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Jy.9.!: !:Iawaii Library UNlVERSIJY.9.!: !:IAWAII LIBRARY arianas %riet~~ ! Micronesia's Leading Newspaper Since 1972 b&1 WS } By Ferdie de la Torre experienced "problems" getting Variety News Staff Weekend drozvnings, electrocution and stabbing reported back to the shore as big waves THREE persons drowned while was working on the first floor of Besong was recoverecJ 30 feet struck. two other men died in separate the building when the incident under water by responding per­ Besong' s brother managed to incidents on Saipan Friday and happened. sonnel from the EMO and DPS come to the shore safely. Saturday, authorities said yi.?ster­ The Variety tried yesterday to Boating Safety at 3:02 a.m. on the Family members reported the day. contact personnel from Woosung same day. incident to police and EMO at Department of Public Safety Construction Co. Ltd., contractor Ada said initial investigation I: 15 a.m., Ada said. Commissioner Jose M. Castro for the multimillion project, for showed that Besong was camp­ In Achugao, two Japanese chil­ confirmed to the Variety the re­ comment, but failed. ing out with his family at the dren, drowned at the swimming ports that five persons, including At Obyan Beach, a man beach. pool of the Plumeria Resort Hotel two tourists, died in for the two­ drowned while fishing at dawn Besong went fishing near the late afternoon of Saturday. day period. Saturday, according to Rose Ada, reef with his brother, but the cur­ Several witnesses reportedly Castro, however, refused to dis­ information officer of the Emer­ rent was so strong so they decided tried but failed to rescue the kids­ close any detai Is, saying informa­ gency Management Office. to go back. -aged five and seven. tion on the incidents will be made Ada said the body ofRebechong Ada said the victim reportedly Continued on page 28 available to the media in today's briefing with public information at the construction site of the Ju­ officer, P03 Cathy Sheu. dicial Complex in Susupe Friday The Variety, however, gathered afternoon. that one of the fatalities, an alien Sources said the victim, de­ worker, was be! ieved electrocuted scribed as a 27-year-old Filipino, DOLi stops giving out 'exit waivers' By Jojo Dass get jobs." Variety News Staff Sablan clarified though that Labor and Immigration Secre­ individuals, whose extended tary Thomas 0. Sablan has stay is called for "in the best stopped issuing exit waivers to interest of CNMI," can still tourists and foreign workers have the exit requirement after it was learned that the waived. practice has encouraged "over­ "For example, doctors, staying." school teachers, journalists ... ·'They (waiver applicants) people that have special skills. only contribute to the number We will look into iton a case to of ovcrstayers. The risk that case basis," Sablan said. Students and an adult volunteer from the Latter Day Saints Congregation gather thrash and unwanted they will eventually turn out as As a general rule, non-resi­ shrubbery during a recent clean-up campaign at the Joeten-Kiyu Public Library grounds. The group's effort was illegal aliens is there," ex­ dent workers are required to part of a community involvement event undertaken by the Church of Latter Day Saints. plained Sablan. exit the Commonwealth when "We don't allow people to their job contracts expire. just hang around and illegally Continued on page 28 Bill aims to shorten tourists' Farrell proposes panel stay from 30 to 15 days only Current regulations allow tour­ extensio11 period from JO days tn to study voucher plan ists to remain in the CNMl for up 15 days. to 60 days. The hill would admit fpreign­ that will study the government's llowever. llouse Bill 10-441 Continued on page 28 proposed school choice pro­ states that a number of illegal .....-_=i:.-_....... ....... _ -·· _____ · ________ ran:-~ gram. aliens have bee11 using the tourist "Instead of trying to create entry permit to prolong their stay I animosity, we should sit down in the Northern Marianas. WEATliER together and study the plan," Most of these "'tourists" :ire said Farrell, one of the main · C\.,.':·· ··u'·: ·T·.. ·t·o· ··· o:··k· believed to be already employed ~ . ' I •:,: ·. critics of the school vouchei·plan. or seeking employme11t, both of ' ·.:·,><}, <\; .~,>.··) ' ' ' Farrell said Gov. Froilan C. which are prohibited by law. Tenorio, the main proponent of "This has impacted nur immi­ the program, should by now "re­ Manuel A. Tenorio gration problems tremendously alize that the voucher measure is By Zaldy Dandan and in order to alleviall· this in­ not likely to take effect this Don Farrell Variety News Staff flux of illegal aliens, the Legisla­ school year." CITING the need to prohibit the ture rnust act," the bill states. By Mar-Vic C. Munar Tenorio had expressed hopes "illegal abuse of tourist permits," Noting that the average stay of he coufd get the plan moving Variety News .Staff Rep. Manuel A. Tenorio on Fri­ a tourist visiting thi.? CN MI is threi.? BOARD of Education chairman before the school opening. But day introduced a bill that would nights, 1J.B. I 0-441 proposes to Don Farrel I is proposing the cre­ classes will open next month a:lowatouristtostay in theCNMI reduce the allowi.?d le11gth of stay ation of a special commission Continued on page 28 for a maximum of 30 Jays 011ly. from 30 days to 15 days, and the MONDAY, JULY 28, 1997. MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-3 2-MARIANAS-- --------- VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-MONDAY- JULY 28, 1997 discusses Koreas Speaker calls on all CNMI leaders: By LAURINDA KEYS meeting that is going to be held." 'Let's unite vs US takeover' KUALA LUMPUR, Korea (AP)­ "But our position is, if thcrc:l!eany Russia called Sunday for Nrnth :;c1ious difficulties in that frnmuk1, By Zaldy Dandan tioncd should not be used to do Ko1ea 's inclusion in regional sccu- we shouklthink about a wider forum, Variety News Staff something that may kill the local 1ity talks with SoutheR~t Asi;un na­ and we think Russia can play an SPEAKER DiegoT. Benavente on economy." tions ,md developed countries in or­ active role in the Korean settlement," Friday urged Gov. Froilan C. Senators, during ll1Ursday 's ses­ der to contribute to 1egional stability. said the official, who spoke on condi­ Tenorio to work with the Legisla­ sion, also expressed willingness to Russia supprnts Aug. 5 talks in tion of anonymity. "We have bal­ ture in coming up with a unified work with the gm·ernor in present­ New York :U11ong rcprescnllltives of ,mced 1elations with Nortl1 and South position on President Clinton's pro­ ing the CNMI's case against the Chim~ Nortl1 and South Korea ;md Korea." posed federalization oflocal immi­ pruposed federal takcm·cr. tl1e United States, aimed at producing China's foreign minister, Qian gration and minimum wage laws. l-'cdcral takeover lcgisbtion h:11·e full-scale peace talks between the Qichen, told his col.leagues in the Benavente (R-Saipan) said already been introduced in Con­ t\vo Krnern,, which m-c still techni­ morning meeting, "Positive ch,mges CNMI's leaders should set aside gress which is expected to hold cally at w:u·. have taken place on tl1e Ko1c,m pen­ political differences anJ firmly public hearings on the Clinton But Russi,m offici,tls said Sunday insula ;md the four-pruty talks me oppose imy proposals that would administration's report in Octo­ that tl1eir government is scekin g a role about to be launched, which is condu­ take away local control over immi­ ber. in settling the Kon:,m conflict in a cive to peace m1d stability on the gration and wage policies. Governor Tenorio has said he ;., Diego T. Benavente Froilan C. Tenorio Jesus R. Sablan widcrro111m tliat could include Asian peninsula,md the Asia-Paci!ic1cgion "(Senate President Jesus R. welcomes the public hearings nci ~hbors. ,L, a whole." Sablan [R-Saipan]) and I have and minimum wage policies," he Asked if he thinks that the port) used it as a reason (to justify which, he added, should be held 'Ilic situation in the Ko1e;m penin­ The Regional Forum is an an­ (. agreed to work together in prepar­ said. governor's lobbying efforts in Con­ a federal takeover)." in the CNMJ. sula is tl1c region's ""most p1cssing nual meeting among the nine­ ing a written testimony to Con­ The Clinton administration, he gress-estimated to have cost the Benavente added, "I agree (that Asked if he would resume the pmblcrn,'"said Russimi Frndgn Min­ member Association of Southeast gress, and hopefully we cru1 work added, should work with CNMI CNMI $1 million-"backfired," the money spent on lobbying Con­ 902 talks, Tenorio said he may ister Ycvgeny Ptimakov. Asian Nations aml its so-called together with the governor and ar­ officials. Benavente said "Probably, because gress) would have been betterused, think about it after reading the "'We ,m: in pc1m,u1cn1 contact witl1 Dialogue Partners, including the rived at a unified position," Benavente said though the the (Clinton administration's re- but any other reason they men- Clinton administration's report. tl1e i\111c1ic,U1s ;md Chinese alx)ut United States, China, Russia.Aus­ Benavente said. CNMI may have "a situation that devclopm:nts of th: Krni:a issue," tralia. Cuiada, Japrn1, India. Soutl1 "Every avenue to resolve this is not acceptable'' to the Clinton .. anotlier Russian senior oflicial said. Kon:a, the Europe mi Union and New issue should be used," he added, administration, the current sys­ ·:.:-~· .-,_, "Russia supporb the two-plus-two l.cabmd.
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