid 144 Mannebüro Luzern (Help for Men) 076 393 33 12 Police 117 Questions about Religion 041 211 04 33 Rega 1414 Shelter for Battered Women Luzern 041 360 70 00 Securitas (Parking Tickets) 041 226 26 26 Toxicological Information Centre Poisoning Emergencies) 145 Victim Support 041 618 79 13 Wasp Nests: Thomas Roth 041 637 05 73

Nidwalden Alimony Collection 041 618 75 50 Child and Adult Protection Authority (KESB) 041 618 76 40 Chinderhuis 041 610 95 22 Civil Protection Office 058 467 56 50 Compensation Fund Office 041 618 51 00 Debt Enforcement and Bankruptcy Office 041 618 76 70 Departement for Work 041 618 76 54 Electric Power Company (EWN) 041 618 02 02 Property Insurance of Canton (NSV) 041 618 50 50 Office of Justice 041 618 44 81 Office for Migration 041 618 44 90 Passport Office 041 618 44 70 Road traffic and Shipping Office 041 618 41 41 Special Education Workshop 041 618 78 78 Spitex 041 618 20 50 Centre for Vocational Education and Training (BWZ) 041 618 74 33 Youth and Parent Counseling 041 618 75 71

4 Hergiswil ARA Lopper 041 630 11 43 Badi Hergiswil 041 630 13 46 Boat Harbor 041 630 36 84 Department for Water Problems 041 632 65 85 Hergiswil Tourism 041 630 12 58 Home for Mother and Child 041 630 24 46 Post Office 058 454 75 15 RAV (Regional Employment Centre/Job Centre) 041 632 56 26 School Administration Office 041 632 66 33 School Administration "Dorf" 079 344 75 37 School Administration "Grossmatt" 041 632 66 32 School Administration "Matt" 041 630 25 26 Seniorenzentrum Zwyden (Retirement/Carehome 041 632 81 81 for the Elderly) Train Station 0900 300 300



The municipal administration is located directly on in an idyllic park. We take pride in the strong sense of community in Hergiswil and we are always happy to help in case of any questions or inquiries.

Gemeinde Hergiswil Seestrasse 54 Opening Hours Postfach 164 Monday to Friday 6052 Hergiswil 8.00 – 12.00 / 13.45 – 17.00 Phone: 041 632 65 65 Before Holidays Fax: 041 632 65 66 8.00 – 12.00 / 13.45 – 16.30 [email protected] (out-of-hours appointments can be booked on the phone)

Saturday/Sunday closed


Name Phone Number E-Mail Building Authority 041 632 65 60 [email protected] Education & Culture 041 632 66 33 [email protected] Finance 041 632 65 67 [email protected] Real Estate Department 041 632 65 60 [email protected] Social Welfare Office 041 632 65 51 [email protected] Taxes - [email protected] Sewerage & Road 041 632 65 62 [email protected] Maintenance Central Services 041 632 65 65 [email protected]


Municipal Council

From left to right: Daniel Rogenmoser, Gusti Zibung, Christa Blättler, Remo Zberg, Renato Durrer, Jürg Weber, Christoph Keller, Marta Stocker

Name Department Zberg Remo Mayor Central Services Blättler Christa Community Vice President Education & Culture Durrer Renato Local Council Sewerage & Road Maintenance Keller Christoph Local Council Building Authority Rogenmoser Daniel Local Council Real Estate Zibung Gusti Local Council Social Welfare Office Weber Jürg Local Council Finance and Taxes Stocker Marta Municipal Clerk

Political Parties

Political Party Phone Number E-Mail CVP (Christlichdemokratische 041 630 24 41 [email protected] Volkspartei) Martin Blättler FDP (Die Liberalen) - [email protected] GN (Grüne Nidwalden) 041 349 37 49 - SVP (Schweizerische Volkspartei) 079 781 76 51 [email protected] Christoph Keller


Leisure Activities

Badi Hergiswil

Enjoy a warm summer day in the Badi Hergiswil. With the lake and the swimming pools you have many options to go for a swim or enjoy the sun.

Opening Hours Start of season: Saturday, 6 June 2020 Badi End of season: Sunday, 20 September 2020 9.00 - 19.30 (open in all weathers) Restaurant 9.00 - 19.30 (in fine weather until 22.00)


Ski Lift Langmattli

Operator Operating Hours Fredi und Doris Blättler-Berchtold Wednesday, 13.00 - 16.00 Information / Registrations Saturday and Sunday, 9.30 – 16.00 041 630 27 76 oder 077 469 10 76 During School Holidays Topographic Data Monday to Sunday, 9.30 – 16.00 19.00 - 21.30 (at least 10 people) Valley Station: 838 m Top Station: 946 m Closed Slope Length: 388 m Schmutziger Donnerstag and Fasnachtsmontag

Prices Kids Adults Day Ticket Fr. 7.00 Fr. 12.00 Half Day Ticket Fr. 6.00 Fr. 8.00 Evening Ticket Fr. 6.00 Fr. 8.00


Advent Season

Since the year 2000 the tourism association has been organising Event Dates the Advent Season "Dorf-Advent Hergiswil". Saturday, 27 November 2021 Over 100 decorated wooden houses offer a variety of gifts and 12.00 – 21.30 culinary snacks. Various concerts in the Catholic Church guaran- Sunday, 28 November 2021 tee to get you in the Christmas mood. 10.30– 19.00 On Sunday at 18.30 the "Samichlaus" parade consisting of about 1000 participants processes through the village.

Additional Information:   E-mail: [email protected]  Post address: Dorf-Advent, Postfach 419, 6052 Hergiswil



On the app "nextbike", you can rent a bicycle for free with a special code for Hergiswil. There are 10 stations in Hergiswil, where you can pick up or re- turn a nextbike. There are other nextbike stations in Luzern, Stans, or . You can pick up a bike in Hergiswil, ride to Stans and return it there.

The first 4 hours are free when using the code for Hergiswil. You can find a tutorial on how to use the app on the website

If there are any further questions about nextbike, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are happy to help you.


Clubs and Societies

Clubs/Societies Phone Number E-Mail 079 360 44 14 [email protected] Älplergesellschaft 2018-2020 041 545 23 85 [email protected] Alpenfreunde Pilatus Hergiswil Altgnome Hergiswil 079 408 21 60 [email protected] Armbrust- u. Flobertschützen 079 374 64 63 [email protected] Hergiswil Badminton-Club Hergiswil 078 758 76 86 [email protected] Begabtenförderung Ski Alpin Her- 079 241 41 09 [email protected] giswil Belegungskoordination 041 632 65 82 [email protected] Brass on Stage 0788222660 [email protected] Chor Joy of life Hergiswil 079 725 90 25 [email protected] Club Hergiswiler Sportfreunde 041 630 13 49 [email protected] Colonia Libera Italiana Hergiswil 041 630 26 80 [email protected] Damenturnverein Hergiswil 041 630 11 76 [email protected] Dorfadvent Hergiswil 079 458 60 80 [email protected] Ev. ref. Kirchegemeinde Hergiswil 041 631 04 94 [email protected] Familienträff 041 630 02 10 [email protected] Fan Club Andrea Ellenberger 079 590 46 74 [email protected] Fanclub Marco Odermatt 079 394 13 67 [email protected] Fanclub Reto Schmidiger 0795750375 [email protected] Frauen Hergiswil 041 630 20 76 [email protected] Freunde der Kapelle Reto Blättler 041 630 38 32 [email protected] Fussballclub Hergiswil +41 79 641 12 46 [email protected] Gewerbeverein Hergiswil 078 836 02 06 [email protected] Gugge Schärbähufä Hergiswil 079 643 22 30 [email protected] Hängifeld Mannschaft Hergiswil am 079 628 01 92 [email protected] See Hergi-Hike +41793364253 [email protected] Huis am See 0793424965 [email protected] Jodlerklub Echo vom Pilatus Her- 041 610 30 26 [email protected] giswil Jungmannschaft Hergiswil 079 590 85 26 [email protected] Kammerchor Luzern 079 773 40 61 [email protected] Karate Do Hergiswil 079 606 62 29 [email protected] Kath. Kirchgemeinde Hergiswil 041 632 42 22 [email protected] Kleinkaliberschützen Hergiswil 079 452 29 76 [email protected] Lärm weg 041 630 11 23 [email protected] Lakeside 078 801 32 99 [email protected]

12 Löffelerclub Hergiswil 041 630 28 83 [email protected] Lopper-Gnome Hergiswil 079 322 25 08 [email protected] Ludothek Hergiswil 079 508 71 16 [email protected] Männerchor Hergiswil 079 798 83 46 [email protected] Musikverein Hergiswil 079 723 64 04 [email protected] Oldies Night 079 2030814 [email protected] Pfadi Don Bosco Hergiswil 041 630 16 80 / 077 421 23 [email protected] 13 Pilatusmusikanten Hergiswil 041 630 25 23 [email protected] Pistolensektion Hergiswil [email protected] Samariterverein Lopper 079 582 39 36 [email protected] Samichlaus-Vereinigung Hergiswil 079 348 86 27 [email protected] Schachclub Hergiswil 041 630 14 35 Schützengesellschaft Hergiswil 041 630 01 26 Schwingersektion Hergiswil 079 246 58 68 [email protected] Skiclub Hergiswil 079 775 94 00 bruno.kaiser@schule-hergis- Supporter-Vereinigung FC Hergiswil 041 630 34 27 [email protected] Tanzsportverein Quickstep Hergis- 079 751 21 01 [email protected] wil Tennisclub Hergiswil 079 311 31 64 patrick.iten@tennisclubhergis- Tischtennisclub Hergiswil 079 473 03 20 [email protected] Toe & Heel Hergiswil 078 740 87 79 [email protected] Triathlon-Club Hergiswil 041 630 11 76 [email protected] Trychlergruppe Hergiswil 079 749 13 04 [email protected] Turnverein Hergiswil 079 307 30 57 [email protected] Verein Fasnachtseröffnung Hergis- 079 443 21 46 [email protected] wil Verein SwissLauftreff 079 208 82 90 [email protected] Wassersportclub Hergiswil 079 415 64 43 [email protected]




Organisation of the school in Hergiswil The school of Hergiswil is a state school managed by one executive headmaster and one headmaster for each school, primary schools (Dorf and Matt) and secondary school (Gross- matt). The school committee forms the strategic authority. The committee consists of six members who advise the local council. The headmasters are responsible for the operational implementation. The school administration and a caretaker team support the authorities. The school of Hergiswil consists of an inclusive / comprehensive school, i.e. the school in- tegrates all children and young people aged 4 to 16 by adapting the learning environment to the different types and needs of learners. Teachers, specialists, parents and the school authorities work in close cooperation. Teachers for special needs, speech therapists and teachers for German as a foreign language support the normal teaching staff. The school’s principle is to strenghten each learner’s abilities and to help to achieve their learning objectives. Kindergarten Joining the kindergarten is possible for children who have reached the age of 4 on 30 June. The first year of kindergarten is optional. The children go to kindergarten four mornings and one afternoon a week. For the children who have reached the age of 5 on the 30 June, at- tending kindergarten is compulsory. Classes take place on four mornings and three after- noons. The 3 kindergartens are situated in the schools "Dorf", "Grossmatt" and "Matt".

14 Primary school Year 1 through Year 6 are mixed-age classes. Year 1 and Year 2 form the lower level (Unter- stufe), Year 3 and Year 4 the intermediate level 1 (Mittelstufe 1) and Year 5 and Year 6 the in- termediate level 2 (Mittelstufe 2). There exist an intensive cooperation and collaboration across the Year groups. Various sports and cultural events, projects and camps enrich everyday school life. The primary school is located in the school premises "Dorf" and "Matt". There is also a lower level in the Grossmatt, which works closely with the school "Matt". Secondary school The secondary school is a comprehensive school and located in the "Grossmatt". The sub- jects mathematics, German, English and French are taught in Levels A (increased require- ments) and B (basic requirements).

If there are any further questions regarding schools, please do not hesitate to contact the school administration office. Phone: 041 632 66 33 E-Mail: [email protected]



Roman Catholic Church of Hergiswil

You can find information on the following website: Office: (Reservations Chilezentrum and Sigristenhaus) Dorfplatz 15, 6052 Hergiswil Phone: 041 632 42 22 Fax: 041 632 42 21

Evangelical Reformed Church

The Sunday Church service usually takes place at 10.00.

More information about services and other church events can be found in the "Church News". For further information see

Office of the Evangelical Reformed Church in Nidwalden Buochserstrasse 16, Postfach 301, 6371 Stans Phone: 041 610 34 36 Fax: 041 610 38 45 E-mail: [email protected]