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Official Program & Guide It is my pleasure indeed to bid you welcome and send you the greetings of the people of the County 0 Hawaii on the occasi on of this 14th Annual Monarch Festiva l at Hi lo. We are especially happy to see that your field of p articipation includes groups from around the State of Hawaii as well as from other parts of o u r Nation. You are to be congratulated for the long hours and for the dedicated effort you-as dancers, m usi c ians, teachers, fam illes, and sponsors toget h er- have put in to o rganizing t h e p reparing yours Ives fo r th is special B ig Is land festiva l to share w ith residents and vis itors al ike. We are p leased also that o ur County of Hawaii fa cilitie s, as w ell as the beau tiful settings of o ur hotel s, will provide the backdrop for you I' contests and celebrat ions, and w e send YOLI our congratula tions and very best w is h es for a successful, safe and happy festival of th e pageantry, songs, dancing and MAYOR'S cultural activities so beautifully and so strongly rem iniscent of the spirit of old Hawaii. PROCLAMATION Kalakaua was a t raveler. In 1879, he becan1e t he first k ing to visi the Un ited States. In 1881, he was the fi rst k ing 0 f a wes ern, Christ ian nation to visit Japar . He Wa th fir t king to make a trip around the world. In 187 5, one of the grea t even t s of the earl y ears of Kalakaua's reign w as the signing o f a reciprocity agreement with the United Sta tes. T h is t rea ty provided that unr fined MERRIE sugar, rice and virtually al l other Hawaiian prOduct s should be adm it ted to the United States free of CU storn s duties. In return, a large number of American products w e re adm itted MONARCH free into the Island. The most spectacular effec t o f the t re aty w as the increase in suga r production. In 1987, Hawa ii exported 25 million pounds; in 1890, the export ex ceed ed 250 million pounds. David Kalakaua, born November 16, 1836, was elected During Kalakaua's reign, railroads carne into opera tion on king of the Hawaiian Islands by the Legislative Assembly on Hawaii, Maui and Oahu. streets wen~ lighted b V FebrUary 12, 1874. He died in San Francisco on January 29, electricity in 1888. T elephone lines were erected on MJui and 1891. Hi s election followed the death of King Will ia m Lunalilo in Honolulu in 1878. A parcel post system in cooperation with on February 3. Kalakaua was Hawaii's last king. t he United States was inaugurated in 1889 and in that y ear, Hilo's Merry Monarch Festival is named for Kalakaua who the first section of an inter-island submarine cable w as laid waS H awai i's Merry Monar·ch. Kalakaua loved luxury and between Molokai and Maui. grilrldeur. He vlJ as an excellent musician, composer of songs lolani Palance in Honolulu w as completed and occupied in and a creator of hulas. 1882. K alak au a restored the Royal Hawaiia n Band and collabo­ Kalakaua was given the title of Merry Monarch o f the rated w ith Captain Henri Berger, t he iJandmaster, in com · Pacific, but his re ign also produced peac e and prosp er ity in the posi ng "Hawaii Po no' i. " He re vived more than 300 ancient I sla nds as w as never k now n before. hulas . He is credited with inventing the shredded ti-Ieaf skins To the memory of King D avid K alak aua, the Merry for t h e d ancers. Monarch Fe stival is d edicated .. QUEEN KAPIOLANI

Julia Kapiolani was born in H ila on December 31, 1833 In 1877, K ing Kalakaua gave avvay the crown land located a(ld spent her childhood in Kana . between Waikik i and D iamond Head to b e a public park to be Kapiolani was the granddaughter of K ing K aumual i'i of named after his Queen, Kapiolani Park . Kauai. Ancestors seemed to be a bit scarce in he r day and she Another honor bestowed upon h is Queen by the King wa s and Kalakaua shared between them only one grea t grand ­ the creat ion of the Order of K apiolani, o ne of three high father. Mean ing of he r name, Kapiolani, is Heavens Captive. honor awards of the K ingdol11 . A t t he age of 21, the yOu ng pri ncess w ent to Hanoi ulu About 1890, with the King's help, the Queen esta bl ish ed and en tered court circles and, over the years, forged a K apiolani M ate rn ity Hospital. rep utation for congenial ity and graciousness and demonstrated In 1887, Kapiolani traveled to Eng land , accompanied by a si ncere interest in her people. Princes s Lydia Liliuokalani. There, they part icipated in the Her ·first marria ge was to Namakiha, uncle to Queen celeb ra tion of Queen Victoria's Fiftieth Jubilee. Emma, and she and her hasba n d were given the care of the Following K alakaua's death in 1891, Quee n Kapiolanl yoU ng Prince o f Hawai 'i. I ived to see the overthrow of the monarchy

brillance . . . and, strange to say, the morning star w s seen in .... the heavens shining contemporeneous with the sun." The Hawaii ans regard this as a happy omen. On February 12, 1883, David Kalakaua, king of the Hawa ii an Islands, placed upon his own head, the crown of the . And upon the head of his queen, Kapiolani, he placed another. The coro nation took place t noon on the grounds at lolani Palace in Honolu lu . A n amphitheater to acc rnmodate 4,000 was constructed 0 n the pala e gr un s, but by 9 :00 a.m. , the amphitheater was fi lled to overflow ing and 4,000 more were sa id t o be si ning on the gr ou nd . The lanai of surrounding bui ldings also were sa id to be fill ed to capa ity. All great countries of t he world were represe n ted by offici als sent to Ho no lulu f or the gr eat a cas io n. Seated n the lanai o f lo lani Pa lace w ere r ep rese ntatives o f t he Un ited S t ates , Great Britain, France, Por t uga l, Italy, Germany, Swed e n, The Ne therlands, Denmark, Japan, Mexico and Belgium. In the days lead ing up to the coronation, the Advertiser re partee! da ily on thp. pi ans and paid particu la r no te to a The year was 1883. For three days, February 9, 10 aGd request of the kind; 11, the Islands were drenched by torrential ra ins. A newspaper "All classes have b ee n invited and Hi s Mai e ty does not of the day, the Advertiser, reported, however, that "On the want any one to feel that they wi ll not be welcomed if no t morning of the 12th ... the sun shone forth with unwonted expensively dressed." RULERS OF THE MERRIE MONARCH FESTIVAL 1977

MO'I PUNOHOA MO' I WAHINE MILILANI The group oted to accept the idea and Set: about to plan HOW THE FESTIVAL it as an annual event the firs t wee after East r. I n January 1969, the Hawaii Island Chamber of Co m­ WAS CONCEIVED merce decided to drop the fe st ival for lack of a chairman . • ,.Ir ;' Dorothy Thom pson o f the Department o f Park - and Recrea­ to- ,0/ tion volunteered to find a chairman. No o ne w as willing to chair the fes tival ; therefore beca use o f her lOve for Hawa ii's Heri tage , sh e accepted the respo nsi bility of chairperson. In 1974, the Hawaii Isl and Chamber of CommerCe d ecided not to sponsor t he Festival. With the support of the Hawaii V isi tors Bureau and the County of Hawaii, Dottie Thompson has made many sacrifices, put in endless hours and worried 0 \1 r the festival . The festival is named for one of Hawaii 's 111 0st colorful Al ii, David Ka lakaua, who was Hawaii's last King. Kalakaua • loved sports, music , gaiety, d inner parties and spectacu lar /' ':/ balls. He was HAWAII'S MERRY MONARCH .

T he idea of the Merrie Monarch Fest ival was advanced by Chairwoman . DO ROT H Y S . THOMPSON George L. Naope and Gene F. Wilhelm in A ugust, 1963. It was Coord inator ...... GEO RGE NAOPE their hope that the Festival could create ne w and greater Royal Court ...... GRAC E K ElI lP IO interest in t he Hilo area as a visi tor destination point o n the Parade SHI R L EY T R IPP , MAYB E LLE K UMA LI I sla nd of Haw aii. Exhibits · . ELEANO R A HUN A T he idea o f t he Festival was presented t o a group of men Decorations · DANN Y K AWA IHAE Bands representi ng the Hawaii Island Chamber o f Commerce, GEORGE C AM A RILLO Choral Groups · . CE C I ~ I AS HINODA Japan ese Cham ber of Commerce and Industry, Hawai i Visitors Concessio n . · .. LUE L LA LOV E L L Burea u, t he Dow ntow n I m provement A ss ociation an d all Button Sa les .CH A R LES BENT, BE V E R L Y FIG U EROA interested ind ivid ual s. Grogge Shoppe ...... NAOP I OO'KUHIO MISS ALOHA

" The Hula is t he la nguage of the heart and therefore the heartbeat of the Hawaiian Peo ple ." There were the words of King Kalakaua, the erry Monarch. His ajesty re vived o ver 30 0 anci ent Hulas. He is also c red ited with inventing the shredded ti-Ieaf sk irts for the dancers. With this in m ind, t he Me rry Monarch Festival Committee decided that a new event should be added to our festival , an d so Miss Aloh a Hula was born . Under the ex pert guide of four of Hawaii's lead ing ex ponents of t h e Hula, Mis lolan i L ua ~ ine , greatest living ex ponent of t h e a ncient Hu la , Mrs . Lo kalia Mongomery , maste r o f the ancient Hula and teache r of teachers; Miss Puanani Alma, o ne of Ha waii 's leading dancers and teacher of t he an ci e nt and modern Hu la and George Naope, Hula master, the guidelin es fo r t h is event was set. Miss Aloha Hula contestants must be between the ages o f 18 and 25 years of

SUNDAY, AP RIL 10 2:00 p.m. Coconut Island Hookupu from Royal Court 2:30 p. m . Coconu Island Hawaii Chorale & Hawaii County Band 3:30 p.m. Coconut Island Louise K aleiki 119 76 winners · Hula)

MONDAY, APRI L 11 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Kulana Naauao Hawai ian Exhibit 12:00 noon Coconut Island John Lum Ho & his Polynesian Re vu e 6 :30 p.m. Royal K alani Hotel Hula Halau 0' Kelena & Likelike 7:00 p.m . Hilo Hawaiian Hotel Tita Beamer Solomon Hula Halau 7:30 p.m . Hilo Lagoon Hotel John Lum Ho & his Polynesian Revue 8 :30 p.m. Waiakea Village Hualani Hula Studio

TUESDAY, APRIL 12 9 :00 a.m . to 4:00 p .m . Kulana Naauao Hawaiian Exhibit 12 :00 poon Coconut Island The Promenadel's (Senior Citizens) 6 :30 p.m. Hilo Lagoon Hotel Choral Festival (ali schools) 7 :00 p.m. Royal Kalani Hotel Tita Beamer Solomon 7:30p.m. Hilo Hawaiian Hotel Hualani Hula Studio 8:00 p.m. Waiak (?a Village John Lum Ho & his Polynesian Revue

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 13 8:00 a.m . Pier 1 Navy Ship 9:00 a.m . to 4 :00 p.m . Kulana Naauao Hawaiian Exhibit 12:00 noon Kaiko'o Mali Hawai ian Entenainment 6:30 p.m. H ilo Ci ic Na Opio 0 ' Kuhio 7: 30 p .m . Hilo Civic K ing Kalakaua Crowning 8:00 p.m. H ilo Civic Louise Kaleik i Polynesian Holiday

THU RS D A Y , A PRIL 14 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Kulana Naauao Haw ai ian Exhibit 12:00 noor Kaiko'o Ma ll Hawaiian Entertainment 6:30 p.m. Hilo Civic Music Fest ival (S tage Bands)

FRIDA Y, APRIL 15 9 :00 a.m . to 4:00 p.m. Kulana Naauao Hawai ian Exhibit 12:00 noon Kaiko'o Mall Hawai ia n Entertainmel1l 5:00 p.m . Hilo Lagoo 1 H otel Moanalua and Kahuku High School Band 6:30 p.m. Hilo Civic Hula Kahiko (Ancient) Contest· Male & Female Miss Aloha Hula

SATURDAY, APRIL 16 10:00 a.m. Hilo Royal Parade 12:00 noon Mooheau P'irk Lovey Apana from Kauai 6:30 p.m. Hilo Civic Hula Auwana (Modern) Contest - Male & Fema Ie Miss Aloha Hula

SUNDA Y, APRIL 17 12 :00 noon Seven Seas Luau House Luncheon and Hawaiian Entertainment

.. ** Starting Wednesday, April 13 - Grogge Shoppe at the Seven Seas Luau House Wed.· Thurs.· April 13 & 14: 4:00 p.m . to Mi'inight 9:00 p.m . to Midnight· Hawaiian Entertainment Fri.· Sat. · April 15 & 16: 4:00 p.m. to 2:()0 a .m . 9 :00 p.m . to Midnight· Hawaiian Entertainment Sun.· April 17: 11 :00 a.m. to 1!) :OO p.m.

* ""* Programs at Coconut Island will be held at the Hilo Hawaiian Hotel in case of rain . ...·n PROGRAM SUBJECT TO CHANGE POLYNESIAN HOLIDAY

Po lynes ian Hol iday w ill be presented by Louise Ka leiki's Ilima Hula Studio on Wednesday, April 13 at7 : 30 p.m. at the Hllo CivIc Aud itorium .

/1: / •.11 / / /1 /( /:/1, I h e yfJllIIgl'SI J.' II/ erit! IwiJ'e .Jel il cer ill /lawui i . . lIiJ/ld /llf/a SI udio. EXHIBITS

Exhibits of Haw aiian ar ti facts. h and icrah s. herbs and plants will be on view at Kulana Naauao Cultural Cen ter starting at 9 :00 a.m · o n Monday. A pril 13 through Friday. A pril 15.19 77 . The doors w ill be ope n from 9 :00 a.m . to 9:00 p. m . daily . The committee has dded another highlight to the festival which will feature Hilo Co llege, Hilo High. St . J oseph High. Henry Opukaaiha and Waiakea Intermed iate choral groups. CHORAL FESTIVAL They will perform at t he Hilo Lagoon on Tuesd ay. April 12 at 7 :00 p.m. Cecilia Shinoda wil l chair t h is sect ion o f the festiv al. MUSICAL FESTIVAL

M usical Festival featuring nine high schools and inter · Participating schools are: K ohala High, K au H igh , H ill mediat e school s bands will perform at the H ilo Civic A ud ito J· High, Kalanianaole Intermediate. H ila Intermed ia te , Honoka. riu m on Thursday, Apri l 14 at 7 :00 p.m . George Camarillo ils High, Konawaena High and the Waiakea Intermediate Ukulell the coordinato r fo r this event. Band. FUN AT Tt'I E GROGGE SHOPPE

J oin u s at the Grogge Shoppe with I

There will be three vis iting high school bands - , Kahuku High School and Pearl City H igh School of Oahu- Moanalu a High School and Kahuku High School Bands will be giving a concert on Friday, April 15, 1977 at 5 :00 p _m _ at t he Hila Lag oo n Hotel. All three bands will be playing in [h e parad e on Satu rday , Apri l 16, 1977 _ SERVICE GROUPS

-[he Navy wil l again be with us this y ear and we are looKing forward to seei ng them ag ai n. our Roy al G uards, Hawaii' s pres en t day remi nder of the Merrie Mo narch days, w ill be w ith us ag ain this year also. we are happy to announce that the Marine Drum and Bugl e Team w ill be participati ng also. We are wailing tor confirmation from the Coast Guard, the ,Army and th e Air Force. MEMORIES OF FESTIVALS PAST