of Henry 15. Fierce:, formerly pro- PARROT AS SURROGATE fessor of mmhematie* at the ^tate 13}ZA15TIFUL SU IIT HOMES. Normal .School. Mr. t'itret* was CAPTURED FIFTH GAME graduated from Kut«erV \n 1ST0 wiih honors. He afterward entered Uie Moxon, Pierce and KIrsteIn fo Albany Law .School, where he wa> valedk-toriaii of hi- da^. Summit Made Clean Record the Assembly * ^tffilSOi Mr. Pierce locals! hi* law im-ineMj in .New York city, ami in the . Against'Chatham • t-ame year moved to Cranf.inl. Ht i-

at tlie pre-ent time a iiitiutcr .if ihe _L _ ON BEPUBLICAN COUNTY TICKE firm of CiuriiiL'ton A: Pierce. * Mr. Pierce i-a memler.of the itarA-^^n- LACKAWANNA LEAGUE CLOSED tionof Xew York city, nf the l.»trlia rpKllon rrociety am! *>UUil I'in r,vta HcpuMlcan County Conventfon at Eli2abct Kappa SoL-iety. Thursday—Perkins Developed 'bu Last Unites! Won t>y Score of 4 lo 2— Listless IixhiMtton-ucfcalcd 'tll/a- Lltlic Strength . . THE PRIMARIES. Stars* ' * : The delegates to Union (.'ountj The I'riinary Kit. {tepnblican Convention met in Kliza- utiimtt on Tut^day were a Thursday afternoon. *• Pur me Suuiiuit. and ('Icdhani put the .there beiiiKtni tune tn4;ei tiled for^a.'l, • \V. It. Cod-Huston, of Plain liniihinu'tourht- to tlie uii^iiU^fucluFy l,'''ffl>' i lit' tula I v«»te-"v3-t m the .wa- electetl- cjia.ir.uiau and J l.;irk;i\vunn;i l.,ini:uti ^ensuli of 1IHI7, city wa* si, divided a- frikm*: Fir-t uMIotve, <»f Sjuu'mit. oiie of th last Siitmday jifldiiuiPii Hii the l'«rk Ward, Nt Di-triet. I'.' Kepiit-licaii and After the appointment o avtiinic irmund-, and the re-ult of the 7 Demiiccatic:. Secofid ' I'i-trict, lo ^-on credential*, rule> F:ither li-tle-s uainc lalt 1KHII;U it wa> Itepublii-an and.I Democratic:. --Vyiid. .UrgtHHzattmr—iH)d .rc-uln ii I'lttfy rlcanly pra^^rfs^onti-l* wn*> » 1 Ward,- Fir.-t t»i-triot, 1! Ilepubli.^tn >s was UffctMi to tdluwth \v ill for'thc hnnie lc;Tlii by a s"'ore nf and-1 De.mucmtic: .Sec-Mid. Di-irict. \.\ time" to prepure their re 1 to l.'. 'I'lii' w mnilii; ;i'f' tbi? ciui'ie- Uepubliean and lll»emo..r:ttic. _ .'•{.il.en Oak*".: Tte'r-idenw of Charlo A. Mun^er^.- Itcekiuan road. The. hou-e i- in Colonial .styIt with" iitve- Suiimitl a clean record nver .•riMf." pia/va> and Ifa loonies. The interior -:trr:uu*tMiitMit'U especially- adapted" tti-.the!-.lue(itiijn..'.'M'itli il «. Mirroi'md- w The total number .>f ii:ime-j i t-lialhiun, they luivum taken' »M 'lUe n'l'tui"* "I"' the. committee* 1 registered in thej-ity w:i- 1.">!::. Fn-t j im group of haitd-ouic residence*, all of which are un 'exceptionally la rue mound- with many tree? Tin- of the leauiit canic^ froni the«>ld-tiuie adopted, nominations for Surrogate iiiU'iinr IIIMI ha." many device- .which add. KM much to Ihe comfort <»T tin untiv htmic: ilie large rival-. were allied for. •Klizujjetli-tiunied tiie NVard 7^7: of^ wliic^i • [>{_ m the l-;r-t i District and 'SS'. m the Seoii:d I»i>,in..t. n-ure" full circulation of air, mid there Is ample fur the cnj*>y nicnt of Summit's, fiunou- vie\V«i. Duriny the 'The itinaiR i^ in.'ide'thiit the scasfin r^eiil encuiiibent, Hon. Ceor^e T 1 ]p j >umnier the IIOHM has iiecn occupied by. J. 11. Schniel/el and family of .New York, who imvc wa- uii-ali.-factory, and MI it was Parrot, mid—Kahwiiy named, Majo Second \Viird, 77.1,- of, which :;-<> w:i> | not from a Siimnilt -land-point in re- ltetij:iiiiiii Kini.', the director of thein the FirsfHH-trirt' and ?.'.•', iu gard toour record, but bcc'itu-e there Hoard of Kreeholders upon a vote lie Second Di-trict.^"*^ - considerable Uoiiblc nim^in; the iim taken 1'arrol's imijority—lwMn-JJ' I'ln- reui^trv li-i-.wHlnow be :•• -MISSEWASKA THE BEAUTIFUU ATTEMPT AT BUKGLAHY. TO THKYITIZESS «F SUMMIT. team-. Jiir-l, Kli/abrjh could -__ivns HI overwhelming, that upon up in the respective'Kle»-livn iM-lnut- f; HK-II We-tl'ieM was motion of the Kuhvay' delegutioi for the -information of . the^uvnera Friday wa> .a/m.ilden day for. the The timely- awaki'iiiim ol Iti-ubcu- A re-oliitinn haviim been Inlroduc'd public, and all citizen- entitled tuYvU- drop out; then Hover tlie.mmiiniitiuii was made unanimous >l >et «ughly puritUM the air, removed the home ol'William N.Coler, uf Sunnnit iniTciisiiu; the number of members of tjtyX, their name- are properly re- Chatham -at in iTsbed of ro-cs, or, if dust,^iinl tunde the trip" a delight, ^-o *, Saturday iiiylit j>ieve[iteil_a jjie ISoard of Kduciitiuii from live to -uTcd. The Kle'etiori Hoard- will they dlil, the tlioru^Nj-rickcd pretiy that tlTe-^mir hour.- from New York to r from carrying away silverware nine, to tic iippoiuted by the Mayor, >it ni^ain on October -"'. to revi-e the hard. So it ciui be u»id myl Summit and-other articlf*. valued at scve.ni' and providing for the Mibinls-inu of li^tr.iiiiil add tfie name- »>f Iim-e who one wa-lheoiily teiu.il Ihul tlui^H;d the and hundred dollar-. The biittcr, "win siirh _ti_itire di-tutn'c. -ca-on in any where ship-s.Iiui»e. 1 hen'for i-ix iuile>,^tead,ily ii)i hill, un- occupied a rimnrbu the linid Itn.T election er- imd— 1 ippear in perMm. Hut return lo r?iTTtildny the hou>c. wns awakened by an unusual rc-olutiou haviiiK been tehip'orariiy - til at length Mintiewa.-ha^was reached. The vi-itor* were the llrst tJe in order that tin A compensation fur.all fiitrcue. they did not maintain their advantage Y. M. C. A. PARAGRAPHS.- started down --tair- with :i revolver in member?- iif the <'oiini-il may be in- The lake which lie- nearly, two for any length of time, us S^uumlt his hand. He fijuu evened matter* in >elf-*-:nne hC-Mon. The Ladio'Auxiliary .are. planmiii; part" -»>f-""":in "e>tate M' six thousand' ilhliniimtc«t by the electiir Unlit-, all de-irc such .•{Ui—lioii to t»e MI s 1 11 The talllc- were cluilketl up '" Ihe .o hold uuopeiL recepU '* ^' A>M>c of wOiieli had been turned on^in tht niilted. I hereby request that all acres, is on the >tnumiL«if that purl nf following fa-liimi: . '"*"" ion Hall on FTid'ay t-veniiti;, the 11th lower part of the house, and i-atiiih't i-lti/eiis who di'-he fo express their the- range of the Appalachian,, known p , Niitic ^drove, a. daif.v triinuuT l>c- if October.- ' —- , / to !!> as thepShawaimTiiik Mf-i mini dartihj; duwn a tween "HU»-JIT" IUIII Kfiuncher .and ctiiuiiiandiiii; views MI" the valley of nddresseif to iheCity (lull;, by br. lie- • ~^~ . (•' stairwatiwyy t o th^ftht t entranct e h i ththe juKKfd ."ii to >econd when Ivtirfc-M fore, the next regular meeting of the The llrst aiiiiua.Iil!ib!e rally i*an<|iiet the Hudson fri>m Stonu King to J-uke house. made a tu.hcuc oir Iteaiii'.-|:rouudcr, * 'oniinou . t'uuiu'il «ui Tuesday, Sep- will be held-ou Friday tvetiinc. the (George, 'fhe (Mill llou>e originally t'arr opened lire, burglitr, the Imll bouiidini;; on to t'heury in tember 17', li'OT, at which meeting il is 4th of October, when the Ilev. t.ie*>ri;e opened in-l!)7!t, was enlargeil in 1SS1,who hat) unlocked the fnTriljIoor aftei 11u111, who threw to third nailing expected that tlu'-rcsulutiu S.. A very, of "L'hexUT ("re^t. 'Mount and ha?- rooms for .two hundred and he had-gahied~tin entrance, e^cajicd Nalle who tried in reach that station taken from the table-for lltial "eruon, will he present and make an twenty-live miest>, ha> lhi» year been tfinm^l* thif; door ntid di-a on the .error. .On thl- ]day UeaniM ddress. 'Ticketswili l»e DM Valee.-irly taxetl to its utmost rapacity, and from the wood;- nearby. The bullct> from •*• (J. !•'. VIEI:I:I.ANI> made the midway pillnw. lie went Text week. the d'llerent rooiirs, the highlands of ("arrV revolver shattered the he:i\-y x ^ ['resident Common <'ouncil Kepuhlican Candidate fur Surrogate. to third mi a, pu-*«cd bull and t-cored the Hudson, the ISerk-htre Hills, the gla>- in the fron.t..m-k nt Cluithiuu uud \)t\\\ mimed Assemblyman John It, _'li>-e of llie cla-!>e>, will be. held -FROM LIFE kill Mountain-, form u mor-t ii /eiglcr found on,the Hour of the din- evened the-core in the mine Moxon, who i's now >t;rviiii^ 'ly?- iir^t, ;ear on Suturday evenini*, the ^^t of picture, chatigini; with every hour of ing-rooni in whirl'i w« .1 /.NO /.v.v/v.'fV/Vf/A'.v HIr/:.v (.ioliUtein doubled into center • me.year term. 'I'fie majority of dele- September, at the .opening of the ix FI;/:/•:•/L\X/>.I>I:.?KIX<; AXU the day. The massive crags in nilquantity of. silverware, cut yla-^and and took third un Kurft-i^', out at irnle-j from, (.'ruuford pie-ented the lasses. F. I!. Harne>, of tluv-Jntcr- j'.i fxr/xt; /.v .i.v y direction)., look "down great perpi'ii- uther articles 4i(,j^alue which hud been lire I. "(.iidiiy" denied the pan on niinie of Carlton -IS. I'ieree, and the lational Coumiittee and K. i\ Itentier. ADDRESS - STUDIO,•' dicular- heights but the seats are MIleft In dm wen- in the lower part of the Keiuucher's hin^li', a line drive over minority 'delegate* named K. <«.f 'Trenton; will be . the BOX NO.11 MURRAY HILL. N.J" ; Westfleld named ltaiidolph firmly girded' to~tlie "rocks Hint infe liouj-e, ready for removal. -. the pilcherV head, ' - 'ickets are now on Mile. , can -it without, ftyir, gazing, fur hours, ,Mo>t-of ilverwiue itnd -I'crkin.«; tlje majority-of-dele^ate^ of In-, tin- fouith. Siuiiinlt forK*-'d at the vast.t-cenery. The Wildiiiere jewelry hml been dt'pusite'd in acafi'iy Haliuay iiameit Albert I-;. Kip-tein, 1 ahead and \V.JI-_ never cau^lit up 'i'h.ere will W- an important m huu»e opened two week J- earlier then vault prior to the departure^-^rvrvi iVliiiethe minority dete^tUo named The Lustr6; by (.'halluiin 'niirJ.teii u ulsii chalked ,>f the active members _t;f the a-^»»Via- the Oill House and remit ins open un- moiUUsj.ij^o o^^^-^ulej^r^^Juu^^pt^ I'liurlts H, AiiKlemiui. TlieJ;:ilM ion on Friday .eveiiinV, the -*ftlii. of til October, and Mime families conie from where he \> ~- c?f pectul.. to re-ulttd in tlie selection uf Messrs. pu-f und he .pntuiptly purloined the September, to vote upon the pMp«-ed for two months itr lunger, year after return thiV' week. .'Hie Moxon,- fierce and Kirste.fu liy-an hi it--* lu-lt>- li.-" tbt* .iHauty of hair. next two Micks-, =-coVtU(4 on a wild onstitution, which wa- pre^enteil I.y .year., -e'arc)ied' the wood- ftir the overwhelming ' mujorityy-j-anil it he committee at the !a>t jueetini; of Ht-nlthy luiii' luf a'.dt-licatf.i (g|o-«y ap- throw by lloun tu i'atcli hitn at third. 1 The bathing is excellent, thejuke who is believed to have miini-d tin eii-pcaiitni'vllint in* iirt cun iniilutt'. If was made unaiiirjiou-' . Perkins re- dive members held on Uie-l>t. day iiair li-conii'-i dull uud lift;!*"*-, it will In the ^i.\th bc-flon the liortw-tcniu i- being feVt •t'litirely -fty " springs, tlie tnuicf thntiigh a-tcmd — to'ry window. ttved only'liU v.ote-soui of U possible f Aiigtift. A copy of the new c*m- -non be^in to full nut iu-cjiu-f tlit* vi- made another tally. With twontv-WU water Mift and Warm very early in The search wa- continue/I to Slioit HI." W. H. DonuUlsiwi', of Uuden, titution as propqtei^ji-' on exhibition tulity ]'•* yone- Kiirfe-.-- planted a clean ^ the senHiii, and- there are four buttling Hills, but no trace of the mnii wu- was. unanimously • nominated for t the n-sociation room-, and all lulivt* inside the tir*»t base line and then hot- house?.—two Tor women dud two forfouiid: . !i •— -• ''oroner. After the candidate/ "were nemberr- are urgently h.-*iue^ted t<> ilAlil TONIC footed it the remaiuiiik' di-tjince to the men—witli a hathhjg master .and life brought before the convention and in- all at the rooms; before the :Mh. and inaki~« thf Imir oft nnd"'«l(i-*y, cuiiiitiuK stul'iun on a duplex drive to 1 guard always in attendance, • Hoating troduced to tlie delegates* tlie convert - ead itTATer, in order that they may be. lut*"* it- nr-iwth jncl i-.in bi- ii left licld by Keiiuu-htfr. is'much enjoyed and can be euga'ged •It-tinitt-ly uitH lion adjourned.. , ble to act intelligently :»t the meeting It hulked u^ UiouK'h 1'hatliHiii ml^ht in with safety- by the nio-t inexper- 369 SUMMIT >r it- adoption. ,- . • even the titllie- in the seventlAes.-ion, ienced," and the kgal charge* are ij for th-- u of »rt' lit new l>ut their nuxiety tir- ui-compiiHh thin .' CAKLTON»..PIERCE. . , . twunty-live cents an liomvnfty cents ii tin* -number -iiif miv.'"ii: in-w-' DJj The Herald olVice i- open from p feat.— resulted ,ln ..tlieir -dowiifuM; fur the afternoon, or twu ilollar->_ for P H IV A T E LINE TELEPTELEPHONEH . 1 i .lii., to .'r-p—in.-, every \tu and IJ*' - 'h\vood Sullivan walked aTiTr~tu'T* «ift wa» HtruMlcan _JJomlnce ' Tor Member of the entire week. The1 wanVT""i'ind: I- -wiil i xcept Saturday, when ;t prompt comiiftioij ittnl uur u-niil court-. followed by it triple l<> center Held by / Assembly.' _^ Irive-are » special feature at M'nine- t-iiH und pt-1-i'ind nttfiiti'iii., \V»- will IC^'ft-T. K^ler then endeavored to - noon." ' 1 •t'arlion KrowiWll Pierce, »>f ('ran- .vaVka, "nn^t eN<|iitsitu . falls within » uho I if ph-n-M td-li'iivn tho- int'-rf-tt'il ROGERS' PHARMACY, nenre un Nalie'** weak tuji to I.cumitt in real V-titf :itnl: iii-uniinv matter f"id, w|io. WHS Humiliated by the_*He- -liurt di-tiiin:e .and ninety covered and wiis'-"itn^Trnsy-Ti'nt~irf:"tlHi-^itr»Ter AN EXPENSIVE CRAP -eat*- and Miuiiner hoii'-es,- eadi one livtiil tlifiUf'elVC- of • nrir -t-rvixf HIi'l Till; IIOMK \iV V.IN'Ob. -1'iildioun. Convention on •^'mrti.Utf-*^. ullice conv>-hi^iic.-j. i Mh'iv np.-n fnnn Tlie -uivcfdim,' two men weic cany re-en ting a dillerent—view. .'-J'herc "lie of the thxee represeiitiitlve^TrouT As theWsirrriTTan ariruuient over a il". •f. I'nioi'i county to the Hou.-e of Assem- ire rthrmdaiU- Hpporluintic-i for the Kame of T?r:ij'«'f —jKjrk 1 :t:i«I Schuykr. Summit -eeined t<» have the ideu bly, is a ^iceer-sfnl lii\vyerr"witli.aii -hutlle board orTeTTni?-; prayer- in the ijVit; Suininit JJank. tiiiit -they were called upon' to score colorid, of Cher-tllUt a\tutie, had lii- HOTCHKISS-JOBS CO., 1 a rue parlor " at nine o'clock every : evci'y other M—^inii^and to keep up tin "tiice in Xew York, and since lMUh»* left arm cut by a.knife in the bund- ..f -il. NI M IT. p N.J. luivln'iL;"'"'iVi;/i;t'erfd l h Klia/ajJinnvii^aNo coloi^l. alteriuid- mornitii:. for there have'been nine tecunl lu the iiid rf'iurtb and -ixtht ni^lii Saturday. ^SchuylVr'.' Ili."m;ir. nmteu^ lk nuult on in the eighth. Joseph Skite-. and aimtht-r neiiru. »»••*•* *-*"••• • #••••-•• vtvTooK" ; all the -urrtftindiui;^ are -anitary; all jjhvere playiue crap uu'Ti r electric u lit-ii. (Juld-tein wn-» hit with the inllueuces rc-tiSnitive; only pcr-ons AT'IM{,XTJO\'. t pilrhrd l':'ill iiii'1 -cored Mi liijht on New F.nulaud A -, near ^tiflenm; froiii tuberci'ilu>is di-'.'ii-e- • Irivc lora hitiilniK b. Fair Oak- Sanitarium, whin ' t!i A" PARTIAL LIST * Llie -i-ote: becaiUL- involved in a di-p:ite and are not received. Last Sunday", the :im cl'^iii^' 'Mil tlif! tKiliiii't.-'* t'f inv stork ilirht started. ; __ . - •- Uev. lieorge Williuiiison Smith,, of to hit ; Trinity ' College, Hartford, preached, it's li-'l'iw t-iist' It will jiiiv t" cnii)'- ami A.ii.i:. ii. l-.ii. A.K. Schuy|er, it i-^aid. atteaij :c" lilter •' ll"'Ili: th'e.Ujji-^sipa) i-ervli-e;, one week i Brown jvitli a >t>»ije, when tin wish unvjliin^ in this )iin . ,. • ' ' nii», lii-hop !•;. <•. Anilrew-. uf the drew .ii ktrifu.uud Out tit- :tittam>tii?t Jones Speedometer and OcTomcler Rej;. .$75. now $30. Methodist church, preachejl an v:ii'ne-t tiero-s Uie left arm. roIiceiiKin Kelly Deitz (Orient) side lamps " | 7. 7. <;old-telii. l.f.—r-.•.•r.-Tr- -•erniun, upon the ('uiisecrntiirii rjf . Kurfe-,"^l. . , ~.\,\ f.rmid the injured-mini, w hV. w:i- i-'i :» u Wealth to .. .~"~~. ;> serious cuiiditinti from l»">.-of ''l"od. ^ -went down to a little Sunday schoul, Machcne oil Rcy. 80c. gal. cans-275-5 (»al..can?. 50 and 2. Itiown :;b ...... I lie wa-taken to the, p.-I;-e -tatlon I.eniioii. p .....' :; three mile?- away: in the j,*^j.*nin« !j'»r cans - - ' . * 4UiiL«ilfter beim,' examintd by I.Jr-. robin,.-. . ...•,::...... j one hour we sang,hymns, and at half '.Jray amfl-awrencc. »':t- rinioved u> 'Royal 7 swivel searchlight "" " ]8,50 pa-t. nine• 'iimi-t of u- retired. It i- i •; OverlookJlospital, wherv hi- w<>u:id- Horn cables ' . • . " ; 1.50 ,90 very plea.-ant to meet Mr. and Mr-. I ill VT_II A.M. were dre^ed. He i- :ibl«r U1 'v Cotter pin pullers - ...•••" •" • ."•." -^ • JOIIUMHI, of Suniiiiit . and ,Mr. and j ' A.I: I: ){ .IM> .A. K. about. iliown and. Skile- were : Mr-. I.:ithro].i formerly', of Stiinmit, Chain tightener —•—— - *" ' .60' .30 jCuriey7^s_,_ -I u 1 '';[ • i'i 0 taken from their btd- and lV«--Ked up ; .Moor I lead, Ub...... ".•'. .4 (i it • -J 1 V but youi_come u\r to this., gloriniih Phare solar H.-L. and generator " 18. 8. ;; * fsulh'vam '»..' '•'< 1 (1 I 1 0 re- -•— le on bail fumi-htd by hi- em- •' -—Au to -M a m pc r-&-(lar ge_sizc) _. : 3"?. u 1 i» U_ J. h:t~ not been told. • ' Tlicro is. onjy'a Tt.'\v of eaeli _iirtiK*l** I'1'1- it . will In-, "Naile'c. 'f."~'.'/.".''.'.\':4 0 '2 '2 0 0 ployer. ' . , , ."•:'" truly, leiuti*. 1. I ,... .4 l (1 I V 0 • noeosHary to cum<:»iir]v if you VIHII tu t.ike of Shaw, ;'.b .4 (i 0 1 0 (1 At the hearing before Jus-tice Hick-, r •ft *• • ' r j^v-T *" •. 0 I •> 0 1 it wo? showii that JJr-nvn acted in ^elf- this Hiile. •' -*"•- — -,\ *--\\ Timbrook, p ..:i 0 0 0 1 .defeueei He pleadetl guilty to -the 4-cylindey r touring car tliti .. SUMMIT," S.J. u GHESTERC. HENRY, T t'harge of assault, and wastitled i-j. hour or day ut Factor*-act-lit for E—<-•*. lTnif,>n. MorrU A •tCj.f-T 'Ji>.' 1' 12 2 1 Tbeothere, V 'phone H0-L.,orcan beheeii nt H Autonioblk , {Coiillnned on Pn^e Eight.) at T.reuton iu-lS57. and la fined £5 each,: Oarage. _; „- '4 i r-- » - - • t THE SCMMTT SEPTEMBER 14, 190T. BUHHfEKH CABPH. ALL RECORDS BROKEN DENTIST. '431. Springfield Avenue. Lusitania to1 Reach Sandy Hook support anleducation of WOLFF BUILDING, SUMMIT, N. J Tomorrow Morning. . Robber Owdea Hose 9c_to when yo^jarft'jone ? -With UwaMowe" __, • $3.00lo $10 25. _Q.IH«Uoun»*: . Sundays, 9. NEW QUEEN OF- THE OCEAN your best efforts it is usually JiardI for asotm.! ito5.3Op.m. Garden Rakes . 20c to 75c. CHAS. R. RIVELEY, Wire cloth, paiutc.d Pearl Giant Turbine Steamship, In Quest of you to provide for them as you desire. DENTIST, and Imperial Bronze. Blue Ribbon of the Seas, Covers 1,635 OOco and residence. Miles In 8ixtyTBix Hours—Great Wei Life in . SprlDftlcld Ave. Summit, !N. J come Awaits Cunarder. Poultry Netting, ; Now York, Sept. 12.—Plowing the A- H. MoINTOSH,- - Poultry Fountains, mountainous waves ot tho Atlantic with a Hpefd never before attained by VETERINARIAN Grass and Flour Seed. a Hteani-shlp, the giant Cuntfrder, the iHiV turblner. 1-usituhln, Is ',0 rad uivt i> Moorlcft&~Vot<)rl nary Col IBB6, ALL SEASONABLE GOODS. New York City. OfflC«*B

D. L. A. W..U. It. CO. ., .FCOIUDX'AVESUE SIDEWALK NO. l! Ii'iE KOAD AM) HOIIABT AVENXE cK • ItECEII'TS , Jau. l.M Uy DDIAQW , . *" R'Jl Cr. ' ' asnnfs Matement. I!y Avt-l.iiryiU'Alty Co.. f,r driijtr,; J.-4J « i,\, iv I:,»:.ID^ Uy TiV( ToTJ-nti-fer to City Amount -ft 51 r>r- • • • '.'-I 32 •3.CS4W T^> Triiii*fiT to i_'i;y V, 1906,'to December 31, 1906. LJ Or. cn I>»u:s - fT 01 sriilXC.VIELli AVENUE FEW Ell KXTKNSIUN. JOINT SEWEH MAINTENANCE ACCOUNT Uy Tninsfrr from city Account .1 OS i,» CitrAc^our.t (•- °~- Cr, UECEIPTS. " ltlNlil AiXMUIlt 11'-.»! Tran.--. fl-Qm Bquth Elm St.* • .HECEirTS iIl Jan. 1. *00To llnl.iucc 1 ','(•. ii*iiy Accent.I .i,.;^Ti> Balance -'an. l. *oo By Balance 1.34130 2.-I'-' -'• . 11. ..: My i;.\la!l i •'£ si ci Tnxor. lit Ml 45 FKANKLlN 1'LAL'E SIDEWALK. • H.112 n - Ct- WOODLAND AVEXUEilKAtMXii, C3.5C8 31 Dee.. 31.- 00 Uy I!al\n,-« • • :*-5 Cr. . in n Jnn. J. To KaUtuv ••- ' "' Uev. JI.'i-J By liftl.ii'Cp 1.132 73 i *IKB 09 • ' • •* I'isUtrNi-uiemi fts* follow*:— • :o«» 3.321 40 , <.\mslriKli M7 . '••-.' I".'. IStnnt' Dr. • 1 no BO Atlvcrti-las i u is TooNnnd Supplies no » .., .-u^i—.lyviii^ for Maintenance .. ^oco il i^ J.xi. 1. •(»'• To Kilacf 18 00 Dec. 31. Vn Btijanci' ' I.HJ7 3«.I l llei^atrips ami Sharpening IK'HAKT AVENIT-SEWEK EXTENSION. i t - Tools in 53 ' *i 727 30 T"r." " . - - Suptnles and Ilppnlrs Itoller :i4C M l"v AVV^MH-M.. . r-i'iKj Crosswalks ninlCurblnu 4^4 EO GKADE^CCOUNT " Trjiii«!rr friiin I'lty Aivuuiit . :O4I 77 -m Stone. I'li'i'.TilQ nml Lum- ELM STREET i . :lier for Drains 131 17 Cr. 03 M IV'palrlnc lloml Apparatus VJ 67 SOUTH ELM/TKEEToi'EXIN'j ,\ WIl»t'Nl.MJ- •l.:i-',3 I>W. At, 'M ll>* H«laCt?i '.i.M 40 I'ftvtllLT ltlook-^ 417.30 Jan. l. '<>iji 4JJ M". Dtv 'II, '»*'• I'Al.ii.ft' ' " < -: 230 3U . lJ.Si.3 75 Jan. 1. "WTo ll.ilninv n--folli>««;— Dr. A-li.Tll.lr.k- *K) 51 „ Bee. :ll. "iti Uy UaliilKV 13.7lil Jan. 1. •!•". T.i i:.it»ni-f 73 .14 1 . 155 39 • Advertl-iiii;, .13:« 27 M -ia \vi'iiue 40i'J •"• Tr;n>fT '.f IS.i.nl AiiLuut :** > in w I'OLlCEACCOlT'NT 1.' ..1 U 1 r . *"• 14 75 •;rv-Vw OreulmO r , ,,«'3™2 70 , . 11ECEI1TS *S 10 .v'rttrt Stri'ft Grnile • *.«» <*J •.••.'I in ii'TTH <1I>E STultM SKWK1LS (Jan. I. 'wi By U:i|;»neo iaio. CJ Dee. 31, "dtJ Ualamv :ra 7i> •-5'oVulG'rn-llnK -MM » B n-ci ~- • .. yi ci . .. Cr. l'Jit5 . 'y Aci-i.ui.t * ' , :.'..TI 17 'dJr \venue Sewor 415 co o Court Fin.- '-»« 75 • ' "V l-TCr. . X My Tr

Jan.l,'(« By Balnru-i* l.'.MHir. nlr. 1. •|--./|i. H.il.li:.-.- n.OIMDA AVENUE AXUKLM STj:EET?-EWr.U DISBURSEMENTS Taxes r.«.4 2IJ Lt; (••HU Salar . 5,ci3 Cr. . ' • . • • Itj A.w.»iiLftit-* - • ' :•'.- '••'• IS Storm Hewer XKW « <• Uniform** ;uul Do'. :!1. •-'" l;v \'.i\\l>< •• • "' •'.' > I'rintimi. Stijtionary an-i < 1W SI Jt DJSliri^EMENTS. fij lo Dr. Llwry1 and It 2.13- M law (JO Meals for Prisone Deo. .11. Vii T-"> 1'illniK-.' J:m t. *:i!'T..-lis!.» r Ti'li'iihnne, * ..:i I.,..it; e Sower .Si'i'L'lal Duty. ioa.-nj Medieal Service k 1C.27C . • JOINT SEWKIl i'r. * 1 Hy Ai-.--Mii,-ii;- H5.7UO D'?e. ill. 'ot . . KECKH'TiS. • Tr.ii;«f.-ff r,>i:i |- D-'C 11*. Hy [^l.nv*- f*.701 57 Dec. .)1, .'LC. IJ .'DISTJUIWEMENTS. •;.fj'i 1G . . FI11E ACCOUNT Dr: ; . . 73 Jaii.1!, -.--, T,i ll,i:;iint- G5 Jan. 1. 'iu;. -Too liniftticliniftti a ';..M5 II ltECEIPTS-- .. ln'tiv.i^1 Ait Tnnn "I**:" Jim. i. '(•<; Uy UalaiK'.' * l.*:ii J-i iti:«i-(«*i on loan -,("»'•** mi 7 -y 1.470 14) Tin 17 i.-;iii it llt'-r 4.!j9S TO J.B-U 7M AVi:>VE . SEWIUt lATKNSU'N 7 (?C0 71 :i.WJ 41 • iXTEi:ci-:rrisci SEWEK ACCOUNT M . HOBAKT AVENUE SIDEWALK. 900 1.7M « UECEII'TS.* Cr. 10 •;;-lM IJiv. '11, '00 ]ty Uiilnui i 'J ./.I Uy sewtT co a 11 <• -"tl. jii J;m. 1. 'ir. JV--.Y.'r Construction 13 Dec. ;ji, "i"-,. iml'iiici) Apparatus to Fu-cs • • '• 127 oo 1 : lU:Tnink Sewer,, ^ lo-j i\ KUCI.ll> AVKXUE SEWE I -.-. :u.A.-. l:.ii.in. .s ]lfrpiiir> to Apparatu; s Ur. l lre Houses anil DlSl'.l.'ltSEMKXTS. ' Ui-lnir-cim-iitsB!- foll"«>:— Ml IilSKUllSKMKNTs 2KS 0^ C70 Tower Jnu. 1, 'irt. To Halauoo i.r.o . !.••(-: T-> lial.itu-'- Oein'ral Supi.livs 4*1 IN' i i'rlntiiii:. Sratiotieryantl |ci.\v._-inie Sidewalk No. 1 19 I'nstaRi: 10 !>J - i7i eu Dr.' • T"-.wit Avenue " • Fuel 4.K) 10 1-,'J.W.H) SEWi:il'HuSl»rt SINKING FCNU AND j.ui. I.'O; T.I II.II.IK->- Kent 1 •• lnt-Tf-t "n I/i.ir.- Ik I;: in rincv Maintenance '.)! Alarm ISTEItEST ACCT. !••*.: I'J 1HJ3 Sy-teru Cil7 !-1 1,151 UECEll'TS, . Alll lt llMOrCHn 1 1 rium!- ° '- . rfO 00 Jdu. 1. '!)(•-. Ity liul.iU' ' J.TW i.'J 1'AHK AVENUE SIDEWALK NO. 'J. !'irt Tasc** 1>'1 " Cr. : s.W4>KsTKi:r.Tsi:\vi:i; No. a a.aci 1..V.0 I-.1 SOUTH HLM STREET t-KWEH. Livery und Sundry Ex- ,- Dve. M. "I'CIiy ilnlnnet- •r. .11. 'in- l!.v;^tK'-'X ILV.'.I- •• I.'.if7 'J 5f Cr. Hy A"C--m,T1:- , TM-i • "J4 !>('••. 31" '«"J Hy HilM'i'— - ••• Hi 'i l»r. !;••'''* •• •* No. J 'n Doe- :n. 'w Bal \;AU: 71 lls/ulkl«.s:— ••3)!."tiii :Vh'li]in ritroet Grade .02 1 J.ui. !,'•••; Td llii Sliikiue KunJCwutiilssloii !,l,'1 id -,4.*7'j -!!i>r-l li-ail GrudiiiB «' HEALTH ACCOUNT Due. :J1.'ot'.. llotJii^c - J.jpJii iTv)t:i 1 ItECEH'TS 011 L'jun * i -llnii-l Aveinie Gra(Hn« * 1-1 Jan. l.'Hiliy Bahme" 41'J-l WOuItLANO AVUNVE SEWEIt L'lmsm^t.o- •-•'•— ii.rtffideniiic. • Taxess- lWi( IJ7'J JGJ.O'XJ SEWEU HUNDS "siSKlNii' FUS IT. -' , . !. -'.'•••: \:M;i ivt-imu und Llni AND IN'IXKEST ACC1J. - I>.v. .il. VJT" li-iIftD.-- ffi>twer . AV;;SUESIDE%.VAI;K'NO. 2, Cr. ' - Fines \ • ' Ml"i !l KECEH'Trf. Avenue Sewer Cr. • • Jan. 1.-"'J•-» r ."• LIcon'-es and Permit* *MIH» Jan. 1, '00. Uy lliilanco Uy Fliis-* b*> •• Iiitrtf-t .HI I>.HIi- !Vi 'A'< •i-:j.uininit LLateral l SSvwor2.nw i D-ic. -U. 'co Balance "" I''- w •• Tiixei I'.Mt -j,; ;;i Ijfc. ;n. Ity !,'.»:4 C-l :«Avfiiue and Llm htre*-t . •• *• vm vs\ i> i.'.'sr 14 } 2,C>'H ("I ;•• •• i'.»ti Mir, r> f.s'ssi .,. I'la'je Sewor \' DISBURSEMENTS Dr. .ii..Vmfi 1.IM 1-1 AS'I SUMMIT LATEllALSEWKlt^. 'Tr.iew Awnuc bewvr '•« Salary Health Olilcer *TiW To Di->M"••to-iiitinn t ftft r-i-vt Street • • , W i — AVI:NII: WI:ST S::\VI:I: I:: ;iaml Franklin Place rrliitini;. StiitiinieVrnnd <\>rn.t ruction f.% UV y 1'AiiK i5 IVi-itate - ICO!}.1 lutcre-: on UoiiJs •• Trini-lrr froin City A •. .ti. '.*•. l:«:u!i..-.-- - r--.i -i *: rm Hewer „ " 5 l O •1,'ji". 5" D' Bnl.W].-- f.i.:;«iii'Aveini-;Sojvor 7si lower Inspect- ;;:Si;:lt'!J " *^" ions Frelnlit and Cartage -;»rt* ° " " Ex" ~ t.iTG 1! IT. hi^t .-v-iji i IT M lii Ail • 13 (JO I2."1- 10 ljjv':iy. llnllroiul und tSuii'lry J.ui. 1. 'I"! To SC11OUL 11'iNHS, S1SKINU FUND AND 1N- OAK K1DHU AVENUE" SlpEWALK. HH;» STI:I:IT STHUM snvvr.i; " "' JLI* Service-* ;5W TEKEiiT ACCMCNT. Cr. -.):- street , " , ,^45 . .. .fun) Trvatmrtiit 2U'r. Interest nti L..IU1-. *.('J !••, -*--:r.it Av'f. St'jrm SeWcr 27 TUKMjii:wi:U — •ia.-*.:i.H; JH-lnf^ctim: Sii|i|iili«fl 15 To l'.n-3 Cl V.O r> -M'aynliK Notes Tahl 71.5t-O Milk li]»i"!<--thn • I'l ^' MM-1 L .tl. •"•• l:;i!.iii".- ' ,. - JT <^7 i'l "•'•> l.«cal f>rrviatioii . HECEH'TSI -XI -*.C -'.•hit Tnii:k S.' l)':r.^.l, "W Uy l!.il;iiii I1.»J -i" 2f,7 41 I' iv Sl.]t-w;t!k ' ! r^uf Tuxes • " ' I'JJ Di-c- :11. '.*; Uy Unlftiicf -..— ; j l.ll-'.l'll imtiiln A .i-!in.- Sl'l.j'.v.ilk L 'ii .j'— LCOO MiS.rilSKlNli .FUND ASH ISTr.KEST vlll - 19(^J 17.3JS •21 •."> "" N". J 'l.l ],:)- ACCOUNf. . II,1-1!- "* PilTh -.Mlan-lCaiittlTax . ou» Dr. Jan..1 - **'>' To liitliitiv* " N". 2 1.3 : To A 'J 2'< lii^e Tax _. - 3«W) Hi d'J p ••••-•hw 1 riar..,. Or-'-nlnu . tkujneetlons Jiuii.l, i0. liy U 'I'lixt-r* l'.'L't 4 45 and WldfiiitK.- -.- Court Fines* r,7r. i i 1 r.'Os 1JI -il (ii'lid Avt-ni|t'- S'*Wt r i . 7 1 7J2'J C5 Jan .1, 'it'- To Italuneu ^ V.i.di M0 1" OH \! •:•• Sold Supplle--f.tr Pnnr HOHAltT AVENUE SIDEWALK NO. :).' irt. ^utnniit l-it'-r;il .H Sold - . . 17 yj'J ill 11 Salary Uvi•. iialanco 12.143 iilert'Bi on Uuii'lB : To AdvrrtM.ij* -— 1- '1Cr. lokliic Fmul Com -27o 02 By AK - SVutti • " ("i-iWi l.BWJ'J :i.'Hi--' fnmi City Ao-. - . •'• •" - l.r.«uo 11.aii* m:, il,'IN'.. ToUa T .WOODLAND AVENUE WIDENING. 1{U; I'iiint ami Maiii-t I7.(MI(IO VfiCt •"*•!.: Vr. ' . O'Jl •r.i OJ [^ 1. "ocTo Balance • . .Inn. 1, "W Ity Uuianci- i>'J ]C «!;.tiMmiieo Sewer Sys- " •, •.'V, M Dr. >m '2* D'-c. :j;, "ttt Ity liulnnc Jnn. 1. '<- ("liy-r S',minilt4 t»T_i«it___- ___ • l-mifl [r,r :ir" i.iirj.. ~?*- 2,215 75 ASH INTEREST ACUT. '.HMO TihiiH: OriUnatiee.-* and KEOEll'TS. .'Mv May ]', no; • ....Tf-*n i-.ti*- .Inn. 1. *« By B.llanc Dr. , 1 i '(•ii-!niftii>n •"liy.f siimntli M'T "i-tit . .114 11 Taxeslwn -*r,U III. ! IM Jan. 1. 'i»;. To Dniiini;..^ nwnnt'-d l-ilj-l f(,r M,;1n; Tr.'V'' •' ^tii/c Stationery ami. 1 I'-.-tflKe " ..." • '•'ill 21 J .'Jl.1 (",< •"• W'T .lUf .|'Hi«« I, I'..'- _ 1J.".! ""!!*. • ' •" UHf, ' J.9i'J 4G 1 "ity olMiinnii: i-j-r •'"'. -•'jclit.'Cnrt.ic*'. LIverj' 107 . .Ti.'l Jliliirniiil . \ J3 50 i"i'»•••!• :;.r J'.lr.t Tr'inK- • :i;7-H27 i i :'l."l! S'TViuff? lii'J W .WESl.'EOl'KNIS'.i. ant l(jft-.:i:i.:tne 'r »':r- KA1!:VIEW AVKNCF. s-KWE • •nn- Xiiv, i. :-TI- •••.;. .. •-"L"".,III •3.M 05 .M7.-.J --I'liVi'dlty* Hull inn (a ttlSHL'KSF.MUXTS. Cr. Cin-^.f s-iillf»i: i f- r •-»;—.—: ..DIHIH'-USKMI-:NT.S A«if^iii i—-'ii-l!i.ro-'li(»>l ftirj'v- " * . v •' - " Uani - 15 1.7 Mv A " r.t-iianoe City Hornet TriinV*T'ri.tii ('iiy A'-f.nt.f ', -•«-In-ll.ii.-l, I. ]'.„-. • ... !•."•":»•• 1 l.i.J.'i 63 llj-.lriint ltental -», :<.(/-•'• 14 • irv...:j.-l:y-M.-i:.ii.*- « Ity .it Mitiimi: t |.»T '•••in :!itT.|tltn(l Htr-.'L't J.1C:J 7'J '••')" HdKiiitvr's si City Hall 15 M : - :--'!.• i r-.-i-rf.iifl-nTi-'-•'!•! • i • ~- Fountain 2i'J '•'? -••wiT III.II-I-. 'liu-.h-iti 1 -1 " ... , Dr. , and l'ark Firo " —s T.i-. *—r '.n Li'«if* Water f'»r Sin- 12 '.IV StiFIKl.D AVESUKKIDEWALK N'J .I.IM I. :'••• T-. M.il-ir, - Il Dht ] i. I. na.i-'ii-.i-'IV'T.'T u..- \iny j.t sum- Cr. j|- Street Cunn , • 13 Dee. •]], ••••'. Ba , mi: Nnv .[t-ii.-y; nt r. v-=-2'-ni!y tlutt-tbt; rort-pn- ; t 1 | f.N mid Cuniinlt-n ' ,, , ! " J-" f';»* -iu-i.T • -..ii . ilu- 'i f'lll •n: l irtiu A>:c"u.L.t 'tituf Insane • ''•' ' j ••'• 'li" (•••••u:- i.ii'I • S[.«-ii'ji'uri - i.; B&M cliy 1 i Fiirnttun and He|«U c I Dr. . •.7~77. i tnun-liiii-iJir)-l. l'1 •:.:•• 1"^. •'•. V-. .' .'>) iHi Tr.ui-f.-r toCtiv Ac Cr. •: Niif-c* Fuinl • fnn;i <;l:y Au.-o : - .'1 rhit: Apparatus and LIGHT ACCOUNT j :- Ity i.-iry :•.. .7. •_• . ,i. i'. MAAS. •'•i 4'P J V SUMMIT AVi:NfEbIIiH\V.M,K NO. -i. j •P -'] -sntlU'"'- • • • ' •-U 23 RECEIITS y y •Ir<-I t\ti-t — - -ii iii.lt. .;.•• LiiiL.ln-.Ul.s 121 :•• .!«••!.t'iVhtlnt: API Jjin.l.'"ii By 1. 275 t«l TllX'.-s V.M-l •.VALLEY VIEW Ol'ESIN'i. i' K'Wfti:.;!! ByTr:iti-i--'r from i"ii> A.:c t [ Mi;i; (rs -ItiT.i Ji l.y Tl.o '• •T^£"irrg"*-?an''n-.rtil nf U;r •!-;v;ili; In-po'Jtl'Ji: Dr. Cr. i-.- y. i •:tr Tr-- i->i. r. «n- "ii •.l-i'.-i: tu u,.- summit- .Inn. 1. 'LK; TO ILiIiiii.:.' ill !sj "i* A"'---'"*"!"' iJr. ; r-iuK .;; >•!»,„.iv N. .I . -.WIL,. ^.-M: .-r ih,. cur p- :l.il l'.ilkv* Duty ,(,iii 1. •"'• T-. !:.i:.u.. •,;-.-:• 't _>'iin»iit. .1. r. l|i.'.-. 'IT' ••i-itvr, ..ii he; -.217 7) 'HESCEM* AVENUK SIDEWALK. ' IT- • A it.,; ;i)i' c C'atdier ' 1 .tnllN N \i.\V. lT.-.t,!.i;i. UISUL'IISEMENTS r . r...Jim. . 1. •••' .Ti> It.-il.irn.-- Street LluhMiiin.i- «.7-rt7l Cr. -I ••' Tr.ui-f-r tuCity An-viii.t CityHiiH..._? 21 72 Fire ilouV'rf 1.-,.! :i: Ur. I;NI'IN' AND .II:.\NKI.IN . 7.K.U 71 Jan. 1, "f'. .aiiL-f ' :SUJ;:» '• Im**r»"«t ou Ln.iii^ - I '-" V,;it r • 'T— 4<;i ICJ D.:e. Jl.'f. Bal ( t w —Ir.ii.-r-r tyi.ity .\ov.'..iiiit • I-- J i:> S.,»UTIl EI-Sl STltKET HI ^•';l-liiin;Tren«iirer H report3JI cj ti li Murphy ® Adams, ••"l-nii/iitniCliiim Ef"»ex -f,21771 I'.v A- <-'* "'.tr.!-. cr.. -i t ••' 'I r.i (i »ff r (ntn i iiv A->--,J k I'utnri Vf. ,V L. Co. „ 3^3 mi ; 4!i~A! < f—•"'••UN D.-L-. ;;.' ''• l j iiiifir..— "f-ii'iHfiit of Claim. D. F. 1 ,J '.(J . I.IBHAUYyACU<)L'NT.' •'Trnn-fer frmn city Atucnim , U'Kuurke JJ3 Dr. Jan. 1. 'cji By Balunc" • - "- Jim. 1- '••T-- lii'. " \^t^. 1,247 2o " Trnnif'-r from City Account ;.-'.-;. IDrn. : I " Janitor City Hiiil ' • Mi oo Titaf'-iwt* . . ___ cwf P> B!»!iiti':c 1 -^-Market—** - City Clerk 5uo no Jan. 1. 'I.-'I P> B!»!iit •• { -' Di-.l.iirM-nifUtt'iw follows:— i ' - . i '• Treasurer i«L5W" Ailrt-rtJ-inK . ;^ t>J Collector l.ww Ou l.Mn la Dr. , 376 Springfield Avenue. J;in. 1. "i«j 214:; .\f*-"Mii;: '-' f"' A- — -*!!.,; • • ln!»T»-*t on l-oan-* . tt i") C2 I-I lutirt-t i.ti Loit I'hyslclan :tuf] ou 1.7J4;« ' . DISBURSEMENTS- Solicitor ,- loo W H.yji "-J Fresh Fish Daily Pi'om • 1'ollcu .Justice c"s oo To Maintenance , ' . F~ulton Fish Market nl 30 tfi IJL'C, yi. '("" Balance - . jlEECHWOOD l'LACE" OPENINGS WIDEN INO MOUNTAIN -AVENUE SK Loao 1,513 V5 Cr. 23.C07 • C'HESTSUT AVENUE SIDEWALK. a.7^2 IT KockyforJ Helotis. Dt-c. 31,'C* Hy .Mi;.lft0.t ^ ar:h!.?r» ti Sundries ' 23'J lire. OLD StWEU CONHTRUCTION ACCOUNT Cr. '.. ' - • . Fine Uelaware Peaches. &ii*Ws of City's [iropor- Dy AssefNincnw TIM 3.TW 47 iiou Tubllc Imp. ' *• -,• 1C.37C 03 RECEIPTS " TranHferfroin City "Account Dr. - -i Dr. To l!alai\*e v By A'-s-e-i'ment . Dec. 31 "M By Balance^ .' • I -M W Jan. I. 'OGTo Unlaces ' . Jnn- I, \<> ELICATESSEN Bee. 31. 'w Balance .2.119 7* V 17,4 Si •s Advertising lO'.f —_ ROAD ACCOUNT . Dr. • . L*-«al Fertlw* - , Construct ion T. >*. Murphy ' AVui. J. AJaoie •"HECEIPTS DISBURSEMENTS Tan. 1. ' 135 CJ R Si (*•>• • • • "Ail**niNiOff • « CO lnttrwt on hoo.ua 3J709 nv.1i IWH - a M Jan. l.'oc To Balance . a.KUKj 3^.4ii^rti!t.on Loon^ 7S1 a ' **. '' - . Telephone 65 R. " Anscwilne ^10 00 • 18 00 Hfer to Road AccouDt^ \ __ |,CJ7 TU; 1MB • 1,183 W ; • *' Intercut on Loan • u-—• i&M 190C lp^J23 06 clrc:et aweoplnco Bold ? 7T » 2.360 01 T?4 23 THE ^EEEEACBER. 14, 1907.

ALDES FKEKMAX a political JOHN N. MAY, President ;'HALLS? Jn., Vice President The Summit Herald .freak of Orange^ who had filed J. FIUNKLIN HAAS, Cashier JOHN N/PEET, Vice President ol Ctly and Comix. petitions to have., his: name placed on both "the .Republican and -BeThocratic tickets for • .I'M P6RTERS-G PC CERS Jobn TO.CUtt, E<oc anO Prop. Coimcilmarrrru'Ets defeated for 1 TBI SUMiWrFBANK j. both as everyone else expected, SL'MMIT _^_ EAST ORAXGE SUMMIT, 3WJ but he succeeded in getting tlie SOUTH OltANGK MONTCLAIK BLOOMFIELP •- A Republican Newspaper devoted to' the iBtarOHtflof the City. County and Htate. nomination on the Independ- Iitt tied a verr Hat unlit y mornlnK from the , , offloo.No.Sl.Unlon Place. ent ticket; having received all Capital $ 100,000.00 Surplus 6: Profits j$55,000,oo ten of the ..votes-cast for that OF .INTEREST..TOTSMOKERS. Resources over $1,000,000.00 tioket. . He now predicts his own election. : •' •- K announce the receipt of a consignment of lno, flJx months',- Interest Paid at 4 per cent, per Annum Throo montha,- THE Republican State Con- ni.ui extra fine " Single COPIOHT - -. , . in-tlie Time-Department ou all sums from $1.00 up. vcntio^pjfor the nomination' of , •'- Interest Begins-"the First "of Eaclr Mouth"'""'. .: On Halo at nil Iho local news *tandaand at the a candidate for Governor, will __Eleno Cigars .aud is Payable Quarterly :• publication office. - - be held in Taylor Opera House. - (A. GENTLEMAN'S SMOKE) o ntthf' Tost Ofllen. Hummlt. N. J.. Trenton. Thursday next, Sep- BoooDd-ola.Hn mall matter. tember ]!•, at VI o'clock. Sum- these we offer-with. the fullest confidence-that they DEP0SITS7MitY-BE OPENED AND. HANDLED ENTIRELY" .BY-WAIL mit "will, be ^'presented by Act- will satisfy the most discriminating |judge of a good cigar; ^ DIRECTORS ing Mayor George F. Vreeland ; KATORDAY.Si:|>T.KMIti:Ul*. and Frank L-Crawford for the Seventeen sizes, variously priced, all reasonably JOHN N. MAY. "WILLIAM HALLS, Jit. JOHN X. l>Eih WILLIAM C. RENWICK J. BOYD RISK First Ward; William B. Miles priced. • • •• "^- - • " JOHN F. THOMPSON THK office of Surrogate of and'J. William Cromwell, vjr.. J. FRANKLIN HAAS .Union county, under the I«"!ern Telephone 271,- Summit, N.j. him mid hi tin? 1'imrsi? nf cotivorsatl'm the Boulevard. Miss-Street continues in - • plu[tiliii:t;nt uniilciate co-t. Surrogate's ofliee is one inrpinnrkeil: whieli ^.he people have a direct "Isn't ft building. The Upper School will continue in maintained . without interrup- COIIS'IIS nu't In nmrtal cninliat it!i tlio following iin-riiiii^. tin- cni-ountt-r re- the main building with additional room and Yes, that is just what they are made especially for tion, as the nomination of. Mr. sulting In tln> Mani"!s do rAnirle-Ilrati- better accommodation-^* Tarrot should he equivalent to nianoir- iiavlim .Ills rlu'ht liand .pirrrod The teaching force will remain the same, in an election. a liy his adversary's rapier, whit-h, while Hall's Stimmit Shoe Store ,lt rendori'il a CMiitlnu.'iiii-e of thv.*»tli:ht all departments except the French. linpnssjMoi left, tin* «»flier hand ,"r.-i- to ..The Principals will be in Summit on and arasp that »t his c.-nsln in inidi:n[:i- after August thirty-first. Those who wish to hot left 6vers, not old gdods, but new up-to-the-minute WITH Hie exception of KM-fsliod frU'inisliIp a niouifiit aflOrwa^l. sex, Hudson and Passaie. there Ou another occasion when h»> was enter^pupils are requested to make early ap- TAN .GOOl was little interest in thePrima.ry almiit to fi^tit a duel i;i wliiih l\.< was plication. entirely In J.IK' rK'lit and his adversary Klections on Tuesday, 111 the wmnir hf suililesily •tlisenvc'ed SARAH WOODMAN PAUL ) Men s Walk-over Russian Calf -0xford~"^ $4.00 that.-the regular Republicans that his (ippoiicni was a perfect n"»vico Pnnci als in lCssex carried eleven of theIn swordsmanship and that he would ANNA SOPHIA WOODMAN j" P Ladies'. Patrician, Golden Brown : . : 3.50 tlie.rt'fnn; ha\e him eumi»leti?ly at !ils sixteen wards, giving. Colby uierny. Si> he strode up to lifui and in Ladies' Willow Calf Shoes : • : - : " 3.00 three anil two are divided, thus the" presence of twenty <>r thirty ,p«r squelching the aspirations of smis presented tln> most eolirtemis and Children's and Misses Button, both in .Golden "Sheriff Sominer as acaiidniate py latter fmitilred why the inaniuis as Brown and WiHo^TCairfrom $1.00 to 2.50 for Governor. The majority sinned such an e\traordiiiary', course. of delegates elected are said to "Because." h'1 returned, ."ft would real All Our Children's Shoes are Made on favor Justice Fort. At the Es- ly ho too unt'irtniiate If I w-n> to ti-!it with a fuazettt; C^rccnhonri." And with Nature Shape Lasts. sex CountVConvention, Thurs- that-he made a low li.»w.iaiid then day a 'compromise Assembly turned his hack upon hirii. If we cannot suit you from our Stock try our Custom ticket was named on which the New Idea faction secured A MADDENING PRANK. SALE .Made. Will call and take, measure if desired, four .of the* eleven;., assembly T"ho' Queer Joke T**at Eugcno Field nominees and • MI d i c atcs a Played on a Printer. LARGE CORNER LOT We-Deliver SihglFPair Orders in 10 days. .WIUMI Kimrni' FIPM wiis city rdltur united delegation for Fort for 1 Governor. In .1 v rs e y City of tin Kjinsiis City Times In* found IN Main "Street, Chatham, N. J.; seven minutes 1 )?ri'i»t iimusfnu'iil-hr-muioyini: of Mayor JIark M. Fagan won tlie characters emplnynl.cm tin* paper., from Chatham station-^Sidewalks—Water—Elec- a decisive victory over .Hie "•"ercuson.was »nii of the "makeup*" tric Light—-near the.coming Trolley—now opposite hew r 1 ."W. H. HALL •on tlir jniper, ami In Wyatnl'iifti , wln-ri' 1 Dickinson faction, securing 1 v*> lie? r*Mliloil,- just i>v«'r the -Hni' from development. Particularly desirable for Investment or jnit. of •-'"0 delegates favoring- "Kansas City. In* \v:is tin* I7':iclt»r TTf" n building Two-Dwellings or two Two-Family Houses— 393 Springfield Avenue, -:- Summit, N. J. his reni)inination_for a fourth toral tt'ill|>i'nuii'iv si-icli-ly. I'lir'nvor-a. .which will sell or rent quickly at a good . year FieM, nn cninllitf

  • \vu to thi-.pa- terjii. '.Jtii the Ih'mocratic sid<- PIT to en. td work, wonlil writi1 n I»T- ttir choice seems "assured ,t<> soiial fonivrnliiK 1-VrsiNim. fJcniT.-i'lty * , ADDRESS S. Katzenliach. of Tren- It raullkf Hits: ."Mr." John iVrunsoii, thi> well lai.own 'niakiMip' of tin* TiiniM compo^in^ room, nppoarrtl for -work EUGENE C.PIERSON- yt'stcrihiy I'vt'iiintr In his usiial lit-nstly "EXCEPTIONAL .OPPORTUNITY" S -(Suo.toE O. POTTER. • IT. is roi>oi;teil that tin* rt»si- slnti- of Intoxication." ThlsVnti'rt:iln- Ore "BROKAW' 100- Broadway,. Newark City 1 ln« hit. Field would "st.'iiil Mown In a REAL ESTATE ik'iit's of thi Hero ml W:\rtl- arcimmHcrof copy, and tlu> otlu'rx of tin* again making a]t borough fare composing ronin would st*t It up and' !NSURANCEl__. of the railroad.station, instead fjay untiling. • • - .We back everj^shoe that goes out of usiii£ the public bridges. I'oor IVruiison kn"t'\v that this jiwful of this store with a guarantee of good- AND 'LOANS; :lt sliould be reinembered that pcrsonur was lii thi-lr inid-*t nml »'v- ness resting on a reputation of many cry nlulit wouiit p» carefiitly over ev- years making. E|J|%!JIU» 1 "You know that if a shoe we MayarJWiU'ox, agreed ery calloy for 111* purpose of looatln^: RELIGIOUS NOTICES. . CKSTRAL-PRESnVTERIAN CHURGH. Represents the leading Tbe Rev. Minot C. Morfjria,' pastor. isn't right that we make it right. Wo ivitlr.-iho railroad "oflicials to iinil killing It. It nave lilin vnst tron- couldn't back poor shoes with such a hK>: Kvery now ami then Field -would i?itbbiith perviees: Publie worship 11 Foreign ^and American prevent thrs, provided, the ob- MKTHtM'lST KIMSCttPAl. CII1KCK. H.m. nnd 8 p.m.; SabbiitU scboolr-0.-45 guarantee. . Wouldn't stay in bual. ii()t write IIIH personal about I-Yrstison. ness long if wfe'did. . . Insurance Co's. jectionable partitions were re- nml then the hewiMered Ferirnson w:is '('he Kev. A. H.Tutlle, D.O-, pastor. ii.m.; meeting of Christian Endeavor moved. ' A Word to the—wise The Hew K. M. Uartou, D;IX\ acsoi-i- Society. 7 p.m. ;uinl-week service, Wed- Have you seen our $3,00 Ur.eof worse-off- tlian ever. -*,As IHIIR as |.i« de^diiV/iit ^ i>.m. • , " " i Shoes, is sufficient. rouMiiot fltul H It inlcltt still ho there. K service ;it lljo'elnyk. \ Olflce Opposite Depot. It almost drove tlie poop-.mjui 'o(T the Kvenini; service lit S o'clock. • CALVARY CHURCH, ' ~ in Calf, Bot Calf and Vici Kid in New York Office: ' [taper. Now mid then It eseni^'d his Sumlay i>eliool lit 0.4-» a.m. CiilyHry ehnrch. the Rev. . Walker "'double or single sole ?. Washington Life BTd . ^ PIIKSWKST ^Ic.Kinley was eye and was printed. On' sueli' MenV Ulble Study Clulj ut .HI a.m. (twyline,. rector; the Rev. • Eugene N. 141 Broadway. FiT^uson's hunlens were be- Knwortli Leairue service nt T.l-> p.m. Curtis, iwsistunt. Sunilny Pervicea, 7.1'f) WULFFS SHOE STORE, shoton Septembea: '•.'1001. and \\ t'llnesrtay prayer ineetiiif; :»t S p. in. atnl'11 u. m. Even-onif 4..'ii)p.m.0n first „ , ( Snmniit 37. yond the power nf eren n Christian ? MAPLE STREET. ' lei died.eight days later, therefore spirit to hear. . J?nnilfty of month 0.45 a in. Mutius with ' ( N. Y. 46S3 CortUcJt. - KAST SIM.M1T CIIAl'Kf.. catechizing. Sundny school O.45 n. m. ta-day. September 1 1th, will be Wednp^thiy-r. IItiu-> Maeuus In his book. Salem church. Morris avenue.. Services 1 Beef, Veal, Mutton, Lamb and Pork' Jield was shot on .lulyE-. INNI, Junior League WedneMlny, ut :*.lo. every Sundny at y.ItO p.m. "Superstition In MeilUhie." Class meetiim Friday, »t "."'"p.m. OF AI:L STYLES and died Sept. I':'. SeptfinlieT Hihle C'lass Friday, at S p. m. Itenfedy Airalnsl' neUy!u-.h«'j_"Takl' Service will be held at Fonntain Bap-. Oysters, Glams'ancl FisJi. is a sad month in national the heart fr«.»ii" *»**• ~ Hvluc heart" nnd ti«t churdL_iticu-Kiuiday at 11 a.m.For ffalc or to rent for Ihe season. L ason weitr It as nn aniniet at tlie lett th^h.''_ rn:.sT-:ii.\rTisT and 8 IiD Tin. Chiti^ Game and X~egSVaBr53^Q~S£ historv.. Pri: services morning aii'J _t*ve-_ Also all styles ot winter carriages. —Alexander of TJpille-v ' — 1 iitir hy (lit Hev. liohert BHrmT lliill. - • r . . \ Iteiuedy ,\K:ililst Kpllepsy (mKIsi-l P.'I)., acting pn^-tor. Cliri^tiim EmK'a- HIST ClirUCH.ilF L'llKISl > '•The lU'publicunj Senate will i Two Deliveries a Dav ;*° by theThyslcl.iu. M"nS[IT''HB3E^b,.SATURD^^|fSEl^EMBE« U, 1907, -' "9 Si' Mr», M. It.'tvreeue ha-* been (".pend- Mfs.E. K. Norton aud Miss Shaple Hcaltb Boari LanjlorJ anJ WANT, FOR SALE, TO LET, ing sometime at.Ocean CITY NEWS WES have returueij^from-a month'* stay a Au-oiupltcatetl landlord at Mfcs H. M. Sauborn "pending a Bailey iLM a i n e. •Tile Hoard vt Health met on Tue-- tase fr«»m New Providence * t'oiupeteut Fbannactsts, V.tuvu v biting- ~iT.Vxrm7.-i in reitiUar nnVnthly se-sj \va* he:ird in Summit oil Wed tie-day. L -. A<1- Chemicals Pure, friends-. I--51 Careful Practice, ranging to give -a euchre anil t- were received from the Health Campbell's Pharmacy. " Mr. and Mr*. \\\ (.i. siia^r, «f y . Otilcet,' ,. Sewer Iuspei-tntor, und Hohne- A.cIi: V-i on lQT I J -M-.n.l;iMl y tiluhth : HI i ris avenue are entertaining Mr. Shaw's Special Inspectors. The health of the Wooilruirof New'I'ruvliience. Charle- ini-.I ii The Mlflaea Laltue have returned to sister, Mrs. Harry Le*ter, i>r Okla- E. M. Sehreiner aud family o city *•».>|io\v!i to be good with no in D. Smith \\'A- the complainant und ;\\-iiu- juiuuilt after speudlnp; their vacation homa. Springlleld avenue, are spending fectious ii,it.!,i, AM'lri-.-- ZH I. D. NIcoll, of Woodland avenue. avenue, return to their home in New- -i a\"!iu>'. . ti The ralu. of the pant week caused M;-i. Pr. rented'from the real e-tate agent a York today. \\rASTEI>-A f:iiiiiii- na-li ivt h^ni- f-r The marriage Is auiiouueed of MIHS delay in some or the sewer t-autract J. K. iCOtoe, the Health (>Hirer, was house and tract of farm land located Hannah Hart, of Summit, and Wil-work. ' The Kev; Hi M.Ourton will preacl appointeil to represent the llourd at .iii •Herkt'ley Heights. Mr. and Mrs. liam Vibbert, of Madison. the annual meeting of the American Smith took pos~e*»ii>u and all went • ,'«:».- r:nln(.rri. M yart-. • Wlllard Halsey returned this week before the United Brotherh6od*ji£ili£ iml liimli'iir.!. •> [r'ctwi-iii.'it)1. r James B. Gallagher is still enjoying Carpenter's tjiion on Sunday even- I'llblic Health A"»-odath»u-iuid of the well until t»ne day, during SmltY- to Cornell College,- where he i* a senior yew-JtfD-tfy-riatiitar'y,Av_«H',i;ttiuii tu be a_b!*eiict*_, it is »ul»l, Farwell utul his •limiting and fishing on Big Moose thla year.. ; ' ~—^—- ing in the East SnmifiiR'h'apel.""* W a. I held uLAtlantic City. September :iu to family arcivcirwl"Ortheirfur'niliir«r:iiid ~T-f-—jvar.i—uxi-iirltitice. iTL'-i-r.t •.•iiic^yet, . I,aker in the Adirondack.*. .';m U- — .MI. . A*l-tr.'-* VW."-!1. u. U .1 -vV, 'LenterI-»..Lonit of the of-.lSW7, Mr. and "Mrs. H. A. Jacobin,, win October 4. "~T"~— ' .tt took posse-sion *'f the premise". siim-t HUIi. N. J. . . •(„ '4-cyll'uler touriug car for rent by the have been spending the summer in Summit High .School, ' has entered Smith returhed, nm),-upi)ii rc'iuirlngj, ArM)KKSS-Wi,ti,.«. ;i i.,,.iti ,:i "in )r H liourorday at reanouablerate-*. Tele- their cottage nt.Asbury Park, have re- infurmed by hi> new neiuliiior- IJ Mil- family. Ad.ln-*- "I.i'.m.ln'--.." r.\r»' phone 140-L., or can be seen at Henry's Lafayette College, at Kastim, Pa. THE STANLEY DA?I- HuralLl [.;1U-.-. - - ^ " turned to tlitir home at (»:i New Kng thut'the hitter had rented the house liarage. ' 4'J-OO* 4-cyIluder touring car for rent by the y g y laiid avenue. from the owner In New York. Smit.li ^iHi ^A1.1>:.I.T Aut.-m.iiV ',' I.I--M.1:.T u d at reasonablble rates. TeleTl - A I r;i'i;tl!;io ttniriiK i-;ir: fully — inir>t '•'! -The Mlaaes Konsaville, who liave hour or da " At a conference of geiitk'inen living lemuudeil the iuiniediute removal of Will -.'11 r-||,-;ij, t.'.jul.-k i.ur:!i:i..-r. :i- ..XVIIT phone H eiuibeneenat Henry's After speniling a few days in New- li^- .. (.'. millinery store on Maple street for building of the Stanley dam, for whicii , 11OUSK.. WANTKP-N'v- William WondrutV, of New Provi- 1 have returned from Kalmouth Hei- the fall season, Wednesday, Septem- there are a* great- nmny advocates .•ml-r r.t Miiv. (.tin fimib- -i.»...tiiiw • Tlie Prenbytery of Morris and leuce, wa-J itppeult'd to disposi»es>« the fin-: I'.'itti, h't !'•• r-' C^-n- ghts, Muss., to their homeoii Mountain ber IS. . throughout Summit ami New Provi- • \" r-'iit; l;iri;i' IVMI-'- TI'>I wiii^'^l A'l'ln—- Oruug;e will meet In the Central in welcome. l-*ar well. Ulspos-e-.- pro- W. r, f.-ult-r. i.-i llraiin-ry Turk. X. V. an avenue. lence. tt developed that there wan ceeding-* were begun, at the trial both Pjesbyterlan church at Summit, on A large corner lot in the hor.mgh of oppu>itii>u to the scheme from MillingT ertrude l'otwin.of New York, Chatham, on the corner of Main itMiants produced receipt-* for the rent TIH T( twenty I— *.m-,.(.r'\i-i'iini street; suitable for two dwellings or >aid for tlie htnis*.*, but the owner i George \V. JaRle, of Newark has Summit, upon addressing' H4. Hotile- that it would cause the" Hooding of 'ailed to.appear, aud tlu'-cas'ir resulted j;..\.'rin >.-: l>*r-- vard. . in. another .column. ,u a dtsagrcemeiit of the jury, a sec- I. • " t;.vi . fuuceed Itobert A. .McC'urdy.'as man- UIM> staled by. a gentlemeii who had md suit was .had when another Ui»- I ager of the Morris Pl.ains A*ylum: . Dr. W. H. Lawrence, Jr., sailed oji knowledge of the facts that .negotia- i:\I. r.STATKAV\S"Ti:D-W:lllt.-l -mall " The iiuiimuU-enit'iit »>f tlie Carlton tgri't'menl of ,tlie -jury was the »uit- U f;iriii...'f Hvc.afr-- with Ii• -ti—* in,.! t.'ii!?m\th then began Milt lufore Sunuiilt "r.rii;i where he expects tu study for the next rental 'or" >:Ue. of the Stanley niilf -tiiri.ui. "To avoid confusion as to the date chool for .boys, at 11 Itedford road, S'liiUe llohues here for.tin? di-pos-st's^- six month*., • '• - property owned by V. J." Mather, and ; State Democratic Convention-, with Charles H.Scliultz. headmaster, inn nf Karwell. After tMiipumitMIng a Chairman Hudspytli says that The new .telephone Mibscrijiur**' are: wUl be foiind in mmther column. f con-umatetl the dam would .cer- jury, the ca^e wii" ab'mit to proceed, tainly In* rebuilt, a- the owner, had it in Tuesday, .Septeuiber 17, tit 111 -•iO-r, Kn^i'iit* Jobs, i!l Oiikltid^e ave- when Lawyer . An^leuniii tiifnritied I mini- l.y rtnii.lr->.>ui'A C,..! ri]|,l..-rup-' Jeweler, the k-^al rii^lit t<> iltnl III til-.t fl:i— -Hli;i| -^il-. j-..j,t-l tiill . I y o'clock noon,.atTaylorV()perii House, nue; itS-iv; !•'. C. lirnwh, ilii Oak Ilidge the court tlmt under tin* pruv iwlotii of llri'W-lt'I, i(ll>l -••\.i|^il ,illi|.|- •,. .•:.... .'-in be wijl continue his bu-ine*-; .at N" uftiuii wa-i tnkfii at the nievtini; •li-;t|.. •'A. .1. A. I:." it M.-ni- -ti.-t. M-r- Trenton." . ' . - . avenue. of the st'itutd tliL'.uiiittvr- cuubl.uot be t-lown. N. J. jit! the same store, -IS"! Springfield avenue, and Illume iutere-ted in the proj reopenvd until the deft'iidaut'.-* rent Mrs, J.-M.-.Long aiul xms have .re- t )ST or -t..(.'» A k'irl- r^ye!... .,;. Ti:.-- The handsome black team und iip- where he will nive attention will m»w await "the return "f Mr. became due, and S.juire llohues J i|:iy. K;-tV:it •|U--.. turned to their home on Summit ave- I parutus «f the Chemical Kngine Com- repairing- Oilers taken for jewelery '>r Mather from Kurupi-, and the -re-u!t agreed witli him and the t-:i-.f \VTTJT nue, after speniiinn the summer at pany ltas been entered for the Mor- silverware. ' ~'"" IS' of the' propM'd teii.tal or >ale nf thy disini-scilj it will now have to rt'-t, rir-town Horse Show, tu be held Massachusetts. l*n>pLTty. It'wa->imgc-U-«l by one or- ^i>i: IlKNT l:ue- 'l'oiuorniw night ;it s o'clock the.u— "until o'ctulter :*., wjicn l-'arwcll's rout, | •III,-.' l-llV..-!;.. ,I..l|l.|.< ,.J -til*-1-. t...,]--' September 'J'WIS,' und they expect-to Mr."and Mrs. ,1. S. Culleii have re: ,he irt'iitlciiifii,-that if the .owner.- re- it i- Miid will l.e-liu'. iil.lc f,.| twii; tii'wly fin ni-li,M (ii-r i-l.i--. vial • meet in i; fur the preuchiiig t»f the tiil>!>-. in.,.i.-lilt,, t.iiin-: Al-.i i,, .«• |..| c-!jl... rarry oil the prize. turned to their home mi Oak Ilidge inilt tbf ilimi, an eilorl s-rmutd.. he milk iin.I tiil.l" l..,;ir.t. A| i-lv :i! I*. I't.-urklm lospel will-be'1'Telil in the (tosjiel Hall, I'l'i11". iit-iir 11"!Hilt JO'.'HU-. (^ avenue, after spending sometime "fit iii'Ie li> b;ivv ih't* river bed t-U'iircil nf Thy Orange Journal Publishing llouleviird and Spriimtield MK. KELLER'S .HNTERWMSK. VATI: fill! iii y \\..i 111,., nf.-iv t !-r- Lake Mnlinnk, N. Y. llld:iy nijilit~at;Ji o'clock, 1*"!.' i: '•••I ' 1 •:*r• 1 Stirlim: ur MilhtigUm. Anullitr - ,t I .".ni~ ii . ir 11 iI-'* •f !.:i(|i. (i ! !r-•-.- for tlie benefit of its creditors, and Mr. aud Mrs. H. 1*. 'Anderson', uf or prayer ami Hiblt-^tudy. I'he Sunday ("sill in iMiimiciitini; I. I1,II " ' ll-i: ill «e-tion w.ti- that «ht-n" thv d:im stnckhulderTs. William Curd well, Irving place, who have-fpent the •uptui tl}e return uf I.u'u]' ' Kfller fruni re-l»uiU. :i Iuii:e tltmd i::itt* -hould Mayor of Ka-t Orange, luxn been ap- summer in New Hampshire and Kuropu s:i\>: the Central Probyterinii churuii, JIM- ili-'l :md piopfily muiriU-d. -o jioiuled receiver. Vermont, have returned to Summit. "l.mii- Keller, -tcivtiiry uf the CARLTON ACADEMY. returned from hi- vacation. :nnl will -liim* uliLMicvur tlit-ii- i- 1 Kallu-r«>l <ervice tu- ,- rainfall <>r lrt-hft. wlnntrwwtdd 14. BEDFORD ROAD larL'i-st tract nf land in tin- vit-inity of the Pennsylvania Conitnon ,.1'leus First church of Christ," Scientist of norrow morning. • He will :it>o preach Iniin, all tin- meadow html alfiic the Court have declared unconstitutional Sliuii^ljlHi^, ha- ju-t leturneil' fruin Summit fur tomorrow will . be, he sermon in the evening. , iaiik- of tlu-Pu—: :111'] uliviatc t!if 1 rt'U-ct liuaniinu' uml tl:iy - the two-cent railroad fare law passed hi- iitinujil trip tt» I'.urupe, when he "Matter," golden text, John 'i. -1'.', ~t\. hmttui :unl Stir* Aw* frum tfii tu fiijli.it't*ii: n liy the last Legislature. The case The UevrUr.Tuttlejiiid family. H.T;. has aliinist n- ninny fiieml-' a- in thi- limlliil. I'lviyirt^t'or i-ullrur :' l'iv» upon whicii the decision was uliade The (.llenslde Park Hotel ,closed •inodurass and family. I>. A. Yiumi:*- ctiiinlry. Althuuyli niviim a iium^ TlT^fTnVt.'^V* IMiimry tlp will be lit once taken .to the Supreme thiff week after a most successful Hid sister, Mi*-* M. K. YOUML>; who deal uflime tu stu-iety,, ci'Viini'nTni; an tor 1-i.y-* tit'iir "ix to nin,. Cuurt. * . season. K. D. Bailey, tlie proprifctur^ ue-occupied coltaise* -at <'iilverV WISE pmLANTHROl'HY. exlen.-ive liu-inc-s, niniiiim a railroad wjlfjuow lie found at the Hotel Beech- akei PTRrriv county-,.*' -returned t<> ami tuiL- or two club.-, he hu- inure teniw Atlilrt-u, fluiilf- II. S Mr. and Mrs. Kdwin A. Jones, ofNew wood. • ' Summit ihi> week. lei-ureUi!in 1no.1l miin^io^-e^jm; the York city, who have occupied Mrs. It is a good siizn that" Muntelair has rare fueulty of clispuoiii^ uf l;ii-iness The topic for the . ChrMinu Kn- Arthur. P. Whitlock's house on The State FiremenV A^ iot only .a Civil- -r'M-jety bnt t-iti/eiis with rapidity and iiiukitii* otlier mvn deavor meeting of the liapti.-t church i d hiitbi MRS. AMY LYON KINGSBURY Wnldron avenue for the. summer, left met on WpmieMluy ami Thursday at yho are and phiiitutbrupic a«» .as: he tells theni. The Itahw'ay to-morrow will he "(Jod's Omnis- nough t'+ buililiifg~rirr~\vunt' will l.e-rin l»*r CLAKSErj IN' ICLOfi:^ Thursday to spend over Sunday with WlMwooil, Cajie'Muy county. Tl'ie g pp Valley, ..Uailroud, whicii Mr. Keller Tit >X in the lirst weeU in (VluWr, tit cience," Isa. 4n: lij-.il. -.The leader earner-senil-uttuehed hon-e> uf iilveor Secretary and MM. Loeb, at Oyster Summit Associaliim was -represented ix rooms'whirli <"tn bo rented for, ^Sbuilt from Aldiue lu Suinniit, WHS Willniil Hall. All tlmt wi-»h to- cnn- Hay, before returning to their city will he Miss Green; snlt IHT. cull nt th>- hull. TUftdny. H^p by Fire Chief J. O. Chrystal, W. 1». u?io a month. i-uiistriicled itt in:irveluu>-ly luw cost I'Mnl'i-r ITth null '-iH\\', from' '•'• to 1 home. •.__ The L\ K. Society, of the Huptist Shapter, A. S. Hrewster and (ieorge .This if- in accord with the work be- and is duii.ii; a trtitut bu-iue—, o'l-lnck. or write tn Himit .Ilill-*.' N^-w ng accomi limbed by the Warden City r The Morris" County Traction Com- church will hold its regular bushiest (J. Kalkenlmrg. J. J. Lane was re- \--ociation of-Creat Hritiun. and it is especially in cuiil the'l.eiiiuh Valley .Ifj-ii-v.. • • 4^". il pany la progressing'with the grading .session on Tuesday evening, followed elected treasurer of tiie-assiH-i 1U1j.itIoni? lines of The (Jarden City's' U:iilri>ut only • supply the l.ackawannti ami I,ehii;h an«l ing at the First Baptist church. Tlie Wolf, of "New York. The same com- usesjit a rental »Mif half that Ohl can be continued. Central roads, bijt t!ie bin trunk line- Building Contractor, evening topic will have reference to pany ha**~»lso leaded J. (». •(hvenV •your model tciifinent huil in the rlty, but they have ulftt agreed to sell would like t»i yubble. it tni llieir own '12-14 Bank St:, Summit. N.-J. The elocution classes of Mrs. Amy "Hidden Treasures." • hou-e, :i- ifeKores't avenue, recently bi'-e liort^t-s tn . work] ttgui en, lit terms and are likely to attempt t<> Lyon Ktiigabury that have-met now occupied by AddVoti Young-*, to John iracticall»cost and give a Imig period Calvary clmrch Sunday school will starve out the uri«iniil pruniuters. Mr. for .four years at Summit, will start -T, Aden, nf Boston. .,. .; in which*lbe r-imie may b« paid-fur. resume its regular sfe.-simis to-iuorrnw Such a iimvenifeiit if this is hound tu Keller is 11 lighter, huwever, and will iii nil -again th|s year the-ilrst week in 1 anil M at !UU a. in., in the Parish. House. aid the owners uf factories In the city, win out, all believe.' October. As nearly all the recitations InvTtatitiiis are mit fnr'the Widdiiig The evening servkv* with sermon ut r u^ r-ome ofthffe have U*l>l us nt Kiven are by the pupils of Mrs. Kings: of Miss Frances Klsie Dana, >ur mtetiiiKs they are unablo lo.jn- Culyury churcli will lie at -l."-i> in- •rca^e :uid expand their bi.ifin.e-- in bury, most-of the people of Summit o( Frauds K. lhitui^itf-the I 1 Tell your friend-* to ^ub-*crM>e fnr tlie BOWLING ALLEYS have hud a good opportunity tu judge' stead of'ii beginning witlftomorrow. ;!IL* citie- in pfoper. ways, and tlmt to 'Kobert K: DeiiiKe.'of New York be oviTcrowded city is no place to i:!tAM». Thev'wonliV like it. V AT -, _ or her ability as tt teacher. . .. The ninny friends of former Council- city. The wedding ceremony will nuke compL-tent ur happy waiit ; •ariiers. A rent .cliarge which takes Young's'Park Avc. Bowling Alleys •_ .'.Ijicrenwed congregations \Vere- in man, J. K. Thompson, will be glad to take place in the Central Pre.-bytexinn church, October 1, at -. p.m., ; the .ne third uf the worker-' wiuje- is ( tpi-ll lifttTIUKHii uml L'veliili^-*.' attendance at the Methodist Kp.isco- learn that he. will return to Simimit •urely a heavy chain about hi* K'gjind Alleys t'ntir*-ly- nvfrliiiiilf<*-'±imi. tllicial-, arelionc-'t with mir^L-ive-, we pastor, the Rev. Dr. Tuttle, on his re- .Mrs. Thompson and her daughter; the church, oHiciuting. • T-iie briile'i MISS UEHTRUDE POT WIN elect is one of "ur choicest 'voting (I -tt* to it that •'"ciety sliail not •••'. S-w Y.-ik i-ity. turn from his vacation.- Drl Tutile Miss Elizabeth, who have been spend- K'urmlc ami iuiproverish in health ing the past six months at Colorado ladies, possessing ninny 'gnn-fs: from uid pocket" our hunHy, .-prei-sed wn^e lA'ill «ivc lfs-niu in Sunnnit two days preachy tomorrow at liotli services, in etu-li Week. topic in the morning . will be Springs, are expected hack next week. a little girl-she has grtrwu up in our .•arners and producer^. "Endued with' Power,".' mid In the midst-, honored by old. aii'l -youiig Our (iarden.City SIM jejty lmsalroudy Summit Address •- 14-4 Boulevard The HotchkisN-Jobs Company, have alike. She has; ever been the hrJilht '_ (iradlng and Planting of all kinds evening, "A -Portr»i\«re. _«f Thomas, ncate'l ^evcrul l:irg)e factorU*i v in leas'ed one of C. *J._..Seller's apart- iciilthy loOallit— in the . country, of Trees and Schrubs. Also trim the^Apostle.". '. ' •_ . . . star in ht*r home circle, aud its much ment houses on Summit.uvehue, to satisfaction to her father that after where certain re-triclinii-* 'are to i^' nilns: grape VlrieSTind-hcdges.- tstablij-hed l>y the eniplo3'-«r.-, as tn All work carefully done and guar- In conKrutulatiiigHheril! Lawrence John D.Orr, of Paterson."'•They have her marriage ^he-will {routimie tore- Imildiim^ and Miirrmnnitim^, t so us SUMMIT antced.. Twenty-Five years' exper* on hi.H welectlon of petit jurors for the also leaded.W. (.'. Simonsou's-hotiseon side with him.. Mr. Deuike-is-a civil o" maKe -secure the social, nibriil,- 4 ience In Summit. References furn- - October term of court, Piosecutor Oak HidK -' avenue, toC. H\ C. Jaegels, engineer with busities-* -ullllintioiis in ^'creative and educational advantages' >f tlie whole colony. If all goes well WOODLAND AVENUE, IsheJ. Advice given free. Tele- Eugllsh referred to life new panel, as for three months, or New York city, and has a liri^ht h«*r>t; f:itie^ will prove In be bits nf phone 118 L. Resilience,~529 Mor- tlie "creaiuof ITiToii rc6unty." . The on Sunnnit aveime is completed. future beftire him: he. is a sou <»f •uradise flir the toilers, and I i.eljei-e Opposite Park House ris avenue. jurors- selected from Summit are; (Jeiit'ra} DciHke, of the New Y<»rk n good thiii.*,"the fouial ri'fonuef und The County Convention of the \\'o- UKI'AI'ATOJ'.Y Hf'MooL Foil •• 46-tf John j. Muchmore, Frederick It; State Militia- be-factory owner, both wiirkini: in ir uirmony. we Mhall be able t>> .chiitigV* • ~-—— 23rd Y*"3"1 Begins-—. Littell and William E. Green—and an'n Christian Temperance Cnion will be held in the STethoiiHi-lCirhsr nine 'ifthe worn't of the over-crowjt*d from Xew Providence, George W1U1I, Tlie high school TH "ofterliig thi-* ijiiditioii-.in «'ur great cities. copal church, Summit,. Thursday. Henry S. I-'ullerton and James year- commercial "courses. Httlierto Tliiw movement fur sociul bL'(ttT- THURSDAY,. OCTOBBfrl, 1907. Septeiiiber 19th. Se*-»loiis 10 a. m., iient.in Montcbiir rellects iniich hn'nor FLORISTS AND GARDENERS Kallou. those intending to enter upon business •2 p.m. and S p.in. The nn.irnlng will TTT'its urtgiuHt<»r-_jin?l Mippurters. life have gon.e down tu ti nut only benvllt their liDiiost Phone S6 \V will be-opened this year Monday, oillcers and '-.other' ,,A Til(. PRINCIPflL. 47 -111 by the various'Tlt»'*iuess college-, either .o.ir.btit ul-" to place tlieir tnwn in September ',',», and will clone Krjday, public is cordially, invited to both he front rank' of well doiui; ulong \V" iin- iinwri-ailv (•• '•;>!.• f->i- y.-ur-Uwus after grmluutlon here op-, in place of :itiil i.Mr-!*'ii-. W"tk k't^'Mi IT till t ;itt-tiTiuu. October 4. The ".week will be fiiled afternoon and evening nieethigs. ine- uf up'to-dute state-man like ;il-t-ill f"r t"l"!tv —liitf l:i\vti.. W.; will !•« the high school work. Now iistixlt-'iil .liilantbropy. • ' " t-ii.li" In' t*vrlll«- wl"' '* "l:tr*fcr>* -t•"•''!; ••! • K« ii.lli. l"l\ III. I" '.M I'. t:l. the racing program has been entirely hi.* bvltiTineiil uj luuiiutiity. and.they Soil fnr t^'i: tlrej-in'y 'f.>r J:iI.J: write (Hi ThurMlay," September. -(>. the two yt'ur^ of r-tenography unit tmo nf ynir «riiii'liii"tli"f"- .i--'t-i-. whl'-li . revamped ami a vaudeville program 1 KI !