26. Dinoflagellate Age of Middle Jurassic-Early Cretaceous Sediments in the Blake-Bahama Basin1
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26. DINOFLAGELLATE AGE OF MIDDLE JURASSIC-EARLY CRETACEOUS SEDIMENTS IN THE BLAKE-BAHAMA BASIN1 Daniel Habib, Queens College of the City University of New York, Flushing, New York and Warren S. Drugg, Chevron Oil Field Research Company, LaHabra, California ABSTRACT Biostratigraphic datums of stratigraphically useful dinoflagellates are used to date the Jurassic-Cretaceous sequence in Hole 534A drilled by the Deep Sea Drilling Project. The investigated interval is dated middle Callovian through Vra- conian Albian in the 875-m-thick section represented by Cores 534A-127 to 534A-27. Dinoflagellates date the new, low- ermost, unnamed lithostratigraphic unit at Hole 534A as middle Callovian through Oxfordian, with basal Kimmeridgi- an sediments occurring in the approximate position of the boundary with the overlying Cat Gap Formation. The zoned Cretaceous interval in Holes 534A and 391C in the Blake-Bahama Basin ranges from the late Berriasian through the Vraconian. A zonation is proposed for the stratotype and parastratotype sections of sediments deposited in the European Tethys during the Neocomian (early Berriasian-late Hauterivian). It shows the same chronostratigraphic succession of species common to the Tethys of both North Atlantic and Europe. On the basis of scanning electron micrograph evidence, the epicystal tabulation of Druggidium apicopaucicum Habib is revised. INTRODUCTION The dinoflagellate stratigraphy of Hole 534A, drilled by the Deep Sea Drilling Project in the Blake-Bahama Basin, was studied in order to date the palyniferous Me- sozoic section. Site 534 is located near the center of the Blake-Bahama Basin, at 28°20.6'N, 75°22.9'W, 22 km northeast of Hole 391C (Benson, Sheridan et al., 1978) (Fig. 1). Drilling Hole 534A recovered a subseafloor sec- tion approximately 1667 m thick. The palynologically investigated interval is situated in the lower part of the sedimentary section. It is 875 m thick, and ranges from the stratigraphic level of Core 534A-27 at 764.5 m sub- bottom depth to that of Core 534A-127 at 1639.5 m. The lowest part is basalt, from Cores 534A-127 (core catcher sample) to 534A-130 at 1666.5 m. On the basis of the dinoflagellate evidence, the sedimentary section is dated as middle Callovian near the contact with the underlying basalt (Sample 534A-127-2, 33-35 cm) to Vraconian Al- bian at the top of the black clay sequence (534A-27-1, 66-68 cm). The lithostratigraphy is summarized from the com- prehensive description given in the Site 534 report (this volume). Habib (this volume) interprets the origin of the Figure 1. Location of Deep Sea Drilling Project Holes 534A and particulate organic matter. Examination of the color of 391C in the Blake-Bahama Basin and other sites referred to in the palynomorphs suggests that the organic matter near the text. base of the section is thermally immature. Four lithostratigraphic units were identified (Fig. 2). The Hatteras Formation is approximately 200 m thick In descending stratigraphic order, these are the Hatteras and spans the interval from Core 534A-27 through Core Formation, Blake-Bahama Formation, Cat Gap Forma- 534A-48. Four major lithologies are evident; these con- tion, and a lowermost, unnamed lithostratigraphic unit sist of an uppermost interbedded black-green noncal- that rests directly on the basalt. careous clay lithology in Cores 534A-27 to 534A-30; a carbonaceous and lesser interbedded green claystone li- thology (534A-31 to 534A-39); yellowish, brownish, and Sheridan, R. E., Gradstein, F. M., et al., Init. Repts. DSDP, 76: Washington (U.S. Govt. Printing Office). reddish noncalcareous clays (534A-40 to 534A-42); and 623 D. HABIB, W. S. DRUGG 11 ,S8tB 8 •s a ^ ε •; f \ S a ε K ^ C Q Js t/j ! i. •5 <o c 5 I!to o ^ -Cl α . »- o ^ Ilil•ilP II δ •§ E a § "§, -5. •§ a ,| lε•S 1 ε .2. fc o Hi s ^i 2 O *^ c I « jj o « » ε .S is •ε I s § 'c JS S t •S : •ε <ò <r 3 .c s? 2 S •c •£ •s si •P á• g ^ S *? "^ CΛ *^ ? r^ — (0 •S o •y is •S δ 5 •« -5 I •s •s O i Uj J; •g 3 si8 I5. •—. ^K S 5 "3 ÖÜ | | £ - § | | r^s If!!!! I 6 <J! 0^ C/) ^ O CO O Co <òl OO Q i Uj to -30 I! I o -45 55 E c re o 70 -75 80 -85 II I -95 -100 IS 1 o o J it** TTt Figure 2. Stratigraphic range chart, showing dinoflagellate zones and ages at Deep Sea Drilling Project Hole 534A. (Major lithostratigraphic units are shown. Asterisks indicate stratigraphic range of angiosperm pollen taxa.) a lowermost transitional lithology of interbedded car- based on the uppermost occurrence, in Core 534A-49, bonaceous clay and calcareous nannofossil claystones of massive, graded bedding in the majority of the cal- (534A-43 to 534A-48). The type locality of the Hatteras careous claystones. The last appearance datum of Pho- Formation is at Site 105 (Fig. 1) in the western North At- berocysta neocomica (Gocht) in Core 534A-49 corre- lantic. The boundary between the Hatteras Formation lates the top of the Blake-Bahama Formation with its and the underlying Blake-Bahama Formation is placed top in Core 391C-14 from Hole 391C, located 22 km to between Cores 534A-48 and 534A-49 in this chapter, the southwest. 624 DINOFLAGELLATE AGE OF SEDIMENTS -C C .3 3 <o -S δ co <o 1 s α u a ill s § o ε H si 1 è 8 ill Ill 3 2 Q- t; á •tl C^ Co £. tθ •O **. ifSI^ 1.111 CD 0} I 8 "δ ss * á "I a •a ^ Dinoflagellate Dinoflagellate 1 ε ε ε S 5 8- Cc-OcBp.TScote - S.3o zonation age c= -2 •5 2 I εs c >a •S '5 δ pis. II If S •S" O) ö) 5i ? ε &^•y 1 O) Oj O) lt if •g -S2 n .y δ 5 δ δ 111 I! Q Q Q Spinidinium echinoideum Vr Ulili^• Spinidinium Albian .| vestitum m L ± * * Subtilisphaera I perlucida r Aptian Druggidium deflandrei Odontochitina operculata Barremian Druggidium rhabdo- J~ reticulatumj A Hauterivian Druggidium deflandrei Druggidium Valanginian apicopaucicum Biorbifera johnewingii Berriasian -91 Tithonian J04 105 Kimm- eridgian I11 112 Oxfordian I21 I 122 Callovian ~" Figure 2. (Continued). The Blake-Bahama Formation has its type locality at the formation, from Cores 534A-65 to 534A-92, consists Hole 391C (Jansa, et al., 1979). In Hole 534A, it is 383 of finely laminated nannofossil chalks and marls, bio- m thick and consists of predominantly calcareous lithol- turbated chalks, and minor graded claystones, changing ogies ranging from the stratigraphic level of Core 534A- downward to similar but somewhat more heterogeneous 49 to within Core 534A-92. The upper part comprises lithologies that are distinguished by burrowed lime- limestones with interbedded quartzose and calcareous stones rather than chalks. The lowest part of the forma- turbiditic siltstones and sandstones in the stratigraphic tion is more uniform, and lacks the laminated character interval of Cores 534A-49 to 534A-64. The lower part of of the lithologies above. It is typically burrowed and 625 D. HABIB, W. S. DRUGG contains stylolites. Reddish calcilutite laminae occur in Table 1. List of samples, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Cores 534A-84 and 534A-90. Hole 534A. The Cat Gap Formation occurs in the stratigraphic interval from Core 534A-92 to within Core 534A-111 Sample Sample Sample (core-section, (core-section, (core-section, (Site 534 report, this volume). It is 153 m thick. Two interval in cm) interval in cm) interval in cm) major lithologies occur. The upper, in Cores 534A-92 to 534A-103, consists primarily of hematitic pale reddish 27-1,, 66-68 58-4, 59-61 102-4, 68-70 calcareous claystones that darken in color downward. 27-2,, 66-68 59-2, 30-32 102-5, 78-80 27-3,, 66-68 60-3, 76-78 103-1, 95-96 The lower lithology is composed of greenish gray calcar- 28-2,, 20-22 61-2, 73-75 103,CCa eous claystones and darker gray limestone turbidites. 29-1,, 14-16 62-1, 41-42 104-2, 59-61 Jansa et al., (1979) designated the type locality of the 30-1,, 15-17 63-2, 38-40 104,CCa Cat Gap Formation at Site 105 in the western North At- 32-1., 21-24 64-1, 70-72 105-1, 17-18 lantic (Fig. 1). 33-2,, 10-12 65-5, 40-42 105-1, 95-98 34-3, 22-24 66-5, 81-82 105-1, 110-111 The lowermost lithostratigraphic unit is 140 m thick 35-1, 108-110 67-1, 131-133 105-1, 126-127 and extends from Core 534A-111 to the base of the sedi- 36-1, 20-22 68-1, 39-41 105-2, 53-54 mentary section. It is the oldest unit thus far recovered 36-1, 59-61 69-1, 50-52 105-2, 92-94 from the western North Atlantic. The uppermost lithol- 36-1, 62-64 70-6, 30-32 106-1, 3-4 36-1, 88-90 71-1, 29-31 107-2, 98-100 ogy (Cores 534A-111 to 534A-117) consists of dark var- 36-2, 88-90a 72-2, 34-36 108-1, 23-25a iegated claystones that are pale red to blackish red, 36-3, 88-90 73-1, 125-127 109,CCa greenish gray, olive black, and dark gray. The next low- 37-1, 25-27 74-6, 54-56 110,CCa er lithology, in Core 534A-117 to the top of Core 534A- 37-3, 25-27 75-1, 43-44 111-1,27-29 38-5, 4-6 76-3, 10-12 112-1,69-71 120, is distinguished by gray limestones interbedded 39-1, 26-38a 77-2, 43-45 112-1, 108-110 with variegated claystones.