Learning from errors CASE REPORT Postlumbar puncture arachnoiditis mimicking epidural abscess Mehmet Sabri Gürbüz,1 Barıs Erdoğan,2 Mehmet Onur Yüksel,2 Hakan Somay2 1Department of Neurosurgery, SUMMARY and had increased gradually before the patient was ğ ı ğ ı A r Public Hospital, A r , Lumbar spinal arachnoiditis occurring after diagnostic referred to us. On our examination, the body tem- Turkey 2Department of Neurosurgery, lumbar puncture is a very rare condition. Arachnoiditis perature was 38.5°C. There was no neurological Haydarpasa Numune Training may also present with fever and elevated infection deficit but a slight tenderness in the low back. The and Research Hospital, markers and may mimic epidural abscess, which is one examination of the other systems was unremarkable. Istanbul, Turkey of the well known infectious complications of lumbar puncture. We report the case of a 56-year-old man with Correspondence to INVESTIGATIONS Dr Mehmet Sabri Gürbüz, lumbar spinal arachnoiditis occurring after diagnostic Laboratory examination revealed elevated erythro-
[email protected] lumbar puncture who was operated on under a cyte sedimentation rate (80 mm/h) and C reactive misdiagnosis of epidural abscess. In the intraoperative protein level (23 mg/L) with 9.5×109/L white blood and postoperative microbiological and histopathological cells. Preoperative blood culture for Mycobacterium examination, no epidural abscess was detected. To our and other microorganisms and sputum culture for knowledge, this is the first case of a patient with Mycobacterium were all negative. Non-contrast- postlumbar puncture arachnoiditis operated on under a enhanced T1-weighted sagittal MRI of the patient misdiagnosis of epidural abscess reported in the demonstrated a nearly biconcave lesion resembling literature.