Compil ed by H. G. DEJGNAN,*

U.S. Nationul1lh~seu?n, Wt~skington, D. C. In 1920, Count Nils Gyldenstolpe, in connexion with hi s list of the then know n from Thailand, brought together a bibliogra.phy of 84 titles published between the years 1859 and 1919, some of t hem concerneu only indirectly with hi s subj ect. The present compilation embrace::; 2R4 titles which have come to my attention during a dozen yean;' study of 'L'hai omitbology, r eference to most of which i::; essential for a thorough understanding of the field. 'l'l1 e difference in length between the b\TO compilations reflects the g reat volume of work which ha.s appeared on our subj ect during the past twenty years, largely in England and the United States. While the totaluum ber of titles is sma..ll , in CO!Uparison with the literature on comparable areas in lll any other parts of the world, the references are so widely scattered and, iu some cases, so likely to be overlooked, that it has seemed Lo me important to bring t hem together for the convenience of ·others. 'rhe year 1758, marked by the appearance of the lOth edit.iou of Linnreus's Syste??U~ nat1~ri'£ , initiated the modern scientific period in zoology. No title published prior to this date has been accepted, for, while many books by earli er travellers contain a llusions to the ~w if a un a of Thailand, such allusions are uf antiquari an rather than scientitic importance. The present compilation represents an attetnpt to li st all titles which treat wholly or chi efly of the birds of Thailand, together with all r eferences which, though dealing with a foreign fauna, contain a tirst scientitic description of a.ny with 'l'l1ai type-locality, or which, even incidentally, alter the name or type-locality of a form originally described from Thailand. In addition, certain works, not prima,rily ornithological in subj ect, are included because of remarks which have historical interest, or because tbe authors were coll ectors and their books cast light upon the provenances of their specimens, or because the omitho l ogic~tl comm ents show a background of scienti­ fic knowledge on the part of the writers. Into this category should fall the work of Pallegoix, which. unfortum~te l y, has had to be passed by because I have not found it possible to see a copy of this rare' book; I believe there is no other serions omission.

'~ Publi s hed by Pe1·mission of the Secretm·y of the Smithsonian Instit ution . 52 Btdletin, Th c~ilcmcl R esecLrch Soc·iety, Vol. XIII, 1941.

In ths present bibliography no reference is made to works on the faun_as of neighbouring countries wl1ich treat of Thai hirds only iu passing and derive their inform ation from original work here listed. Likewise, no mention is made of reviews of original work. Even within the limits I have set myself, it has not ah,:ays been easy to decide whether a given title should be used or not. In such cases I have been more inclined to en on the side of inclusion thl'l.n otherwise. Throughout this paper I have takeu the liberty of re-trans­ literating Thai type-localities, in general accordance with the system presented in this J oumal (vol. 26, pt. 2, 1933, pp. 219-231 ), without regard for spelling_ employed by the origimd authors, few of whom have been familiar with the idiosyucmsies of the Thai language. This lack of knowledge has frequently resulted in deformed words, unintelligible to re8idents of the country; there are even exa.mples in which the sarue place-names have been so variou::;ly repr.esented re­ presented by diverse authors that their identity is no longer recog­ nizable. In the majority of cases, the spelling here em ployed will raise r:o barrier against those familiar with the names under otlJOr g ui ses; it way be mentioned, however, that Krabi is better known in its Malay form, Ghirbi ; that Tha Se : stands for Tasan; that Ko : Lak is now officially named Prachuap Khirikhan ; and that Chantha : bun and Trat were until recently permissible variants of Chantha­ buri and Krat.

AAGAARD, C. J . 1922. The bittem (Bot(~t~r1. ~S stellaris) in Siam. Journ. Nat. Hi8t. Soc. Siam, 4: 240. AAGAARD, C. J . 1924. Heavy -laying of the common myna. Journ. Nat. Hist. Soc. Siam, 6 : .313-314. AAGAARD, C. J. 1930. The common birds of Bangkok. Copenhagen, C. Backbausen. 239 p., 105 pl. [Descriptions of, and fi eld-notes on, 110 species. Illustrations are from photographs of study-skins. ] AAGAARD, C. J. 1932. A new bird for Siam. Journ. Siam. Soc., Nat. Hist. Supp1., 8 : 341 -342. [Records the capture of Sphenu?'US se~??wncli at Bangkok.] ALEXANDER, G. 1931. Biological opportunities in Sin.m. Scientific Monthly, 33: 97 -116. 41 text-fig . [Comments on abundance of bird species (pp. 111-112); figures of D ichoce~os (p. 102) and Pseudogyps (P· 109).] H. G. DEIGN"A N: A Bibliogmphy of 1'ha·i 01·n·ithology. 53

BAKER, E. C. S·ruART. (See ctlso H. C. RomNsoN). BAKElt, E. C. STUAl~:r. 1915. E xhibition and desc1:iption of a ne·w lark (llfimfm cant·illans willic~msoni) front Bangkok. Bull. Brit. Orn. Club, 36 : 9-10. BAKER., E. C. ST UAR'l'. 1915. Ex hibition ttnd description of a new lark (Jl1i1·aj'n~ asswnicc~ 'lltet1·ionm) from [Ayuthaya] Central Siam. Bull. Brit. Orn. Club, !16: 34. BAKER, C. E. STUART. 1916. Two new bwoh·-larks from Siam. Journ. N at. Hist Soc. Sialll, 2 : 7 0-7 1. [Reprinted from Bull. Brit. Orn. Club, :.JCi (1915) : 9-10, 34. With r e111arks by W. J . F. Williamson]: BAKER, E. C. STUAHT. 1917. Descriptions of new subspecies of ... Siamese bil'(.ls. Bull. Brit. Orn. Club, as : 8-10. [Describes Gctrrtdax mon·iliger leu.c;otis (Krabin), Eupetes '111Ctcroc;erc;us g1·iseiventris (fhung Song), Pumcdorhinus ol·i­ ·ucwens siamensis (Maprnarit), Punu.J,tu·i·hi:nus ntwhcdis lcloss·i (Khlong M:anao, Sam kok), Cm·ythocic;hlct b1·evicatulctta her­ bm·ti (fhung Song), Stad~y1·iclopsis or·ujij'1·ons ob8cum (Khloug Bang Lai), Cywnocle1·mct m"yth1"0pte?'ttm surcliclct (sic) (Khlong Wang Hip, M:apmarit)J. BAKEK, E. C. STUAHT. 1918. Description of Prin·ict inornatct herbm·it [Bangkok], Samkok], snbsp ?W't'. Bull. Brit. Orn. Club, 3S: 39-40. BAKER, E. C. STUART. 1918. Notes on Gc~rrtLlax nwnilige1·. Bull. Brit. Om. Club, :Js : 64-65. BAKER, E. C. STUAltT. 1918. Cormuunication on the subspecies of GmucaltLs mcwei. Bull. Brit. Om. Club, as: 66-70. [Describes G1YtucctltLS .maccei s ianoensis (Kra : bin).] BAKEl't, E. C. STUAWl'. 1918. A r eply to Messrs. Hobinson and Klass, ·with some further critical rema rks ... Ibis (10) 6: 593-597. BAKER, E. C. STUART. 1918. E xhibition and description of a new subspecies of flycatcher (CyoTn.is m c~gni1"0&tris coertdijrons) from [ Khlong Bang Lai] Siam. Bnll. Brit. Oi·n. Club, 39: 7-8. BAKER, E. C. STUART. 1919. Some notes on Oeiental woodpeclcers and barbets. Ibis (11) 1: 181-222. BAKER, E. c. STUAR'l'. 1919-1920. Notes on a collection of bird­ skins formed by Mr. E. G. Herbert ... J ourn. Nat. l:fist~ · Soc. Siam, a: 177-216, 409-443; 4: 25 -43. BAKER, E. C. STUAI't'l'. 1920. Note on Siamese pheasants. Journ. Nat. Hist. Soc. Siam, -1.: 47. 54 Bupetin, T.ha i l c~nd Resec~rch Soc·iety, Vol. XIII, 1941.

BAKER, E. C. STUAR'l'. 1920. Descriptions of a new genus, speeies and subspecies oE birds :-Nig?·avis, Nigrwuis hm·um·ti, P icus n~uTicollcwis , n.nd Sc ham ·ipart~s nLfigulwris nwjur. Bu ll. Brit. Om. Club, 41: 10-11. [Describes three forms from French Laos, whm;e type-localitic::; are erroneously stated to lie in Thailand.] BAKER, E. C. S'l'liAR'l'. 1921. On a reeently described woodpeekcr (Pic~Ls ?"1LU?"icollwris) from Siam. Ibi::; (11) a : 1-2. 1 col. pi. [This bird is erroneously said to have come fr01u Thailand.] BAKEH, E. C. S'l'UAR'l'. 1921. Diagnosis of the new gemv, N1:gravis. Bull. Brit. Orn. Club, 41: 101. ['rhe type-locality is corrected' from Ban Sao, " Siam," to Ban Sao, French Laos.] BAKEH, E. C. STUART. 1923. Exhibition and descriptions of new races of flycatchers and shrikes (with remarks on the Indian specie::; of the genus Cym·nis). Bull. Brit. Orn. Club, 44: 7-14. [Describe::; Cul·icicapa ceylonens·is mm·iclionnl·is (Thung Song).] BAKER, E. C. STUAHT. 1924. Remarks on the species CisticolcL exil·is, with description of a new subspecies (0. e. eq uiCCLu clatc~ from [Samkok J Siam. Bull . Brit. Orn. Club, _._.: 38-39. BAHTON, C. S. 1914. A short list of birds from the Haheng distriet. J on m. N at. Hist. Soc. Siaw, 1 : 105-109. BLY'l'H, E. 1866-1867. The omithology of I ndia..-A connnentary on Dr. J erdon's 'Birds of India.' Ibis (2) 2 : 225-258, 336-376; 3 : 1-48, 147-185. [Comments on C?· oco1J~~s phmn·icoptertLs, ex Schombmgk, Ibis, 6 : 249 (p. 147) ; comments on " The Siamese Pigeon," ex Schomburgk, i bicl. ; 250 (p. 149). Zosterups sicmwnsis is described (p. 34), but, despite the misleading name, this form is not yet ( 1940) known to occur iu Thailand.] BoNHOTE, J. L. 1901. On the birds collected during the " Skeat Expedition" to the l\blay Peninsula, 1899-1900. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, I: 57-81. [Names and locations of places visited by the Expedition are given ibid., 2 (1901): 584-586.] BowRING, Sir· J. 1857. The kingdom and people of Siam ; with a narrative of the mission to that country in 1855 . . . London, John W. Parker and son. 2 v. ["The feathered race," I : 226-228.] B1t1SS!)N, M. J. 1760. Ornithologia sive Synopsis methodica . . . 4: 151-152, pl. 14 A, fig. 1. [Describes the " Cuculus S'inmensis cristat~LS ·u·iriclis" upon which Linn::eus bestowed tl1e binorninal name c~w~Llus pc~?"CL- cl'iseus.J · · H. G. DEiGNAN: A Bibli ography of Thai On~itlwtogy. 55

BuLKLEY, L. C. 1921. The Burmese bouse-crow (Co1·vns splenclens insolen8) at. Phetburi. Journ. Nat. Hist. Soc. Siam, _.: 195-196. CHASEN, F. N. (See also C. BODEN Kr...u8s, H. C. RoBJNSON). CHASEN F. N. 1932. JYI. S. note. In, Aagaard, A new bird for Siam. Journ. Siam Soc., Nat. Hist. Suppl., 8: 342. CHASEN, F. N. 1935. Four new races of Malaysian birds. Bull. Raffles Mus., no. 10: 43-44. [De::;cribes Eu?·yl(ui?MLS jcwcLnicus palliclus (Khao Nang).] CHA1iEN, F. N. 1935. A handlist of Malaysian birds. A systematic list of the birds of the Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, Borneo and Java, including the adjacent small islands. Bull. RafHes Mus., no. 11: i-xx, 1-389. 1 map. [Includes the birds of Peninsular 'J'hailand, south of the Isthmus of Kra.J · ' CHASEN, F. N. with C. BoDEN Kr...os::;. 1927. Descriptions of three new Oriental birds. Bull. Brit. Om. Club, 48: 46-48. [Describes Cycmops asiaticcL chm·sonestts (Khao Luang).] CHASEN, F. N. with C. BoDEN KLoss. 1927. NoteE:' on Oriental birds. . Journ. F. M.S. l\1 us., 1a: 27 5-280. CHAi:iEN, F . N. with C. BODEN KLOSS. 1928. On bii·ds from t he Raheng district, westem Siam. Journ. Siam Soc., Nat. Hist. Suppl., '7: 151-184. CHASEN, F. N. with C. BoDEN KLOSS. 1929. On some birds of the genus O·yorni s. Bull. Raffles Mus., no. ~: 23-42. 1 col. pl. CHASEN, F. N. with C. BODEN Kr...oss. 1932. On birds from Doi Sutep, 5,600 feet, North Siam. Journ. Siam Soc., Nat. Hist. Suppl. , 8: 231-248. CoNOVEl~, H. B. 1930. A new pigeon from Siam. Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 43: 1-2. [Describes Ductda baclict obswrata (Krat).J CoNRAD, P. (See 0. FINi:iCH). CRAWFURD, J. 1828. ,Journal of an embassy from the Governor­ general of India to the courts of Siam and Cochin China; exhibit­ ing a view of the actual state of t hose kingdoms ... London, Henry Colburn. ~98 p. [Birds of Ko Si Chang (p. 198); birds of " Siam" ( pp. 432-434).] CRAWFURD, J. 1830. Journal of au embasRy from the Governor­ general of India to the courts of Siam and Cochin China; exhibit­ ing a view of the actual state of those kingdoms . .. 2nd ed. London, Henry Colburn and Richard Bentley. 2 v. [Birds of KoSi Chang, 1: 296; birds of "Siii.m," 2; 192-196.] fl6 Bt~lletin, Thc~ilcmcl R esew·ch Society, Vol. X~II, 1941.

CRAWFUlW, J. 1856. A descriptive dictionary of i: h e India islands & adjacent countries .. . London, Bradbury & Evans. 459 p. [On "The ornithology of Sittlll " (p. :182): " 'J'he most con­ Rpieuous birds are an eagle, a vulture, the carrion crow, all numerous about the capital, lJ ecause attracted to it by the disgusting character of some of the Siurnese funerals, and from religious motives, they never being either killed or disturbed. The common Indian peacock, and the beautiful double-spmred · one are to be seen in the woods, as well as the con nuon foiYl , and several species of pheasant. The conJuion house-sparrow, which, as a native, is unknown in the .l\'Ia lay rwd Philippine Archipelagos, is Yery frequent in the Sia.1uese capita.l. The domesticated poultry are nearly confined to tbe common fowl and duck, the goose being r are, and the turkey unknown."] DEIGNAN, H. G. (See cdso H. FH.IEDMANN, C. H. RoGEl{S). D eignan, H. G. 1929. S01ue garden birds of Si<1111. Siau1 Out- look, 6 : 37 3-37 6. DElGNAN , H. G. 1931. 'l'hc birch: of the Chittngin ai region. Jonm. Siam Soc., Nat. Hist. Suppl. , ~: 131-176. DElGNAN, H. G. 1935. Notes on birds in North Sictlll. J oum. Siam Soc., Nat. Suppl., 10: 64-66. DEIGNAN, H. G. 1936. A r cviHell baud-list o f. the birds of tl1e Chiangnmi region. Juuru. t:liau1 t:>uc., Nat. Hi::;t. Suppl. , 10:7 J.-129. DEJGNAN , H. G. 1936. Sollle ob::;ervatious on bird-life of tlw .iHiJdle Me Ping. Journ. Siam Soc., Nat. 1:-list. Suppl. , 10: 169-170. DEIGNAN, H. G. 1936. Some rare birds of the nortbern province.-. Journ. Siam Soc., Nut. Hist. Suppl. , 10: 169-170. DElGNAN, H . G. 1937. A j ourney tllrough Nan and Chiaugrai pro­ vinces, Siam. In, Exploratious and tie.ld-wod..: of the Smithsonian Inst.itution iu 193G : 35-40. 1b text-:tig. DEJG~AN, H. G. 1937. A new race of Y~~hinafiavicollis, from Lh e mountaius of North Siam. Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, •50: 217 -2U::i. [Describes Y~~hint~ .flcwicollis 1·oyersi (Plm Kba).] D!!:lUNAN, H. 0. 1938. Expl oring Sia,Iu. In, Explorations a.ud iiell1- work of the S tuithsouian Institution in 19:37: 41-44. 4 text-:tig. DJ£lGN ~\N, El. G. 1938. A n ew Jlfyvphvnus frout North Sialll. Proe. Bioi. Soc. Washington, 51: 25-2(). [Describes Jlfyophom~s cm?·uleus ?''ileyi (Doi Angka).] DEIGNAN, H. G. 1938. A r eview of the southern (melcmostigmc~) group of the red-headed laughing-thrusl1, GtW1''1dc~ x e? ·ytlwoce­ phctl~~s (Vigors), with d escriptions of two new races frout Siam. Proc.Biol. Soc. Washington, •51: 87-92. [Describes Gan·~1lax e ?·ythruc ep luth~s ~;c hi8lcw e w; (Doi Cl1iaug­ . dao) and .G. e. subcvnnectens ( Phu Kba).J H. G. DEIGNAN: A Bibliog?'aphy of Thai Ornithology. 57

DE IGNA :\', H. G. 1938. A new flower-pecker from the Malay Penin­ sula. Proc. Soc. \Vashington, 51 : 97. [Describes Dicm·wrn ·i g nipect1.~ s clolichorhynchum (Khao Nom P h lu, 'l'rang).] D r: IGNAN, H. G. 1988. 'l't~ ?·d1.~s aure1.~s cmgustirostris Gyldenstolpe a nd Oreocincla h or~fie l di a..ffinis Richmond. J ourn. Siam Soc., Nat. FliRt. Suppl. , 11: 119-122. [.7 \wch~ s cc. U?'et~ s nngushrnslri.q iR beli eved to be a synony m of O?·eocinclrt, clt~'L~ma d(~'l.~?nu ( Lath:tnl ), ancl O?·eoc·incl(l, ho?'S­ fieldi afjinis of 0. cl. ho1·sjielrl·i Bonaparte.] Du;wNAN, H . G. 1938. The pygmy woodpeckers (Dryobcdes ?Utnus snbspp.) of Siam. Journ. Siam Soc. . Nat. H ist. S nppl. , 11 : 123- 124. [Two races a.r e recognized : Dryobcdes ncmus ccmica7.Ji ll1.~S (Blyth) and Dr. n. p1.~milu s (Ha.rgitt). J · DEIG:\'AN, H. G. 1938. A new twine fa mily .for Siam. Journ. Siam. Soc., Nat. H ist. Suppl. , JJ : 125. [An exampl e of S te'Y ' CO?'Ct?"i'I.~S sp. reported seen in the Inner Gulf of Thailand. J D EIGNAN, H . G. 1938. Plum age change in wild Siamese hunting cwws. I bis (14) 2 : 769-772. D EIGN AN , H. G. 1938. P l' esence de quelques oiseau x: rares en I ndo­ chine. L'Oisean et la Revue fran9aise cl 'O mithologie, s: 501. [Records the capture of Tchitren 7.J1wodisi incei in Phrae pro­ vince, North Thailand. J D u; rG:-< AN, H. G. 1938. A new subspecies of the European nu thatch fl'O m Nor th Siam. .Journ. Washington A cad. Sci., 2 S : 37 J.- 372. [Describes 8-i tt c~ e'l. ~?"opma (lelacouT·i (Doi S ut hep ). ] D !i: rGNAN, H. G. 1938. Two new birds frorn the Kingdom of Siam. Auk, 55 : 509-510. [Describes Pericrocotus solaris nctssovic1.~s (Khao Khuap, Krat) and Aln·oscopu s cdbogu la1·is hngonis (Doi Rangka).] D u;IGNAN, H. G. 1939. T wo new races of birds from Indo-Chinese sub-region: J ourn. Washington Acad. Sci., 2 9: 177-178. [Describes Cyanops incognitct e1.~roa (Khao Saba p) and Nct­ pothem crispij?·ons ca l cico l c~ ( H in Lap).] D !i: IGNAN , H. G. 1939. Three new birds of the genus Stachy1·is, Zoo !. Ser. Field 1\'fu s. N ut. Hist ., 3 <& : 109-114. [Describes Stcwhy1·is 1·odolphei (Doi Chiangdao).] D UNLAP, E. P. 1907. The edible islands of Siarn . J oum. Sia.m Soc. , <&, pt 3 : 1-11 , 58 Bulletin, Tha'ilancl Re8ea?·ch Society , Vol. XIII , 1941.

FINLAYSON, G. 1826. 'l'he mission of Siam, and Hue, the capital of Cochin China, in the years 1821-2. . .. London, John Murray. 427 p. [On" Birds between Pa,knam and Bangkok" (p.l 14) : "The gentlemen of our party went on sho.re in the evening ... They shot several species of bit·ds amongRt which were a beautiful Pigeon, a Minor, and the blue of Bengn.l. .. . vVe saw the Adjutant, and several species of Falco flying about." J [On" Birds of KoSi Chang ") p. 275): "Of birds we secured a fin e species of black Pelican, a blue-coloured Heron, several specimens of Columba litoralis, and a variety of the same bird of a bluish cast; another handsome species of Columba, of an iron-brown colour, a green-col oured species of the same bird ; a species of Falco of a white colour, and a few others. . . "] FiNLAYSON, G. 1854. MS. note. In Horfield and Moore, A cata­ logue of the birds in the museum of the Hon. East-India Com­ pany. 1: 57, 77. FINSCH, 0 . With P. CoNRAD. 1873. Ueber ein e Vogelsammlung aus Ostasien. Verhandl. k.-k. zool.-bot. Gesell sch. Wien, 23 : 341-360. [Describes C1·iniger Con?·adi Phranakhon (Bangkok).] FLOWER, S. S. Notes on the fauna of Siam. In, The Directory for Bangkok and Siam. Annual. [Flower's notes do no t appear in recent editions, the only ones available to me in Washington. The reference is taken from Gyldenstolpe, Ibis (11) 2: (1920) : 776.] FLOWER, S. S. 1898. The birds of a Bangkok garden. Ibis ('I) 4 : 319-327. FoRTY, C. H. 1914. Breeding of painted snipe in Siam. J ourn. Nat. Hist. Soc. Siam, 1: 55. FoR'rY, C. H. 1916. Mummified specimen of Malay house-swift (Cy1Jse~us S'LLb.furcatus). Journ. Nat. I-Iist. Soc. Siam, 2: 74. FoRTY, C. H. 1917. Occurrence of the pied imperial pigeon (111yris­ ticivora bicolo?·) in the Gulf of Siam. Journ. Nat. Hist. Soc. Siam, 2: 254-255. FORTY, C. H. 1923. Snipe records for Bangkok. Journ. Nat. Hist. Soc. Siam, 6 : 137-138. FORTY , C. H. 1929. Bangkok: its life and sport, with some account of Siam's coastal and island game areas. London, H . F. & G. Witherby. 206 p. With photographs. FRIEDMANN, :S:· 1930. Explorations of Dr. H ugh M. Smith in Siam. Explonitions and fielcl->vork of tqe Smithsonian Jpstitution in 1929 : 93-98. 3 text-fig, H. G. DEIGNAN : A B ibliography of 1'ha'i Ornithology. ·59

FLUEDM ANN, H. With H. G. DEIGNA N. 1939. Notes on some Asiatic owls of the genus Ot?.LS, with description of a new form. J ourn. Washington Acad. Sci. , 29 : 287-291. [Describes Otus senegalen sis distans (Sala Me Tha, Chiangmai province); discusses distinctions between, and ranges of, Ot'ns scops japonicu s and 0. sc. 1nalaycmn s; suggests that con­ doren sis is the proper name for the Siamese race of Otus balclcammnct. ] GA IRDNER, K. G. 1912. List of t he commoner birds found in Sia m. With the corresponding Siamese names. J ourn, Siam Soc., 9, pt. 1 : i-v, 1-16. GAJJlDNE R, K. G. 1914-1915. Notes on the fauna and flora of Rat­ buri and Petchaburi districts. Journ. Nat. Hist. Soc. Siam, 1: 27-40, 131-145. GAIRDNER, K. G. 1915 List of . . . birds . . . obtained in the Ratburi and Phetburi districts. J ourn. Nat. H ist. Soc. Siam, 1 : 148-153.

GRAY, .T. E. 1829. Description of Crawfurd's pheasant, Phasian-ns O?·awjunli'i. In, Griffith's (\1Vier, The kingdom, s [The class Aves, a ]: 27. [The type-locality is said to be Ava, but the drawing upon which the description was based almost certainly was made feom a Thai specimen, Both Crawfurd and Finlayson state, in their accounts of the miRsion to "Siam" and Cochin-China, that they discovered in " Siam " a new species of fire-back pheasant. Gould says definitely ( Proc. Zoo!. Soc. London, pt. 27, 1859, p. 353) that the bird was obtained in " Siam" by Crawfurd.] GRAY, J. E. 1831. Descriptions of three undescribed Rpecies of birds, discovered and drawn by Jo b~ Crawfmd, Esq., at Siam. The Zoological Miscellany, no 1: 3, col. pl. 2, 1, 3. [Describes Phmn,icopltti'I.LS Orawju1·dii, OoccyZ'I.LS bad,ius, and Bucca t?•inwculal'I.LS, aJl from "Siam." The two cuckoos occur in Peninsular Thailand, but the barbet is a form found in the southern Malay Peninsula, beyond om limits. J GREENWAY, J. C. (See E. MAYR). GYLDENSTOLPE, Ommt N. 1913, Birds collected by the Swedish Zoological expedition to Siatn, 1911-1912. Kungl. svenska Vet.­ akad HandL, 50: 1-76. 1 col. pl., 2 text-fig. rDescribes Oriniger lonnbe1·gi (Ban Huai Hom) and Rubig1.dct johnsoni (Ban Sakkarat). The coloured plate shows these two birds and also Aethorhynchus xantlwt·is Sharpe.] GYLDENSTOLPE, Count N. 1915. List of birds collected by Mr. Emli Eisenhofer in northern Siam, Journ. Nat. Hist. Soc. Siarn, 1 : 163-172, 229-236. GYLDENSTOLPE, Count N. 1916. Neue Vogel am; Siam. Orn, Mo- natsber., 24: 27-29. [Describes Alseonctx sinmensi,s (Pang Hua Phong), Gerygone g?•ise'I.LS (Ko Lak), T1.wcbs CL'I.L?'ens angusti?·ost?··i.q (Khun Tan), Lctnius hypole1.wus siamensis (Ko Lak), Pic'I.Ls vitta,tus e1:sen­ hoje1'i (Pha Hing), Pi,cns canus hessei (Pha lOw, D~nchai) , Bn~chyloph'I.LS chlo?·olophoicles (Khun Tan), and Sphenoce?'C1L8 pse'I.Ldo-c?·ocop'I.LS (Pang Hua Phong).] GYLDENSTOLPE, 00'1.Lnt N. 1916. Zoological results of the Swedish zoOlogical expeditions to Siam, 1911-1912 and 1914-1915 IV. Birds, II. Kung!. svenska Vet.-akacl, Handl., 56: 1-160. 4 pl. (2 col.), 5 text-fig., 1 map. [Describes Mixo?·?vis gnla1·is 1ninor (Ph a Kho ). The coloured ]\lates show L ani'I.LS hypoleuc'I.LS siamensis, Gerygone g?·ise'I.LS, · 13?·achyloph1.LS chlO?·olophoides, Sphenoce1·cus pseuclo-c?·ocopus, and Picus ccm ns hessei. 'l'here is a bibliography of twenty­ four titles (pp. 4-5).] H. G. DEIGN AN : A Bibliography of 'l'hai 01•nithology. 61

G YLDE ~STOLPE , Count N. 1917. On birds and mammals from the Malay Peninsula. Ark. for Zool. , 10: no. 26. 31 p. GYLDENSTOLPE, Co1mt N . 1918. Nagra ord om Siams fauna och naturfochall anden .' Fauna och Flora, I!J : 2 2-36, 49-7 4 6 t ext­ fig. GYLDENSTOLPE, Count N. 1920. A nominal list of the birds at pre­ sent known to inhabit Siam. Ibis (11 ) 2: 446-496, 569-607, 7:15-780. [A " Li st or the principal papers reln.ting to the birds of Siam" is g iven (pp. 776-780); eighty-six tit.les arc listed , a few of which are omitted in the present bibliography as being onl y indirectly concem ed with rrhai ornithology.] GYLDENSTOLl'E, CV1~ n t N. 192 0. Description or a new :mbspecies of bulbul (il1olpastes c~ t ricc~pi lh~ s lclossi) from [l{hun 'l'an] northern Siam. Bull. Brit. Om. Club, 4 1 : 12. [Through an editorial error, this descl'iption \Y as accredited t o H. C. Robinson ; correction was made ·ibicl., 4 2 : ( 1921 ) : 32.J GYLDENSTOLPE, Cotmt N. 1920. Description of a new subspeci es of tree-pie ( D enclroci ttc~ ?'1Lj CL scdce?·atensis) from [Ban Sakkarat J Siam. Bnll. Brit. Orn. Club, -'ll: 32-33. GYLDENS'L'OL PE, Cmmt N. 192 6. Types of birds in the Royal Na­ t.u ral .Hist ory Museum in Stockholm . Ark. for Zool. , 19, no. 1. 116. p. [Discnsses the status of vari0us 'l'hai forms, of \ V hich the ty pe-specimens are in Stockholm.] H ACHJSU KA, Jlf cL?"quess 1\1 . 192 6. Descriptions of fifteen new forms from t he Orienta l Region. Bull. Brit. Orn. Club, 4 '7 : 52-58. [Describes 'l'twcl·inus ??wm·orlactyl·tL S balce?·i (Larnphura , near Ti·nng).J H ARTER'!', E. 1889. Zur Omithologie der indisch-malayischen Ge- genden . .. (lVli t oologischen Beitragen von Oberstahsarzt Dr. Kutter) . . . 2. Perak, H a,lhinsel lVIa la kka. J ourn. ftir Orn., 37 : 379-407. HAR'L'ER'l', E. 1901-1902. Aus den Wanderj ahren eines Naturfor­ sch ers. Reisen und F orschungen in Afrika, Asien und Amerika , nebst daran ankntipfenden, meist ornithologischen Stndien. In co mmission bei R Friedlander & Sohn, Berlin [etc., etc.]. 329 p. , 13 pl., other illustm tions, and maps. [II. Absclmitt. Reise nach Sumatra , Malakka und Indien. iJII. Kapitel. Die InseJ Salanga (pp. 200-204).] HArtTER'!', E. 1902. Aus den Wandet:jn.hren eines Natnrforschers. Reisen und F orschungen in Afrika, Asien nnd Arnerika . .. II. Abschnitt. Reise nach Sumatra, Malakka und Indien ... IJ.I Kapitel. Die Insel Salanga. Novitu.tes zoologicre, 9: 222-226, 62 B·nlletin, Thctilancl R esea?·ch Sodety, Vol. XIII, 1941.

HARTER'!', E. 1916. Description of Pomcttm·hinu s sch·ist·iceps fasti ­ rli os?&s from [Ko K han, Tmng] the Malay Peninsul a. Bull. Brit. Orn. Club, a o : 81-82. HARTERT, E. 1918. Exhi bition and description of a new subspecies of oriole. Bull. Brit. Om. Clnb, 38 : 63-64. [Describes O?· io l ~&s l~deolus thctiaco~&8 (Ko Lak).J HARTEH.T, E. 1923. Descriptions of new subspecies: Alaudct cwvensis herbe?·ti Bangkok . .. Bull. Brit. Orn. Club, 4 :J: 149. HEINE, F. W ith A. RETCHRNO W. 1882-1890. Jomenclator Musei heineani ornithologici ... Berlin, R. Friedlander & Sohn. 373 p. [ D im·1~rt& S l e~wogenys V(l,?'. salctngensi.<~ (8alanga) is described by Reichenow (P· 69).] HERBERT, E. G. 1914. Breeding of the painted snipe. Joum'. Nat. Hist. Soc. Siam, 1 : 54-55. HERBERT, E. G. 1914. ~ l 'he moulting of snipe. Journ. Nat. H ist. Soc. Siam, 1: 55-56. HERBERT, E. G. 1914. Distribution of the Indian pi ed kingfisher (Ce?·yle vctria) and spotted owlet (Athene bramct) in Siam. Journ. Nat. H ist. Soc. Siam, 1: 56-57. HERBERT, E. G. 1914. Occurrence of the India.n t hree-toed king­ fi sher (Ceyx t?·iclactyln) in Bangkok. J ourn. Nat. H ist. Soc. Siam, 1: 118. HERBERT, E. G. 1914. Note on the red-breasted paroquet (Palceor­ n •is fctscia t~&s). Journ. Nat. Hist. Soc. Siam, 1 : 118-119. HERBERT, E. G. 1914. Small minivet (Pe?·im·ocot~~s pereg?·inus) br ee ding~ in Bangkok. J oum. Nat. Hist. Soc. Siam, 1: 119-120. HERBERT, E. G. 1916. Some additions to the Siamese a vifa.una. Journ. Nat. Hist. Soc. Siam , 2: 58. HERBERT, E. G. 1.919. The breeding of larks and pipits in Bangkok. · Bangkok,· ~at . Hist. Soc. Siam, 6 p. [A supplement to t.he J ournal of the Natural History Society of Siam.] · HERBER'l', E. G. 1920. Notes on early snipe. Journ. N11t. Hist. Soc. Siam, 4: 47-49. HERBERT, E. G. 1923-1926. Nests and eggR oE birds in Central Siam. Journ. Nat. !-list. Soc. Siam, 6: 81-123, 215-222, 293-311, 323-356. 8 pl. HESSE, E. 1911. Neue Spechtformen. Om. Monatsber., 19 : 181-1 83. [Describes Chrysocolaptes guttacristatus indomalctyicus (Sa­ langa).J HESSE, E. 19 L2. Berichtigung. Om. lVIonatsber., 20: 82. [Describes Dend~·ocopos analis longipennis Phranakhon (Bangkok).] H. G. DEIGNAN : A Bibliogmphy of Thai 01·ni thology. 63

HoRSFIELD, T. With F. Momm. 1854-1858. A catalogue of the birds in the museum of 'L'he R on. East-India Company . .. London, Wm. H. All en and CO. 2 v. [RecordA for the fi rAt time eighteen forms collected in Thailand by Finlayso n, surgeon and naturalist with the Crawfmd mis­ Rion , 1821-1822. Finhtyson's MS. notes are quoted (PP· 57 ' 77).] RoME, A. 0. 1879. A first tentative list of the birds of the western half of the Malay Peninsula. Stray Feathers, 8: 37:72. [Describes Ixicl i c~ webbe1·i ("The Tonka territories.") As this bird was named to honom the Captain Johann Weber, who made the collection reported upon in 1882 by Dr. August Muller, the spelling of the specifi c name must be altered to weber i.] Hm.m, A. 0 . 1879. 'l'he birds of the vvestern half of the Malay Peninsula. Second notice. Stray Feathers, 8: 151-163. HUllm, A. 0. 1879. Stt&rnia incognita, sp. nov. Stray Feathers, 8 : 396-397. [The type-specim en was taken " between our Frontier (Tenas­ serim) and Bangkok in Siam."] HoME, A. 0 . 1880. The birds of the western half of the Malay Peninsula. Third notice. Stray Feathers, 9: 107-132. IRWIN, A. J . 1914. Occurrence of the Chinese francolin (Fnmcoli­ nt&s chimen sis) in Bangkok. Journ. Nat. Hist. Soc. Siam, 1: 120-121. K EDDIE, ,T. F. 1914. Some interesting birds found near the western boundar·y. Journ. Nat. Hist. Soc. Siam, 1: 121-123. KEr~so , E. H. 1937. A new wood owl from Siam. Auk, 5 -';1 : 305. [Describes St?·ix 'indranee 1·ileyi (Khao Nok Ram, Trang).] KINNEAR, N. B ~ 1924. Description of a new wood-shrike ('l'ephro­ clO?·nis · pelvict&s verney i [sic ]) froru [Urnphang, West] Siam. Bull. Brit. Orn. Club, 44 : 101-102. [As this bird was named to honom Mr. Arthm S. Vernay, the spelling of the specific name must be altered to vernayi .] K.!NNEA R, N. B. 1924. Exhibition and description of a new form of swallow ( Hir1mclo cla~&r icc~ vernay i ) fwm ["Longlung," WestJ Siam. Bull. Brit. Om. Club., 4 5: 27-28. KINNE AR, N. B. 1924. Correction ?·e . . . 'l'ephrorlo?'?l/is pelvicns vernayt. Bull. Brit. Orn. Club, 4 5: 2S. KINNEA R, N. B. 1925. Correction 1•e Tephrodornis gnl c~r is annec­ ten s Robinson a,nd ]{loss, Bull, Brit, Oro. Club, 45: 75, 64 Bulletin, Tha1:lcmcl R esea1·ch Soeiety, Vol. XIII, 1941.

KLE !NSOHNUDT, 0 . 1928. Die Realgattung Kleibe, Sitta Anto-Sitta (10.). Berajah, ,Zoographia infinita. . 22 p., 4 fig. [A specimen of Sitta castanen neplecta Walden, co]\ected at Khun Tan by Gyldenstolpe, is here re-named 8-i-ttcL Atdo-SittcL sirtmensis in accordance with ani ndi vidualistic code of nomen­ clature.] Kwss, C. BoDEN. (See also F. N. CHASEN, H. C. ROB!NSON). KLOSS, C. BoDEN. 1911. Notes on birds new to, or rare in, tlte lVJalay Peninsula. (Second seriec;). J ourn. F. M. S. M us., 4: 229- 232. Kwss, C. BoDEN. 1915. MS. fi elcl-notes. In Robinson, On birds collected by Mr. C. Boden Kloss ... on the coast and islands of south-eastern Siam . . . Ibis (10) 3: 718-761. Kwss, C. BODEN. 1915. Zoo-geographical divisions for Siam. Journ. Nat. Hist. Soc. Siam, 1: 250-251. l map. KLOSS, C. Bo'LEN. 1917. On two new races o£ P alce 01·nis eupat1·ia (Linn.). Joum. Nat. I-Iist. Soc. Siam, 2 : 218-220. [Describes Palce o1·nis eupatrict sirt?mnsis (Lat Bua Khao).] Kwss, C. BoDEN. 1918. Notes 1· egarding tbe new subspecies of S iamese birds described in the BulL Brit. Orn. Club. 38: (1917): 8-10. Bull. Brit. Orn. Club, 3 8: 65-66. Kwss, C. BoDEN. 191 8. On birch; recently collected in Siam. Pa rt I. Plwsicmicl

Kwss, C. BoDEN. 1921. New and known Oriental birds. J ourn. F. M. S. M us., to : 207-213. [Describes Dicrm"LLS mctc?"uce?"C'UI! thai (Ko Lak) and Olw l­ vopcLr·ict singalensis inte11Josita (l'akua Pa). J KLOss, C. BoDEN. 1921. Notes on some Ori ental birds. J ourn. F. lVI.S. Mus., 10 : 214-228. K wss, C. BuDEN. 1924. A new Siamese bulbul. J ourn. Nat. Hist. Soc. Siam, 6: 291. [Describes illol pastes cnwigastm· thcLil! (Bangkok).] Kwss, C. BoDEN. 192 6. On P.ic~Ls ·vittcLtus and f:lo me of its allies. I bis (12) 2: ' 684-689. [Describes P ic~Ls vi?·iclwn~Ls mericlicL·nu.· (Lamphura, near 'frang).J Kwss, C. BoDEN. 1930. On a whistling thrush (M. c hangen~>is) of Southeu,st Siam. J ourn. Siam. Soc., Nat. Hist. Suppl., s: 121-122. KLOss, C. BoDE N. W·ith F. N: C nASEN. 192 6. Descriptions of new races of Oriental birds. Bull. Brit,. Orn. Club, 4 6: 57-58. [Describes 'l'eph?·oclor·n·is pondicerianus thcLi (fha Chang Tai, near 'Raheng).J LlNN iEUS, c. 1766. Systema naturre .. . 12th ed., 1: 17 2. [Describes Ctwulus pcwcLcli8eus ("Sia m") ex Brisson , q. v. ] LowE, P. R. 1925. Some notes on the genus Polyplectron . Ibis (12) 1: 476-484. [Describes Polyplectron biccLlcarattLs (sic) bail:yi fro1n an avia ry specimen. . The parents of this bird were of unknown provenance, but the author thinks it " highly possible" that t hey " were originally brought down to Bangkok by ri ver from nort hern Siam and shipped thence to Europe." Tbis form was erroneously fig ured as P. germcLini, in Beebe, lVl onogr. Plwsicm., 4 (1922) : pl. 77.] LuwE, W. P. 1932. The trail that is always new . . . Illustrated by H. G. Gron vold and J . P. W. Lowe. London, Gurney and J acksou. i-:s: vii i, 1-271 p. ["A journey throug h Siam " (chapt. 10, pp. 1!-J0-204) : 11 des­ cription of the route of t he Vem ay expedition of 1923-1 924, with comm ents on birds obser ved and coll ected. Among the illustrations for this chapter are drawings o£ a, Chloropsis and a Pericrocot~L S by J. P. W. Lowe.J LowE, W. P. 1933. A report on t he birds collected by the Vem ay expedition to 'I'ennasserim and Siam. Ibis (13) :J : 259-283. 1 map Part II. Ibis (13) :J : 473-491. 66 BuUetin, Thailcmcl R esearch Society, Vol. XIII, 1941.

MARTENS, E. VON. 1876. Siamesische Vogel. In,Die Preussiscbe Expe- dition nach Ost-Asien ... Zoologischer 'l'lleil, 1: 215-217, 225-226. [Comments on Lirds observed, and lists sixteen forms believed to be unrecorded from 'l'haihnd. [Verzeichniss der gesamruel ten oder beobacbteten vVirbelthiei'e, Aves (pp. 365-373) includes thirty-three forms from Thailand.] MAYR, E. with J. C. GrtEENW1IY, j1·. 1938 Forms of Mesict a1·gentcntris. Proc. New England Zool. Club, 17 : 1-7. [Describes Mesict nrgentau1·is gctlbtma (Doi Anglm).] MEYER de ScHAUENSEE, Ba,ron R. (See also E. STRESEMANN.) MEYER de Sc.HA UENSEE, 1929. A collection of birds from Siam. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphi a, 8 0: 553-57 9. [Describes Corydon Stbrncttranus laoensis ( Doi Suthep). [Although the date 1928 appears in the imprint, this paper actually appeared in February, 1929.] MEYER de ScHAUENSEE, Bctron R. 1 9~9 . Descriptions of three new birds from not·th-western Siam. Proc. Acad . .Nat. Sci. Philadel­ phia, 81: 469-470. [Describes Niltnvtt wi llic~rninre, JYlyiophonetts stonei, and L eiopWct nwlctnoleucct lretct (all from Doi S u thep~.J MEYER de ScHAUENSEE, Baron R. 1929. Description of a new form of Bhringct from the hills of northern Siam. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 8 1 : 47 5-47 6. [Describes Bhringa ?·e?n·ifer la,t·ispcttula (Doi Suthep).J MEYER de ScnAUENSEE, Btt?·on R. 1930. A further collection of birds from Siam. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phibdel phia, IIi! : 523- 588. 1 map. [The date 1929 appears in the imprint, but the paper actually appeared in January, 1930. As no new names are proposed, the discrepancy has only academic importance.] MEYER de ScHAUENSEE, B ctron R. 1933. A new race of Gc~pr irnn­ lgus asicdicus from North Siam. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadel­ phia, 85: 373. [Describes Gap1•irnulgus asicttict~ s siamensis (Chiangmai).J MEYER de ScnAUENSEE, Ba1·on R. 1934. Additions to the bird fauna of Siam. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphi ~L, 8 6 : 3-4. MEYER de ScFIAUEN::>EE , Baron R. 1934. Zoological results of the Third De Schauensee expedition, Part H .-Birds from Siam and the Southern Shan States. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 86: 165-280. 4 pl. , 3 text-fig., 1 map. lVIEYER de ScHAUENSEE, Bctron R. 1935. A new race of Garr~Ll ax nwniliger from northern Siam. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadel- phia, !!t7: 409-410. . [Describes Gnr?'~t l ctx 1?wnil'iger balceri (Chiang rnai):] · H. G. DEIGNAN: A Bibliogmphy of 1'hc~i Or-nithology. 67 ivlEYER de ScHAUENSEE, B c~1·on R. J 937. On a new species of drongo from Siam. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, S9: 337-338. [Describes Dicrnrns boncli ( Ubon-Channumau ). I have been unable to find this locality on the maps n,vailable to me; it is presumably a village near Ubonmchathani.J l\1u:YEit de SCJ:IAUENSEE, Baron R. 1938. New or hitherto nnrec(jrd- ed birds from Siam. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphi a, 90: 27 ·-30. fD escribes Garrulax (Stactocichla) mer~~ l ·inus lcwensis (Doi Pha Hom Pok), S c hwnipar~(S rufogula?"is lchmeren sis (lCrat), and Sttwhy1·is chrysroa au1·cdc~ (Doi Pha Hom Pok).J .Mi!:YEH de ScHAUENsEE, Ba·ron R. 1938. On t.he races of D?'Yu­ ucdes h c~rdwielc ·i ·i in Siam. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, HO: 109-111. [Describes Dryobcdes h c~rclwiplc ·ii clelc(couri (U : bon- Channu : man).] MEYER de ScHA UENSEE, Bc~ron R. 1939. Notes on Cyornis bcm ­ ynntas. Notuln,e Naturae Acad. Nn,t. Sci. Philadelphia, no 7: 1-3. [Describes Cyornis bcmy•u1nas deignc~ni (Khao Sai Dao, S. E. Thailand.] Mu01m, F. (See '1'. HoRSFJELD.) MonTENt:iEN, 'rH. 1902. Fra den d ~:t n s h e videnskabelige Siam-ex ped i­ tion. Geogratix Tidskrift, 16: 108-121. Illustrated. MouHOT, H. 1864. Travels in the central parts of Indo-China (Siam), Cambodia, and Laos, during the years 1858, 1859, and 1860. [Edited with a preface by C. Monhot, and a memoir by J. J. Belinfante]. London, J. Murray. 2 v. Illustrations. l\l uE J;,LER, A. 1882. Die Ornis der Insel Salanga, sowie Beitrage zur Ornithologie der Halbinsel Malakka. Eine zoogeographische Studie ... . . Naumburg afS., G. Patz. 96 p. Verbreitung!"tabell e. [" Inaugural-dissertation zur Erlangtlng der Doctorwiirde der Philosophischen Facultat der Universitat Erlangen vorge- legt ...... " . [Describes CrinigeT Cc~banil:!i and G ecim~s Weber·i (both from Salanga I.).] [This paper appeared sometillle before 4 October, 1882, the date of its reception in Washington. J MuELLElt, A. 1882. Die Ornis der Insel Salanga, sowie Beitrage zur Ornithologie der Halbinsel l\1alaklm. Eine zoogeographische Studie. Journ. fiir Orn., 30: 353-448 Verbreitungstabell e. [A reprint of the preceding title. This number (16 0) o£ the J. f. 0. is dated inside (p. :-353) October, 1882, but is elated November on the cover.] 68 Bulletin, Thctilcmcl Research Soc·iety, Vol. XIII, 1941.

MUELLER, A. 1885. Nachtmg zm Ornis cler Insel Salanga. Joun'l. ftir Orn., aa : 151-162. NEUMANN, 0. 1935. Descriptions of four new races. Bull. Brit. Orn. Club, 55: 136-139. [Describes Crip~; ir in ct ·ua1· ictns lung i1Jenn·is ( Chanthabmi ) and B~Lbo lcetup~L ttctgannli (Bang Nara).] 0.BERHOLSER, H. C. 1919. A revision of the subspecies of the white­ collared kingfisher, Su/Lbr01Xtt·is chlO?"'is (Boclclaert ). Proc. U. S. Nat. 1\'Ius., 55: 351-395. [1'he type of ScttL?"Opnt·is chlu1·i~; ttr?nst?·ong·i (Bowdler Sharpe) is shown (p. 374) to have come from 'L'hailand.J 0BERHOLSEB., H. C. 1920. Descriptions of five new subspecies of Cyorni s. Proc. Bioi. Soc. Washington, aa: 85-87. [Describes Cyorn:i~; nLlJewloid e~; chersonesite~; (Trang).] 0BERHOLSEll, H. C. 1922. New timaline birds from the East Indies. Smithsonian Miscell. Coll., 74: no. 2. 13 p. [Describes Mixor·nis gtLlcr,r·i& chen;o·nesophilcr, (Trang), .M·ixo?·­ nis g~Llcr,ri s invetemta (Ko Kut, S. E. 'rhailand (Stcwhyris n ·igriceps diporcr, (Khao Sai Dao, Trang), and A nuropsis nutlcwcensis driophila (Khao Sai Dao, Trang).] OBERHOLSEll, H. C. 1923, Descriptions of uew East Indian Nec­ tcr,riniidce . Journ. Washington Acad. Sci., ta: 226-232. [Describes Arcwhnothem longi1·ostris antelicr, (Trang).] O.BERHOLSER, H. C. 1923 Descriptions of new East Indian birds of the families 'l'urclidx, Sylviid!J!, Pycnonoticlm, and JV!uscicapiclce. Smithsonian Miscell. Coli., 76: no. 6. 9 p. [Describes CtLliciwpcr, ceylonensis wntioxcmtkcr, (Khao Sai Dao, Trang).] 0.BERHOLSER, H. C. 1924. Descriptions of new 'l'reroniclm, and other non- birds from the East Indies. Joum. Wash­ ington Acad. Sci., 14: 294-303. [Describes Denclrophasscr, verncms cr,bbotti (Tyching, Trang). I have not found this locality on the map, but suggest U1at it may be a variant of Ban Thaiphru (Ampho' Thap Thieng). J 0BERHOLSER, H. C. 1926. Descriptions of nineteen new East! ndian passerine birds. Journ. Washington Acad. Sci., 16: 515-522. [Describes Lamprocorax J?CL1-utLyensis hnlictypns (Telibon I., near Trang), Arta,m ·icles s·unur,trensis messe1·is (Trang), Dis­ sem·urns pcLracl·isev.s hypoballus (Phramuan, near 'rrang), and Urolonclut acnt·icauda lepidotcL ('ryching, Trang). [Pulau 'l'elibon or 'relibun is called Ko Libong . on Thai maps.] H. G. DEIGNAN: A IJ ibliog?'U]Jhy of 1'hu i 01·nitlwlogy 69

OGILVJE-GB.ANT, w. H.. 1902. A review of the ~; I e<.:ic:s o£ shrikes of tl~e genu~ LcmitL8. Novittttes zuologi<.:c.e, n: 449-48(), p l. 24-28, Xl-Xll. [LcLn·itLS 11 ig1·iueps 8Ubsp. longir:tnLclldtL8, a nomen ·nwl1Lm ex Gould (Proc. Zoo !. Soc. London, 11) 59, p. J 51) is here (p. 480) made valiJ for the bird of Centt"al 'l'k1ilaml.] Ou iL VJE -U l:t i\:'-IT, W. R. 1906. . .. H.eport ou tlie binls. In, Fascicnli uml ayenses; anthropologic<.L I and zoological results of an expedi­ tion to Pemk and t lte Siatn esc Maln.y :::itates, l 901-1 D02, under­ ttdcen by Nelson Annandale and Herbert C. H.obin .·o u ... Zoology. Part 3: 63-123. [Describes Pycnonotus ?'Ouin .~,_rni ( Pa tttmi)]. [The aut.hor's advance copy is dated July , 1905, t1ncl this da,te is nsua,l ly quoted. Hobinso n, however , who \\'rote t he in­ trodnction, g ives 1906 (Journ. Nat. I-:l.ist. Soc. S iam, 5: 274), as does Chasen (Birds of the Maby Peuinsula, -i,: 258). 'l'he paper vva,s not re\·i ewed in the Ibis until October, 1906]. OOJLVlE-GRANT, \V. R. 1915. E xhi bition of tU ttl e a,nd female exam­ pl es of the bulbul, Rnbigula juh·Hsloni [si.u] , receutly described from Siam. Bull. Brit. Orn. Club, :J4;: 11.

0 OusTALET, K 1881. Notes J'omitltolog ie. (2° ~er i e) . . . J . Obser­ ,·ations Hur les barbus de ltL Cochinchiuc, du Cambodge, du Laos et du royttume J e SitLnJ. Bull. Soc. Philomath. Paris (7) 5: 63-71. OUS'l'ALET, K 1882. Notes d'omithologie, (3(' seriu). Bul l. Soc. Phil01uatl1. Paris (7) t;: 260-267. [" . .. One coll ection omitholog.ique dont nne pa.rtie a ete. re­ cueillie pencbnt un voyage ~t i'istl1111e de Kra (ou Krau) et. dont l'antre consi::;te en uue serie d'oiseaux qne S. I 1\i. le roi de S iam a fait venir des clisverses provinces de HCS Etat~."J. O usTALET, E. 1899-1 903. Les o i ~ettux: cln Ct1111bodge, du Laos, de l'Anna.u1 et dn '.L'onki11 . Nouv. Arch. 1\•l.us. Hi~t. Nat. Paris (4) 1 : 22l-296, co l. pl. 7- LO ; 5: 1-94, col. p l. 5, 6. [Gives first publi ~ h cd r ecords of specimens taken in Thailand by Harmand, Boconrt, Pi en e, et. ul. [This paper was left uncompleted by the aut.bor's death.] P AR I-tOT, C. 1908. Ueber eine Vogelsamtnlnng au:-; Siam und Bomeo. I. Vogel aus S ia.IJI. Verhundl. Om. U e~:;e ll ~c h. Bttyern, 8: 98-127. [Describes Athene cuctLloides V?',iiyeli Phmmtkhon (Bangkok ) and ConLc'i(L · a:ffinis them~im (probably u ea.r Bangkok).] RI,;JOHENOW, A. (See F. HEJNE). B.IOHi'IIO~D, C. W. 1899. Birds from Siall'l. Osprey, 4 : 13. [A note mentioning certain rare species r eceived at the U. S. Ntttional Mu~ e um from Dr. \V. L. Abbott.] 70 Bulletin, 1'hailancl R esearch Society, Vol. XIII, 1941.

RICHMOND, C. W. 1900. Descriptions of three new birds from Lower Siam. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 22: 319-321. [Describes A!Jl h opyg1.~ anomalGt (KluLo Song, Trang), C1·inige?· sordidt~ s (Khao Sai Dao, Trang), and 1'twdint<~s granti (Khao Sai Dao).J RICHMOND, C. W. 1902. Descriptions of two uew birds front Trong [sic], Lower Siam. Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 15: 157-158. [Describes Stcwhy1·is ch1·ysops (Khao Nom P hlu, Trang) and Oreocincla horsjielcli a.ffinis (Khao Nok Ram , Trang).] Rr6Hl\IOND, C. W. 1927. Explorations in Siam, In Explorations and field-vvork of the Stuithso uian Instit.ution in 1926. Smith­ sonian l\iiscell. Coll. , 78, no 7 : 79-80. [Comments on history and growth of the collection of 'l'hai birds in the U. S. National .Museum.] RILEY, J. H. 1924. A new spotted babbler from Sittm. Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, !17: 129-130. · [Describes Pello1·neum sm·ithi (Ko Chang).] H.ILEY, J. H. 1928. Description of a new whistli ng thrush from Southeast Siam. Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 4 1 : 207-:?.08. [Describes illyophont&s temminchi c h c~ng ens i s (Ko Chang).] RJLEY, J . H. 1929. Descriptions of fom ne''' birds from the moun- tains of northem Siam. Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 42: .161-16 ~, [Describes Niltc~'IX~ grandis nobil·is (Doi Angka), 1Yiltava sm.ithi (Doi Suthep), Zosterup::; palpebrosa viv i nc~ ( Doi Suthep ). and .IEthopyga nipcdemis c~nghm ensi& (Doi Angka).] RILEY, J. H. 1929. Descriptions of three new birds from the moun- tains of northern Siam. Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 42: 165-166. [Describes Hypothymis azu1·w mon ta?H~ (Chiangmai), Rhi­ p iclnrc~ cdbicollis cels c~ (Khun Tan), and S·ibia piccwicles ccm c~ (Doi Angka).J HILEY, J. H. 1930. Descriptions of three new birds from Siam. Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, cl3: 189-1 91. [Describes Ar·boroph·ila Gl·ive1·sa ( Kbao SabtLp ), Gnrrulax fe?·rarius (Kl1ao Khuap, Krat), and Dicmwn 'U?nbratile (Khao Khuap).]. HlLEY, J. H. 1932. A new babbler from northcm Siam. Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 45: 59. [Describes He tm·oxeni ct~s n cmglm (Doi Hangka).] HILEY, J. H. 1933. Some additions to the bird fauna of Siam. Journ. Siam Soc., Nat. I-Iist. Suppl. , 9: 153-159. HILEY, J . H. 1933. Notes on Nilt cwc~ smithi. Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 46: 65-66. H. G. DETGN AN : A B iU·iogm11h y of 'l'h£ti 01·nithology 71

HILEY, J. H. 1933. Descriptions of two new birds from south-eastern Siam. Proc. Bioi. Soc. Washing ton, .Jo6: 155-156. [Describes I xos cwr.wscens (Khao Khuap) and Coq·ytlwcichlct brevica1.ulatn cognata (Khao Sabap).] RJLEY, J. H. 1934. One new genn i:l and three new races of Lirds from tl1 e Malay region. Proc. Bioi. Soc. Washiugtou, "J7: 115·- 117. [Describes Uycmo7J;; fntn lcl in·i tnmuen ·is (Khao Nom Pblu, 'l'rang).] HrLEY, J. H. 1934. A new Jlycatch er from south-eaHtem Siam, Proc. Bioi. Soc. Wt1shington, .,t7 : 155- l 5G. [Describes 'l'e?·p.silJhone .·ctbu,bensi8 (Khao Sabap). ] H.ILE Y, J. H. 1935. Two new form!:! of birds Il'Olll south-eaHtem SiaUI. Proc. Biol. Soc. Washiug to11 , -trs : 53-54. [Describes Ci?·rop-ic1LS chlo?·olol;hus con.iu n cftts and P..,a?·i.som:l.tS tlallwusim oyimiwttdct (both fr01n KkLO Sabap ).J RILIJ; Y, J. H. 1935. Three new fonns of birds from the Philippine Islands and Sia m. Proc. Bioi. Soc. Wa. hington, 4l!t: 147-148. [Deseribes P ·i1·isomn ?JWdesta (sic ) pnlletwens (Pak Chong).] R1 LEY, J. H . 1936. A new babbler from so uth -east. ern Siam. Pro c. Bioi. Soc. Washington, ..JJ) : 25. [D escrib e~:~ Alci1Jpe niJ!Ulensi.s err•m·itd, (Khao Saming, near Krat).] R ILEY, J·. H. 1938. Birds from Sin. 111 aml th e :Malay l'eninsuln. iu the Uuited States Nati oual .M.nseuu1 co ll ected by Dr ~:~ . Hugh lVI. Smith and William L. Abbott. U. 8. Nat. Mus. Bull. 172. i-iv, 1-581 p. B.oBJNSON, H. C. 1905-1906. A s yn op s i ~::~ of the birds at present known to inhabit the Malay Peuinsul a south of the Isthmns of K.ra. Jonrn. F. lVI. S. Mus., 1: 45-5 7, 124- 132. RoHLNtiON , H. C. 1906. Introductory note and MS. fi eld-notes. In, Ogilvie-Grant, Report on tlte birds. Fasciculi malayenses ... Zoology. Part a: 63-1 23. RoBJNSON, H . C. 1907. A hand-list of the birds of the Malay Peninsula, south of the Isthmus of Kra. J ouro. F. M. S. Mus., 2: 66-R3. RmHNSON , H. C. 1909. The birds at present known from the moun­ tains of the Malay Peninsul a. J ourn. F.M. S. Mus., 2: 164-222. RoBINSON , H. C. 1909. Notes on birds new to, or rare in, the Malay Peninsula. J ourn. F. M.S. Mus., 4 : 129-133. RoBJNSON, H. C. 1910. A hand-list of the birds of the Malay Peninsula, south of the Isthmus· of Kra. Kuala Lumpur, F. M.S. Governm. Print. Off 22 p. 7 2 B tLlletin, ThcLi~cmcl Besecwch Society, Vol. XIII, 1941.

ROBINSO N, H. C. 1910. Descriptions of two new speCies of birds from the Malay Peninsula. Bull. Brit. Orn. Club, 25: 98-1 00. [Describes JYJ y iophone'I.LS crass irost?· is ('rran g).] ROBJNSON, H. C. 1913. Notes on birds new to, or rare in, the Malay Peninsula. (Third series). Joum. F. M . S. Mns., 5 : 15-22. RoBiNSON, H. C. 1915. On birds collected by Mr. C. Buden l{]u::;s . .. on the coa.st a.nd islandR of south-e::tstern Sia111 ... With fi eld­ notes by the collector. Ibis (1 0) 3: 718-761. [Describes Pyrot'Y·ogon e?·yt hrocep h cL~ us lclossi ( Ko Ch::tng ), ilfesobucco clu'UCL'I.Lgli (si1;) orientalis (O k: Yalll), a.nd ilfyiu­ p lwne'I.M3 lclossii (Ko Me Si).] ROlllN::>ON, H. C. 1915. On a, collection of birds from tl1 e Sittw ese province of Bandon, N. E. l\b lay Peninsula,. Journ. F. M. S. M us. , i>: 83-110. [Describes Oryptolopha. yo1.mg·i (Khao Nong). ] RoBJNSON, H. C. 1915. The Zoology of Koh Samui and Koh Pen­ mm. Ill. Birds. Journ. F. M. S. M us., 5: 139-152. ROBJ NSON, H. C. 1915. On th~ species of minivcts (Pe?··icrocotus) occurring in the Mahty Peninsula. Journ. F.M.S. Mus., 6: 31-37. ROBINSON, H. C. 1917. On a coll ection of birds from Pul au La.ng­ kawi and other islands on the north-west coa.st of the Malav Peninsula. Journ. F. M. S. M us., 7: 129-191. " [Describes Py1·otrogon ore;;lc·ios unifor?ni (Lalll plmra). J ROBINSON, H. C. 1919. Note on certain recently described sub­ species of wood-peckers. Ibis (11) I: 179-181. ROl:llNSON, H. C. 1931. Some birds from Siaw and Laos (Middle Mekong) ... with preface and notes by C. Boden Kloss. Ibis ( 1~) I: 319-341. [Published posthumously.] ROBINSON, H. C. ·with E. C. STUART BAKEl't. 1928. Exhibition and remarks on a series of bnstarcl-quails ('l'wrn·ix), with de::;criptiom; of three new subspecies. Bull. Brit. Om. Club, 4S: 58-6 2. [Describes '1\Lrnix stLsc itcdo?" i nteT?"mnpens (Krasom ). This locality is also called Takua Tlmng.] H.oBINSON, H. C. With F. N. CHASEN. 1927. 'rhe birch< of the Malay Peninsula. A general account of the birds inhabiting the region from the Isthmus of Kra to Singapore with the adjacent islands. London, H. F. & G. Witherby. ? 5 v. Many col. pl., maps. ['rhis work was planned to appear in five \·olumes, of which four have been published to date. The first (1927 ) and second (1928) were written by Robinson; the third (1936) by Robin­ son and Chasen; the fourth (1939) by Chasen alone, owing to Robinson's death in 1929.] H. G. DElGNAN; A Bibliography of 1'hc~i 01•nithology 73

HoBINSON, H. C. With C. BoDEN KLOss. 1910-1911. On birds from the northern portion of the Malay Penimmla, including the Islands of Langkawi and Terutau; with notes on oLher rare Malayan species from the southern districts. Ibis (9) <&: 659- 67 5 ; 5 : 10-80. 2 col. pl., 3 text-fig., 1 map. RoB tNSON, H. C. W·ith C. BODEN KLOss. 1918. Notes on recently dese1:ihes races of Siamese and Malayan birds ... Ibis (10) 6: 583-592. RoB INSON, H. C. W·ith C. BoDEN KLOss. 1918. Results of an ex­ pedition to Korinchi Peak, Sumatra., Vertebrates. II. Birds. Journ. F. M. S. Mus., s: 81-284. 4 col. pl. [Describes 'l'ephroclor·nis pelvicc~ subsp. annectens (Lamphura, near Trang).] l~unt NSON, H. C. W·ith C. BoDEN KLOss. 1919. On a collection of birds from the province of Puket, Peninsular Siam. Journ. Nat. Hist. Soc. Siam, 3: 87-119. 1 map. [Describes Cyc~1wps mystaco1Jhanes a~~rctntiifron.s (Nong Kok, near Muang Krabi ), Mesob~wco dt~vcmceli st1~art ·i (Khlong Thung Sai, Phuket I.), and Chlo1·opsis cyanopogon septen­ t?·ionc~lis (Nong Kok).] RoJHNSON, H. C. With C. BoDEN Kwss. 1919. On a new form of white-eye from Siam. Joum. Nat. Hist. Soc. Siam, a: 445. [Describes Zoste1·ops pcdpeb1·osc~ willimnsoni (Me Klong).] llouJNSON, H. C. VJTith C. BODEN Kwss. 19HJ. Exhibition of types and descriptions of new subspecies of Malayan birds. Bull. Brit. Orn. Club, 40: 11-18. [Describes Ga1·r~~lax pectoral·is me1·idionalis (Hat Sa nuk, near Ko Lak), Gecinu8 cct?1/t ~s 1nicrm·hynch1~s (Ko La,k) and Se1·iloph1~s l1mat1~ s sto l iclt~s (Khao Nong).J llutHNSON H. C. W·ith C. BoDEN KLOss. 192]. Nine new Oriental birds. Joum. F. M. S. M us., 10: 203-206. [Describes 1'1·m·on bisincta (sic) p1·m t e1·mi .w~ ( Ko Lak ), P1·ionochil•ns ??UW 'I. Ll c~ t ~~.s septent?·imwl·is ('l'ha Se, near Chum­ pbon), and Bmchyloph1i.S p1.miee1~.s continentis (Saphli , Pak Chan estuary). J RoHrNSON, H. C. W·ith C. BoDEN KLOss. 1921-1931. The bil'dB of South-west and Peninsular Siam. Joum. Na,t. Hist. Soc. Siam, 5: 1-397, i-xx. 1 col. pl., 1 map. H.oRJNSON, H. C. with C. BoDEN KLOss. 1922. Three new Oriental birds. Joum. F.M.S.Mus., 10: 261-262. [Describes Ott~8 l1wim sic~mensi.s (Khao Nong) and Cyo1•nis c~ nalc (Khlong Muan, near 'l'eang').] 7 4 Bulletin, 'l'hail c~nd Resea1·ch Society, Vol. XIII, 1941.

ROBINSON, H. C. w ith C BoDEN KLOSS. 1923. Some remarks on lHr. C. Stuart Baker's new volume on the Birds in the " Fauna of British India." Journ. & Froc, Asiat. Soc. Bengal (n. s.) 18: 559-569. [The type-locality of Ooracias chinensis Boddaert is corrected (p. 561) from China, ex D'Aubenton, error, to" sout!J ern Siam."] ROBINSON, H. C. Wi th C. BoDEN KLOSS. 1923. Eleven new Oriental birds. Journ. F.M.S. Mus., n: 53-57. 1 map. [Describes Oalyptornen c~ 11iricl·is conti n entis ('l'ha Se, near Chum phon) and Phyllergates cuc1.Lllcdus thnis (Khao Lnang).J ROBINSON, H. C. With C. BoDEN KLoss. 1923. Mammals and birds from the hills of Nakhon Sitbarnarat, Peninsular Siam. Joum. F. M.S. Mus., n: 58-63. ROBINSON, H. C. With C. BoDEN' KLoss. 1923. Some crows fr-om S. E. Indo-China. Jouru. Nat. Hist. Soc. Siam, 6: 125-126. ROBINSON, H. C. With C. BoDEN KLoss. 1923. Description of a new subspecies of sunbird from Peninsular Siam. Bull. Brit. Orn. C lub, 44: 14. (Describes LEthopyg c~ n ipalen sis australis (Khao Luang).] RORINSON, H. C. W i th C. BoDEN KLoss. 1927. Some notes on bird names. Journ. F. M.S. Mus., 1:1: ~13-216. H.OBJNSON, H. C. Wi th C. BoDEN KLoss. 1927. Comrnents on various races of Oriental birds described in Bull. Brit. Orn. C lu b, 4'7 (1926): 52-60, and Ibis (12) :: (1926): 689. Bull. Brit. Orn. Club, 4'7: 93-95. H.oGERS, C. H. with H. G. DEIGNAN. 1934. Birds new to the King­ dom of Siam or otherwise noteworthy. Proc. Biol. Soc. ·washing­ ton, 4 '7: 91-92. · SALO~fOC\'SEN, F. 1933. Eine Brutkolonie von Arcleola ralloicles sp ec iosa (Horsf.) auf dem Asiatischen Kontinent entdeckt. Om. Monatsber., 41: 40-42. [Describes ArdP-ola speciosn contin ental-is Phranakhon (Bang­ kok).] SALOi\WNSEN, F. 1983. Revision of the group 'l'chit?·en offin·is Blyth. Ibis (13) 3: 730-745. 1 map. SALVAD01U, T. 1893. Discussion o£" Pigeon from Xiengmai (SiaJll )," ex Schmnburgk, Ibis, 6 (1864) : 250. In Catalogue of the birds in the British Museum, 21: 648 .. [Supposed by Salvadori to be" a bircl allied to Colnmba JYnl­ chr·icollis or C. elphinstonei." More p\·obably it was S{l·eptOJJe­ lic~ oriental'is ng1·icola. J SALADORI, T. Wi th E. H. GlGLIOLl . 1819. Uccelli raccolti durante il viaggio della corvetta Vettor· P isani negli anni U:l79, 1880 e 1 881. Uccelli eli Bang-kok (Siam). Mem. Real~. 1\cGad, $cienzt;l 'l'orino (~) !}9 : 151-1-142, H. G. DEIGNAN: A BibliogrLtphy of Thai 01·nitlwlogy . 75

SmTOMBURGK, Si1· R. H. 1860. :MS. notes on the Siamese fh·e-back. In, Gould, The hir·ds of Asia, part 12, col. pl. 21 and text. [rl'he plate r epresents the Siamese fire-back," D · iaradigoil~~B prmlatus Bonaparte: in the background is a reduced copy of Cmwfurd's d,rawing of Phasian~~s Crc~wJ~~1·dii Gray, which is believed to be the female of D. prcelat~&s. ['l'he accompanying text gives the history of the species and discusses names. Schom burgk's communication 'coricerns the specimen sent by him to England, its probable provenance, etc.] ScEWMBURGK, R. H. ] 862. Extract from a letter to Mr. Blyth. Joum. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 31: 192-193. [Comments on Dianligcbll1 . ~S crawfnrdii.] ScrrOMBURGK, R. H. 1863. Letter respecting Diardigallns C1YbW­ J~~rrlii, with a description of the female bird. Proc. Zool. Soc. London : 250-251. [The date 1862 appears in the imprint, but this part actually appeared in 1863.] ScrWMBURGK, R. H. 1863. Letter respecting Diardigcdlns cmw- fnrcli, with a description of the female bird. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (:1) u: 383. [A reprint of the preceding title. J ScHOMBURGK, R. H. 1864. Cursory notes on some of the birds of Siam. Ibis, 6: 246-268. SciENCE SERVICE, Washington, D. C. 1934. Woodpecker lives as parasite on . Science News Letter, 25: 232. [Brief note on nesting habits oE Micropte1·n1.~8 in Thailand, on authority of H. G. Deignan.] SciENCE SERVICE, Washington, D. C. 1938. Siam has three kinds of migration arnong birds. Science News Letter, 34: 9. [Comments on migration-phenomena in Thailand, on authority of H. G. Deignan.] SCLATER, P. L.. 1863. Exhibition of a skin of the female Dicbrcligal- lus prmlo.h~s. transmitted by Sir R. Schomburgk. Proc. Zool. Soc. London: 76-77. SHARPE, B.. BowDLEll. 1892. Hr1icyon chlori.8 and its allies. In, Catalogue of the b .irds in the British Museum, 17: 272-283, pl. 7, 8. [Halcyon a1''1n8t?·ongi, of which the type-specirnen came from T hai land, is described (PP· 277-278, pl. 7, fig. 1). Of. Ober­ holser (1919).] SHARPE, R BowDLER. 1897. Exhibition and description of an ap­ parently new species of St~wnopcbstm· from Sia.m. Bull. Bl'it. Orn. Club, 7: 17. . [Describes St~~rnopastor jlowe1·i (Tlm Chin). Sharpe erro­ neously gives the type-locality as "Pachim." On 'l'hai maps this place is now called Samut Sakhon.J 76 Bulletin, Thailan d Resect?·ch Society, Vol. XIII, 1941.

SHARPE, R. BowDLE R. 1901. [C1·inigm·] sa langm, n om. P?nend. In, A hand-list of the genom n, nd species- oE birds, a : 316 . . [A new name for C1·in ige?· caban:i8 i A. Muller (1882) n ee Sharpe (1881).] Sl\U'l'H, H . M. 1926, A new bird from S i~tm. J ourn. Siam Soc. , Nat. Hist. Suppl., fi : 366. [Comments on l'ello1·nen m smith·i.] SmTH, H. M. 1926. Birds. In, S iam: Natural features. Ba.ngkok. Pr·inted by Bangkok Times Press, Ltd. 91 p., 3 pl. Title on cover as above. On fl y-leaf: Natmal featnres o.f Siam. [This pamphlet, one oE series of fourteen descrihillg varions aspects and activities oE Thailand, is divided into six nn­ numbered chapters. The chapter " Fauna " (pp. 39-72) is further divided into eleven seetions, written by several a,uthors, but unsigned. The section " Birds " (pp. 62-67), as well as ce1tain other sections, were \ovritten by Dr. Smith.] S~n ' I ' H , H. M. 1930 Birds. In, Siam: Nature and industry. Bang­ kok, Issued by the Ministry of Comm erce and Contmtmications. ~24 p. , illustrations, 1 map, [" A series o.f 14 pamphlets .. . was issued in 1926 ... It was decided to bring them up to date, and re-issue them as on e volume to be published ie time for the Eighth Co ngress of the Far Eastern Association of Tropical Medicine, to be held in Bangkok in December 1930." ['l'he sectioll " Birds " (pp. 67-74) is a revii'iion of t he corres­ ponding pa rt of tho 1926 pamphlet , somewhat extend ed.] S ~uTH , H. M. 1933. Zcological eoll ecting in Sian1 in l 931 and 1932. In, Explorations ~t nd fi eld-work or th e Smithsoni an Institution in 1932: 29-32. 4 text-fi g. S~1n· n , H . M. 1934. A new broaclbill for Siam. J ourn. Sia111 Soc., Nat. Hist. S uppl. , o : 328. [Comments on Se1·i l oph~L S l1L nat1L8 el izabethm.] Sw'l'fr, H. 1\1. 1934. The white oriole o£ Kao 8abap . .) ourn. Sif1.m Soc., Na.t. Hist. Suppl. !': 829. [Comment.· on Oriol1Ls m ell,ianns.] S)rl'l'lf, H. M. 1984. Zool ogicnl co ll ecting in Siam. 111 , E x.pl omtions and Fielll-work o f' the SmithRonin.n Institntion in 19 ~ 3: 28-31. 4 tex t-fig. SMITH, H. lH. 1935. ?.:oo logical coll ecting iu Si~tlll. In, E xplomtioi:I R and Field-wo rk or the S mithsonian Institution in 1934: 29-32. 4 text-fig. ' , !IIYTH, H. WARINGTON. 1895. Notes on a journey to some of the south-western provin ces of Siam. Geogmphical ,l ournn, l, 6: 401- 421, 522-541, (discussion) 541-545. lllustmtionf\, 111ap opp. p. 496. [Birds (PP· 409-410).] H. G. DEIGN AN: A B·ibliography of 'l'hai O?·n·ithology 77

SMYTH, H . WARI ~ G'L'ON. 1895. Notes of a j ourney on the Upper Mekong, S itl rn ... With maps and illnstrations. London, Published for The Hoyn,l Geographical Society by .John Mnrray. 109 p. [Birds of the "Siam ese" rivers (p. 7); birds of the Me Khong (pp. 66-68).] SM'LTH, H. \VA lUNGTON. 1898. Five years in Siam, from 1891 to 1896. London, .J. 1\imTay. 2 v. With maps and illustrations by t he author. [Birds (vol. 2, appendix XVI, pp. 308-311).] STiu<:SEMANN , K With R. Mii:YErt de ScHA UENSEE.. 19!i6 1\oteR on some Sout h Asiat.ic species of t he g enus Oyo?"?l: i.~. Proc. Acad. Nnt. Sci. Philadelphia, ss: 337-351. 4 map:;. [ M any Thai specimens, of various forms, m·e listed anrl t heir localities indicated on t he maps. J SwANN, H. Knuo;. 1920. A synoptical list of the Accipit?·es (d iur­ ntll bird~; of prey), comprising species and subspecies described up to L919, with their characters and distribution. London, ,J. 'vVheldon & Co. 164 p. jDeRc ribes Spilorni.s cheelcL flowe?·i (" Tah kama.n," Central Thailalld). I l1 ave not succeeded in finding this locality on the map.] SW INHOE, R. 186:3. Catalogue of the birds of China, with remark principally on their g eographical di stribution. P roc. Zool. Soc. London 259-339. [Describes] (p. 303) A. (m· iGlotheres) sicL?1Wn siN [probably netlt' Phmntlkhon (Bangkok. ) ] VJJJ AK ICH, Lunng S. 193 ~{. A :;tud y of a bird collection from Sitlnl. Type-written. 305 p. , b i b li o g r<~ph y. [" A ~l 1 e S i fl preseutecl to t he Faculty of the Graduate Rc hool of Cornel l univtrsity in ptlrtial f n ltiilnent for the degree of l\bst er of Science." ["A taxonomic study of 158 species . .. " [This title is included here becauRe, 11lthough nnpublishccl , a. copy, a.vaih1ble for J eRpoRitecl in t hose interestccl is the libm ry ol' C,o rnell nni versity. It haR a special importance in t hat it is the first seient it-i c work on birds by a Thai anthor.] . Vi.J.J A KICH, Lnrm g S. 19:i3. Occurrence of t he fin-foot near LaJH­ pang. .Journ. Sia m Soc., Nat. Hist. Snppl , !) : 330. WlLLIAMSON, (now Sir) 'vV .•J. F. 1911. Occmrcnce o l' the fantail Rnipe (Gnllinago ccelestis) in S itlm. .Juum. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 21: 270-271. WIT.LIAJI'!SON, W. J . F. 1914. A preliminary list of the birdR of Baugkok. J·ourn. Nat. Hist. Soe. S iam, 1: 41-48. W ILLI AMSON', W . .J. F. 1914-1917. The birds of Bangkok. .Jomn. Nat. H ist. Soc. Siam, 1: 71-92, 200-210; 2: 185-214, 31 9-339. 2 pl. 78 Bulletin, Thcd~and R esea?·ch Society, Vo l. XIII, 1941.

WJLLlAMSON, W. J. F . 1915. Corrections and adclitiom; to pre­ liminary list of Bangkok birds. Journ. Nut. I-Iist. Soc. Siam, 1: 196-199. WILLTAl\'TSON, 1916. A list of birds not previously r ecorded from Siam, with notes. Journ. Nat. Hist. Soc. Siam, 2: 59-65. W!LLlAMSON, 1916. Remarks on bush-larks. In, Stuart Baker, Two new bush-larks from Siam. Jomn. Nat. Hist. Soc. Siam, 2: 70-71: \V JLLlA MSON, 1916. Tile giant ibis ( Thn1.~nwt ·iuis giganten). J oum. N at. T-Iist. Soc. Siam, 2 : 71-7 2. W1LLIAMSON, 1916. Occurrence of the ba,lTed g ronnd-clove ( Geopel'in st?·icdn) in Siam. Jouru. Nat. Hist. Soc. Si<1lll, 2: 72-78.

WJLLIAMSON, 1918. New or uote\"'-7 0l'thy bird-record::; from Sia1n. Journ. Nat I-l ist. Soc. S i a m ,:~: 15-42. WILLlAMSON, 1918. Occurrence of the Pegu sparrow (Posse?' .fln­ v e ol't~s) in south-western Siam. Jonm. Nat. J-Iist. Soc. Siam, a: 44. W JLLl AMSON, 1918. Occmrence of tJ1e hair-crested tlrongo (C'hib irt lwUentotta) near Bangkok. Jomn. Nat. Hist. Soc. Siam, !l: 45. W JLL IAMSON, 1919. The nidification o£ certain terns. Journ. Nat. H ist. Soc. Siam, a: 83-85. WrLLlAMSON, vV. J. F. 1921. rrhe status of the Bmmese house-crow (Oorv 1. ~s splenclen s in solens) as a Siamese bird. Journ. Nat. Hist. Soc. Siam, 4 : 105-107. WILLTAMSON, W. J. F. 1921. T he giant ibis ('l'ha't~?nc~t -ib i s gigan tea) in Cambodia. Joum. Nat. I-Est. Soc. Siam, 4 : 196. WIT'L', D. 0. 1911. Occurrence of the fantail snipe (Gc£llinago ccelestis) in Siam.' Jonrn. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. , 21: 269-270.