THE WAYNE HERALD *;:~;'~:' T WI'\Vrtl!, Ttlbfta5m 88787, THURSDAY.October 7
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Homecoming weekends . s.: It's homecoming time at many area high schools - see· photos of royalty candidates Inside. THE WAYNE HERALD *;:~;'~:' t WI'\vrtl!, ttlBftA5M 88787, THURSDAY.OCTOBeR 7. 18.2 . ••. THIS1S5Ue TWO5eCTIOns.zO PAllO .~-"'" :1lIl~~~I;~~~~1tf:f. v Property redempt~,n ameninienl reviewed' eolfOWS"NOTE lorabandO~ed' Nebraskans will be yoling Ol'Isb IssueI' wlten 'bev go 10 redempllon .perli>d' only thl,!general Illetfion polls on November 2. SOlhat volers dwellings within cUy, vUlag€\, or ~an1tary can benet undenland these Important to change and Improvementdlsfrlcfs;, The~redel!'l?flon , Ihesta''''s Cl)nstlfu'jon,lbe Nebrask .. Press A,soci-lfion In cooperation with Ihls newspaper has preP41red Il se~16 of for farm real estate and owner;occup!ep,c1· ne,,!~ repor" on ollch 01lho ,Ix proposed I$,ue,. Each'fory ty dwellings would rematn aHwo ye~rcs; In tile se-rfiH; cGImRlIr;ms·Of! a-tintle:fssve-;'tirieflvdefinhJV -S_a~l+.Qf)Lolfi<;@I~-"re seeking to . II. explll~"ln.. lis purpose IIndfinillll/'s,atingllleargumenb ~f tlmeJt-~·-- lor and ag"ln,t It. Thesellrgumenrs~orand'.lIIaln5tareno' shorten thEr .lenqth the IlIcluollla.nguage lhal will IIppeal' 011Ihe offidollballol. rehabUitatf! their declloi!19' areasl".- .TWo . The lallowing is the third In ,he special public serVice years-to pay back taxes Is an unre9soi1a.J?ly olrein ~~~l~:r':i;r::r=:~:b~~~';~ ttOG~:~~; "Constitutional amendment ·to limit the Depression, -when tax toreetosures were. right of redemption of real estate sold for widespread. Today, sl,x mon-ths is _,a<\'alr' ncn-pevmen t of taxes or spectet amount of~ ..tlm'e, for ,il:JlrO~'\~', ~n~r to, assessments to a period of six months when come forward 'wlth the .money ~to' pay:":t,he.: such real estate Is located within an incor back taxes, supporfers ~~y. 0", . porated city, village, or ,in a sanitary and year waiting per:lod~ y~cant urba improvement dlstrtct. except that such Is often subject limitation shall not apply to real estate that and deterloratlo is the residence of the owner of such real of the abandone estate." ed If officials dt _ for the owner fa come forward and ~', ,9lty PURPOSE: The proposed amendment. were free to ,begin Its rehabilitation enorts~ which was placed on the ballot by the supporters say. Legislature at the request of local govern- OPPOSITION: Potential opposition to-the ment officials, would reduce the period in amendment was neutralized when sup- which a property owner could redeem real porters agr'eed to exc:lude ow.ner-occup.-!ed estate that,had been re-ectcseebecause of a dwellings. Wlthouf ,that provision. som& failure to pay property ~~l<e5 or a specter legislators had ..expressed concern ,·that assessment for:,~ewers. sld'fV"alks or. sJ'!t!J~r .i,cltJ~s ",!'~gl).t c~.ase ~hEl,poor:,a~d eldertyJr0OO:t:",:"; . public.mi>i'.V"ff\ents:fh;fltdfi~Il1iI1• .rC1lr~·""·!'Ili.I;11Iiomes' lrilhe' na",eol·reh.•blll'-trOft,·····:. rently allo}Vs the owner who 15 seeking to Although there appears to .be no slgQI,fjc~nf.: regain the real estate two years to pay the opposition. one could object on the.basl,s'bEff~' delinquent taxes or special assessment. The the property owner deserves IOl1ger than.slx .creocsed amendment would reduce the months after foreclosure to pay delinquent period 10 six months. It would shorten the taxes. Band Day results Phologrophy; Randy Hnc.. U Laurel-Concord High School placed se dfree:tor is-rBuane sooth. Wayne's royalty candidates cond in the small schools division of Band , Trophies and scholarships were awarded Day whlch was sponsored Saturday bv to the top two bands 'In each class. The CORONATION IS planned al 6:.45 p.m. Friday for Wayne-Carroll High Tammy Carlson, Julie Fleming, Jaff McCright~ Back row from lelt: Terry Wayne State College. Director of the Laurel scholarships, given by the Wayne.Chamber School homecoming. The ceremonies are scheduled at Ihe Wayne State Gilliland, Tim Heier, Dan Frevert. Other activities include a fish fry spon- band is Craig Roeted.. The small schools of Commerce and Second·"Guesser:s:, ,Ctub, c College foolball field prior 10 Ihe game between Wayne High and West sored by the booster club today (Thursdi\V) and a pep rally Friday alter- class was won by Charter Oak-Ute of Iowa, amounted to $300 for flrst'p'ace wlnn'ers'and , which Is directed by Art Beec:k. $200for second place finishers. Point CC. A dance will follow a19: 30 in the high school gym and alumni are noon. Halls were decorated by classes and students dressed for punk rock In the large schools competition. ~ . welcome. Royally candidales are pictured here. On sidewalk: Becky day, unknown comic day'. switch day. tourisl day. and Blue Devil day. Emerson-Hubbard placed flr-s t and Judges for the competition were Jim' Creighton flnlshed second. ~merson is Bouillon, oLNorfolk, Bob Widener Qf- Ly:on~.., MoO'" " ...., ••~ "M''', ..... 'rom .", K"rl Janke. "'."., '\" ,. directed by Brad Weber and CrelghtQn's and James Luellen of Norfolk. Nebraska economist explains IReagcaaotnia' "II "Reaganomics" is sccceastur. which I social programs. THE THEORY "They say to .controllnflation, control-the Ilpendlng. projects for: employment similar' "'9 those doubt. in the long run il would dislocate our The growth rate 0' the money supply was .Every eccncmtc.pten is based on some money supply; that inflation alwii'Ys results "Mlltary spending has been In1;reased~. preceding wwtl. , 1--"'" ,,' economic structure leading to an era mtended to be cut In half within a four year economic theory or Idea as to how to best from too much money available. The chair taxes were cut, so, where do the dollat's '1e'5' a!§o notIn·favor of-~ balanced:budget stmuer to ,the 1920'!'> which was not (a lime period and the dedsJons Involving the work with the economy to get the best man. of the Feder!!l Reserve Board, Paul come from," he asked? "From socla'l pro amendment. "It's stupid, It, won't ·change of) great prosperity," said Dr. Wallace business regulations was also added to the results," he sald.:1- Volker, is basically a monetarist," Peterson grams. fhose aimed at the bottom of theIn .nVlhlng~ becauseofthe loopholes Ih.1 wnr. Peterson, <!I noted Nebraska economist, program "Reagan's rest,· on two very popu~ar pro. said. come .scele. not these al.rned at the middle be put Into It to get aroutl,d;:t~" ~m.,n~.~~.n_t.. while vlsIII"g Wayne Stete College this The latesl tax increase. Peterson said. positions thaf ariJ basJcally tn conflict wllh "So, whaf do we have," Peterson-asked? like social security but hitting the low-est ,It d~s~'t belong '" Ine·consjl(i,ffon;,'ypu week "was not part ot the plan but more of 8 ccn-' each other whidJ has resulted in our present "A. program to expand productivity In a level with - programs Jlke food stamp$, ',c~r:t,te~t man~atf:t,.4, ,bai'i!n areaSsum~' Peterson Is a faculty member with 'he cession of failure of the plan" problems,II he•.,•.pla'ned. burst, more output more growth. a, lower' welfare and rent subsidies. They department of economics at the Unlverslly Supply side.-conomlcs Is the name given deflclt... but not too fast or Inflation results ~~~ ~'::~~c~~~I~e~~~.~11"8"Y'and les~ lri.,~, of Nebraska- Lincoln and holds the "George ASSUMPTIONS to a theory tri a CalifornIa economist who so to control It fhe plan Is to u~e mon~tary Helmes economic chair" .al the university Peterson said the e:conoml-c plan or ~:~~:h:U"::ta:~:;~h~::"~~~:~:s::~ theory'ot"brakes to cO!"trol the growt~. What Peterson said'thaHhey, a"-e anempting,to;'-'''' He was on ca-mpU-$ to d150Jss the subject Reaganomlcllo, Involves two assumptions th~y are doing Is trying fa stimUlate the. restructure the federal tax· to favor those·.f of Pre$ldent Reagan's domestIc economic plus "political rhetoric" Jack Kemp-of New York. economy·throogh supply side eeonomlcs, the--top ·wtiich hurts- fttpse"'-af tbe,"botlam; policy which the public has come to k'now as The assumptions are that federal spen "Supply side economics say's 1hat'taxes but, at the same flme, restrain If with "The 'ax burden has',been ,shlfted'from the "Reaganomlcs" ding 15out of contra' and hal been especially top-to-the middle, to the botton:a/',,:~ ,¥td ,~ are the L~ to the level of productive activl mOlWtary economics.'" for the past 15 years. The idea il to get it and declared, "these :philosophle,':'''inay:c, In hls lecture. Petenon 'outlined what the ty of t~ nation. They govern almos I "The euphoria over the plan when' If was drastically. reshape the, role of the federal economic ~Ic,;, Is. what ass-umptions or under' control. The second a$Sumptl.on is everythlQ'g, Texes Impare the Incentives 10 introduced· was SO great, that people didn't that deficits been fhe primary source government. The radical changes br(ng. us- Idea, IIr. behind the polley, the economic have "!ork a~ Invest. To get more production el see-that we can't-speed up and slow down at of Inflafion for the past" ..,ears. tlm~, theorv on whlm.t\& paUcy rests. and h~s opi -""'~ fort (siJppty). they say to cut taxes fhe same The I"v!o theories confradld ~~~~~~::~~-:~=~:,~~:,~:~i~Jr:~:'~:';'.i' dra!tl~lly. each other." Peterson said. ;;" nion of the ptan. According to the plan. Peterson said jf. What happens I, that we get al'\ almost overwhelming burst to work harder. ·'50 who has won? Monetary theory for inl:=ocyte lev.'.