The SndObj Sound Object Library VICTOR E. P. LAZZARINI Department ofMusic, National University ofIreland, Maynooth, Co. Kildare, Ireland E-mail:
[email protected] The SndObj Sound Object Library is a C++ Programming libraries constitute a lower-level in object-oriented audio processing framework and toolkit. computer music practice, when compared to sound com- This article initially examines some of the currently pilers. The context where they appear is more general, available sound processing packages,including sound and consequently their use is more complex. This can compilers,programming libraries and toolkits. It reviews be easily demonstrated by the differences in coding of a the processes involved in the use of these systems and their strengths and weaknesses. Some application similar instrument under csound and cmix (or clm), examples are also provided. In this context,the SndObj which will be shown later. It involves not only the library is presented and its components are discussed in knowledge ofthe syntax ofa particular language, but detail. The article shows the library as composed of a set also the grasp ofconcepts not necessarily needed when of classes that encapsulate all processes involved in using a sound compiler. For instance, with cmix, the synthesis,processing and IO operations. Programming user has to understand variable declaration, memory examples are included to show some uses of the system. allocation, header files, object code linking and other These,together with library binaries,source code and C-related concepts in order to build a sound processing complete documentation,are included in the or synthesis ‘instrument’. The advantage is that, in this downloadable package,available on the Internet.