United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7,500,225 B2 Khan Et Al
US0075.00225B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7,500,225 B2 Khan et al. (45) Date of Patent: Mar. 3, 2009 (54) SQL SERVER DEBUGGING INA 6,647.382 B1 1 1/2003 Saracco ......................... 707/3 DISTRIBUTED DATABASE ENVIRONMENT 6,772,178 B2 8/2004 Mandal et al. .............. 707,204 7,017,151 B1* 3/2006 Lopez et al. ................ 717/127 (75) Inventors: Azeemullah Khan, Bellevue, WA (US); 7,107,578 B1* 9/2006 Alpern ....................... 717/124 Daniel Hunter Winn, Kirkland, WA 7,117,483 B2 * 10/2006 Dorr et al. .................. 717/124 (US); Mason Bendixen, Kirkland, WA 7,155.426 B2 12/2006 Al-AZZawe .................... 707/3 (US) 2002/009 1702 A1 7/2002 Mullins ...................... 7O7/1OO 2002/0152422 Al 10/2002 Sharma et al. ................ T14? 13 (73) Asigne Mision corporation Reindwa 2002fO198891 A1 12/2002 Li et al. ...................... 707/102 2003/0056198 A1 3/2003 Al-AZZawe et al. ......... 717/127 ( c ) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this 2003/0066053 A1 4/2003 Al-AZZawe ................. 717/127 patent is extended or adjusted under 35 U.S.C. 154(b) by 677 days. (21) Appl. No.: 10/775,624 OTHER PUBLICATIONS Kiesling, R., "ODBC in UNIX Environments'. Dr. Dobb's Journal, (22) Filed: Feb. 10, 2004 Dec. 2002, 27(12), 16-22. Mallet, S. et al., “Myrtle: A Set-Oriented Meta-Interpreter Driven by (65) Prior Publication Data a “Relational” Trace for Deductive Databases Debugging”. Lecture US 2005/O193264 A1 Sep. 1, 2005 Notes in Computer Science, 1999, 1559, 328-330. (51) Int.
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