DRESSING to IMPRESS at the Root of Breast Cancer While Researchers Fight Disease, Students Raise Awareness
Serving UNC students and the University community since 1893 Volume 121, Issue 94 dailytarheel.com Wednesday, October 16, 2013 DRESSING TO IMPRESS At the root of breast cancer While researchers fight disease, students raise awareness. By Kate Albers Staff Writer UNC’s participation in October’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month ranges from one end of campus to the other — and for some, it’s personal. Emily Cude, president of UNC’s chapter of Zeta Tau Alpha, said she knows firsthand the consequences of breast cancer. She said her grandmother is a breast can- cer survivor who visits UNC every spring to participate in the sorority’s Franklin 5K. “For me as a woman, I think this is a cause that is near and dear to all of our hearts,” Cude said. Cude said the sorority will be having a Think Pink month this year instead of just a week so it can raise more money and awareness. She said the women are distributing instruc- DTH/KEVIN HU tions of proper breast self-examination meth- The football team’s new uniform series, unveiled at the 2013 Spring Game, feature an alternate black uniform that will be worn Thursday. ods and doling out pink ribbons to students. And as campus groups raise awareness, UNC The football team uses new uniforms to draw recruits researchers are working to combat the disease that By Jonathan LaMantia time a Tar Heel squad has taken the field in made retroactive to 2008, is worth $37.7 will kill approximately Senior Writer all-black gear, and the game has implications million and covers shoes, uniforms, coaching 40,000 women in the for UNC’s present and future.
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