
FAO Pelagic Guide totheIndian Ocean pp065-080 wide.indd 71 ● ● ● counts: upperjaw 55–115,lower jaw 75–121. Teeth small, awl-shaped. very Dentition Taylor, Compagno &Struhsaker, 1983 pelagios

Snout extremely shor Snout extremely Jaws protrusible t huge,Mouth flattened andbroadly rounded. erminal onhead.erminal . t, ● near moderately long, not openings ly encircling head. Teeth approximately size. actual © HuaHsunHsu(National Ocean University) . 1of3largekeels, caudalfinasymmetrical; filer-feeding moderately longgill openings, caudalpeduncle without head, behindeyes, mouththatextends hugeterminal long broadly rounded snout,very short, Extremely Description Megamouth Megamouth Requin GrandeRequin Guele shark Megamouth Megachasmidae: ●

Large cylindr ● semi- First dorsalfinmoderately high, ical, flabby body. erect, angular. ● to seconddorsalfin. Anal finsmallerinsize ● Caudal pedunclewithoutlateral k and smallupperprecaudal pitonly. Birth size: about150–200cm. Birth sizeMaximum : 550cm. Females mature: about500cm. mature:Males about460cm. Size conspicuous lightmargins. with andpelvicfinsblackish pectoral of dorsalsurfaces on lower jaw; spotting withdark blackish dusky light spots, undersidewhite, mouth Grey to greyish-black above, without Colour ●

much longerthanlower lobe. Caudal finlunate DD eels , dorsallobe LL 22/08/2014 09:34 LMP 71 SHARK Anal fin 5 Distinguishing feature or features Megachasma pelagios LMP Megachasma pelagios

SIMILAR A large, to over 5m total length, soft-bodied shark; very short snout, huge to over head or throat; asymmetrical caudal fin; grey to grey-black above terminal, protrusible mouth, moderate-sized gill openings that do not extend without spots except on lower jaw, inside of mouth dusky coloured.

Gill slits, snout coloration, first dorsal and caudal fins Ventral view of head Second dorsal and anal fins

first origin closer caudal fin upper lobe long, to pectoral fin bases lower lobe short, but distinct

mouth very broad and rounded no keel on caudal peduncle snout short, dusky broadly rounded soft-bodied, flabby shark gill slits moderately long, anal fin origin just one above pectoral fins Megachasma pelagios Megamouth Shark teeth minute behind second dorsal

first dorsal fin very high, origin caudal fin mouth very broad second dorsal and anal fins behind rear tips of pectoral fins crescent-shaped and arched less than half size of first

snout moderately prominent keel on long, conical caudal peduncle and pointed

extremely large gills anal fin origin below nearly encircling head Cetorhinus maximus teeth minute second dorsal

first dorsal fin very low and long, caudal fin asymmentrical mouth broad second dorsal fin low about origin behind rear tips of pectoral fins with long lower lobe but short same size as first

snout short, keels variably rounded and present or absent conical on caudal peduncle

sof-bodied shark relatively small gills antarcticus Southern Sleeper Shark laceolate upper teeth, no anal fin blade-like lower

single dorsal fin set far back caudal fin with a mouth very broad first dorsal fin just behind long upper lobe and arched no second bases dorsal fin

no keel on short, blunt snout caudal peduncle

six gills gill slits, anal fin origin below moderately long griseus 6 rows of comb-like lower teeth first dorsal mid base 72

FAO Pelagic Guide to the pp065-080 wide.indd 72 22/08/2014 09:34 FAO Pelagic Guide totheIndian Ocean pp065-080 wide.indd 73 ● Tooth counts: upperjaw &lower jaw over 200rows. shaped cusp, similarshapedinbothjaws. Teeth minute, hook- withasinglesmooth-edged, Dentition (Gunnerus 1765) Cetorhinus maximus LAMNIFORMES but variable inyoungbut variable juveniles. huge,Mouth r ●

rounded tipinlar conicalwith Snout short, ● near Gill openingsenormous, ly encircling thehead. ounded inadults, ger specimens. ● Teeth approximately size. actual

First dorsalfin ver snout tipandcaudalfork. midbasebetween triangular; nearly y high,erect, © Greg Skomal ( Marine )© Greg Marine Skomal(Massachusetts others. fromkeels, andlunate caudalfindistinguishthisshark all teeth,minute caudalpedunclewithstrong hooked lateral the head, pointed snout,huge, mouthwith subterminal The great encircle size, gill enormous slitsthatvirtually Description Pèlerin Shark Basking Cetorhinidae: shark Basking ● Caudal pedunclewithstrong lat and lower precaudal pits. andcrescentickeels shapedupper ●

● dorsal fin;or Anal finsimilarinsize to second half ofseconddorsalfin. Crescentic shapedprecaudal pits ● igin below posterior Caudal fincrescent Birth size:150–200cm. Birth sizeMaximum :1000–1200cm. Females mature: 800–900cm. mature:Males 500–600cm. Size and spots. with lighter linearstriping abdomen; flankssometimes underside oftheheadand white blotches onthe lighter, withirregular often sometimes undersurface below on bodyandfins, above and grey orblue-grey to grey-brown,Blackish Colour eral -shaped, large. . VU LL 22/08/2014 09:34 BSK 73 SHARK Anal fin 5 Gills Distinguishing feature or features Cetorhinus maximus BSK Cetorhinus maximus Basking Shark

SIMILAR SPECIES A very large, to over 10m total length, shark; short conical snout, huge under throat nearly encircling the head; crescent-shaped caudal fin; blackish subterminal mouth, very large gill openings that extend to over head and to grey-brown or grey often with irregular blotches spots.

Gill slits, snout coloration, first dorsal and caudal fins Ventral view of head Second dorsal and anal fins

first dorsal fin very high, origin caudal fin mouth very broad second dorsal and anal fins behind rear tips of pectoral fins crescent-shaped and arched less than half size of first

snout moderately prominent keel on long, conical caudal peduncle and pointed

extremely large gills anal fin origin below nearly encircling head Cetorhinus maximus Basking Shark teeth minute second dorsal

first dorsal fin origin closer caudal fin upper lobe long, to pectoral fin base lower lobe short, but distinct

mouth very broad and rounded no keel on caudal peduncle snout short, dusky broadly rounded soft-bodied, flabby shark gill slits moderately long, anal fin origin just one above pectoral fins Megachasma pelagios Megamouth Shark teeth minute behind second dorsal

first dorsal fin very low and long, caudal fin asymmentrical mouth broad second dorsal fin low about origin behind rear tips of pectoral fins with long lower lobe but short same size as first

snout short, keels variably rounded and present or absent conical on caudal peduncle

sof-bodied shark relatively small gills Somniosus antarcticus Southern Sleeper Shark laceolate upper teeth, no anal fin blade-like lower

single dorsal fin set far back caudal fin with a mouth very broad first dorsal fin just behind long upper lobe and arched no second pelvic fin bases dorsal fin

no keel on short, blunt snout caudal peduncle

six gills slits, anal fin origin below moderately long Hexanchus griseus Bluntnose Sixgill Shark 6 rows of comb-like lower teeth first dorsal mid base 74

FAO Pelagic Guide to the Indian Ocean pp065-080 wide.indd 74 22/08/2014 09:34 FAO Pelagic Guide totheIndian Ocean pp065-080 wide.indd 75 KEY GUIDE TO HEXANCHIDAE 1b 1a Hexanchus griseus, p.79 side ofhead 6 gill openingsoneither broad head perlo, p.77 narrow head 7 gill openingsoneithersideofhead

  Six gill openings. Br Seven gillSeven openings. Narrow headwithnarrow angularmouth.Five rows teeth oflarge oneachsideoflower comb-shaped jaw Hexanchus griseus, p.79 Heptranchius perlo, p.77 very widemouth very narrow angularmouth oad head with very widemouth.Sixrows teeth oflarge oneachsideofloweroad headwithvery comb-shaped jaw symphaseal tooth symphaseal tooth Hexanchus griseus, p.79 Heptranchias perlo, p.77 six rows teeth eitherside ofthesymphasealtooth ofcomb-shaped five rows teeth eithersideofthesymphasealtooth ofcomb-shaped 22/08/2014 09:34 75 SHARK KEY GUIDE TO HEXANCHIDAE KEY GUIDE TO DOGFISH SHARKS WITHOUT FIN SPINES

1a First dorsal fin equidistance or closer to pectoral fins 2 1b First dorsal fin much closer to pelvic fins 3

first dorsal fin nearer or equidistant to pectoral fins first dorsal fin much closer to pelvic fins Go to 2 Go to 3

2a First dorsal fin much longer than second. Body colour uniform dark brown, grey to black Somniosus antarcticus p.89

KEY GUIDE TOKEY  2b First dorsal fin slightly smaller than second. Body colour mottled with light /dark blotches and spots  albicauda p.87 2c First dorsal fin smaller than second. Body colour uniform dark brown. Small, no more than 40cm  Heteroscymnoides marleyi p.83 DOGFISH SHARKS WITHOUT FIN SPINES

first dorsal fin slightly first dorsal fin much smaller than second longer than second first dorsal fin much longer than second

Somniosus antarcticus, p.89 Scymnodalatias albicauda, p.87 Heteroscymnoides marleyi, p.83

3a First dorsal fin set far back, but distinctly in front of pelvic fins, second dorsal fin about 4 times length of first  Euprotomicrus bispinatus p.81 3b First dorsal fin set far back, insertion over pelvic fins, second dorsal fin about equal in size to first brasiliensis p.85

second dorsal fin about four times length of first first dorsal fin about same size as second SHARK

Euprotomicrus bispinatus, p.81 Isistius brasiliensis, p.85


FAO Pelagic Guide to the Indian Ocean pp065-080 wide.indd 76 22/08/2014 09:34 FAO Pelagic Guide totheIndian Ocean pp065-080 wide.indd 77 ● ● teeth): upperjaw 7–9,lower jaw 10. Tooth counts (excluding smallerposteriorlateral followed by upto 7or8distal cuspletsinadults. anterolateral ahighcusp teeth oneachsideofjaw; Lower jaw withfive comb-shaped rows ofdistinctly Dentition (Bonnaterre, 1788) Heptranchias perlo Mouth ver Mouth t 5 prominent comb-shaped eeth oneachsideoflower jaw. ● y narrow andangular. area hasthis. inthe no othershark 7 paired gill openings , Teeth approximately size. actual © David A.Ebert onedorsalfinandananalfin. teeth oneachsideofjaw; on eachsideofhead;five rows oflower comb-shaped withseven gillA narrow-headed, shark openings big-eyed Description Requin perlon Requin Sharpnose Sevengill Shark Hexanchidae: Cow sharks ● A singledorsalfin. ● Anal finpresent. Birth size: 26–27cm. Birth sizeMaximum : 140cm. Females mature: about100cm. mature:Males 75–100cm. Size adults butprominent inyoung. lobe withblacktips, fadedorabsentin from body, dorsalfinanduppercaudal spotsabsent lighter to white below; Uniform palegrey to olive above, Colour NT LL 22/08/2014 09:34 HXT 77 SHARK Anal fin 7 Gills Single dorsal fin Heptranchias perlo HXT Heptranchias perlo Sharpnose Sevengill Shark

SIMILAR SPECIES A moderate-sized shark up to 1.4m total length; one dorsal fin, an anal fin and seven paired gill openings separates this shark from all others.

Gill slits, snout coloration, first dorsal and caudal fins Second dorsal & anal fins Ventral view of head

single dorsal fin set behind pelvic fin no second dorsal fin mouth long no second and acute dorsal fin eye diameter moderately long

snout sharply pointed

anal fin low seven gills slits on either side of head, moderately long first dorsal origin over /just Heptranchias perlo Sharpnose Sevengill Shark behind pelvic fins free tips 5 rows of comb-like lower teeth

single dorsal fin behind pelvic fins no second dorsal fin mouth very broad no second and arched dorsal fin eye moderately large

snout bluntly rounded

anal fin high six gill slits on either side of head, moderately long first dorsal origin over /just Hexanchus griseus Bluntnose Sixgill Shark behind pelvic fins free tips 6 rows of comb-like lower teeth

first dorsal fin about midway second dorsal fin mouth long and arched, between pectoral and pelvic fins two dorsal fins teeth clearly visible very large eye

snout moderately long, conical with rounded tip

anal fin high five gills slits on either side of head, moderately long second dorsal origin over pelvic teeth long and slender on upper and Pseudocarcharias kamoharai Shark fins free tips lower jaws; similar in shape 78

FAO Pelagic Guide to the Indian Ocean pp065-080 wide.indd 78 22/08/2014 09:34 FAO Pelagic Guide totheIndian Ocean pp065-080 wide.indd 79 teeth): upperjaw 7–9,lower jaw 12. Tooth counts (excluding smallerposteriorlateral numerous distalcuspletsinadults. ahighcuspfollowedteeth by oneachsideofjaw; Six rows anterolateral oflower comb-shaped distictly Dentition ● ● (Bonnaterre, 1788) Hexanchus griseus HEXANCHIFORMES

Snout bluntlyrounded. t 6 prominent comb-shaped eeth oneachsideoflower jaw. ● area hasthis. inthe no othershark 6 paired gill openings ● over 2timesmouthlength. ver Mouth , y broad withwidth Teeth approximately size. actual Courtesy of R. Dean Grubbs, Deep-C Consortium Grubbs, ofR. Dean Courtesy Deep-C anal fin. onedorsalfinandan shaped teeth oneachsideofjaw; openings oneachsideofhead;sixrows oflower comb- A large, heavy-bodied, broad-headed with six gill shark Description Requin griset Requin Bluntnose Sixgill Shark Hexanchidae: Cow sharks ●

A singledorsalfin. ● Anal finpresent. ●

Moderately longuppercaudalfinlobe Moderately Birth size: 65–80cm. Birth sizeMaximum : 550cm. Females mature: about420cm. mature:Males 310–350cm. Size juveniles and adults. but more uniform inlarger young in newborn dorsal surface sides. lighter Underside often thanthe spotsonthe sometimes withdarker conspicuous lighter lateral lineand witha Grey ortan to blackish Colour NT . LL 22/08/2014 09:34 SBL 79 SHARK Anal fin 6 Gills Single dorsal fin Hexanchus griseus SBL Hexanchus griseus Bluntnose Sixgill Shark

SIMILAR SPECIES A large shark up to over 5m total length, one dorsal fin, an anal fin and six paired gill openings separates this shark from all others.

Gill slits, snout coloration, first dorsal and caudal fins Ventral view of head Second dorsal and anal fins

single dorsal fin set far back caudal fin with a mouth very broad first dorsal fin just behind long upper lobe and arched no second pelvic fin base dorsal fin

no keel on short, blunt snout caudal peduncle

six gills slits on either side of high anal fin origin head, moderately long Hexanchus griseus Bluntnose Sixgill Shark 6 rows of comb-like lower teeth below first dorsal mid base

single dorsal fin set far back caudal fin with a mouth long first dorsal fin just behind long upper lobe and acute no second pelvic fin base dorsal fin

relatively pointed no keel on snout caudal peduncle

seven gills slits on either side low anal fin origin of head, moderately long Heptranchias perlo Sharpnose Sevengill Shark 5 rows of comb-like lower teeth below first dorsal mid base

first dorsal fin origin closer caudal fin upper lobe long, to pectoral fin base lower lobe short, but distinct

mouth very broad and rounded no keel on caudal peduncle snout short, dusky broadly rounded soft-bodied, flabby shark 5 gill slits on either side of anal fin origin just head, moderately long Megachasma pelagios Megamouth Shark teeth minute behind second dorsal

first dorsal fin very low and long, caudal fin asymmentrical mouth broad second dorsal fin low about origin behind rear tips of pectoral fins with long lower lobe but short same size as first

snout short, keels variably rounded and present or absent conical on caudal peduncle

sof-bodied shark 5 relatively small gill slits Somniosus antarcticus Southern Sleeper Shark laceolate upper teeth, no anal fin on either side of head 80 blade-like lower

FAO Pelagic Guide to the Indian Ocean pp065-080 wide.indd 80 22/08/2014 09:35 FAO Pelagic Guide totheIndian Ocean pp081-096 wide.indd 81 Tooth counts: upperjaw 19–21,lower jaw 19–23. distal blade, edgesnotserrated. withahigh,broad,interlocked, erectcuspand nearly erect cusps;lower teeth muchlarger, bladelike, Upper teeth small, withnarrow, pointed, sharply Teeth approximately four size. timesactual Dentition ● ● (Quoy &Gaimard, 1824) Euprotomicrus bispinatus

bulbously conincal. A ver Snout moderately long y smallshark. , Teeth approximately size. actual ●

First dorsalfinsetfarbackbehindpec edged fins. colour withconspicuouslight- first, noanalfin,blackish pectorals, seconddorsalbaseaboutfour timeslarger than closer to finsand pelvicfinsthanpectoral wellbehind spines, firstdorsalfin,this tiny flag-like overabdomenand body,Small size, bulboussnout,cylindrical nodorsalfin Description © SeaPics. Squale pygméeSquale : Kitefin Sharks ●

rounded edge. posterior Pec toral fins short, broadly toral finsshort, toral fins. ●

Dorsal finsspineless Dorsal ●

Colour isaunif ●

Anal finabsent. ●

. Sec longer thanfirstdorsalfin. ond dorsal fin about 4times ond dorsalfinabout orm blackish, with no dark markings. withnodark blackish, orm Birth size: about6–10cm. Birth sizeMaximum : 27cm. Females mature: about22–23cm. mature:Males about17–19cm. Size edged fins. withconspicuouslylight- Blackish Colour ●

symmetrical, paddle-shaped. Caudal finnear LC ly LL 22/08/2014 09:51 EUP 81 SHARK No Anal fin 5 Gills Distinguishing feature or features Euprotomicrus bispinatus EUP Euprotomicrus bispinatus Pygmy Shark

SIMILAR SPECIES A tiny dogfish; moderately long bulbous snout, large round eyes and tiny smaller than second fin, first dorsal fin set close to pelvic fins, caudal fin is equal-sized gill openings; dorsal fins without spines, first dorsal fin much paddle-shaped; black with conspicuous light-edged fins.

Colour, first dorsal fin position and first dorsal and caudal fins shape Second dorsal & anal fins Ventral view of heads and teeth

first dorsal fin set far back, fins with pale to second dorsal about four times mouth very small, but in front of pelvic fins white margins longer than first nearly straight

snout moderately long, bulbously conincal

very small shark, second dorsal origin about over max. length 27cm Euprotomicrus bispinatus Pygmy Shark rear end of pelvic fins

first dorsal fin over fins light and dark second dorsal slightly longer mouth small, relatively straight, pectoral fin bases banded margins than first thin, not suctorial

snout very elongated and bulbous

preoral length more than third of head length second dorsal origin about over Heteroscymnoides marleyi Longnose Pygmy Shark midbases of pelvic fins

first dorsal fin set far back, caudal fin nearly first and second dorsal mouth short, relatively straight base about over pelvic fins symmetrical with about same height with large suctorial lips long lower lobe

snout very short and bulbous

prominent dark collar around gill openings second dorsal origin behind Isistius brasiliensis pelvic fins free tips

first dorsal fin dorsal fins each with a small fin spine; second dorsal larger than first mouth relatively short, about mid-trunk the other species lack dorsal fin spines with fin spine slightly arched

snout moderately long

second dorsal origin just in front Zameus squamulosus of pelvic fin midbases 82

FAO Pelagic Guide to the Indian Ocean pp081-096 wide.indd 82 22/08/2014 09:51 FAO Pelagic Guide totheIndian Ocean pp081-096 wide.indd 83 Tooth counts: upperjaw 22,lower jaw 23. distal blade, edgesnotserrated. withahigh,broad,interlocked, erectcuspand nearly erect cusps;lower teeth muchlarger, bladelike, Upper teeth small, withnarrow, pointed, sharply Teeth approximately size. timesactual two Dentition ● ● Heteroscymnoides marleyi Heteroscymnoides Fowler, 1934 SQUALIFORMES

A smallshark Snout elongat , largest known was37cmtotal length. , largest known ed, bulbous. ●

First dorsalfinsetfarf Teeth approximately size. actual orward over pectoralorward fins . © Matthias Stehmann© Matthias brown fins.dark colourwithlight-edged second dorsalonlyslightlylarger thanfirst,noanalfin, first dorsalfinfarorigin with forward, bases,over pectoral Small size, bulbouselongated snout,nodorsalfinspines; Description Squale mignonSquale Longnose Pygmy Shark Dalatiidae: Kitefin Sharks ●

light anddarkbandedfinmargins. Colour br own withconspicuous ●

Dorsal finsspineless Dorsal . ●

Anal finabsent. ●

than firstdorsalfin. dorsalfinslightlylonger Second Birth size: about12cm. Birth sizeMaximum : 37cm. Females mature: about33cm. mature:Males about36cm. Size banded finmargins. Brown withconspicuouslightanddark Colour ●

lobe, notch subterminal strong. lowerupper lobeandwell-developed withmoderately long paddle-shaped, Caudal finsemi-symmetr LC ical, almost LL 22/08/2014 09:51 HYY 83 SHARK No Anal fin 5 Gills Distinguishing feature or features Heteroscymnoides marleyi HYY Heteroscymnoides marleyi Longnose Pygmy Shark

SIMILAR SPECIES A small dogfish with a cylindrical body; long bulbous snout, small rounded large as second and set over pectoral fins, caudal fin paddle-shaped; dark eyes, small gill openings; dorsal fins without spines, first dorsal fin almost as brown with conspicuous light-edged fins.

Colour, first dorsal fin position and first dorsal and caudal fins shape Second dorsal & anal fins Ventral view of heads and teeth

first dorsal fin over fins light and dark second dorsal slightly longer mouth small, relatively straight, pectoral fin bases banded margins than first lips thin, not suctorial

snout very elongated and bulbous

preoral length more than third of head length second dorsal origin about over Heteroscymnoides marleyi Longnose Pygmy Shark midbases of pelvic fins

first dorsal fin set far back, fins with pale to second dorsal about four times mouth very small, but in front of pelvic fins white margins longer than first nearly straight

snout moderately long, bulbously conincal

very small shark, second dorsal origin about over max. length 27cm Euprotomicrus bispinatus Pygmy Shark rear end of pelvic fins

first dorsal fin set far back, caudal fin nearly first and second dorsal mouth short, relatively straight base about over pelvic fins symmetrical with about same height with large suctorial lips long lower lobe

snout very short and bulbous

prominent dark collar around gill openings second dorsal origin behind Isistius brasiliensis Cookiecutter Shark pelvic fins free tips

first dorsal fin dorsal fins each with a small fin spine; second dorsal larger than first mouth relatively short, about mid-trunk the other species lack dorsal fin spines with fin spine slightly arched

snout moderately long

second dorsal origin just in front Zameus squamulosus Velvet Dogfish of pelvic fin midbases 84

FAO Pelagic Guide to the Indian Ocean pp081-096 wide.indd 84 22/08/2014 09:51 FAO Pelagic Guide totheIndian Ocean pp081-096 wide.indd 85 Tooth counts: upperjaw 30–37,lower jaw 25–31. Triangular-cusped lower teeth withoutblades. Dentition ● ● (Quoy &Gaimard, 1824) Isistius brasiliensis SQUALIFORMES

A smallshark Snout moderately shor ●

, about50cmtotal length. Suct orial lips. t. ●

aroundmarking thegill region. A prominent Teeth approximately size. actual dark collar-like ●

posterior base about overposterior baseabout fins. pelvic First dorsalfinsetfarback © MalcolmFrancis (NIWA, NewZealand) long lower lobe. caudalfinwith symmetrical bulbous snout,andnearly lips, short, noanalfin,suctorial onback, far posterior Small size, cigar-shaped body, small, spinelessdorsalfins Description Cookiecutter Shark Squalelet féroceSqualelet Dalatiidae: Kitefin Sharks , ●

Dorsal finsspineless Dorsal ●

Anal finabsent. Birth size: about14–15cm. Birth sizeMaximum : 50cm. Females mature: about38–44cm. mature:Males about31–37cm. Size edges. butwithpale to translucent fins dark, around thegill region; marking like below, collar- withaconspicuousdark Pale brown above, becominglighter Colour ● .

dorsal caudalmargin. caudal lobeover 2/3lengthof symmetrical, withalongventral Caudal finlar ●

equal t behind pelvicfinbase dorsalfinset Second ge and nearly ge andnearly LC o firstdorsalfin. LL 22/08/2014 09:51 ISB 85 SHARK No Anal fin 5 Gills Distinguishing feature or features Isistius brasiliensis ISB Isistius brasiliensis Cookiecutter Shark

SIMILAR SPECIES A small, cigar-shaped shark; short bulbous snout; dorsal fins set far back, first caudal fin; grey to grey-brown with a prominent dark collar band around its dorsal over pelvic fins, no dorsal fin spines, an symmetrical paddle-shaped gills and throat.

Colour, first dorsal fin position and first dorsal and caudal fins shape Second dorsal & anal fins Ventral view of heads and teeth

first dorsal fin set far back, caudal fin nearly first and second dorsal mouth short, relatively straight base about over pelvic fins symmetrical with about same height with large suctorial lips long lower lobe

snout very short and bulbous

prominent dark collar around gill openings second dorsal origin behind Isistius brasiliensis Cookiecutter Shark pelvic fins free tips

first dorsal fin set far back, fins with pale to second dorsal about four times mouth very small, but in front of pelvic fins white margins longer than first nearly straight

snout moderately long, bulbously conincal

very small shark, second dorsal origin about over max. length 27cm Euprotomicrus bispinatus Pygmy Shark rear end of pelvic fins

first dorsal fin over fins light and dark second dorsal slightly longer mouth small, relatively straight, pectoral fin bases banded margins than first lips thin, not suctorial

snout very elongated and bulbous

preoral length more than third of head length second dorsal origin about over Heteroscymnoides marleyi Longnose Pygmy Shark midbases of pelvic fins

first dorsal fin dorsal fins each with a small fin spine; second dorsal larger than first mouth relatively short, about mid-trunk the other species lack dorsal fin spines with fin spine slightly arched

snout moderately long

second dorsal origin just in front Zameus squamulosus Velvet Dogfish of pelvic fin midbases 86

FAO Pelagic Guide to the Indian Ocean pp081-096 wide.indd 86 22/08/2014 09:52 FAO Pelagic Guide totheIndian Ocean pp081-096 wide.indd 87 Dentition ● Tooth counts: upperjaw 57–62,lower jaw 35. lower teeth withhigh,erectcusps. imbricate smooth-edged, lowers large blade-like Upper teeth small, narrow withacutely erectcusps; Teeth approximately size. timesactual two Taniuchi 1986 &Garrick, albicauda Scymnodalatias SQUALIFORMES and conical robust Snout short, . Teeth approximately size. actual length ofthelower caudalmargin. asymmetrical, the withuppercaudalmargin twice nearly dorsalslightlylargerSecond thanthefirst. Caudal fin and alongbroadly arched mouth.Pectoral finselongated. broadly rounded snout,eyes horizontallyShort, elongated, Description © David A.Ebert Squale grogneurSquale àqueueblanche Whitefin Dogfish Sleepersharks : ● ● Pect Tw o spinelessdorsalfins. oral finselongated. ● larger thanthefirst. dorsalfinslightly Second Birth size: about20cm. Birth sizeMaximum : 110cm. Females mature: 74–110cm. mature:Males unknown. Size web except for lobe. terminal dark white blotches oncaudalfinbaseand whitish grey margins, conspicuous lighter brownish grey below, finswith brownDark ormottledgreyish above, Colour ● ● white blotches onthecaudalfinbase. above Colour isadarkbr Anal finabsent. , lighter below, withconspicuous ● twice thelengthoflower.twice Upper caudalmargin near own to mottledgrey DD LL 22/08/2014 09:52 ly YSA 87 SHARK No Anal fin 5 Gills Distinguishing feature or features Scymnodalatias albicauda YSA Scymnodalatias albicauda Whitefin Dogfish

SIMILAR SPECIES A moderate-sized dogfish; pectoral fins are very elongated, no dorsal fin spines, dark brown and white to greyish mottling or blotches over body and a dark first dorsal fin about mid-body, second dorsal fin slightly larger than first; terminal lobe on caudal fin.

Colour, first dorsal fin position and first dorsal and caudal fins shape Second dorsal & anal fins Ventral view of heads and teeth

dark grey or brown mouth long, with white blotches small spineless dorsal fins second dorsal larger than first broadly arched over body

snout short, robust and conical

conspicuous white blotches pectoral fins relatively on caudal fin base large and angular rear tip of second dorsal fin nearly reaching upper caudal Scymnodalatias albicauda Whitefin Dogfish lobe origin

uniform blackish dorsal fins each with a small fin spine; second dorsal larger than first first dorsal fin the other species lack dorsal fin spines with fin spine mouth relatively short, about mid-trunk slightly arched

snout moderately long

pectoral fins relatively short second dorsal origin just in front Zameus squamulosus Velvet Dogfish of pelvic fin midbases

first dorsal fin caudal fin asymmentrical second dorsal fin is about three mouth broad low and long with long lower lobe quarters length of first but short

snout short and rounded

pectoral fins relatively short this shark can reach over 4m, the other species 1.1m or less in max length second dorsal origin just in front Somniosus antarcticus Southern Sleeper Shark of pelvic fin midbases 88

FAO Pelagic Guide to the Indian Ocean pp081-096 wide.indd 88 22/08/2014 09:52 FAO Pelagic Guide totheIndian Ocean pp081-096 wide.indd 89 Tooth counts: upperjaw 37–48,lower jaw 49–59. strongly obliquecuspsandhigh,narrow roots. Upper teeth lanceolate, low, lower teeth withshort, Dentition ● Whitley, 1939 antarcticus Somniosus SQUALIFORMES

which cangrow to over 4minlength. A ver large, soft bodied shark, y large, bodiedshark, soft ● ridge extending nearly to fintips. pectoral nearly extending ridge Anterior mar Anterior gin of 1st dorsal fin very low,gin of1stdorsalfin very long Teeth approximately size. actual © MalcolmFrancis (NIWA, NewZealand) lobe. and alarge tailfinwithalong asymmetrical ventral caudal anal fin, relatively smalldorsal, pectoral, andpelvicfins, rounded spineless, snout,two equal-sized dorsalfins, no withashort, A large heavy, bodiedshark, cylindrical Description ● Laimargue del’Antarctique SleeperShark Southern Sleepersharks Somniosidae: about mid-bodytrunk First dorsalfinwithlongbase ● . Colour isaunifor ● Two spinelessdorsalfins m grey to blackish. . Birth size: about40cm. Birth sizeMaximum : 456cm. Females mature: about435cm. mature:Males about400cm. Size finedges.conspicuous lightordark Uniformly without grey to blackish, Colour ● Anal finabsent. ● pr variably Keels esent orabsent. DD LL 22/08/2014 09:52 FAO 89 SHARK No Anal fin Distinguishing feature or features Somniosus antarcticus FAO Somniosus antarcticus Southern Sleeper Shark

SIMILAR SPECIES A very large, up to 5m total length, heavy-bodied dogfish; moderately long, dorsal fin very low and long, lower lobe of caudal fin long; medium grey to rounded snout; small, low, spineless dorsal fins, dorsal fins relatively small, first brown or blackish.

Gill slits, snout coloration, first dorsal and caudal fins Ventral view of head Second dorsal and anal fins

first dorsal fin very low and long, caudal fin asymmentrical mouth broad second dorsal fin low about origin behind rear tips of pectoral fins with long lower lobe but short same size as first

snout short, keels variably rounded and present or absent conical on caudal peduncle

sof-bodied shark relatively small gills Somniosus antarcticus Southern Sleeper Shark laceolate upper teeth, no anal fin blade-like lower

single dorsal fin set far back caudal fin with a mouth very broad first dorsal fin just behind long upper lobe and arched no second pelvic fin base dorsal fin

no keel on short, blunt snout caudal peduncle

six gills gill slits, anal fin origin below moderately long Hexanchus griseus Bluntnose Sixgill Shark 6 rows of comb-like lower teeth first dorsal mid base

first dorsal fin origin closer caudal fin upper lobe long, to pectoral fin base lower lobe short, but distinct

mouth very broad and rounded no keel on caudal peduncle snout short, dusky broadly rounded soft-bodied, flabby shark gill slits moderately long, anal fin origin just one above pectoral fins Megachasma pelagios Megamouth Shark teeth minute behind second dorsal

first dorsal fin very high, origin caudal fin mouth very broad second dorsal and anal fins behind rear tips of pectoral fins crescent-shaped and arched less than half size of first

snout moderately prominent keel on long, conical caudal peduncle and pointed

extremely large gills anal fin origin below nearly encircling head Cetorhinus maximus Basking Shark teeth minute second dorsal 90

FAO Pelagic Guide to the Indian Ocean pp081-096 wide.indd 90 22/08/2014 09:52 no analfin FAO Pelagic Guide totheIndian Ocean pp081-096 wide.indd 91 Tooth counts: upperjaw 47–60,lower jaw 32–38. cusped, knife-like. Teeth ofupperjaw small, spear-like, lower jaw high- Teeth approximately size. timesactual two Dentition ● ● (Günther, 1877) Zameus squamulosus SQUALIFORMES

moderately long. A smallshark Snout rathernarr ●

Mouth nar Mouth , soft bodiedshark. , soft ow and row andshort. ●

well infront offirstdorsalspine. Apices ofpect Teeth approximately size. actual oral finsfalling ● © David A.Ebert lowerstrong lobe. notch subterminal andshort transverse,moderately wideandnearly caudalfinwith cuttingteeth inlower jaw,high, knife-cusped mouth lanceolate teeth withoutcuspletsinupperjaw andlarge fin spinepreceding eachdorsalfin,noanalsmall upperlabialfurrows. Asmall much longerthantheshort narrow mouth,postoralgrooveslong snout,short withalow flathead, fairly A smallslenderbodiedshark, Description

broad andleaf-shaped. Pec Squale-grogneur velouté Squale-grogneur Velvet Dogfish Sleepersharks Somniosidae: toral finsnarrow to moderately ●

Small dorsalfinspinespresent. ●

Colour isaunif orm blackish, withnomarkings. blackish, orm ● Birth size: about20cm. Birth sizeMaximum : 84cm. Females mature: about59–69cm. mature:Males about47–51cm. Size no conspicuousmarkings. Uniformly brownish blackto dark with Colour

Anal finabsent. ●

short lower lobe. short notchsubterminal anda Caudal finwithastr DD LL ong 22/08/2014 09:52 SSQ 91 SHARK No Anal fin 5 Gills Distinguishing feature or features Zameus squamulosus SSQ Zameus squamulosus Velvet Dogfish

SIMILAR SPECIES A small, slender dogfish with a moderately long snout, narrow mouth, and a small spine in front of each dorsal fin; second dorsal fin slightly larger than first; upper lobe of caudal fin longer than lower; uniformly black to blackish-brown.

Colour, first dorsal fin position and first dorsal and caudal fins shape Second dorsal & anal fins Ventral view of heads and teeth

first dorsal fin dorsal fins each with a small fin spine; second dorsal larger than first mouth relatively short, about mid-trunk the other species lack dorsal fin spines with fin spine slightly arched

snout moderately long

second dorsal origin just in front Zameus squamulosus Velvet Dogfish of pelvic fin midbases

first dorsal fin over fins light and dark second dorsal slightly longer mouth small, relatively straight, pectoral fin bases banded margins than first lips thin, not suctorial

snout very elongated and bulbous

preoral length more than third of head length second dorsal origin about over Heteroscymnoides marleyi Longnose Pygmy Shark midbases of pelvic fins

first dorsal fin set far back, fins with pale to second dorsal about four times mouth very small, but in front of pelvic fins white margins longer than first nearly straight

snout moderately long, bulbously conincal

very small shark, second dorsal origin about over max. length 27cm Euprotomicrus bispinatus Pygmy Shark rear end of pelvic fins

first dorsal fin set far back, caudal fin nearly first and second dorsal mouth short, relatively straight base about over pelvic fins symmetrical with about same height with large suctorial lips long lower lobe

snout very short and bulbous

prominent dark collar around gill openings second dorsal origin behind Isistius brasiliensis Cookiecutter Shark pelvic fins free tips 92

FAO Pelagic Guide to the Indian Ocean pp081-096 wide.indd 92 22/08/2014 09:52 KEY GUIDE TO RAYS

13 a Head elevated above disc; eyes and spiracles well above level of pectoral fins (disc)   Dasyatidae, p.95 13 b Head not elevated above disc; eyes and spiracles about same level or below level of pectoral fins (disc)   Mobulidae 14)

head elavated head not elavated

eyes and spiracles eyes and spiracles about well above disc same level or below disc

Dasyatidae, p.95 Go to 14

14 a Mouth terminal, teeth only on lower jaw  Manta 14b Mouth subterminal, teeth on upper and lower jaw  Mobula p.94

mouth terminal mouth subterminal

teeth only on lower jaw Manta, below teeth on upper and lower jaw Mobula, p.94

Manta a) Shoulder patches originate posterior from , with blurred b) Shoulder patches very distinct and triangular in shape, anterior posterior edges, not obviously triangular in shape; edge of shoulder patches extends medially from spiracle in

distinct dark spots on ventral surface of disc may be present about a straight line parallel to upper jaw; RAYS TO GUIDE KEY across posterior half of body and medially between gill slits; distinct dark spots on ventral surface of disc over abdominal mouth white to light grey in colour; region, no spots between gill slits; caudal spine absent, calcified mass absent tail base mouth black to charcoal grey in colour;  M. alfredi p.97 caudal spine present, but mostly encased in calcified mass spine serrated  M. birostris p.99

white shoulder mouth white triangular mouth charcoal patches to light grey shoulder patches grey to black

caudal spine caudal spine and calcified and calcified mass absent mass present RAYS


FAO Pelagic Guide to the Indian Ocean pp081-096 wide.indd 93 22/08/2014 09:52 KEY GUIDE TO MANTA AND MOBULA

Mobula a) Spiracles slit-like (or elliptical), occur dorsal to plane of disc wings b) Spiracles small, subcircular, occur slightly below plane of disc wings Disc width maximum reaching 3.1 m or more 15) Disc width maximum 1.8 m or less 16)

spiracles occur just small spiracles occur above plane of wing below plane of wing

Go to 15 Go to 16

15a A sting on tail base, disc width 2x’s or more than length, 15b No sting on tail base, disc width less than 2x’s length, maximum disc width 3.1 m  M. japanica p.103 maximum disc width 3.7 m  M. tarapacana p.105 KEY GUIDE TO MANTA AND MOBULA

disc width more than disc width less than twice disc length twice disc length

no sting M. japanica, p.103 sting on tail base M. tarapacana, p.105 on tail base

16a Head relatively long, cephalic fin length >16% disc width, 16b Head relatively short, cephalic fin length < 16% disc width, dorsal fin black, no white spot  M. eregoodootenkee p.101 dorsal fin with white spot at tip  M. thurstoni p.107

cephalic fin cephalic fin length more than 16% of disc width length less than 16% of disc width 16% disc width 16% disc width RAYS

M. eregoodootenkee, p.101 no white spot M. thurstoni, p.107 white spot


FAO Pelagic Guide to the Indian Ocean pp081-096 wide.indd 94 22/08/2014 09:52