Printers and Computers
ProDOS File Converter For Apple SpeedScripfSpeedScript LehLeh-Wen-Wen YouYau This program speeds uplip conversions the 55.SS.CONVERT CONVERT routine fforor File f1Jl 1513150 DATA 19197,253,208,6,165,257,253,2138,6,165,25 belweenbetween ASCIIASCII ltextexl files and files Converter to ususe.e. ThThenen type in ProPro 0,197,252,24121,31,1770,197,252,240,31, 177 f'i(9 1613160 DATA 250,2131,60,208,6,169250,201,60,208,6,169 compatible with the SpeedScript 3.0 gram 2, the complete new version compatible wilh Ihe 5peed5cript 3.0 gram 2, the complete new version ,13,145,2513,208,4,13,145,250,208,4 word processor, wwhichhich was publishedpllblished ooff the FFileile Converter. OJD3 1713170 DATA 4141,127,145,250,24,16, 127,145,25121,24,16 in theIh e JuneJun e 1985 issue of COMPUTE! of If yoyouu already have the old File old 5,250,105,1,133,2505t2513,113~,1,133,2513 2fIt 1813180 DATA 165,251165,251,105,0,133,25, 105,121,133,25 and is also available in book form Converter on disk, you can save and is also available in book form Converter on disk, you can save 1,2138,213,96,224,1211,20B,213,96,224,0 ((SpeedScript:5peed5cript: The Word Processor sosomeme ttypingyping by mmodifyingodifying it rathratherer D6Di 1913190 DATA 208,251,1613,208,251,160,0,165,25 12J, 165, 25 for Apple PersonalPersonal ComputersComputers,, than eenteringntering PrProgramogram 2. Just ffolol 1,197,253,21218,6,1651,197,253,208,6,165 6Jit 212113200 DATA 2513,197,252,2413,237,250,197,252,240,237, COMPUTE! Books).
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