United States Patent 19 11, 3,720,623 Cartmell Et Al
United States Patent 19 11, 3,720,623 Cartmell et al. (45 March 13, 1973 (54) ENCAPSULATED LIQUID CRYSTALS 3,499,112 3f 1970 Heilmeier et al............. 231230 LC X 75) Inventors: James W. Cartmell; Donald 3,578,844 5/1971 Churchill et al.................. 252/316X Churchill, both of Dayton, Ohio 3,600,060 8/1971 Churchill et al.................. 252/316X 73) Assignee: The National Cash Register Com Primary Examiner-Richard D. Lovering pany, Dayton, Ohio Attorney-E. Frank McKinney and Patrick P. Pacella 22 Filed: Feb. 8, 1971 (21) Appl. No.: 113,716 57 ABSTRACT A mixture of cholesteric liquid crystal material such as 52 U.S. Cl.............. 252/316, 231230 LC, 1 17137 R, cholesteryl nonanoate and nematic liquid crystal 1 17/100 A, 1171159, 2521403, 252/.408, material such as methoxybenzilidene-p-n-butylaniline 264/4, 350/160 P, 350/160 R is disclosed. The mixture can be encapsulated and em 51) Int. Cl..............................................Bo1j 13/02 ployed in temperature-sensitive visual display devices. 58) Field of Search ............... 252/316; 1171 100 A; The addition of nematic liquid crystal material to 231230 LC; 350/160 R, 160 P: 26414 cholesteric liquid crystal material enhances the brightness of films employing cholesteric liquid crystal 56) References Cited material and prolongs the usable life of the films. UNITED STATES PATENTS 6 Claims, No Drawings 3,341,466 9/1967 Brynko et al......................... 252/316 3,720,623 1. 2 ENCAPSULATED LIQUID CRYSTALS the usable lifetime. Also, by the addition of nematic liquid crystals, oleyl cholesteryl carbonate can be This invention relates to unencapsulated and encap eliminated from the mixtures, if desired.
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