DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Addendum to - 22 March 2016 Items 5 and 6

Item 5 Contents 16/00162/FUL 1. Hullbridge Parish Council Land at the 2. Letter Received from County Council, Lead Local Junction of Flood Authority Rawreth Lane 3. Essex Bridleways Association and Hullbridge Road, 4. Additional Neighbour Representations Rayleigh 5. Letter Received from Essex County Highways

1. Hullbridge Parish Council

o Object to this application. o Inadequate design, the original plan incorporating a slip road from Rawreth Lane to Hullbridge Road would be more appropriate. o The area requires sufficient drainage as currently the drainage is inadequate and can’t cope with the existing rainfall. o There is not enough improvement to warrant the costs and is not best value. This is a cheaper option which will not achieve better flow of traffic and is too much disruption for little gain.

2. Letter received from Essex County Council, Lead Local Flood Authority

The application has a site area of less than 1ha and is therefore not considered a major development for which the LLFA would be a consultee. We will therefore not be providing any comments.

3. Essex Bridleways Association

o The application plans do not show the existing rights of way in the application boundary in that Bridleway 75 starts at the edge of the application, and does not show the permissive bridleways around the boundary of the existing field edge, which currently link Bridleway 75 with a safe off road track to Bridleway 56 at the western edge of the application area. o The layout of the roundabout is not clear from the plans submitted in that there is no detail as to what the surface will comprise of. There are what appear to be two oval shaped areas defined but no further detail shown. We request that further detail is made available by the

1 DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Addendum to - 22 March 2016 Items 5 and 6

developers as to what these areas are intended to be, as it is vitally important for safety reasons that users of the bridleway network are able to safely ride between these two bridleways. o With the increase in traffic expected due to the existing approved development at Rawreth Lane and that proposed in Hullbridge, it is more important than ever to secure safe off-road links for vulnerable road users, such as equestrians and cyclists. o We request that access made available for such users, and we suggest that a track around the outside edge of the north western boundary of the application is made available for this purpose. o It is also important that the visibility is maintained at the beginning of Bridleway 75 where riders need to cross Rawreth Lane to access Ferndale Road and we request that traffic calming measures, or even a crossing, are considered around this area for safety reason.

4. Additional Neighbour Representations

2 further letters have been received from the following addresses:-

Hullbridge Road: 53 (Hambro Post office) Rawreth Lane: 140.

And which make the following comments and objections in addition to those set out in the report:-

o Draw attention to the fact that there is a definitive Bridleway at the edge of the plan opposite Ferndale Road and this is not taken into consideration. o The traffic will now be flowing faster round the bend and the horse riders crossing the Hullbridge road into and out of Lubbards BW will find this a much more dangerous crossing than it already is. Consideration must be given to ALL road users including the horses. o The plans state that there are no trees and hedges on site which is clearly incorrect as there is a thick boundary hedge and an inside hedging which marks the permissive BW route inside Lubbards. I assume that this route is not marked as it is permissive but is still very important. The Developer should include reinstating of the permissive route within his plans to keep the riders from having to negotiate

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the roundabout which would be very dangerous as the permissive route enables riders not have to use the Rawreth Lane/Hullbridge Road junction. o The developer has not visited the site as the larger area map does not show the clear gap in the hedging to enter Lubbards BW. o It is not clear on the plan what the green dot areas to the North of the roundabout are but assume they may be banks perhaps the permissive route could be reinstated two metres wide at the other side of them? o What steps are the developers taking to keep the Right of Way open and safe during the building works? o During the new layout the outer footpath can be removed and create some new parking spaces at Hambro shopping parade. This will help all small businesses and their customers.

5. Letter Received from Essex County Highways

A letter has been received in respect of this application from Essex County Highways, a copy of which is attached.

Item 6 1. Revised Officer Recommendation

14/00813/OUT Following publication of the officer report the applicants have

requested clarity to the S106 given that the provision of the Land between Windermere roundabout subject of application 16/00162/FUL resolves an Avenue and existing problem and is significantly beyond what should be Lower Road, considered to address the consequential impacts of the Malyons Lane, development, taking into account the contribution from the Hullbridge. developers at West Rayleigh. Officers agree that there should be some flexibility in the requirements of the S106 to ensure

that the application scheme is viable and delivers this significant infrastructure. Officers further agree with the applicants’ expectation that given the roundabout would be over and above that required to mitigate the development the roundabout should have as later trigger to enable the development to be started and sufficiently pump primed in terms of cost to enable the roundabout to be delivered. The applicant suggests a minimum of 100th dwelling occupation which officers agree. In the same vein the applicants have also asked for clarity on the requirements for the skate park for which there is no figure in the published heads of terms.

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Revised Officer Recommendation

APPROVAL, Subject to the following revised heads of terms to the Agreement under section 106 of the Act and to the remaining heads of terms and conditions set out in the report.

a) Revised - Provision of Hullbridge Road / Rawreth Lane roundabout the subject of application 16/00162/FUL or the revisions to that junction proposed in this application should the application for the new roundabout junction not be approved - Prior to 100th occupation or such other trigger as to be advised by the County Highway Authority.

e) Revised - A minimum of 35 per cent affordable housing shall be provided in each phase subject to subsequent assessment and review (Reserved Matters application site area) to a mix to be agreed for each reserved matters (80 percent affordable rent and 20 percent intermediate housing) subject to delivery triggers, appropriate location of units within the site, appropriate dwelling type/size, nomination rights and other relevant matters. f) Revised - Youth facilities provision by way of skate board park in the development estimated to equate to £150,000 or such other figure as may be agreed. In the event RDC decline the transfer, facilities to be maintained in perpetuity by a management company.

n) Contribution of £100,000 to cycle route 135 across the district.


Your Ref: 16/00162/FUL Our Ref: CO/EGD /SD/ ROC/16/00162/FUL Date:- 18th March 2016

CC: (by email) Cllr M Hoy SMO2 Tara Jowett Andrew Cook Director for Operations: Environment & Economy

To: Shaun Scrutton District Council County Hall Council Offices Essex CM1 1QH South Street Rochford Essex



Application No. 16/00162/FUL

Applicant Phase 2 Planning & Development Ltd

Site Location Land at the Junction of Rawreth Lane/Hullbridge Road

Proposal New Roundabout Junction

From a highway and transportation perspective the impact of the proposal is acceptable to the Highway Authority subject to the following mitigation and conditions:

 Prior to commencement of development, details of the proposed roundabout (including layout, levels, gradients, surfacing and means of surface water drainage) shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The roundabout junction, as shown in principle on Cannon Consulting Engineers Dwg. No F221-202 Rev F with clear to ground visibility splays, provided before the road junction is first used by vehicular traffic and retained free of any obstruction at all times, shall be provided entirely at the Developers expense and to the satisfaction of the Highway Authority.

Reason: To ensure roads/footways are constructed to an appropriate standard in the interests of highway safety in accordance with policies DM1 of the Development Management Policies as adopted as County Council Supplementary Guidance in February 2011


 The Highway Authority has assessed the supporting documentation associated with the upgrade of the existing mini roundabout at Rawreth Lane / Hullbridge Road to provide a standard 3 arm roundabout. The proposed roundabout has been designed to accommodate existing traffic flows, any background growth in traffic flows and proposed traffic from the two major developments within the area, namely West Rayleigh and Hullbridge at a required and agreed forecast year of 2019. In addition a sensitivity assessment has considered a +15 year forecast at 2034 in accordance with DMRB requirements. 5

The proposed roundabout modelling demonstrates considerable reserve capacity at the assessment year forecast for 2019 and also operates within its operational capacity for 2034.

 This planning application should be considered in conjunction with the proposed residential planning application at Hullbridge App No. 14/00813/out. The proposed roundabout shall be conditioned to be provided prior to the occupation of the 50th dwelling of this application.

 All work within or affecting the highway is to be laid out and constructed by prior arrangement with, and to the requirements and satisfaction of, the Highway Authority, details to be agreed before the commencement of works.

 The applicants should be advised to contact the Development Management Team by email at [email protected] or by post to: SMO2 - Essex Highways, Springfield Highways Depot, Road, Chelmsford, CM2 5PU

 The Highway Authority cannot accept any liability for costs associated with a developer’s improvement. This includes technical check, safety audits, site inspection, commuted sums for maintenance and any potential claims under the Part 1 and Part 2 of the Land Compensation Act 1973. To protect the Highway Authority against such compensation claims a cash deposit or bond may be required as security in case of default.

 The above is required to ensure the proposal complies with the County Council’s Highways and Transportation Development Control Policies, as originally contained in Appendix G of the Local Transport Plan 2006/2011 and refreshed by Cabinet Member Decision dated 19 October 2007.

 The requirements above should be imposed by way of negative planning condition or planning obligation as appropriate.

 Prior to any works taking place in the public highway the developer shall enter into the appropriate legal agreement with the Highway authority under the Highways Act 1980 to regulate the construction of the highway works.

 Prior to occupation, the development shall be served by a system of operational street lighting which shall thereafter be maintained in good repair.

 In all cases where spoil is unavoidably brought out onto the highway, the applicant / developer must be reminded of their responsibility to promptly remove such spoil at their own expense and to the satisfaction of the Highway Authority.

 Full details of SUDS should be provided and agreed

……………………………………………… pp. Director for Operations: Environment and Economy 6 Enquiries to Internet: Email: [email protected]