The Hon Dr Anthony Lynham MP Minister for State Development and RECEIVEr Minister for Natural Resources and Mines 2 7 SEP 2016 Level 17 QMEC Building 61 Mary Street Brisbane QLD 4000 Our Ref: MBN16/1283 PO Box 15216 City East Queensland 4002 Australia Telephone +61 7 3199 8215 Email
[email protected] Website 2 6 SEP 2016 The Honourable Jackie Trad MP Deputy Premier Minister for Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning and Minister for Trade and Investment PO Box 15009 CITY EAST QLD 4002 Dear Deputy Premier I would like to take this opportunity to update you on the progress of the Queen's Wharf Brisbane project and particularly the forward program for key project milestones over the next 12 months. Sch. 4(4)(4) - Disclosing deliberative processes, Sch. 4(4)(7)(1)(c) - Disclosing trade secrets, business affairs or research Sch. 4(4)(4) - Disclosing deliberative Sch. 3(2)(1)(b) - Reveal Cabinet consideration or otherwise prejudice confidentiality of Cabinet considerations or operations processes, Sch. 4(4)(7)(1)(c) - Disclosing 3(2)(1)(b) secrets, business- Reveal affairsCabinet or consideration research or otherwise prejudice confidentiality of Cabinet considerations or operations RTI RELEASE - DILGP RTIP1617-039 - Page Number 1 My department is currently preparing a comprehensive FAQs list and integrated communications strategy that will ensure responses to the community and industry bodies are coordinated and appropriate. The Projects Chief Executive will be sharing this with your Directors-General in the coming months. By the end of this calendar year, the QWB project site will be vacated of all government and non-government tenants (with the exception of a few longer term leaseholders) so that works can commence in January 2017.