Rosh Yeshiva Ofyeshiva Beis Yeshiva's Growth -From Erection Ofthe Ner Tihatalmud of Bensonhurst, Rabbi II
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BorncNHEIMER Z"L RABBI MOSME SHERER Z"L Managl'mrnl Board A TRIBUTE TO THE BEN TORAH-BAAL HABAYIS NAFTOU HIRSCH ISAAC KIRJ:NEli. RABBI SHI.OMO i.ESIN, NACllUM STEIN 38 RAas1 JuDAH D1cK '.n Mana9inq f.ditor RAll!U YOSEF C. GOl.OING 42 LESSONS IN LEADERSHIP: RABBI Y!SROEL BLOOM ':n Pl!Bl.ISllED BY AGunATH IS RAEL Of' AMEJUCA U.S. TF!ADE DISTHIBLITOR FEI.DliEIM PliBLJSHERS BOOKS IN REVIEW 208 Airport l:Xrcutivc Ftirh Nrmuct NY HJ!J54 45 GUTTA, BY DR. DAVID KRANZLER, BHITISH REPRESENTATIVrC M.T. BIBH.MAN reviewed by Dr. Sara Kadosh Growrnor \HJrhs 1\1011111 Pleasant I-fill l.o/Jdon Fs 9NL FNG/AN/J FRENCM REPRESENTATIVE RABBI BAMBF.RGhR 21 81)(1/cvard H:iixhnns 57000 Metz. N?ANCI:· ISRAEl.I REPl!ESENTATIVE INTNL. MF.DIA PLACEMENT POB 7195 I .97 JoffO Road STATEMENT OF POLICY }rniso/rm .'J4J40. ISRAl:"L THE JEWISH OBSERVE!~ HAS DEVOTED A GREAT DEAL OF SPACE TO BEi.GiAN IHOPRESENTATIVf THE PERILS 01' THE INTERNET AND TO TllE NEED FOR EVERYONE TO MR. E. 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BUT IN NO WAY DOES TfilS IMPLY THAT I DR A DINNE1'i I j &/I< nB'""l"il<md "" crno"M o" Tu' Jcwm< O"""v"' «>NooNC "'UM''"°' L"""'" Nl\V,,,,~11\/RAI/~ ~°''"'~ :5 I VOL=-=~ ~O~----r~JNn"~-- ---------- ----- __J -------·---~---------- ... -- ·-- --~---. ---··------··-·····-----····-·-·-··-~---. Noted in Sorrow The Jewish Observer joins Kial Yisroel in As the winds of war gathered over [Yaakov Yitzchak] Ruderman:' He enrolled mourning the recent petira (passing) oftwo Europe in 1939, Reh Binyomin fled Poland in the yeshiva, and began working in its leading figures in the Torah world. together with the Mirrer Yeshiva to inde administration in 1940. In 1942, he mar- pendent Vilna, then across Russia to Japan, finally settling in Shanghai, China, where it spent the duration of the war. In Shanghai, Reb Binyomin learned with phenom enal hasmada and developed into a gadol baTorah. After arriving in America together with the yeshiva in 1947,hecontinued learning in the newly established Mirrer Yeshiva in Brooklyn, and married the daugh ter of Rabbi Yisroel Chaim Kaplan, '7'llt (son-in-law of Rabbi Yeruchem Levovitz), Mashgiach of Beth Medrash Elyon of Monsey. Reb Binyomin then joined Yeshiva I. Beis HaTalmud which had recently been ried Yehudis Kramer, younger sister of Continued on page 41 Rebbetzin Ruderman. odays before YomKippur, theven Rabbi Neuberger was a key figure in the rated Rosh Yeshiva ofYeshiva Beis yeshiva's growth -from erection ofthe Ner TiHatalmud of Bensonhurst, Rabbi II. Israel Building on 4411 Garrison Boulevard Binyomin Zeilberger, ?'lit was niftar. He in 1943 to the subsequent building and was one of the last links with the pre-war bbi Naftoli Neuberger, ?''lit. late expansion of the yeshiva in its current 90- Mirrer Yeshiva, embodying the ideals of resident of Yeshiva Ner Israel in acre campus, which includes housing for greatness in Torah, total dedication to has ru altirnore, was niftar in his home 95 faculty and kollel families in suburban mada in Torah, and middos tovos that were on the Ner Israel campus on Friday night Pikesville. He was the guiding force in the molded by dedicated avodas hamussar. Chol Hamoed Sukkos. He was gifted with yeshiva's ruchniyus development from a Rabbi Zeilberger was born in 1921 far-reaching vision, limitless energy, fine small school to one of today's premier in Koenigshaufen, a village not far from honed administrative skills, and fidelity Torah institutions. Wurzburg, to his parents, Reh Yehuda to the highest standards of integrity and Rabbi Neuberger was uniquely creative and Chana. Under the influence of the dedication to Torah and Kial Yisroei This and widely influential in many communal well-known Rav and mechanech, Rabbi extraordinary combination commanded and educational endeavors, and worked with Shamshon Raphael Weiss, he and Naftali the respect of roshei yeshiva, government Rabbi Moshe Sherer '7'llt on many under Neuberger set out for the Mirrer Yeshiva figures, community leaders, and politi takings. Together, they were instrumental as 14-year-old bachurim. Arriving in Mir cians, as well as the love of the talmidim in gaining crucial government support for after Pesach of 1936, he managed to hear of the yeshiva. yeshivos. They joined with Rabbi Yaakov several shmuessen from Rabbi Yeruchem He was born in 1918 to Reh Meir and Weissberg .,..lit in the founding of AARTS, Levovitz '7'llt, the mussar giant, some two Breindel Neuberger in the town ofHassfurt, an accrediting agency for yeshivas gedolos, months before his petira. The Mashgiach~ Germany. His father was niftar only fuur accreditation by the U.S. Department of approach to mussarhad a profound impact weeks after his Bar Mitzvah.Although they Education is a prerequisite to receiving on the young bachur. moved to Wurzburg, home to a yeshiva for federal funding. This proved a major factor Reb Binyomin Zeilberger's phenom teen-age boys, Reh Naftoli subsequently in the growth of Torah in America. enal progress in learning could be attrib enrolled in the Mir, Poland, to continue his Rabbi Neuberger was consulted uted in part to his ability to attach himself studies on an intensive level beyond what constantly by roshei yeshiva, political to distinguished senior Mirrer talmidim, had been available in Germany. leaders, and Jewish community leaders. who were worthy of being roshei yeshiva Just before Kristallnacht in 1938, Rabbi His horizons went far beyond the needs in their own right, including Rabbi Neuberger's relatives in New York sent of Ner Israel, and he became a pivotal Leib Malin, ?-lit one of Reb Yeruchem's him papers to immigrate to the United figure in the growth of Torah institutions closest talmidim; Rabbi Yonah Minsker States. When in Baltimore that year, Rabbi everywhere. ?''lit (Yonas Eilem); and Rabbi Michel Neuberger visited Ner Israel, and was In the late 1970's, foreseeing the need J ~t~~stein ?"lit, with whom he shared a taken by the spirit of the yeshiva, and for Torah leaders for Iranian Jews, he began Lnzia (room in a boarding house). - in his words - "fascinated by Rabbi bringing Iranian bachurim to Ner Israel, Continued on page 41 .....,, I L A FORMER TALMID, rather than with spiritual peers, in order rigor of the seder hatefilla, the spartan AT HOME IN AYESHIVA SETTING to facilitate shteiging - without which nature of the gashmiyus of the beis there is stagnation. What better place midrash in comparison with the local To the Editor: for a ben Torah who finds himself in shtiebel (few elaborate kiddushim here!), I was taken aback at Rabbi Pinchas the workplace to do that than a yeshiva, and the "early to rise" schedule, discour Jung's negative d1aracterization of baalei where he is in the company of individu age "lo lishma" attendees. And besides, battim who choose to make yeshi als who are learning full-time, and in anyone who harbors the notion that vas their permanent mekomos tefilla the presence of roshei yeshiva? Where he can hide from the local communal ("Where Do You Belong?," JO, Tishrei else is he most likely to sit down with a mosdos by davening in a yeshiva will 5766).