SUMMIT ERALD Serving Summit Since 1889
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SUMMIT ERALD Serving Summit Since 1889 VOL.92 NO. 13 $10. A YEAR PRICE SUNDAY. AUBUJT 2.1911 273-4000 25c Training Programs Up Sharply Empty Building Is Boon To Fire Department A combination of increased emphasis and Such training includes hose evolutions, Department, filed with the city by Lieut, I man patrols, when a crew is short of persons. the availability of a nearby training site has rescue work and the simulation of smoke con- Robert Connelly, 620 hours were spent this During the month of June, the Fire Depart- enabled the Fire Department to give more time ditions, all inside the building. year in training for the paid division, as com- • ment answered 20 calls, with six at wood, to training both the paid and volunteer divi- In addition, the outside of the building is pared with 535 hours last year, or 85 less and tield or trash areas,.and five at residences. sions of firefighters. also used for training purposes. Deputy 240 hours were devoted to training of the In addition, during the month 24 emergency According to Deputy Chief William Stanek. Stanek pointed out that such training was In- volunteer group, which is an increase of 48 services were performed, and 107 inspections the acquisition of the former Summit Express " valuable and gave members of all participating hours over the 1980 six-month figure of 192. were made of buildings In the city. The bulk of Company building by the Housing Authority fire companies, including Summit's, "a lot of Also on the Increase during the first six these inspections were made ot buildings in last month has provided the location tor experience." months of this year was the operation of the the commercial and industrial sites. firefighter training lor both local fire personnel Training Increased fire patrol, which logged 460 miles, or 245 There were three cases of maliclons false as well as out-of-town forces. Even before the availability of the Summit , more miles than during,the comparable period alarms in June, while six other false alerts Deputy Stanek said that when out-of-town Express building for training purposes, the of time In 1980. were described as accidental, as malfunctions fire companies come lor training In Summit, Fire Department was emphasizing increased Deputy Stanek said the increase was possi- or as mistaken fires. the local department is trained In cooperation training opportunities. ble because the Fire Department has received In addition, during the month the depart- with the other force. According to the six-month report of the Fire permission to have one-man, rather than (wo- ment presented 11 fire prevention programs. Heartless Owners Choose Summit To Abandon Their Pets By Ann Cooper ed locally. According to Miss Carter, the League is also willing to help place animals The carpeting is being delivered this very "Betsy" is not her real name. League is receiving four to five more cats and whose owners have a legitimate reason for not alternoon!" No one knows what It is, since the large dogs a week than the rate usually turned over being able to keep their pets such as an Nevertheless, the League moves cautiously black and white Labrador was abandoned by to them by the city. The pets first spend seven allergy or a sudden move to Europe. in these cases because the members don't her original owners without a collar or tag. days at state expense In the local pound. want owners to turn around and put their There are"cases, however, in which the They either moved away, went on a trip or "Everyone thinks abandoning animals animals out in the street. "We try like league is not willing to step in. One ot those simply tired of caring for the three-months-old doesn't happen in a nice place like Summit anything never to lose sight ot the animal," occured recently when a Summit man called to puppy. but It happens here as much as anyplace Miss Carter explained; say he'd like to find a home for his dog How long after that, the gentle animal else," Miss Carter said adding, "We just because he was going to put down all new Anyone finding a dog or cat in Summit wandered around suburban streets, lost, con- don't have the space and we're trying carpeting throughout his house. When a which appears to be lost or abandoned should fused and frightened, no one knows. All that desperately to place them as fast as we can." League member was less than sympathetic, notify the police. The next step tor the animal Is certain Is that a Berkeley Heights policeman is the pound (located at the Summit Dog and FANCY Mff TINS YOUHERE - No it's not the sandy beaches of Summit, but Spruce Run State Park he shouted, "But you've got to take the dog. found her by the side of a road, terribly Injured A Phenomenon Cat Hospital) where owners are given seven where local youngsters from, the Summit Area YMCA's Camp Cannundus can toil about in the sun and by a car and left to die. On the faint chance What could motivate people, who are other- days to reclaim their animals. The respon- swim during these hazy, lazy summer days. The two young gentlemen above seem to be about ready to that anything could be done to save the pup- wise law-abiding and decent, to abandon their sibility, incidently, is left to the owner to call have a little fun in the sun. Overnight campout and trips to state parks are part ot the regular program at py, he took her to Dr. Richard Holmes at the pets to possible sentences of slow, painful and pick up his pet. He will not be notified Camp Dannundus. Open to girls and boys, grades 1-7, the next and last two-week period starts August Berkeley Heights Animal Hospital. death? Among the reasons given by observers even it the wearing a license or other 10, ending August ?1. For more details, call the Summit Yai 273-3330. Dr. Holmes later described to Violet Carter, ot this state-wide phenomenon are the high identification. costs of food and medical care for pets as well president of the Summit Animal League, how Unclaimed animals are luckier in Summit as soaring fees tor boarding animals whose he literally put the animal back together again. than in many communities because the Animal owners are on vacation. These misguided peo- "You couldn't help but do your very best. She League (which takes over after the seven-day Not Too Soon to Think of School was so patient and so good." he said, ple may also hop* that a Good Samaritan will pound period) believes firmly that every pop up from nowhere and give their pets a Families new to Summit are encouraged to All public schools will open officially for in- Betsy's story has a happy ending unlike the animal must have a chance for a new home. In good home but, according to Miss Carter, register their children for school at the earliest struction on Wednesday, September 9. case of most abandoned household pets': the case ot dogs, it's multiplied to three "this isn'txhW happens." I opportunity so that classes can be urpaniieti When . schools, open in^septtmbr, the When no one came forward to adopt her from chances. Only atter a dog comes back three Much more likely Is terrible. suffering and programs planned. *" number of elementaryfetwols In operation will the Animal League (one ot her legs was times with thesa^|,bad report trom prospec-' *r*»Bti'l»ct( of waiertotwt.SMmmir months; During the month of AugustTchiMrBn enter " total live, the smallest number In many years. shortened by the accident amj ehe has sr bad. fm UlAKY ANIMALS, including Petunia tlve, adopters, is he or she considered 9t*V<«sft, twins** by a ttr-mti Mi te die '" ing the elementary schools should be Wilson school will be closed and thereby join limp), Miss Carter aftled Betsy to her own above summer can be the most dangerous unplaceagje^,,.- like'Betsy or mistreatment at the hands ot registered at the offices of the Board of Educa- the ranks of Roosevelt school closed two years household. "She does have a rather peculiar time ot year. Many are deserted by their "We are not sponsored or endowed and we unkind passersby. tion, 97 Maple street, 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. ago. walk but I love her just the same," she ex- families and either lett to die or wander receive no money from the city," Miss Carter There Is no acceptable excuse for treating Students In grades seven through nine may plained. aimlessly around the street until they are explained. " It is ouf money and we ear n it and Elementary schools currently In operation animals as though they were inanimate ob- register at the Junior High School, 272 Morris The abandonment of helpless animals like either hit by a cat, die ot starvation or people are good to us. That way we can keep are Brayton, Jefferson, Franklin, Lincoln and jects Instead of "God's creatures," Miss avenue, while those In grades ten through 12 Betsy, unfortunately, is not unusual. This picked up by the Dog Warden and held tor a the animals as long as we need to," Washington. Carter firmly believes. Those people who real- may register at the High School, 1Z5 Kent summer is the worst the Summit Animal few days until they are either rescued or Those wishing to hel(5 or adopt an animal or The new school year will also see principals ly cannot afford to have sets spayed can apply Place boulevard, also between 8:30 a.m.