“Working Informing the together TuHS for the community Greater Pack” since 1992

Tualatin High School October 6, 2017 Volume 28 | Issue 1 22300 SW Boones Ferry Road, Tualatin, OR 97062 | (503) 431-5751


Graphic art by Max White // Graphic Artist What to expect when “The Big One” hits Inside this issue: Ella Gilbertson can’t curl forever. Eventually, the pres- Fault Line, around a 7.5. sure will become too much, and the The displacement of the conti- SUCCEED Act Staff Writer North American Plate will spring back nental shelf will result in a tsunami that An impending disaster has been lurk- to its original position, resulting in the will occur around 15 minutes after the announced for DACA ing over the heads of Oregonians--or Big One. initial earthquake. The Federal Emer- replacement, pg 3 rather, under them. The earthquake that “When our subduction zone earth- gency Agency (FEMA) projects a death will take place on the Cascadia Subduc- quake occurs--not if, but when--we toll of at least 13,000. This could be even tion Zone, known to residents of the could expect to experience three to five worse if it occurs in the summer, as the Last-minute Northwest as Cascadia Rising or “the minutes of continuous shaking. Depend- beaches will likely be filled with tourists Big One,” has a one-in-three chance of ing on where along the subduction zone who will have no idea how to evacuate. Homecoming happening within the next 50 years, ac- this earthquake ruptures, this will be vio- The shaking will cause buildings and preparation, pg 4 cording to OPB. lent shaking,” geology teacher Timothy bridges to collapse. FEMA states that The Cascadia Subduction Zone con- Youngberg said. gas, electricity and water will be unavail- sists of the Juan de Fuca Plate and the According to an article in The able for months, and for those on the much larger North American Plate. The New Yorker, scientists predict that the coast, possibly years. Hey vegans! Plants Juan de Fuca Plate is sliding underneath mega-quake has the potential to be a 9.2 have feelings too! the North American Plate, but instead on the Richter scale, higher on the scale Story continued pg 16 of a smooth glide, the North American than even the dreaded earthquake that is Plate is curling in on itself. However, it supposed to occur on the San Andreas on pg 8 2 News October 6, 2017

Ogden reflects on time as mayor TuHS Bond Update help them get their businesses open.” Elle Sherman Next summer’s construction will Staff Writer Q: What do you want to see happen for the next generation when a new mayor is elected? add square footage, classrooms With just a year left of his final term, Tualatin Mayor Lou Ogden had a lot to say about Tualatin’s youth population, his A: “We have many young people who achieve great things at Anna Sung legacy and his hopes for the future. With countless opportu- school and in the community. We also have a number of folks Staff Writer nities for teens to get involved and award-winning parks and who don’t graduate or are not gaining good family wage jobs. recreation centers, Ogden is proud of his time in office. Starting this summer, Tualatin High will begin reno- We are working to establish more skills training opportunities vations and construction with the money granted to the so all kids can achieve good jobs. We also need to expand our Q: How do you feel you’ve improved life for teenagers in district from the TTSD bond that passed last November. diversity opportunities as we gain more folks in our commu- Tualatin? In the largest bond measure in the district’s history, the nity from different backgrounds and cultures.” Tigard-Tualatin School District was given $291 million to A: “We have engaged youth through the upgrade technology across the district and renovate facili- Q: What do you feel has been your biggest accomplishment Tualatin Youth Advisory Council and ties at the four Ts: Templeton, Tualatin, Tigard and Twal- as Mayor? TEAM Tualatin. These are op- ity. For TuHS specifically, they will focus on roof replace- portunities for youth to volun- ments, additional classrooms and increasing the overall A: “Major accomplishments have been building teer, serve their community safety of the student body and faculty. Tualatin Commons, installing WES Train, building and provide input to city Recently, with the lockdown that took place at TuHS a the new Basalt Creek Parkway and the 124th Ex- government. We built a couple of weeks ago, the importance of safety became a tension (under construction), Creating a Youth teen room at the library focal point. Council, Ki-a-cuts Bridge over the Tualatin Riv- as a place for youth to Regarding the effect the bond would have on the safety er, parks and trails mentioned above, and keep- go. We have maintained measures, Scott Herron, a history teacher and a repre- ing Tualatin as a community where more than a scholarship fund and sentative of the teachers union, said, “If you look at the 90% of those who live here would recommend it make annual awards.” square footage we have and the amount of students that as a city for their friends and family to move to.” attend this school, we have more students than what they Q: What improve- recommend. Overcrowding is one aspect of the safety is- Q: Is there anything else you’d like to add? ments have you made to sues we face, but a safety feature we are really looking into parks (skate parks, basketball is moving the main office to the middle of the building, A: “We are a great community with a balance of resi- courts, etc.)? which finally gives TuHS an official main entrance.” dences, businesses, jobs, shopping, transportation alterna- Herron credits the community with being willing to in- tives, great schools and wonderful people of all ages and vari- A: “We have award-winning parks vest in the school district. ous cultures.” and built several in my terms including Photo courtesy of “We have not had any major reconstruction on this Ibach, Jurgens, Brown’s Ferry, the Skate building since it was first constructed 25 years ago. I’m Park, the artificial turf at TuHS and the 5K cross country track not surprised that this bond passed. The parents and the at TuHS/Byrom. We have built the Tualatin River Greenway people in this community value students’ education,” Her- Trail and the north park and dog park at Community Park.” ron said. According to The Oregonian, Tigard-Tualatin School Q: What programs does the city offer for teens and have Board Chair Jill Zurschmeide also agrees. they been successful? “I think it speaks volumes about how much our com- munity supports the schools,” she said. A: “We have a number of programs through our Parks and Rec Department and they are always sold out.”

Q: A number of big box restaurants like Cracker Barrel have come to Tualatin in the last few years. How are locally-owned restaurants supported by the city?

A: “Tualatin has many locally-owned restaurants. Some are larger like Haydens, Industry, Ancestry, Casa del Sol, Thai Photo from Google Maps / by Willis Anderson Bistro and Sushi Train. There are also the smaller ones like Mayor Ogden regards the creation of the Commons as a Mashita’s and Rosie’s Kitchen. We work with all of them to signature accomplishment of his tenure. Photo courtesy of TTSD website Sex crime complaint leads to athletic suspension for Corvallis athlete Accusation of sexual assault, not conviction, triggers consequences

this year’s prom night, Brewer had “engaged in sexual inter- Graehm Alberty course with a person who was incapable of consent by reason News Editor of mental incapacitation or physical helplessness,” as the Cor- Controversy erupted this September when Marco Brewer, a vallis Gazette Times reported. star football player and UCLA commit, was suspended from Although these charges have not yet been proven, Corval- participating in athletics at Corvallis High School. The admin- lis’s code of conduct for student athletes contains a provision istration’s decision was prompted by Brewer’s indictment on that “criminal acts … may be cause for immediate suspension multiple first-degree sex crimes, each of which is considered from the program.” Such language does not specify whether severe enough to permit trial as an adult. or not students must actually be convicted, or merely suspect- Some athletes and parents across are concerned about the ed, of said criminal acts in order to trigger a suspension. idea of disciplinary action being taken against an individual This situation is “contrary to the fundamental tenants of who has merely been accused, but not yet tried, of a criminal our society...a person is innocent of any crime or wrongdo- offense. The outcome of this situation could set a substantial ing unless and until the state proves the person’s guilt beyond precedent for future disciplinary cases involving student ath- a reasonable doubt,” wrote Brewer’s attorney, Michael Finch letes. in his request for a temporary restraining order against the The controversy started in July, when it was charged that on school’s suspension. Finch also argued that the school’s decision would jeopar- Photo courtesy of Hudl dize his client’s full-ride scholarship offer to UCLA, which he claimed was dependent on participation in “both aca- Finch, granting his requested ten-day restraining order. demics and football” throughout the school year. However, the order was not renewed after its expiration. Others were not convinced by the defense’s ar- Brewer eventually transferred to Grant. As of writing this ar- guments. ticle, The Oregonian reports that he is now seeking a waiver from “Schools base their decisions on the best Interscholastic League, which would allow him to play evidence available at the time,” said Tu- football as a mid-year transfer. alatin’s interim football coach for last year, Although unresolved, the case still raises the controversial Scott Herron. “If you wait for a conviction, issue of “innocent until proven guilty” and burden of proof. you allow the accused to be around other This issue becomes especially pertinent for Tualatin students people, and you put the school and its stu- when one considers that Section Two Tualatin High School’s dents at risk.” athletic code of conduct contains the exact same “criminal Initially, the presiding judge sided with acts” provision that led to Brewer’s suspension. Photo courtesy of Wikipedia October 6, 2017 News 3 Congress proposes new bill as replacement for DACA completely phased out until 2020. intense background check, and are able to pay off any federal “I hope that Congress makes the right decision concerning Ella Gilbertson tax liabilities that exist. They must also send in biometric infor- the hundreds of thousands of hard-working people who rely Staff Writer mation to the Department of Homeland Security. on DACA,” senior Fatima Mendoza said. “They deserve that After five years of consis- much.” Republican senators Thom Tillis, James tently meeting the requirements, Lankford and Orrin Hatch recently an- a person is eligible to apply for nounced the SUCCEED Act, or the Solu- another five. Once this period tion for Undocumented Children through of time has passed, a green card Careers Employment and Defending our may be applied for. Nation Act, as a potential replacement for “If you work hard, follow the - DACA currently protects just under DACA. The Trump administration had giv- law, and pay your taxes, you can 790,000 young unauthorized immi- en an ultimatum concerning the Deferred stay here permanently,” Tillis Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) said in a CBS interview. grants program, allowing Congress six months DACA is a government pro- before it would begin to phase out DACA gram that allows people who - The phasing out of DACA would af- altogether. came to the US illegally as chil- The new bill holds that in order to receive Photo Courtesy of PBS dren to have temporary rights to fected 2.1 million potential DACA ben- a “conditional status” in the US, an applicant must have gain- live, go to school and work in America. Those who applied eficiaries ful employment, be pursuing a higher education or be actively had to have been students, successfully completed school or serving in the military. Protective status will be given to those serving in the military. They are heavily investigated for any who arrived in the US before reaching 16 years of age, have a past criminal activity and possible threats to national security. - 65,000 undocumented immigrants high school diploma or an equivalent and are able to pass an Since the Obama Administration began DACA in June of graduate from high school annually 2012, 787580 people have been approved for the program. Recipients have come from Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras, among other countries. DACA recipients have - 10,000 undocumented immigrants been able to get driver’s licenses, enroll in college, get legal jobs, and pay income taxes. However, the program was criticized by graduate from college annually

some for having no path to citizenship. about DACA Facts Fast Following Sept. 5, any DACA applications will no longer - States with the most beneficiaries are be processed. Work permits issued will be valid until expira- tion and anyone whose permit expires before March 5, 2018, California, Texas, Illinois, Florida and will have one month to apply for a new two-year permit. The New York Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has also stopped processing applications submitted after Sept.

Photo courtesy of AMNewYork 5, although the LA Times states that the program will not be Tensions intensify between Trump, News in Brief McConnell over failed health care bill Katie Gratchner Keeping you up-to-date on the Staff Writer most important recent events Relations between President Donald Trump and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) continue to de- Jasmine Masalmeh teriorate over the health care bill failures and the national Staff Writer debt ceiling. President Trump was angry with McConnell over the summer when he could not get the needed 51 votes to push Graphic art by Max White // Graphic Artist Hurricane Maria thrashes Puerto Rico the Republicans’ second health care bill through the Sen- Puerto Rico was devastated by Hurricane Maria in late Sep- ate. The second bill, similar to the first, would have left 15 this phone call, President Trump and McConnell did not tember. The hurricane crushed buildings and homes, flooded million people without insurance by 2018 and 22 million speak for weeks, according to the New York Times. the streets, knocked out power for the entire island, and left the without insurance after 10 years, according to the Congres- Government teacher Chris Duke described Presi- citizens hungry, shivering and begging for shelter. sional Budget Office (CBO). The CBO also stated the bill dent Trump and McConnell as having an “uneasy working According to CNN, “Power is out. Food is short. There’s would reduce the federal deficit by $420 billion in a decade. relationship.” not enough water to drink, let alone wash. A week after Hur- All Democrats in the Senate and nine Republicans voted The other major conflict between President Trump and ricane Maria smashed Puerto Rico as a Category 4 storm, the against the bill, totaling 57 against and 43 for. Since then, McConnell is in regards to Trump’s decision to side with the situation is not much better. In many ways, it’s getting worse.” two more repeal efforts have also failed. Democrats on changing and raising the debt ceiling. President Trump, frustrated over McConnell’s inability President Trump and Senate Minority Leader Chuck to pass the bill, tweeted on Aug. 10, “Can you believe that Schumer (D-NY) are in agreement to consider a deal that NFL Players “Take a Knee” Social media has been abuzz with responses to NFL players’ Mitch McConnell, would change the decisions to take a knee during the national anthem. who has screamed way Congress ad- The protest followed Trump’s recent tweet in which he stat- Repeal & Replace dresses the debt lim- ed that, “If a player wants the privilege of making millions of for 7 years, couldn’t it. Currently, if the dollars in the NFL, or other leagues, he or she should not be get it done. Must government starts allowed to disrespect…our Great American Flag (or Country) Repeal & Replace to come close to the and should stand for the National Anthem. If not, YOU’RE ObamaCare!” national debt limit FIRED.” In response to (which they have Buffalo Bills coach Rex Ryan, who once introduced Trump President Trump’s done multiple times at a campaign rally, criticized the president’s comments, while anger and disap- in recent years), then others came out against the players’ protest. pointment over the Congress has to vote failed bill, McCon- to up the limit. nell said to a group Conservatives gen- Graham-Cassidy bill fails in early August, erally like the cur- Senate Republicans have ditched their latest attempt to re- “Our new presi- rent arrangement peal and replace the Affordable Care Act, citing a lack of votes. Photo courtesy of CNBC / Bill Clark / CQ Roll Call / Getty Images The new legislation would have allowed states to opt out of dent, of course, has President Trump and House Majority Leader Mitch McConnell come face to face because every time not been in this line following a congressional address. Congress votes to many provisions of the ACA and removed the subsidies and of work before, and extend the ceiling, it Medicaid expansions that Obama signed into law in 2010. I think he had excessive expectations about how quickly raises awareness with American citizens how much debt the Republicans Rand Paul (KY), John McCain (AZ), Susan Col- things happen in the democratic process.” United States is in. lins (ME) and all Democratic senators had refused to give the Several days following this speech, President Trump re- Trump and Schumer agreed to increase the debt ceiling bill their support, ensuring that it would have been defeated in sponded to McConnell’s comment by tweeting, “Senator until December despite McConnell and other GOP officials the case of an actual vote. Although it increased funding to all Mitch McConnell said I had ‘excessive expectations,’ but I wanting a longer agreement, potentially past the 2018 mid- three GOP senators’ home states, the Graham-Cassidy bill was don’t think so. After 7 years of hearing Repeal & Replace, term elections. still unable to secure their support. why [is it] not done?” Senior Justin Atkins, concerning the political tensions, However, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell still in- The feud only intensified when President Trump report- said, “I hope that divisions between Congress and the Presi- sisted, “We haven’t given up on changing the American health edly called McConnell on Aug. 9 to question him over the dent do not prevent things from getting done. We’ve had care system. We are not going to be able to do that this week, health care bill failure and McConnell’s lack of support in enough gridlock.” but it still lies ahead of us, and we haven’t given up on that.” protecting him from the Russia investigation. Following 4 Feature October 6, 2017 Exchange students adjust to Meet The Wolf Tualatin, new foods, friends Get to know two members of What sports/clubs are you involved in at The Wolf staff Asma Abu-Khater school? Hailey Knakal Thea: Even if you don’t actually ab- Staff Writer “I play water polo.” sorb any information, at least Features Editor pretend to read everything in A total of six foreign exchange students from all Naroa Mentxaka Get to know the students beyond the paper. Also, be nice to the of over the world have come to gain new ex- Country: Spain the articles! Enjoy this short question- Newspaper staff, and you might periences here in Tualatin. From various coun- Grade: Junior naire all about two of The Wolf’s staff be featured in the next issue. tries and grades each student is excited to learn What food do you miss most? writers! Enrique: I’d like to tell them to join more about the diverse American culture. “The bread because here you have sandwich bread. the staff if they’re so keen on What grade are you in and how commentating; we’re always Beatrice Carnito You don’t have the real bread like French bread, and I miss it a lot.” long have you been on staff ? willing to have you. Also, just as Country: Italy What sports/clubs are you involved in at Thea: I am a senior, and this is my Thea said, please at least pretend Grade: Junior school? second year being a part of the to care about our work; we put What’s the most surprising thing about Amer- “I am playing soccer, but not at school. I am play- Newspaper team. so much into getting this paper ica? ing rec soccer, and I›m probably going to join Enrique: I am a junior, and this is my together. “The teachers are so nice. They [are] all always talk- HOSA.” second year and counting, hope- ing to you. In Italy, they are very serious, but fully. Can’t wait for my senior What is something you enjoy do- here they are very nice.” Haeun Kim year in here, too! ing when you aren’t writing What’s the coolest thing you’ve done in Or- Country: South Korea for The Wolf? egon so far? Grade: Sophomore What is your favorite thing about Thea: Painting, watching horror “I went to the football games. In Italy, we don’t What’s the most surprising thing about being on staff ? mov- ies, sleeping, eating have school sports, only the professional America? Thea: Class discussions! If you were unhealthy teams.” “[The] school is really big, and the [students] to walk into our classroom during Newspaper, I can Noah Da Costa Kalangala change classrooms. In Korea, the teachers change classrooms, and we have all [the] same almost guarantee you Country: Germany classmates.” half of the staff will Grade: Sophomore What food do you miss most? be wrapped up in How have your first few weeks of school been “Kimchi.” one big random at TuHS? discussion of who “It’s been a lot different than back at home. The Siljia Stupf knows what. It’s school is way bigger, and I’ve been really over- Country: Switzerland quality entertain- whelmed with [the] size of the school. But the Grade: Senior ment. students are all really nice.” What’s the most interesting American food Enrique: My favorite What food do you miss most? you’ve tried? thing about being “Bread. I miss it the most because we have really “I think macaroni and cheese because it’s not on the Newspaper good bread, and [it] tastes really different.” real cheese, and in Switzerland, we have real staff is easily having a voice and a vessel to Sebastian Valo cheese.” What’s the coolest thing you’ve done in Or- speak to many people, as well Country: Slovakia egon so far? as speaking to all the people in Photo by Asma Abu Khater Grade: Senior “To be part of the dance team is something really our class, including Mrs. Lacy! What’s the most surprising thing about amounts of sugar on the daily. cool for me. To visit Portland was really cool. America? Normal teenage things. It’s a city, but it’s really green and the land- Why did you join Newspaper? “[The] huge amounts of food everywhere. Enrique: Spending an unhealthy scape is really different.” Thea: I originally joined to be a Staff amount of time listening to mu- Photographer and do art, which sic, eating, socializing, shopping, I still do now, but I also ended up drawing, sleeping and constantly falling in love with the process being on Twitter. of writing for the paper along the way. What is your favorite section to Enrique: I was originally volunteered write for? to be in here by Ms. Beeler, but I Thea: Definitely Entertainment since couldn’t be more glad to be part I love to write about anything of the staff. I’ve stayed around movie or music related. Feature because I both enjoy all the peo- is a close second… basically any- ple on the staff as well as writ- thing except News and Sports. ing about things I am passionate Enrique: My favorite section is eas- about. ily my own, Entertainment. We

Photo by Jordan Anderson, Web Editor cover everything I’m thrilled to From left to right: Haeun Kim, Beatrice Carnito, Siljia Stupf, Naroa Mentxaba and Noah Da Costa Kalangala. (Sebastian Valo Is there anything you would like to cover, mostly music. My runner- not pictured). tell the readers of The Wolf? up is probably Humor.

Need ideas for Homecoming? We’ve got you covered Restaurant ideas: Isabelle Passaglia Bamboo Sushi, Portland of the dance, schedule an appointment at Blowout! Located Staff Writer With an upscale atmosphere, locations all throughout Port- 10 minutes away from the high school, Blowout will style your land and reasonable pricing, Bamboo Sushi makes the perfect hair for you, so you have one less thing to worry about! Prices As you have probably heard, Homecoming 2017 is Homecoming dinner destination. Average price per person: range from $50 to $80. just 24 hours away! As always, ASB has put in weeks of prepa- $20 ration to make this night spectacular for students. Last minute dress shopping: ASB President Kaylee Price doesn’t think that this , Bridgeport Village Janelle James, Bridgeport Vil- year’s superhero-themed dance will disappoint. Located only 10 minutes away from the high school, Pastini lage “I think students will be excited for the big reveal of makes the perfect location for those hoping to limit drive time Janelle James has many the theme and to see who makes it on Homecoming Court. while still scoring a delicious meal. Average price per person: styles to choose from. Every year it seems to surprise the student body, and I don’t $14 Chances are you’ll find think it will be any different this year!” she said. something you like. Prices With all the excitement centered around Homecom- Last minute prep for ladies: generally range from $35- ing Week, it can be easy to forget the important details. Dance Bridgeport Nails, Tigard 100+. preparation can take a great deal of work, energy and time; so, Quaint, modern and inexpensive, Bridgeport Nails is a great Photo courtesy of the Yearbook Staff for those of you that tend to procrastinate, figuring everything last minute option for all of your nail needs. Francesca’s, Bridgeport Village out with so little time can be overwhelming. Don’t worry Manicures starting at $15 If you couldn’t find anything at Janelle James, head across we’ve got you covered! Pedicures starting at $25 the street and take a look at Francesca’s selection. This small Here are a few last-minute restaurant, preparation boutique organizes its clothes by color, which comes in handy and dress ideas to help make your night one to remember! Blowout A Blow Dry Bar, Bridgeport Village when your primary concern is matching your date’s indigo- If doing your own hair seems like too much to handle the night plum pocket square. Prices range from $30 to $60. October 6, 2017 Feature 5 Annual Tualatin Regatta run is back Lembke Scholarship Elle Sherman “I think it’s the best feel-good event Staff Writer we do,” Hollamon Award winners from last spring Come to Tualatin Community Park on said, “because it’s Saturday, Oct. 21 for the annual Regatta awesome to keep use funds to further education Run! Matt’s legacy alive Participants should sign up at regat- and to help students Meghan MacPherson tarun.com and use the discount code be able to go to col- TUHSSTUDENTS2017 (only valid for lege.” Staff Writer TuHS students). The run begins at 9 Junior Alex Pe- a.m., but if participants want to sign up gis participated in Each year, the Corporal Matthew Lembke Memorial Schol- the day of the race, they should arrive at the Regatta Run arship is awarded to members of the Senior Class who demon- 7:30 a.m. The run ends around 10 a.m., last year. Pegis has strate the qualities of honor, courage, commitment, dedication and afterwards there will be an award experience in both and service to others. ceremony and a prize raffle, so the event running the race Dedicated to Corporal won’t officially end until 11 a.m. his freshman year, Matthew Lembke, who This run is a fundraiser for the Cpl. as well as managing Photo courtesy of a RegattaRun passed away in 2009 af- Matthew Lembke Memorial Scholar- and monitoring runners on particular to live through the eyes and honor one ter being critically in- ship fund, which benefits Tualatin parts of the course. of the greatest runners to come out of jured during a tour in High School graduating seniors. Health Pegis said, “This year, me, along with our town.” Iraq, the scholarship teacher Kathy Hollamon started this the rest of the cross country team, are Pegis offered some final words of en- was given to six indi- fund nine years ago when TuHS grad very excited to encourage our commu- couragement. viduals of last year’s 2017 nity members “Do not hesitate to do this race! graduating class, who have just and honor our Whether you run regularly or not, this is recently begun their college jour- fallen Tualatin a great chance to push yourself towards neys. XC alumni, being a more physically and mentally Sean MacPherson was one of the Cpl. Matthew healthy person. If you get tired in the six to be awarded the scholarship. Lembke.” midst of the race, just remember that “He has high expectations The Regatta the people next to you are just as tired. It of himself and a work ethic to Run is an im- all comes down to how much you want back up his desires for success,” portant com- to succeed. And all I can say on behalf Lembke scholarship coordinator munity event of the Tualatin XC team is that we are and teacher Kathy Hollamon because this is nothing but excited and striving to make said. MacPherson’s passion a great oppor- the 2017 Regatta Run more memorable and dedication to running tunity for the than its predecessors. With that being made him a great candidate people of Tu- said, may Matthew Lembke rest in peace. for the scholarship. He is alatin to come Ra Ra, Go Wolves!” attending the University of Photo courtesy of TualatinChamber together and Oregon to study Business Matthew Lembke was killed during a help support a and Communication. tour of duty in Iraq. She approached good cause. Sharon Kim was anoth- the Lembke family and wanted to start a “These are the same aspects that Mat- er recipient of the schol- scholarship fund in his name to keep his thew Lembke also got to experience as arship. She has great memory and legacy alive. a person and a cross country runner interest in the In eight years, they’ve held eight runs before he passed away. This race is im- medical field and in his honor and given away $128, 500 to portant to us as a team, a school and a was president of a total of 56 kids. community,” Pegis said, “because we get HOSA during some of her time here at TuHS. Her dedication to others and her com- munity and her service work helped her earn this scholarship. Kim is at Oregon State University this fall to pursue a degree TuHS welcomes PSAT Prep: What involving medicine. The third individual who received the scholarship last year was Santiago Kis. Kis is passionate about education and helped new art teacher you need to know to inspire and guide many students while in high school. “Described by his teachers as a man of integrity and a natu- White is one of many new ral leader, Santi says his life’s purpose is to serve as an educa- Andrew Li tor,” Hollamon said. Kis attends Western Oregon University. teachers at TuHS this year Staff Writer Another one of last year’s recipients was Javier Mitchell. He spent much of his time during his last few years of high school Max White Every year, in the month of October, students across the mentoring younger students through the Intercambio Program Graphic Artist nation take a standardized test known as the PSAT/NMSQT, and did many other things to help and serve his community. Art teacher Brenna White is one new addition to the usually shortened to the PSAT test. The Portland Tribune also recognized him for the Outstanding TuHS staff. She worked in the district as an elementary and The PSAT is an exam similar to the SAT, which most stu- Student Award during his senior year. He plans to study envi- middle school teacher before starting at TuHS this fall. dents will take further along in the year. There are several par- ronmental engineering at Portland Community College. “I love middle schoolers because they have a lot of en- allels between the two tests; they test the same subjects. Both The fifth scholarship winner was Stephanie Najera. Najera ergy and they never let me have a dull day,” she said, “but tests contain material that will quiz you on evidence-based has a passion for medicine and wants to serve others in which- I really appreciate the maturity and the ability to do more reading, writing, language and math (both with a calculator ever career path she chooses in the future. things with the high schoolers.” and without). “Stephanie’s maturity, intelligence and perseverance have She explained, “Before I started here, I was afraid to However, there are also distinct differences between the two earned her the respect of teachers and peers alike,” Hollamon work with high schoolers because I thought they were go- tests. For starters, the PSAT is 15 minutes shorter in length and said. Najera is at Portland State University studying pre-med. ing to be these really ‘adult-y’ students and would be very does not contain an essay. In the reading section, you have one The final recipient was Julia Zavala. She did volunteer work difficult, but I’ve actually decided this is my favorite level to hour to complete 48 questions. The math section contains 47 with many different organizations and was recognized for teach after two weeks here at Tualatin.” questions in total; you will receive 45 minutes to complete the commitment in all that she did. Julia is attending Oregon State White replaced graphic art teacher Rachel Robinson, and calculator section and 25 minutes to finish the non-calculator University to study Biology in hopes of becoming a surgeon. said, “It’s hard coming into someone’s shoes, but hopefully section. The writing portion has 44 questions that must be Best of luck to last spring’s Matthew Lembke Memorial I’m different enough and I teach class in a different way… completed in 35 minutes. Scholarship recipients! The seniors of the Class of 2018 can Picking up where she left off is probably harder than start- Another clear distinction is how the tests are scored: the apply for the scholarship beginning in April. ing something myself, but there are a lot of great things she PSAT is out 1520 points, and the SAT is out of 1600. Un- did that I can use and can build off of. Kids who had her like the SAT, the PSAT will not count towards college admis- before can look forward to doing some projects she did and sions unless you score high enough to earn the National Merit some new projects as well.” Scholarship, a coveted achievement which should certainly be White wants students to work with clients and make in- listed in college applications. In the state of Oregon, a score of dependent designs. This is something she knows a thing or 1450 will net you this title, which can entail thousands of dol- two about, as the artist behind some McMenamins restau- lars towards your future college costs. So while you shouldn’t rant murals. If this program were implemented, it would stress over the PSAT, you certainly shouldn’t ignore it, either. function like an internship, where students would gain ex- You may be wondering, how do I prepare for the PSAT? perience in lieu of financial gain. White said that she would The answer is simple. The PSAT and SAT both cover close- want students to work within the school at first, but added ly-related material. By studying for the SAT, you will also be that nothing was off the table yet. studying for the PSAT. “I’m really excited to be here,” White said. “This is a Junior Santiago De La Torre weighed in with his opinion. dream job for me, and I enjoy working with the students “Although our school places more emphasis on the ACT, I every day. To teach art as my living is amazing, so I am su- believe that the SAT and PSAT are equally important,” he said. Courtesy photo per grateful to be here.” “I plan to study for both exams and hopefully score well.” Winners of the 2017 Lembke Memorial Scholarship. 6 Entertainment October 6, 2017 Fall TV seasons that are worth the binge-watch Jasmine Masalmeh & Asma Abu-Khater Anatomy. Spanning 14 seasons, Grey’s Anatomy has a reputa- “Rafael would be a great partner to Jane, especially after the tion for its jaw-dropping endings to each season. death of Michael and her first love that came out of nowhere Staff Writers The new season will include the re- at the end of the season,” sophomore Rian Stromire said. TV favorites Riverdale, Grey’s Anatomy, Jane the Virgin turn of many characters you may The ever-complicated love triangle of Jane Gloriana Villan- and Supernatural are coming back with even more thrilling remember from past seasons. ueva is awaiting us in season four! episodes this year. “I am excited that they are bringing back Kim Raver, who Supernatural Riverdale played back in “Saving people, hunting things, the family business.” It all With the striking mystery of Jason Blossom’s murder, season 8,” senior Makenna Bai- started with Sam and Dean Winchester ganking demons, fight- Riverdale steals the spotlight for the newest TV breakout ley said. ing off wendigos, living in run-down hotels and occasionally series. With one season out, Riverdale’s twist to Everyone is very excited for yet an- saving the world. Photo courtesy ofTheBloginetor the iconic Archie Comics is becom- other binge-worthy season of the According to “Supernatural Wiki,” season 13 will contain 23 ing a phenomenon amongst high show, which premiered with a two-hour special on Thursday, episodes and air on Thursdays at 8 p.m. It’s set to premiere on schoolers. Sept. 23. Oct. 12. “[The show] is really differ- SPOILER ALERT! Season 12 was ent and really entertaining. It Jane the Virgin cut off by the sudden deaths of also just brings you in easily Our favorite virgin is back! According to “Den of the Geek,” two main characters: Castiel, the and I love [the] mystery,” senior Jane the Virgin is set to debut on Friday, Oct. 13 at 9 p.m. trenchcoat wearing gruff angel Hallie Collins said. SPOILER ALERT! After being accidentally artificially in- of the garrison, and Crowley, the The season finale of the show seminated, Jane is thrown into a complicated love triangle with eccentric and witty King of Hell. Photo courtesy of Riverdale Twitter account ends with a traumatic scene of the hunky, hot, hotel-owning billionaire Ra- The question on everyone’s minds Fred Andrews being shot, leaving people uneasy, not know- fa el Solano and the ever-so-romantic has been who will be returning. ing the muderer’s identity. detective Michael Cordero, who “I’ve really been looking forward to The new season, which is set to come out on Oct.6, is also happens to be Jane’s fiancé. Photo courtesy of JustWatchseeing if Crowley and Castiel come back expected to be filled with the appearances of Hiram Lodge, We left off at season 3 with on the show,” sophomore Caite Owen said. Betty’s brother, and Jellybean, Jughead’s sister. With the ad- Jane exploring her newly-attained Unfortunately, Mark Sheppard (Crowley) has made it quite dition of these characters and the unsettling finale of last feelings for Rafael when her ex- clear he will not be returning to the show, although Jared Pa- season, the new season is definitely going to be worth a lover Adam entered the picture. dalecki (Sam Winchester) let it slip that Castiel, played by Misha watch! According to Jennie Snyderman, Collins, will return.

Photo courtesy of TVLine main producer and writer of the show, Another batch of new characters has been thrown into the Grey’s Anatomy Adam is to be portrayed as “someone mix, such as the “new sheriff ” running Hell and Lucifer’s son, The surprising reveal of a living Megan Hunt had every- from Jane’s past,” giving us room to imagine what Jane and whom we got a glimpse of in season 12. Spun with drama, one in shock as they watched the season finale of Grey’s Adam will be up to in season four. season 13 is another season to be greatly anticipated!

Hilariously bad horror Howl is it? What The Wolf movies you need to see thinks about new releases

Katie Leonard tle the viewers which may end in some Enrique Marshall Staff Writer laughs. This title is available to watch Entertainment Editor on Amazon. Among all the hot topics buzzing around the Every year, movie theaters across The Factory (2012, Netflix) entertainment industry right now, you may be the country release the newest, and of- Although not well known, this wondering what some of the most popular titles ten repeated, replayed, and tired tales movie is sure to stick with you, wheth- are in the eyes of someone who has paid attention of horror into the public eye. For the er it be from its confusing plot or its to them, so here are some of the Hollywood’s hot- most part, they never fail to be spooky; strange variety of characters. John Cu- test creations reviewed for you: however, sometimes this is not in the sack stars way you’d expect. Luckily, for those as the not wishing to make the venture to the main de- Movie: The Emoji Movie (2 Stars) The famously negative reviews that surrounded cinema, Netflix, Hulu and many other tective Photo courtesy of Vanity Fair streaming services archive our terrible- this movie prove true – it’s really as bad as it seems. In whose Ryan Murphy’s series is most famously known for. yet-favorite horror films. Here are just The Emoji Movie, viewers follow the protagonist, daugh- After a trio of seasons that left fans unimpressed, a couple that showcase the true spirit Gene, who identifies as a “meh” emoji, meaning ter has besides the performance of Lady Gaga in the fifth of spook. been kid- he is supposed to be constantly disinterested. The only season, Cult seems to have promise napped for a brighter future for American The Visit (2015, Amazon) prob- by a man Horror Story, but for now indulging When watching the trailer for this lem who is in better seasons such as Asylum and movie, everyone’s first reaction was to with notori- Murder House is much wiser. laugh at all of the outlandish, yet un- ous for that is settling, lines from the grandmother; holding he’s ca- moreover, her character may just be prosti- pable Photo courtesy of DVDsReleaseDates.com Album: Kesha - Rainbow (4.5 the pinnacle of the humorous under- of ex- tutes hostage. Stars) tones of this film. The story follows, press- The thrilling pursuit to track down the This August, gritty and harmonic or at ing culprit is the basis of the action. This energies combined as the artist pro- least tries mul- film’s maze of character backstories fessionally known as Kesha Sebert to fol- and confusing motives will surely cap- tiple Photo courtesy of Sony Pictures released her third LP, Rainbow. The album low, two emotions. This gets him into trouble tivate while simultaneously humor shows her diverse singer/songwriter abili- children with the “bots” and the villain, Smiler. your craving for hilariously terrible ties which her past albums lacked. Sebert showcases going Eventually, he links up with partners Hi-5 and tales. her vocal capabilities many times throughout the al- to stay Jailbreak for one of the most cringe-inducing, bum, such as on her lead single “Praying,” that only at their unfunny, and disappointing Children Of The Corn (1984, Net- true “Animals” were aware grand- adventures in recent movie flix) she was capable of. Overall, parents’ memory. The only thing Probably one of the most notori- Kesha delivers one of the house that saves this film is its ap- ous horror classics, this Stephen King most developed and intel- for the peal to meme culture; oth- adapted film follows a couple who ligent albums of the year. weekend; erwise, it can easily be left discover dead bodies on the side of Other highlights of the al- however, behind. the road during a road trip, followed bum’s diverse sounds include as the Photo courtesy of Amazon by the uncovering of cult atrocities the feisty “Let ‘Em Talk,” movie progresses, led entirely by orphaned children the independent and free they re- alize their TV Series: American left to be solved by the unlucky pair. “Woman,” the style fusion residence is not with someone famil- Horror Story: Cult (3 Stars) Embarrassing portrayal of characters with Dolly Parton in “Old iar. Their misadventures that unravel Off to a screaming start, coupled with horrific CGI sets this Flames,” and the largest in pursuit to escape are accompanied this new season of Ameri- story up for a movie so terrible you highlight, “Learn to Let Go.” with many confusing attempts to star- can’t look away. can Horror Story is shaping

up to unravel into some- Photo courtesy of Amazon thing reminiscent of the first three seasons that October 6, 2017 Entertainment 7

Spice up your October playlists Jasmine’s Jukebox with these spooky songs What does it really mean to be a rock band? Annaliese Elliot “Zombies” - Radiation City Radiation City is yet another Port- Humor Editor land-based indie rock band, known Jasmine Hernandez for having music that’s “shiny, hum- Staff Writer Tired of hearing “Monster Mash” or mable, lavish space-age bachelor pad The genres that “Thriller” over and over when it’s near retro-futurist indie exotica,” according gave forth the foun- Halloween? Sad that the world’s collec- to a piece written by Paul Lester in dation to recent tion of Halloween-y songs is much small- The Guardian. Being one of their more music have inher- er than the amount of Christmas songs popular songs and from one of their ited reputations we have? Fret no more: these ~spooky~ earlier albums, Animals in the Median, and have had stig- songs are “Zombies” en- mas created against perfect for compasses that them despite the your Octo- description to a fact that they are the ber playlist! tee. reason why genres derived from them

Photo courtesy of Flickr are praised. Specifi- “Atomic “Spider- cally, alternative mu- Man” - head” - Cage sic and all other sub- Photo courtesy of Jasmine Hernandez Portugal. the Elephant genres imaginable (indie, alt-pop, etc.) inarguably stemmed “R.I.P. 2 My Youth” - The from infamous rock music. According to the rock band The Man This energetic Stone Sour, bands that take inspiration from some of the Portugal. and all-over-the- Neighbourhood more classic eras of rock music don’t identify as rock bands The Man is place song will This dark but catchy track was the lead as they should, for it would help to alleviate the idea that a rock band truly make you single for The Neighbourhood’s 2015 al- the creation and evolution of rock music is on the decline. who re- feel as if you have bum, Wiped Out! and the music video has Ellie Rowsell of Wolf Alice discussed in an interview cently have spiders in your over five million views on You- with Fader her take on the approach to genres. The band had the hit head (don’t worry, Tube. Known for has been defined as ‘grunge meets folk music,’ but Rowsell single “Feel in a good way). being experimen- doesn’t understand what that description means. Rowsell it Still.” If The rock band tal, this song has begun to confidently say that Wolf Alice makes rock you like that Cage the Elephant showcases the Photo courtesy of Wikipedia music in an attempt to reclaim the label and what it means song, you’ll prob- John Gourley, lead singer of Portugal. The Man is well known for band’s mix of performs at a concert in 2014. sonically rather than aesthetically. ably enjoy this their eclectic yet clas- sounds, includ- “People think of older men... singing songs about hav- more alternative sic sound, having been ing R&B, pop, al- ing sex with women, and thrusting their hips and playing track from their 2013 album, Evil Friends. compared to bands like Nirvana and the ternative rock and solos every five minutes,” Rowsell stated. “It would be nice Portugal. The Man was born in Alaska, Pixies. However, with this track being hip-hop. Photo courtesy of Wikipedia for people not to think of that straight away when they but when they wanted to start recording from the album Melophobia (which means think of rock music.” their music and touring, they moved to the fear of music), it is easy to say that On the note of Rowsell’s description of the typical idea Portland. Similar to the city they start- their sound and identity as a music group of a rock band, it became apparent to me that it was neces- ed in, the band keeps their sound both is one of a kind. sary to put those thoughts to the test. Two students were weird and unique. briefly interviewed on their opinion on rock music and luckily perfectly displayed both perspectives. Q: “What is it that you immediately think of when you “Life on Mars” - David Bowie hear the phrase ‘rock music?’” Having been named the best song of A: “A lot of people think rock music is about worship- the ‘70s by Pitchfork magazine, this song Satan, but it’s not; it’s motivational. A lot of people in will always be a classic and, with it already those bands have depression and unify people. It’s impor- being more than 30 years old, will likely tant. But in one word: loud.” - Emma Nelson, freshman continue to transcend time with its beau- A: “Dark colors and angry voices that sound like gorillas tiful piano and chilling lyrics. As it has yelling.” - Ramsey Montana, junior. been perfectly put by BBC Radio 2, this Undoubtedly, we should focus less on what a band ap- hit is like “a cross between a Broadway pears to be and more on what the music is and what a band musical and a Salvador Dali painting.” stands for, both to fans and lyrically. There is a definite need to reclaim the word and redefine just what it means to be a rock band. Photo courtesy of Wikipedia Cage the Elephant’s “Spiderhead” is energetic and erratic. Concerts you won’t want to miss this fall

Jasmine Hernandez in the room. There is an undeniable excitement that can be newest hits off of Love You to Death and the less-popularized found in the beginning of each Bad Suns track, and if you songs off of the duo’s first few albums that were redone soni- Staff Writer have not yet found a musical act that can get you singing every cally live to properly fit the tone of the set. And like that set, After the start of school and the death of summertime, it’s single song off of their albums, then you have not yet heard the performances of this upcoming show will surely leave au- evident that breaks are already needed this fall. Among many Bad Suns. diences surprised from track to track. other artists and bands touring this season, here is a brief list of groups’ shows for you to consider attending on those much- Nothing But Thieves - Star Theater, Oct. 18 LANY - McMenamins Crystal Ballroom, Nov. 6 needed nights away from stress: Touring for their newest album released on Sept. 8, Broken Whether you’re familiar with the music or the lead singer, Machine, this English rock band will embark on the fall tour the name LANY is one you must recognize at this point. And Bad Suns - Wonder Ballroom, Oct. 13 for their sophomore album this October. Following their 2015 if you don’t, Nov. 6 is a great opportunity to finally educate Bad Suns will return to Portland for their second Love Like self-titled album that peaked at #3 on the iTunes charts, Noth- yourself. After building a strong fan base with their EPs Kinda, Revenge fall tour show. On tour for their sophomore album ing But Thieves’ newest release has Make Out, and I Loved You, LANY sat- Disappear Here released in Sept. of 2016 following their 2014 critics investing hope in the idea that isfied their fans’ desire for a full-length release Language & Perspective, Bad Suns, an American alterna- passionate and loose rock music like album this June and simultaneously tive rock band from Los Angeles, will be accompanied by QTY this band’s will make our generation, touched the romantic in all listeners. and their close friends Hunny. Unlike past Portland dates, Bad after years of claiming that rock mu- LANY’s musical works all explore Suns will be the sic is dead, wake up and pay attention the concepts of naive love, infatua- focal point of to not only a great band in studio but tion, longing and just about all other the show and are a great live act when put in front of aspects of both budding and serious to perform the audiences. relationships you can think of; how- majority of both ever, this is not to say that LANY is of their albums Tegan and Sara - Revolution Hall, not a unique group despite these being which is an auto- Oct. 26 Photo courtesy of Wikipedia common themes in music. The synth- matic guarantee Merely a year since their last stop in Nothing But Thieves will play at the Star Theater on Oct. 18 pop threesome never fails to put on that there will be Portland, the well-known pop sister duo Tegan and Sara shift a show that is capable of generating those emotions within a shared feelings their attention from the Roseland Theater to Revolution Hall, live audience and will inevitably leave the crowd of the Crystal Photo courtesy of Flickr of enthusiasm seemingly with the expectation of a larger crowd. Audience Ballroom this November wishing the show could have lasted Bad Suns will play at the Wonder Ballroom on Oct. 13 members of the Oct. 2016 show experienced both the sisters’ “4EVER!” 8 9 FOLD How to help: local ways to get involved

Abbey Lakeman •Donate blood: Search these web- NAtural disasters As the global temperature rises, Opinion Editor sites to find a drive near you: As storms, earthquakes and lockdowns add up this fall, The Wolf explores - Red Cross (www.redcross.org) - America’s Blood Centers (www. how to be prepared, how to help, and why it’s happening consequences are hard to ignore There have been countless natural americasblood.org) disasters within the last couple of According to the U.S Energy Information Admin- - Advancing Transfusion and Cellu- Thea Owens months, and many people want to lar Therapies Worldwide (www.aabb. istration, “Over 80% of the world’s energy is derived help those affected. When you are Photo Editor from carbon dioxide emitting fossil fuels and over 91% org) The Big One: looking for websites to which you Getting ready: Having a plan can be the of the world’s energy is derived from non carbon-neu- can donate, or places to volunteer, Every single day, new data is being recorded and ana- •Donate funds: tral energy sources.” make sure to do your research in or- lyzed exposing the ugly side of global climate change. - GoFundMe is launching hundreds What to expect Essentially, our current economy relies on energy der to avoid scams. Here are some difference between survival and suffering Small changes in our atmosphere have upset the per- of campaigns for individuals want- consumption that causes the excess production of legitimate companies offering ways fectly balanced ecosystem of our planet, resulting in in- ing to help (Continued from Page 1) carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, which ex- to help. Peter Do tensified weather patterns that wreak havoc on a massive plains the complex ties between politics, the economy - Donors Choose helps teachers re- Emergency Kit Checklist global scale. build their classroom and get new “Older chimneys will fall in. Areas near high water ta- Staff Writer and global climate change. •Donate supplies or volunteer: From centuries of deforestation, excessive pollution supplies bles, like near the Tualatin River and wetlands, will experi- -Adapted from ready.gov Global climate change leaves harmful traces on al- - UNICEF and steady overpopulation, humans have quickly tipped - The Humane Society of the Unit- ence liquefaction. This is when the ground becomes like a Natural disasters can strike at any point in time. From earth- most every square mile of planet Earth. Oregon, hav- - Salvation Army the scale of balance within Earth’s environment. NASA ed States is trying to help all pets to liquid and loses the ability to hold structures,” Youngberg quakes to hurricanes, here’s how to be ready for whatever na- ing a uniquely diverse climate, is prone to a number of - Medical Teams International said. “Buildings could sink into the ground or tip over; ture hurls at you. These tips and more information on how to Water - 1 gallon per person per day has published studies from over 1,300 independent sci- negative environmental changes. According to Oregon safety Graphic art by Max White // Graphic Artist you’ll see things like sand blows and water squirting out prepare can be found at www.usa.gov. Food - 3-day supply, non-perish- entists from all around the globe who conclude that hu- Live, some of these changes may include drought-relat- of the ground.” mans are directly responsible for global climate change. ed wildfires, insect-infested timber, rising coast sea lev- OPB now features a tool where a person can enter their -Make a disaster plan with loved ones. Decide where to meet able, per person According to the NASA website, “Industrial activities els, less snow packs, and a significantly reduced amount address and see how their area will be affected, how long and what to do in an emergency. Battery-powered radio have raised atmospheric carbon dioxide levels from 280 of water for local irrigation. to expect to wait for essentials and instructions on how to -Have supplies in your car if you need to evacuate quickly. parts per million to 400 parts per million in the last 150 The Pacific Northwest is also showing signs of cli- prepare for the quake. Items should include a first aid kit in case of treatable injury, Flashlight years. The panel also concluded there’s a better than 95 mate change. According the Regional Global Climate medicine, food, water, a set of clothes, a blanket and a flash- First aid kit percent probability that human-produced greenhouse Change Report, “Temperatures are projected to in- light with plenty of spare batteries. gases such as carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide crease 3.3 degrees by 2070 and 9.7 degrees by 2099, -Stock up on foods that are non-perishable, such as protein Extra batteries have caused much of the observed increase in Earth’s and in the Pacific Northwest, 1.3 degrees from 1895 or energy bars, beef jerky and canned fruit. Whistle temperatures over the past 50 years.” to 2011. Global sea levels have risen about 8 inches -Don’t forget a can opener. In terms of environmental crises, global climate since 1880 and are projected to rise 1 to 4 feet by 2100. -Pack enough water in your car! Dust mask change is significantly more complex when it comes to The impact to 140,000 acres of coastline in Oregon -Carry a backpack for all of your supplies, in the event that Wrench/pliers to turn off utilities actually halting the effects. The systems we currently rely and Washington that lie within 3.3 feet of the high tide you are no longer able to use your car and must walk. on go hand in hand with factors that cause global cli- line would mean a higher frequency of flooding during -Keep cans and non-perishable food handy at home and Can opener mate change. storm surges.” personal items you will need. If you need to evacuate, you Photo courtesy of a Business Insider Local maps Photo courtesy of Flaticon can leave as quickly as possible. Consider keeping these items Hurricane Maria left Puerto Rico without power and desperate for aid supplies. where they are easily accessible. Cell phone with charger/back up -Keep an emergency pet food supply if necessary. battery With these quick tips, you can be prepared for natural di- Medications saster. Hurricane Maria hits close to home: Graphic art by Max White // Graphic Artist TuHS counselor waits to hear from family in Puerto Rico

Kaitlyn Gearin Alvarez said on Sept. 21. Celebrities Staff Writer With hurricanes come long periods of devastation Photo courtesy of Portland Tribune afterwards. Alvarez explained that most houses are aid hurricane victims News about hurricanes might seem far away to many, equipped to limit damage, but hurricanes cause resourc- but for TuHS Multicultural Coordinator Jose Alvarez, es to be scarce, thrash vegetation and take a big toll on with donations and pledges Hurricane Maria is closer than ever. Alvarez, who grew the economy. up in Puerto Rico, has experienced three hurricanes that “They cause total destruction,” Alvarez said. “It is 200,000 donors. Alexis Isaac made direct hits on land. These were Hurricanes Hugo also bad for the students because it is a big distraction Celebrity donations Comedian Kevin Hart pledged $50,000 to (1989), Hortense (1996) and Georges (1998). from normal life.” Staff Writer relief efforts while challenging A-list celebri- “It’s part of life when you live in certain areas that are However, he also thinks that there is good that comes ties like Beyonce and Justin Timberlake to do Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson Many celebrities have contributed to prone to certain natural disasters,” Alvarez said. with the storm when the community comes together. the same. $25,000 to Red Cross disaster relief in the areas affected after Hurricane Maria hit Puerto Rico on Wednesday, Sept. “Something positive that happens, which is very impor- Junior Ramsey Montana said, “I feel like hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria devas- 20. According to ABC News, Maria was classified as tant, is that you see a lot of people helping others, and what he’s doing is really honorable, and Taylor Swift tated many communities. a very powerful Category 4 hurricane. With family in the community comes together to bring each other up.” it’s a great thing that he’s using his well “Substantial donation” of unspeci- On Sept. 12, a multitude of celebri- Puerto Rico, Alvarez can’t do much more than to wait As Alvarez waits for word about friends and family, he known status to help those in need.” fied amount to the Houston Food ties came together to participate in the and see. is sure that those affected by the disaster are doing the In addition, Tyler Perry, Sandra Bull- Bank “Hand in Hand” telethon to benefit “I have not been able to communicate with my fam- same. ock and President Trump have each do- those affected by both Hurricane Irma ily for more than 24 hours with the current situation,” Photo courtesy of The Guardian nated $1 million to the Red Cross and Miley Cyrus and Hurricane Harvey. Justin Bieber, Ste- Graphic art by Tegan Johnson // Copy Editor $500,000 to hurricane relief phen Colbert, Oprah Winfrey and many more other relief efforts. famous names appeared, along with perfor- To help the victims of Hurricane Maria in Demi Lovato mances from Stevie Wonder, Demi Lovato, Puerto Rico, celebrities like Jennifer Lopez, Alex $50,000 to the Houston Food Bank Usher and more. The telethon raised more Rodriguez and rapper Daddy Yankee have donat- than $44 million for multiple organizations, ed to organizations focusing their efforts there. Leonardo DiCaprio including the Rebuild Texas Fund, Save the Some have even been focusing their donations $1 million to the United Way hurricane relief fund Children and Habitat for Humanity. on specific groups affected by the disasters. Ruby J.J. Watt, a defensive end for the Hous- Rose and Jack Antonoff donated to Houston’s Kevin Hart ton Texans, started his own Hurricane Montrose LGBT Center, and Cher donated to $50,000 to Red Cross Harvey relief fund through You- animal rescue groups in Texas. Caring.com, with an initial goal Kardashian Jenner Family to raise $200,000. When Photo courtesy of deviantart.com $500,000 to Red Cross and Salvation Army the fundraiser closed, it had raised over $37 Sandra Bullock million, with $1 million to Red Cross more than

Graphic art by Tegan Johnson // Copy Editor Photo courtesy of Jose Alvarez Photo courtesy of Nasa.gov A NASA satellite image depicts Arctic ice coverage at its lowest level Alvarez is a native of Puerto Rico and is still waiting to hear from one for the year, as of Sept. 19, 2017. last relative on the island as communication is slowly restored. 10 Sports October 6, 2017

Girls’, boys’ soccer teams start strong Sports Opinion “I have loved being on this team. It Meghan MacPherson has really helped me transition into high Staff Writer school,” Johnson said. “I am so excited Fall is here, which means that the high for the rest of this season!” Bengals acknowledge school soccer season is underway. “I am really excited for the rest of this Both of our boys’ and girls’ soccer season,” Wesson agreed. “I am mostly flaws after Weeks teams have been off to a strong start excited to meet new people and play with this year and are setting big goals regard- people older than me.” ing the outcomes of their seasons. After Despite the team losing 11 seniors Photo courtesy of Sean Mcmahon One and Two each team lost multiple from last year’s group, The boys’ varsity team poses for a team picture be- fore one of their first games of the 2017 season. seniors last year, both the girls hope to rebuild Sean Dupuis the boys and girls are this year and have a good OSAA 6A division and have an overall Staff Writer looking to go far this playoff run. record of 3-2. They will take on West year with new additions. “The team is look- Linn at home this Tuesday, Oct. 10th, at (Note: some of the On the girls’ side, the ing really good this year,” 7 p.m. remarks by players team adds 10 new mem- senior captain Rachael This year, the boys’ team adds sever- and coaches have been bers to this year’s roster, Breyer said. “We have al new members to their roster as well. censored, as they are including five freshmen, good team chemistry, They have an overall record of 3-3 prior not appropriate for a two sophomores, one which helps with how to league play and are currently ranked school paper.) junior, and two seniors. we play on the field. We 36th out of 50 teams. If they’re bad, at Photo courtesy of Emily Johansen least they’re self-aware. Freshman Cally To- Freshman Cally Togiai strikes the ball lost a lot of amazing play- Last year, the team finished 22nd over- giai is one of the team’s during one of the girls’ varsity home ers last year, but we also all, with 6 wins, 5 losses, and 4 ties. Bengals corner- new freshman players. games. gained a lot of amazing Junior captain Saul Aparicio said, “We back Dre Kirkpatrick “It feels amazing to players this year.” Breyer look very strong due to the fact that we was quoted after their play for my community. I’m so blessed has been on the team since her freshman have 16 juniors that have competed at a game against the Tex- and glad I made this team… Everyone year, and has competed in the OSAA very high level; therefore, we have hopes ans in Week Two as was so welcoming when I joined the 6A State Championship during both her of going further than we have before.” saying: “We suck.” team,” she said. freshman and sophomore years, winning The boys’ team also hopes to have a After that same Two other additions to the team this in 2014. very successful season and go far in play- game, Adam “Pac- year are freshmen Maile Johnson and Going into league play, the girls are offs. Their next game is Tuesday, Oct. man” Jones not so Payton Wesson. ranked 23rd out of 49 teams in the 10th at West Linn. subtly blamed the of- fense. Photo by Thea Owens // Photo Editor “When you win special teams Thorns secure playoff berth, Timbers within reach and defense, you win field position, and you’re supposed to 3-0 win against Orlando City SC on Sept. ish out the regular season, winning eight win the ******* game.” Andrew Gearin 24. Chants of “MVP” echoed through- of their past 10 games. Goalkeeper Adri- On paper, Jones was right: the Texans didn’t top 100 yards passing; they failed to convert their only red-zone opportu- Editor-in-Chief out Providence Park as the match came anna Franch has not allowed a goal in to a close. four of the past five games, and she has nity, and they only converted four of 15 third downs. As the regular seasons for both the However, being named league MVP recorded 11 clean sheets this year, which Leave it to the Bengals to be even worse on offense: they MLS and the NWSL come to a close, is not the Argentine native’s main focus. is an NWSL single-season record. were 0-for-3 in the red zone and were also 4-for-15 on third Portland’s beloved soccer clubs are seek- “We want to play better Thorns head coach downs. Execution is a problem, but more obvious issues re- ing to make championship runs. and win a trophy,” Mark Parsons is ex- side with the offensive line, the departure of LT Andrew After going over a month without Valeri said in an cited for the com- Whitworth hurting the line immensely. winning a game during the summer, the interview with petition in this The scheme didn’t pick up any slack: J.J. Watt had six pres- Timbers have been on a hot streak as of MLSsoccer. year’s playoffs. sures on Andy Dalton, and for many of the pressures, the late. Portland has only lost once in the com. “It’s going to Bengals declined to double him or leave a tight end on him. past six games and has surged all the way T h e be the most For some plays, Watt was even left completely open. Dalton up to second place in the Western Con- Thorns competitive didn’t throw any interceptions; that’s noteworthy because ference. The Timbers will try to maintain have already two semi- Dalton threw four against the Ravens in Week One. their position through the last two games qualified for finals since Usually the Bengals’ offensive plan is simple: get A.J. in order to secure a first round bye and the playoffs NWSL Green the ball. It’s worked before, but losing offensive coor- home field advantage in the playoffs. and will host started,” dinator Hue Jackson to the Browns two years ago has made Portland has won four consecutive home a semifinal Parsons even that tried and true plan an uncertainty. matches, outscoring their opponents on Oct. 7 said in an in- Head coach Marvin Lewis said after the game (after two 10-2 in that stretch. at 12:30 p.m. terview with games!) that Dalton’s job was safe. After the game, Bengals The Timbers’ recent success can PST. Portland ThornsFC. offensive coordinator Ken Zampese was fired and replaced largely be attributed to midfielder Di- will face either com. “It’s going by QB coach Bill Lazor. Lazor’s record is mixed at best: he ego Valeri, who has scored at least one the Chicago Red to be ultra-compet- was offensive coordinator for Miami for 11 games before goal in an MLS-record nine straight Stars or the Orlando itive.” being fired, and his tenure as QB coach with the Eagles was games. Valeri now leads the MLS in goals Pride. If the Thorns win The Thorns will seek to hardly noteworthy. scored, putting the ball in the back of the their semifinal, they will play in the become NWSL champions for a The silver lining is that their schedule gets easier with this net 20 times this season. championship on Oct. 14 in Orlando at second time after winning the title in the week’s game against the Bills. Fans showed their appreciation to 1:30 p.m. PST. league’s inaugural season in 2013. Valeri after a two-goal performance in a The Thorns have been on fire to fin- New talent inspires improvement for water polo teams

Madi Lowry with a big win against Tigard, and we only hope to get better from here,” returning senior and co-captain Ella Hillier said. Sports Editor With so many new players for both the boys and the girls this year, it is impressive to see the teams working together and With early season success for both the girls’ and boys’ water constantly learning from one another. polo teams this year, it appears that our Wolves have the po- “We are a very new, young team that basically started from tential to be great, and they are ready to show the Three Rivers scratch. We have improved a lot from the beginning of the sea- League what they’ve got. son,” returning senior and co-captain Maija Girardi said. The girls’ team is especially optimistic about what they can As for the boys, it appears that hard work and practice is accomplish this season. making all the difference when it comes to games. With great “The season looks extremely promising. We started strong potential and constant improvement, it will be interesting to Photo courtesy of Dan Brood see what they can ac- Varsity senior Hanna Welander (left) fights for possession of the ball against complish by the end of Tigard. the season. But winning isn’t the only good thing that comes with join- “This season didn’t “The season looks ing the water polo team. start as planned, but we “Water polo is a lot of fun and we have a great team atmo- turned it around and extremely sphere this year. We all support each other no matter what,” have started winning. senior Cole Kotchik said. We are a very young promising.” Water polo is very much a team sport. Everyone must work team that is still devel- together to achieve a desired end result, so having good chem- oping. The new guys get - Ella Hillier istry among players is very important in order to be successful. better every week, and Both teams will be playing at home on Monday, Oct. 9

Photo courtesy of Wes Girardi we are looking stronger against Lake Oswego. Go support our Wolves and wish them The boys’ and girls’ varsity water polo teams are ready to give it their all and with every game we play,” senior Cole Kotchik said. luck as they finish off their 2017 season! tackle the second half of the 2017 season. October 6, 2017 Sports 11 Varsity Fall Sports Calender Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday B. Crimson Soccer @ West Linn G. V. Soccer vs. West Linn B. Crimson Soccer @ Forest Grove G. V. Soccer @ Tigard V. Football @ Canby B. Black Soccer @ West Albany B. Black vs. Tigard Cross Country - George Fox G. JV. Soccer vs. West Linn G. JV. Soccer @ Camas Classic Waterpolo vs. Lake Oswego Waterpolo @ Hillsboro Cross Country vs. Lakeridge & 9 10 Lake Oswego 11 12 13 B. Crimson Soccer @ Lake Oswego B. V. Soccer @ West Linn B. Crimson Soccer @ Sherwood JV. Football vs. Canby V. Football @ Sherwood B. Black Soccer @ Wilsonville Volleyball @ Tigard B. Black Soccer vs. McMinnville JV2. Football @ Canby G. JV. Soccer vs. Sherwood B. V. Soccer vs. Tigard Waterpolo @ Lakeridge G. V. Soccer vs. Sherwood Volleyball vs. Newberg 16 17 18 19 20 Waterpolo @ Forest Grove Waterpolo vs. Newberg JV. Football vs. Sherwood V. Football @ Tigard Cross Country - TRL District Meet JV2. Football @ Sherwood @ Clackamas Comm. College B. V. Soccer @ Lake Oswego

23 24 25 26 27 B. V. Soccer OSAA Rd. 2 Waterpolo Playoffs JV. Football vs. Tigard Waterpolo Sub Tourney G. V. Soccer OSAA Rd. 2 JV2. Football @ Tigard

30 31 1 2 3

Don’t forget the football Come see girls’ soccer play at Homecoming game tonight! Lincoln this Saturday!

Sports analyst resigns due to horrors Coach Dan Lever of brain trauma in NFL players The Wolf gets exclusive interview Marley Gilman was captain of the University of Wash- perience any combination of symptoms ington’s 1991 national team. Afterwards, like confusion, memory loss, depression, with new football coach Staff Writer he went on to become a third round impaired judgment, anxiety, anger issues, Andrew Li Ed Cunningham, one of the most draft choice in the NFL, where he was aggression, difficulty controlling impuls- Staff Writer well-known college football analysts an offensive lineman for five years. es and suicidal tendencies. for ESPN, has resigned because of his Cunningham does not plan on becom- It’s not just NFL players who suffer Q: How many years have you been coaching? growing discomfort with the damage be- ing an anti-football advocator, nor does from CTE. Twenty-one percent of high A: This will be my eighth year coaching. ing inflicted on players each week. he detest the sport; he thinks that the schoolers that play football will develop Q: What are some things you think the Tualatin football “In its cur- future of football urgently depends on CTE. team can work on? rent state, improving the safety of the players, es- There is still much to learn about diag- A: Consistency is something we need to continue to work there are pecially at youth and college levels. nosing, treating and preventing CTE and on. Especially when it comes to practice, you can never some real Along with body injuries such as bro- other types of brain damage that come be too good at practicing. We take pride in how we prac- dangers: bro- ken limbs and torn muscles, brain dam- along with playing contact sports like tice and understand that it transfers to how good or bad ken limbs, age is a high risk when it comes to play- football and we play on Friday nights. wear and ing football. soccer, but Q: What is your favorite part of coaching? tear,” Cun- A study published in the Journal of the those close A: My favorite part of coaching is the opportunity to make ningham said American Medical Association revealed that to the game a life-long impact on my players. I feel that football serves in an inter- 99 percent of the brains former NFL are begin- as a great classroom for developing character in young view with players donated for research showed ning to call men. Photo courtesy of espnfrontrow.com The New York signs of chronic traumatic encephalopa- for more at- Q: What is Times. “But the real crux of this is that I thy, or CTE. Aaron Hernandez, a former tention for the most just don’t think the game is safe for the Patriot and convicted murderer who died this problem impor- brain. To me, it’s unacceptable.” of suicide at age 27, had severe CTE. among high tant Football has played a big part in Cun- CTE is the result of repeated head school and quality ningham’s life. He started playing as a trauma. Those suffering from it could ex- professional for you freshman in high school; in college he Graphic art by Max White // Graphic Artist players alike. to see Photo courtesy of sports.vice.com in your players? A: Grit! TuHS serves moves on the volleyball court Q: How much do you think Photo by Jordan Anderson // Web Editor the team has improved over Brooke Stewart With the thought of playoffs in their port is needed from students to keep minds, determination from each player players’ heads up. Upcoming games are the time you have coached them? Staff Writer has increased with each game. Oct. 2 at 6:30 p.m. against Sherwood at A: The coaching staff has done a phenomenal job of put- With an overall 4-6 record for the Sherwood High School and Oct. 3 at ting our players in a position to be successful this year. With coaches Bridgette Henricks and beginning of the season and nine more 6:30 p.m. against West Linn at West Linn This is a fun group to coach because they are eager to Brent Reeves back on the court with the games in League play, playoffs are still in High School. learn and work hard. varsity volleyball team, the season has reach for the Wolves. Get your spirit gear on and energy up, Q: What do you struggle with the most? kicked off with a rocky beginning for “I do believe we have a chance in and go support your girls on court. A: I think we as a culture have to fight to encourage our players and coaches, but with a hard kick playoffs this year because with our most athletes to participate in multiple sports and activities. in the back, the players are back on the recent tournament we were able to beat There is a big push right now for kids to do one sport court. higher ranking schools than ourselves, because they think that is their best chance to get a schol- Jackie Phillips, sophomore, setter and putting us in a better position, ” senior arship. As a former football coach, I can tell you this outside hitter, said, “We started off play- and varsity libero Sofia Ashley said. could not be further from the truth. Most colleges seek ing for ourselves, but as the season went With teammates bringing up spirits out multi-sport athletes because they do not have over- on, we have now learned to play for one about playoffs, hopes are higher than use injures. They are also used to being on teams all the another and to trust each-oth- before. As games get time, so they have great team-first attitudes. There is also a skill transfer from almost any sport. er.” Graphic art by Max White // Graphic Artist harder and faster, sup- Photo courtesy of Sofia Ashley 12 Opinion October 6, 2017 Is there a solution to It is impossible Portland’s rent crisis?

Graehm Alberty to deny climate change News Editor Peter Do beings had no part in the magnitude of Hurricane Harvey and Hurricane Irma? You’ve heard about skyrocketing rents and increasing hous- Staff Writer Harvey and Irma gave us a glimpse of the ing prices in the Portland Metropolitan Area. According to Despite all the evidence, there is still a group effects of human-induced climate change. They were real estate database Zillow, median housing prices went of people in the world that does not believe in climate a reminder that climate change is real. Hurricanes occur from under $300k to over $417k in the past 10 years (an change, but rather than using sci- due to warm ocean waters; oceans increase of 8.9 percent), surpassed only by Seattle as entific evidence to debunk climate are warming up due to greenhouse the fastest growth in the country. change, these people simply choose - Hurricane Irma hit Florida Keys gases being emitted by humans, and You’ve heard about gentrification, where rising to turn a blind eye to the facts. How and the mainland at a category five these gases trap heat in our atmo- housing prices push lower-income residents out of can people who deny climate change storm sphere by reducing the amount of light formerly-middle class neighborhoods, creating cit- defend this idea any longer with the cur- reflected back into space. Warmer air ies heavily segregated by income. rent weather events affecting those in the is also able to hold more moisture, and You may follow the partisan bickering over what United States? - Over 16 million people lost power the amount of water vapor in the atmo- to do, with progressives and conservatives battling Scientists have already observed the ris- in Irma sphere has increased as a result. Increased over regulation of the housing market, such as the ing sea levels and record-breaking temper- water vapor means heavier rainfall. This Oregon Legislature’s recent attempt to remove a atures. The glaciers are definitely melting. - Florida was affected for 37 hours is also a compelling reason as to why statewide ban on government rent controls. But Uncoincidentally, carbon dioxide emis- Hurricane Harvey had the highest rain- did you know that a land value tax (LVT), a biparti- sions have risen exponentially following fall on record, pouring up to 50 inches san and economically well-supported alternative to the Industrial Revolution, heavily imply- - Over 50 inches of rain poured on of rain on Houston over three days. current property taxes, could address these issues? ing that climate change is caused, to an Houston during Hurricane Harvey Furthermore, Hurricane Irma broke Part of the problem is a lack of understanding of extent, by human beings. the record for the longest amount what actually drives price increases. Contrary to popu- So why do people deny climate know? Did you - Harvey caused over $190 in dam- of time at category five, staying in lar belief, rising property values do not always indicate change in the first place? One ex- an increase in the productivity of land or a greater desire age to Texas that state for 37 hours. planation for this is summed Climate change and its effects to live in a certain area. up by a psychological term are no longer small changes In “hot” real estate markets like Portland, the value of for when someone chooses - Harvey was classified as a category that people can brush off. land appreciates so rapidly that simply buying and holding not to listen to the facts. four hurricane Hurricanes like Harvey on to land is profitable. Outside investors buy up American It’s called confirmation and Irma will only be- property (including almost $30 billion annually from China bias. Basically, they come more com- alone) to take advantage of appreciating value in northwestern refuse to listen mon as the cities like Portland or Seattle. to anything that refutes their views; temperature increases if the world This foreign capital helps push prices up even further, cre- they cherry pick what facts to does not attempt to com- ating a self-perpetuating cycle based on expectation. These believe. How can they bat greenhouse gas real estate “bubbles” price many residents out of fast-growing deny that human emissions. markets like Portland and create unsustainable price growth that ultimately crashes once investors are no longer willing to buy at such high prices. It also creates incentives for landhold- ers to sit on land and resell at a higher price without ever build- ing or improving on it. Instead of creating new value, it simply DACA creates opportunity for moves resources around, and thus hampers economic growth. LVT is one potential solution that assesses property taxes based mostly on the value of the children of oppressed immigrants land itself rather “Median housing prices than the struc- Olivia Sammond to provide a better life for their children. States is to provide a safer, more suc- tures built upon went from under $300k The point of coming to the United cess-filled environment for one’s family. Bilingual Editor it. Thus, investors to over $417k in the past People from outside nations are NOT who only buy land Did you know 800,000 people in the coming to the United States to terrorize, to resell it without 10 years.” U.S. are under the protections of the kill or commit crimes, as some people making any im- Deferred Action for Childhood Arriv- claim. provements pay als (DACA)? This program protects For example, the DACA program a higher tax when those looking for a better future is only offered to those with clean they sell it than when they bought it because taxes rise along for themselves and their children criminal records who are either with property values. Improving the land before selling results in the United States. working or attending school. in a higher resale price (land value plus improvements), while Ever since President Donald The productivity of these in- the tax is still based on the value of the land alone. In this way, Trump’s promise to deport il- dividuals is the deciding factor LVT encourages idle landholders to sell their land to produc- legal immigrants and their in whether or not they stay in tive developers. This would stimulate a construction boom in children, many families have this country, and they know it. underdeveloped or suboptimally-used areas of the city, provid- become vigilant and fearful for Would you jeopardize the legal ing more affordable housing to Portland residents, as well as their future. status of you and your family discouraging the sort of idle speculation that needlessly pushes You may not know that the by putting yourself in a criminal up prices. effects of these claims hit home situation? LVT is embraced by both free market thinkers like Adam right here in Tualatin. I personally Unless you are in the shoes of Smith and Milton Friedman and more progressive economists have multiple friends who are part of those oppressed by limited rights, it is like Paul Krugman. It has been successfully implemented (at the Dreamer program who have parents hard to look outside your life and sup- various points in time) by Harrisburg, Pittsburgh, and Altoona, that work long hours “illegally” in order port others in a time of need. Penn. It is time to embrace it here. Photo by Abbey Lakeman // Opinion Editor

Sean Dupuis, senior: “My extensive collection of movies starring Owen Staff Question: Wilson.”

Madi Lowry, senior: “My Crocs.”

- What would you saveAnnaliese first Elliot, senior: in “My the event of a natural disaster? Morgan Darby, senior: “My home Katie Gratchner, senior: Jasmine Hernandez, junior: stained glass work. Gotta get it in on time! :))” “My cats, Princess and “My dog, Teddy.” Prissy.” Anna Sung, junior: “My dog, Penny.” Abbey Lakeman, junior: “My Andrew Li, junior: “My beyblades.” makeup because that stuff is Isabelle Passaglia, senior: “My memory box.” expensive.” October 6, 2017 Opinion 13

The Darby Debacles Completing my bharatanatyam Unifying the school one complaint arangetram: keeping my heritage close at a time #ImportantContent Manasi Sridhar (dance teacher) believed we were ready in the arangetram hold some religious to start preparing for an arangetram – meaning, but we performed three of Morgan Darby Staff Writer which I completed with my sister on seven dances as non-spiritual. Editor-in-Chief An integral part of who I am, who Sept. 16, 2017. This process origi- My arangetram ex- It’s high time we discuss some of the TuHS debacles for we are, is our culture and background. nally started as a form of wor- perience was the this year. Buckle in, folks. It’s about to get toasty. Everyone has come from somewhere, ship thousands of years ago, most tiring, try- Debacle #1: The Hallways and keeping up traditions, buying into a but now for many Indian- ing journey Freshmen and sophomores, this is for you. Perhaps the idea faith, or any attempt to stay close with American kids in Ameri- I have ever of a hallway confuses you. Yes, it is an open space; however, heritage keeps us reminded of where we ca, it is a way for them to been on, but it is an open space with a directed traffic flow (i.e. people are have come from. stay in touch with their I feel like moving in a direction). Things that do not fall under this us- Bharatanatyam is an ancient dance culture – like me. that is what age of hallways include the following: getting a group of two form from the south of India. People An arangetram usu- made the or more friends and standing in the middle, suddenly stop- have been learning and teaching it for ally consists of an open- whole event ping to talk to others and, lastly, sitting on the stairs. Stairs thousands of years. There are two main ing dance, a jatiswaram, that much are places for moving up or down, people. I would like to parts of bharatanatyam: abhinaya, which a dance to showcase the more valuable not trip over someone, thank is the facial expressions of the dancers form and physical- to my sister, and you very much. If you need dancer during each ity, a varnam, which is the to myself. Those piece, and nrita, longest and most important two hours were the cul- a place to rest your dear legs, Photo courtesy of Manasi Sridhar sit outside (rain or shine, IDC) which are the piece, showcasing both mination of many hours or go to the commons. Tables actual steps abhinaya and nrita, and usu- inside and outside of the dance studio. exist for a reason. And, finally, that the ally around 30 minutes Family and friends from all over the a healthy reminder: stay to the dancer long, two to three pad- globe came to watch us dance. right side. performs. ams, shorter and sim- After, my sister and I took approxi- -- Sincerely, everyone else The in- pler dances, a thillana, mately 50 million photos with all the #OnThisPlanet dividual a closing piece that is guests and drove to Dairy Queen with learns usually very high en- our cousins and closest friends. It is so Photo by Kaitlyn Gearin // Staff Writer What’s a hallway? Debacle #2: The Parking Lot this dance ergy and physical, and a interesting for me to look back on the I would like to make the for several mangalam, a one- to two- long road we traveled to get to that booth statement that I paid my $50 for a parking permit. Now, con- years, learn- minute piece where the in that Canby Dairy Queen. There were sidering the number of parking spaces, along with the fee, ing the proper dancer thanks god, the guru, hard days when all I wanted to do was you would think our parking lot form, steps and the orchestra and the audience, give up because I was mentally and phys- would not look like North Korea items (dances) until they Photo courtesy of Manasi Sridhar in that order. ically exhausted, and days when my sister decided to kick off the war and have enough in their My arangetram was quite non-tradi- and I fought over the choreography, etc. launch a missile into the middle repertoire to perform a margam. tional, and my family requested that of But this experience brought us closer of the South Lot. Enough said. The margam my sister and I per- my guru, Smt. Anita Menon. For one, together than anything else could have, formed in August 2016 consisted of six most arangetrams are performed solo, and a once in a lifetime opportunity only Debacle #3: The Library Doors dances of varying length and my guru but my family chose for my sister and does come once. When the school is remod- me to perform together. Usually, dances I am so glad we made the most of it. eled, they should really add a sec- ond set of doors so it’s easier for people to access the library… oh, wait. Stop hating on my self-care bubble baths In case you didn’t notice the an hour out of your day for a little self-care, you’re living your Photo by Kaitlyn Gearin // Staff Writer Tegan Johnson excessive number of red “EMER- Wow! Look at that Staff Spot. Oh, life wrong. (Perhaps not wrong, but you’re punishing yourself GENCY EXIT ONLY” signs whoops. I mean number 79. Copy Editor if you’ve never enjoyed the sensation of a bath bomb fizzing strapped to the posts outside the in your hand while watching the opalescent dyes swirl around doors, the doors themselves, and the alarm system, the library your legs.) is now only allowing for one useful entrance. Given the num- Others might claim that bathing is gross: you’re washing and ber of signs, you’d think that they aren’t teaching us to read rinsing yourself with the same water! TBH, if it really bugs you in school, but, in all that much, take a quick rinse in the shower before or after your seriousness, I truly bath. If you have long hair, it’s definitely easier to shampoo did need that sixth under a stream. sign to get the mes- If you decide soaking in your tub is boring, guess what you sage across. It was can do in a bath that you can’t in the shower? Read a book! just too confusing (Make sure you have a good grip on it though.) If you prefer otherwise. I mean Photo by Thea Owens // Photo Editor scrolling through Twitter or keeping up in the group chat, stick what does “EMER- Unpopular opinion: baths are the greatest things. your phone in a Ziploc! No judgment here; your bath is your GENCY” really I injured my knee a couple years ago, and standing still for space and what you do in there is up to you. mean anyway? In my more than a few minutes was quite painful; showers were out Now, I primarily take showers, but when I need a break, noth- Photo by Kaitlyn Gearin // Staff Writer Contemplating the meaning of “EMERGENCY.” humble opinion, my of the question. I resented taking baths at first, feeling like an ing is more relaxing than winding down after a long day, filling What a concept. time is so important incompetent five year old who still needed a parent’s supervi- my tub with bubbles, lighting a few candles and sinking down that everything I do sion in six inches of tepid water, but I grew to enjoy my nightly into near-scalding water with a cup of tea. I get time to be counts as an “EMERGENCY”. Therefore, I should be able escapes from my daily troubles. I started to experiment with alone with my thoughts, and there’s no reason to contemplate to use those doors. different types of soap to turn every bath into an ~*experi- anything other than my existence on this Earth. There’s no use A final note to school administrators and offended fresh- ence*~, and even after my knee healed, I continued soaking in in thinking about homework or what I’m going to wear to- men: my mailbox can be found in Room 18 of the English my scented, bubbly, moisturizing water each night. morrow or the impending doom we all face in the near future Department. Some may say they don’t have time in the day for a bath: because there’s nothing I can do about it. All I can do it close Until next time, “a shower is the superior form of cleansing!” Well, I refute my eyes and sip my drink. Keep things toasty, Wolves. these naysayers with a gentle reminder that, if you can’t take Graphic art by Max White // Graphic Artist

Alexis Isaac, junior: “My lap- Meghan Macpherson, junior: “My top and charger.” Asma Abu-Khater, senior: “My two dogs, Kyrie and Keeley.” phone, food, a flashlight and An- Hailey Knakal, senior: “I would nie’s strawberry gummy bears.” save my journal.” Tegan Johnson, senior: Enrique Marshall, junior: “My “My heavy jacket with lots entire music collection: CDs, Elle Sherman, sophomore: Andrew Gearin, senior: of pockets.” vinyl, and my phone.” “My puppy, Tilly.” “My fancy bird pen.”

Marley Gilman, senior: “My books, Max White, senior: “My even though I would have a hard Graehm Alberty, junior: “My Ha- cat, of course.” time deciding which ones.” rambe shrine #NeverForget.” 14 Opinion October 6, 2017 Are we really prepared for a disaster? This is a staff editorial representing the majority opinion of The Wolf Currently, TuHS students participate in monthly fire drills, staff and, therefore, it remains unsigned. Any questions or comments while lockdown and earthquake drills happen only once per can be submitted to Lisa Lacy’s mailbox in the main office or to llacy@ year. ttsd.k12.or.us. Please see guidelines for Letters to the Editor below. According to the National Fire Protection Association, in the last 60 years, there has been only one school fire that result- It’s a rainy September morning at TuHS, the first rainfall of ed in 10 or more recorded deaths; however, there was an aver- the school year. You’re driving back returning from lunch when age of two school shootings PER MONTH for K-12 schools suddenly you hear blaring sirens approaching. While waiting in the US between 2013-2015, as reported by Everytown for for the police car to pass, you realize that it’s going the same Gun Safety. way as you. Warily, you drive into the parking lot to spot nu- In those three years alone, 59 US students died and 124 were merous people yelling at each other and sprinting to their cars. injured in shootings. Using these statistics as a reference point, “Don’t go into the school!” they yell as you look around, it’s easy to gather that we as a school are over-preparing for the panic-stricken, as a familiar car pulls up next to yours. “Get in, wrong kind of disaster, one that we’re much too comfortable we need to leave,” your friend screams as she opens the pas- with. It’s clear that preparing for the possibility of these events senger door. You hop in while speeding out of the parking lot transpiring can save lives and create a greater sense of security with an absolute lack of knowledge about what is happening at TuHS. to your classmates. Doing so would require our school to participate in lockout Here at TuHS, we’re accustomed to the routine, and some- and lockdown drills monthly at different times to see to it that times-accidental fire drills that take place to prepare us for that all scenarios are accounted for. For example, not only is having certain event, but what about less common and even more a drill during a lunch period a situation the school should be frightening events? So far this school year, the one lockdown Photo courtesy of Pew Research Center familiar with; it’s also a time when half of the school isn’t con- drill we’ve gone through wasn’t a drill at all; rather, it was a tained in a classroom; moreover, restaging this chain of events terrifying frenzy of confused students scrambling to get into school for class due to the lock out being in place. exposes what we need to improve on in order to guarantee classrooms. Granted, no one was physically injured and class As frightening as the event was, no one was harmed and the safety for the student body if this were to transpire again. was able to resume that day; however, attendance dropped TuHS community was able to examine how it reacts to what Although the likelihood of a lockdown or earthquake on any post-lockdown due to lack of information and fear of staying seems inevitable. It’s clear that it’s time to reevaluate how we given day is minimal, setting a procedure for our school can in the area. Some students who fled weren’t able to re-enter the drill and what we’re drilling for. maximize our safety if history ever does repeat.

Student Body Poll: The Wolf The Wolf is an open forum. All editorials fea- Have you and your family created an tured in this paper are the opinion of the major- ity of the staff and appear unsigned. Opinions expressed do not necessarily represent the opin- emergency plan? ions of the Tigard-Tualatin School District, the Tualatin High School administration or the staff. The Wolf welcomes letters to the editor from Anna Sung & Brooke Stewart Living in Oregon, which drill do you readers. Letters must be signed; names will only Staff Writers be withheld from publication in very limited cir- cumstances. Letters can be no longer than 250 Over 400 TuHS students were polled feel it is most important to rehearse words, must be submitted at least two weeks pri- or to publication and will be published without from all four grades on these ques- during school? alteration as space allows in each issue. Note that tions about how prepared they feel in The Wolf is a for-credit course; therefore, student work produced for the course is our first priority the event of a natural disaster. Lock-down: 40.1% when determining space for letters. We will not publish any letters that include personal attacks, 29.9% libel or obscenity. Do you feel fire, earthquake, Earthquake: Advertising Rates: The standard advertising rate is $6 per column inch. Various discounts are lockdown, or lock-in drills are Fire: 23.2% available. The Wolf is published seven times per school appropriate to rehearse at school? year by Eagle Web Press. Lock-in: 6.7% Editors-in-Chief Morgan Darby Yes: 90.3% No: 5.2% Andrew Gearin Do you have an emergency plan Copy Editor Tegan Johnson News Editor Graehm Alberty I don’t know: 4.4% at home? Features Editor Hailey Knakal The Fold Editor Joan Lofamia Yes: 31.7% No: 38.7% Forums Editor Abbey Lakeman Entertainment Editor Enrique Marshall Sports Editor Madi Lowry Humor Editor Annaliese Elliot Bilingual Editor Olivia Sammond Graphic Artist Max White Photo Editor Thea Owens Web Editor Jordan Anderson

Staff Writers Asma Abu-Khater, Peter Do, Sean Dupuis, Kaitlyn Gearin, Ella Gilbertson, Marley Gilman, Katie Gratchner, Jasmine Hernandez, Alexis Isaac, Katie Leonard, Andrew Li, Megan MacPherson, Jasmine Masalmeh, Isabelle Passaglia, Kor’ryn Pitts, Elle Sherman, Manasi Sridhar, Brooke Stewart, Anna Sung

Adviser Lisa Lacy

Graphic by Max White // Graphic Artist October 6, 2017 Bilingual 15 DACA es crucial Vamanos los equipos de futbol! Meghan MacPherson Olivia Sammond Escritor del equipo “El equipo se mira muy bien este año. Tenemos buena Editor bilingüe química y eso ayuda con la forma en que jugamos en el campo. ¿Sabías que ¡Otoño está aquí!, Eso significa que la temporada del fútbol Perdimos un montón de jugadoras increíbles el año pasado, 800,000 per- está empezando. A nuestros dos equipos les va muy bien y son pero también ganamos muchas jugadoras increíbles este año,” sonas en los muy ambiciosos con respecto a los resultados de sus tempo- dijo la capitana Rachael Breyer. Ella ha estado en el equipo des- Estados Uni- radas. Los dos equipos perdieron varios del grado doce que de su primer año de preparatoria, y ha competido en el campe- dos están bajo se graduaron, así que buscan llegar lejos este año con nuevos onato de OSAA 6A State durante los grados nueve y diez, el la protección jugadores. Por parte de las chicas, el equipo agrega diez nuevas cual ganaron en el 2014. Entrando a los partidos de la liga, las de DACA (Ac- jugadoras a la lista de equipo de este año, incluyendo cinco niñas se clasifican en el puesto 23 de 49 equipos en la división ción Diferida estudiantes del grado nueve, dos estudiantes del décimo grado, OSAA 6A y tienen un récord general de 3-2. Ellos enfrentan por los Llega- un estudiante del grado once y dos estudiantes del grado doce. West Linn en casa este martes 10 a las 7 PM. dos en la In- El estudiante del noveno grado, Cally Togai, es una de las Este año, el equipo de los muchachos agrega a varios fancia)? Este nuevos jugadoras del equipo. miembros nuevos a su lista de equipo también. Tienen un ré- programa pro- “Es increíble jugar para mi comunidad. Estoy tan bendecida cord general de 3-3 entrando a los partidos de nuestra liga y y feliz de que me aceptaran en este equipo ... Todos fueron muy Foto por Abbey Lakeman // Editor de opinión tege a aquellos están clasificados en el puesto 36 de los 50 equipos que entran que buscan un mejor futuro para ellos y sus hijos en los amistosos cuando me uní al equipo, “ dice. a la liga. El año pasado, el equipo terminó en el puesto 22, con Estados Unidos. Otras dos adiciones al equipo este año son las estudiantes del seis victorias, cinco derrotas y cuatro empates. El capitán del Y desde que el Sr. Donald Trump declaró que va a re- grado nueve Maile Johnson y Payton Wesson. “Me ha encan- equipo, Saúl Aparicio del grado once, dijo, “Nos parecemos vocar el programa de DACA en seis meses si el Congreso tado estar en este equipo. Realmente me ha ayudado en la tran- muy fuertes debido al hecho de que tenemos 16 jugadores no aprueba alguna ley al respecto, muchas familias se han sición a la escuela preparatoria. ¡Estoy muy emocionada para el del grado once que han competido a un nivel muy alto; por lo vuelto muy vigilantes y temerosas por su futuro. resto de esta temporada!, “ Dijo Maile. “Estoy muy emociona- tanto, tenemos la esperanza de ir más allá de lo que logramos Tú no puedes saber los efectos de estas declaraciones da para el resto de la temporada y especialmente para conocer a antes.” El equipo de los muchachos también espera tener una golpearon aquí mismo en Tualatin. Yo personalmente gente nueva y jugar con personas mayores que yo,” dijo Payton. temporada muy exitosa y llegar lejos en los playoffs. Su próx- tengo varios amigos que son parte del programa de A pesar de que el equipo haya perdido once jugadoras que imo partido es el martes 10 de octubre en West Linn. ¡Buena DACA, y sus padres trabajan largas horas “ilegalmente” se graduaron el año pasado, las chicas esperan reconstruir este suerte a nuestros equipos de fútbol esta temporada! ¡Vamos con el fin de proporcionar una mejor vida para sus hijos. año y llegar a los playoffs. lobos! El punto de venir a los Estados Unidos es proveer un ambiente más seguro y más lleno de éxito para su familia. La gente de otra naciones no viene a los Estados Unidos para aterrorizar, matar o cometer crímenes como algunas Oídos por personas afirman. Por ejemplo, el programa DACA sólo se ofrece a El Día de la aquellos sin antecedentes criminales y que están traba- jando o asistiendo a la escuela. La productividad de estos casualidad en individuos es el factor decisivo de si permanecen o no Independencia en este país, y ellos bien lo saben. ¿Pondrías en peligro tu estatus legal y la seguridad de tu familia al cometer un Enrique Marshall crimen? Editor de entretenimiento los pasillos A menos que estés en los zapatos de aquellas personas oprimidas por derechos limitados, es difícil mirar fuera El Día de la Independencia de México es un día de fiestas Joan Lofamia de tu vida y apoyar a otros en su momento de necesidad. históricas más importantes para las comunidades mexicanas, Editor de pliegue tanto en América como en su país de origen. Con esa impor- tancia histórica, muchos de las fiestas se producen también, y Senior 1: ¿Has comenzado tus aplicaciones para la las familias se acercan en la celebración de sus culturas que les universidad? enorgullecen. Senior 2: Le agradecería que mantuviera la voz Se dice que El Grito de Dolores, hecho por Miguel baja … Hidalgo y conmemorado el 16 de septiembre, inició la lucha por la independencia de México, por lo cual el Día de la In- dependencia se celebra en el aniversario de esa fecha. Esta de- Senior 1: ¡¡¡Siempre llego tarde porque alguien claración de Hidalgo es famosa por representar el nacimiento sigue estacionándose en mi lugar!!! de la resistencia mexicana contra los sistemas españoles injus- Senior 2: Si vas a llegar tarde, bien podrías ir a tos y el inicio de la guerra que finalmente los liberó de la cruel- desayunar. Vamos lobos. dad de España. Los mexicanos celebran el aniversario de El Grito de Dolores de muchas maneras. Por ejemplo, el estudiante Freshman: La clase de inglés avanzado es muy del grado once Fernando Navarro-Miranda dijo: “Invitamos difícil. a todos nuestros familiares y amigos de la familia a comer una Cada estudiante del B.I.: UMMMMMMM……. comida, como pozole, tamales, tacos de carne asada y mucho Foto cortesía de Wikipedia más. Lo hacemos a lo largo del día y al llegar la noche, pasamos Manifestantes se reúnen en apoyo de DACA en San Francisco el 5 de septiembre. la noche afuera en una fogata contando historias y pasándola Estudiante 1: Tú eres “full IB,” ¿verdad? bien mientras los niños juegan voleibol y los padres hablan de Estudiante 2: ¿Pensaste que yo era “full IB”? Jamás cosas para padres.” juzgues un libro por su portada.

Junior 1: Si yo hago sonar fuertemente mis llaves en el pasillo, ¿piensas que todos sabrán que yo Preparación de desastres naturales manejo a la escuela? Junior 2: ¡¡¡¡¡No!!!!! ¡¡¡Hazlo más fuerte, por favor!!! • Hay que abastecerte con alimentos no perecederos Peter Do como barras de proteína,, carne seca y frutas enlatadas. • Como siempre, necesitas suficiente agua en su coche Escritor del equipo Profesor 1: Pienso que voy a tener un examen en • Lleva una mochila con todas tus provisiones en caso clase la próxima semana Desastres naturales de que tu coche no funcione, y tienes que caminar Profesor 2: ¡Lo haré tambien! pueden suceder en cu- • En el hogar, también debes abastecerte con alimentos Profesor 3: ¡Yo también! alquier momento, en enlatados y comidas no perecederas como los que se mencion- Profesor 4: ¡Y yo! cualquier lugar. Desde aron anteriormente Profesor 5: ¡¡YO TAMBIÉN!! terremotos hasta hura- artículos personales canes, aquí está una que piensan llevar guía para que estén lis- para que si necesi- “Necesitan Profesor 1: He oído que hay un club estudiantil de tos para cualquier de- tas evacuar puedas ping-pong sastre natural: salir tan pronto suficiente agua en Profesor 2: ¡Necesitamos proteger nuestra mesa de • Manten provi- como sea posible. Foto cortesía de Fox News su coche.” ping pong contra todas las amenazas! Daño después del terremoto en México. siones en tu coche si Considera guardar necesitas evacuar rápi- estos artículos en damente. Los artículos un armario cerca Estudiante 1: ¿Oíste que Kylie Jenner está em- deben incluir: un botiquín de primeros auxilios en caso de una de la puerta principal. barazada? lesión, medicina, comida, agua, un cambio de ropa, una man- Con estos consejos, TÚ puedes estar preparado para un de- Estudiante 2: Ese bebé no ha nacido y tiene más ta/cobija y una linterna con muchas baterías de repuesto sastre natural. dinero que yo. 16 Humor October 6, 2017 The dream teen meme team Your unproblematic faves discuss school and social lives. What’s that smell? How was your weekend? Tegan Johnson, Katie Gratchner, T: The stench of overdue assignments in the senior hall. K: I only wanted to cry like 3 times. Marley Gilman & Asma Abu-Khater M: High schoolers wanting to be in a relationship when A: I accomplished sleeping in ‘til 12 p.m. Copy Editor and Staff Writers they can’t even finish their math homework. T: I only spent 15 hours doing homework! Great! K: The death of my future. What are you going to be for Halloween? Person: Hi- T: You know that dancing pumpkin guy? T: According to all known laws of A: The dancing It clown. aviation, there is no way a bee should K: Janet Yellen. be able to fly. Its wings are too small What are you thinking about to get its fat little bod- right now? M: THE TING GOES POP SKKKA T: *thinking of dancing Name:______POOP DS DAD POP pumpkin man* School. A: The time Katie filed How do you bond with your friends? the drawing of a duck K: I don’t have friends. under D. T: Send each other memes at 3 a.m. K: The void that will consume us all in the What does Pennywise have to say to get end. you to go down in the sewer with him? K: Down here, Trump didn’t win the Why were you late to class? election. M: I forgot my DSI. T: I have free Fenty foundation in T: Because I had to walk all the way your shade. Graphic art by Tegan Johnson // Copy Editor around the “Media Cen- A: D’you like jazz? ter.” M: I have proof Ted Cruz is the Zo- A: I realized that craisins are just crazy raisins. diac Killer. K: I was too busy thinking about exchange rates. Photo by Thea Owens // Photo Editor Overheard in the halls

Guess what, vegans: plants have feelings too! Joan Lofamia Fold Editor Alexis Issac grows up. Sorry- he used to want those things. Staff Writer Senior 1: Have you started college apps? Billy was barbarically Senior 2: I would appreciate it if you keep your voice Every single year, somewhere between sliced into 10 thin pieces down… 10 and 10 billion sentient vegetables are and devoured in a sublimely slaughtered by Americans. fresh Caprese salad with an Senior 1: I’m always late because someone keeps parking Despite this horrifying statistic, vegan unfortunate family of basil in my spot!!! apologists will tell you, “What? They cut down in their prime. Senior 2: If you’re going to be late, might as well grab don’t feel anything,” and “I’m not suck- Plants just like Billy can breakfast. S’co wolves. ing the life force out of our beloved sense, learn and recall mem- planet one green drop of her blood at a ories. Memories like their Freshman 1: Advanced English is so hard! time.” Um, yeah right. first crush, learning to pho- Photo courtesy of thepioneerwoman.com WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT! Billy was sliced up and Every IB student ever: UM, ACTUALLY— This is tosynthesize put in a fancy Caprese salad Billy, a beau- and probably Junior 1: You’re full IB right? tiful two- other super-relat- to fight to the death any vegetarian that Junior 2: Oh, you thought I was full IB?????? NEVER month-old able plant stuff. comes near it? judge a book by its cover. Tomato- Most people I urge every reader to immediately American. know this in their cease their smoothie-guzzling and stalk- Junior 1: If I jingle my keys loud enough in the hallways, His favor- hearts. Most peo- chomping ways. You wouldn’t eat your do you think everyone will know I drive to school? ite color is ple aren’t amoral treasured family ornamental; why would Junior 2: No!!!!!!! Make it even MORE noticeable please!!!! green, his plant-eaters who you eat a handful of defenseless le- best friend love to feel the gumes? Teacher 1: I think I’m going to assign a test next week. is a car- juice of an inno- To every vegetarian and, even worse, Teacher 2: Same. rot named cent orange run vegan, there’s still time. You have defi- Teacher 3: Same. Johnny and down their chin. I nitely committed atrocities, but you can Teacher 4: Same. he wants to mean, who hasn’t still make up for it. Don’t let the vegeta- Teacher 5: Same. decompose seen the teeth of bles’ lives you took go to waste. for the gar- a Venus Fly Trap Anyway, I know at least I’m eating Photo courtesy of heirloomtomatoplants.com Teacher 1: I heard some kids are making a Ping Pong club. den when he Billy poses for an Instagram selfie just a week before and gotten the urge lamb tonight. Sheep can be real jerks. Teacher 2: We must protect our Ping Pong table at all costs. he was brutally murdered. Student 1: Did you hear Kylie Jenner might be pregnant? Student 2: That unborn baby has more money than me.

Sophomore: Ping Pong Club? That sounds like a joke. Ping Pong Player: I will ping pong you to the death.

Graphic art by Max White // Graphic Artist READ ALL ABOUT IT: Stories we couldn’t be bothered to print Sean Dupuis Student Reportedly Angry that Lockout Happened During His New Season of Universally Hated Comedy Premiering in Oc- Staff Writer Lunch Release tober Local Girl Complains About Parking Lot Congestion, Com- pletely Oblivious of the Time She Held Up Like Five People Boy Increasingly Accepting That He’s Not Going to Home- Doomsayer Feeling Increasingly Validated by Recent Geopo- Because She Was Looking at Her Phone coming Dance litical Events

Photographer Takes High School Senior Hostage for One “They’ll Be Good This Year,” Insists Pro Football Fan Dressed With New Obamacare Repeal, GOP One Stamp Away From Hour and 45 Minutes, Forces Student to Pose in Mundane Po- From Head to Toe in Team Merchandise Free Brownie sitions