p-ISSN: 0972-6268 Nature Environment and Pollution Technology (Print copies up to 2016) Vol. 19 No. 4 pp. 1637-1644 2020 An International Quarterly Scientific Journal e-ISSN: 2395-3454

Original Research Paper Originalhttps://doi.org/10.46488/NEPT.2020.v19i04.031 Research Paper Open Access Journal Socio-Economic Utility of Coastal Flora Growing in and Around Mangrol Taluka (Junagadh) of Gujarat

T. B. Chudasama and S. J. Vyas† Department of Life Sciences, Bhakta Kavi Narsinh Mehta University, Junagadh-362640, Gujarat, †Corresponding author: S. J. Vyas; [email protected]

ABSTRACT Nat. Env. & Poll. Tech. Website: www.neptjournal.com Halophytes are widely distributed throughout several regions due to the presence of the saline condition. Received: 03-12-2019 The present paper reflects vegetation cover along with species of different kinds in the coastal Revised: 14-12-2019 area of Mangrol taluka of Gujarat, India. It consists of 25 plant species under 25 genera and 12 families Accepted: 03-01-2020 of angiosperm. During the field survey, observations were made and plant characteristics and habitat of flora were studied. The main objectives of the present study are the identification, baseline survey Key Words: and utility of saline in the area. The utility of the plants such as ecological and economic (such as Halophytes medicinal, industrial and commercial, etc.) which can reflect their significance to the society. Majority of Coastal flora the plant species found are naturally occurring, but a few of them are agricultural plants used for various Environmental economics purposes. Due to increasing population growth, urbanization and especially over-demanding medicinal plants people are harvesting without any knowledge of regeneration and conservation, due to which many species are threatened. Because of this, it is very important to conserve plant species, which are extensively utilized in various purposes.

INTRODUCTION well as economic aspects for human (Nikalje et al. 2018). India has a coastline of about 7,516.6 km long with 2.02 The local community around the coast relies on these million km 2 exclusive economic zone and 0.13 million km basic resources, collecting and using many plant species for 2 continental shelf (Khoshoo 1996) and it covers nine states food, wood, fibre, fuel and medicine. Their high utility in and two union territories. Gujarat coastal line has a length economic and medicinal usage is an important contributing of approximately 1600 km; it constitutes about 24% of the factor to their overexploitation. Salinity is among the major total coastal length of India. Coastal zone is an important bi- environmental crisis and serious threat to food, fuel and fibre ogeographically habitats of the Indian subcontinent (Rodgers production in the world. This problem, which extends to more & Panwar 1998). Coastal areas are vulnerable to be invaded than 100 countries, is encountered in all types of climate due by tides, and conventional saline-alkali land management to the consequence of both natural processes as well as human measures can hardly achieve the desired results because of interference (Shabala & Munns 2017). The continual use of serious salinity problems, harsh natural conditions, simple coastal plants over many years without any replanting, it has ecosystem structure, poor stability, and fragile ecological resulted in an accelerated decline in the loss of a wide range environment (Zhang 2018). According to Stoker (1928), the of threatened and endangered species. This kind of survey is critical level of salinity for plants is 0.5% of the dry weight. necessary to explain the usefulness of coastal vegetation to Though the fact that only a small group of higher plants can the human community living around the coast. grow in the saline habitats was recognized many hundred years ago yet the name “halophyte” was assigned to such MATERIALS AND METHODS plants by Pallas in the early nineteenth century. Researches Study Area on biological diversity and its values, uses, loss, conserva- tion and management during the last two decades has made Mangrol taluka of Junagadh district is situated on the extreme a spectacular niche in the field of environmental science coast of Gujarat having dense vegetation of coastal flora. (Vyas & Joshi 2014). In recent years, however, the attention Nine villages of Mangrol taluka and three villages of Madiya is being paid worldwide to accommodate the salt-tolerant taluka were surveyed for the present study 21°13’N to 21° species such as Cressa, Suaeda, Trianthema, Salvadora, to 00’N and 69°59 ’ E to 70° 13’ E. Total area surveyed under the support animal life and providing useful pharmacological as present study was approximately 40 km, along the coastline 1638 T. B. Chudasama and S. J. Vyas of Mangrol taluka consisting of various villages on the coast. phytic vegetation. Halophytic vegetation is growing in different parts of the habitat by facing several environmental stresses. Data Collection For this study, a maximum of 15 species was found in As described earlier, twelve villages were surveyed namely, the village of Lodge, and at least 4 species were found in Antroli, Diwasa, Sangavada, Shil, Lodge, Rahij, Maktupur, the village of Shil, in the coast between Antroli to Chorvad Mangrol, Khodada, Khambhadiya, Jujarpur and Chorvad. village. As shown in Fig. 2, it was interesting to observe and Plant species along the coast of 40 km around Mangrol taluka note that the species in the rocky area are higher than in any were observed and identified and recorded for the baseline other habitats such as sand dunes and moist areas. study. The number of each species in all the surveyed villag- SD=Sand dunes, M=Marshy, RP=Rock poolsAmong the es was recorded along with their habitat in which they were habitat of selected coastal sites, sand dunes were found to found. Based on the number of species, they were distributed be more followed by rock pools and marshy region. In the into families in which they belong and utility of all the species coastal areas surrounding Mangrol taluka, 9 villages with were studied. sand dunes are given in Table 1 such as Antroli, Sangavada, Shil, Maktupur, Mangrol, Khodada, Khambhadiya, Jujarpur RESULTS and Chorvad; 2 villages with rocky pool are Lodge and In the present investigation a total of 25 species of coastal Rahij and 1 village with marshy space is located in Diwasa. flora belonging to 18 families were enumerated (Fig. 2) in According to the survey, highly coastal floras are found on the coastline of Mangrol taluka (Junagadh). As stated earlier, rocky pools (Fig. 2), while vegetation is less common on 12 villages namely Antroli, Diwasa, Sangavada, Shil, Lodge, sandy dunes and marshy places. Rahij, Maktupur, Mangrol, Khodada, Khambhadiya, Jujarpur As shown in Table 2, the Fabaceae family is found to and Chorvad located on the coastal belt were identified and se- be most dominant than all other families. There are three lected for the current study. From these locations, four species types of plants found in the Fabaceae family, namely Lotus which were found to be dominant in the majority of areas were garcini, Prosopis julifloraand Indigofera oblingifolia. Two notedsurveyed to be Cyprus under conglomerates, the present Halopyrum study was mucronatum, approximately species 40 km are ,found along in theConvolvulaceae, coastline of , Mangrol Acanthaceae taluka Prosopis julifloraand Casuarinas equisitifolia. Habitats of and Amaranthaceae family and in addition to this, 1 plant is theseconsisting plants are ofsaline various and hence villages can be on considered the coast. as halo- found in all family found here.

Fig. 1: MapFig. 1:showing Map showing study study area (Source: (Source: Google Google earth). earth).

TableD ata1: The C habitatollection in and around Mangrol taluka. HabitatAs described earlier,No. of habitat twelve villagesLocation were surveyed namely, Antroli, Diwasa, Sangavada, Shil, SD 9 Antroli, Sangavada, Shil, Maktupur, Mangrol, Khodada, Khambhadiya, Jujarpur, Chorvad RPLodge, Rahij, Maktupur,2 Mangrol, Khodada,Lodge and Rahij Khambhadiya, Jujarpur and Chorvad. Plant species Malong the coast 1of 40 km around MangrolDiwasa taluka were observed and identified and recorded for the baseline study. The number of each species in all the surveyed villages was recorded along with Vol. 19, No. 4, 2020 • Nature Environment and Pollution Technology their habitat in which they were found. Based on the number of species, they were distributed into families in which they belong and utility of all the species were studied. RESULTS In the present investigation a total of 25 species of coastal flora belonging to 18 families were enumerated (Fig. 2) in the coastline of Mangrol taluka (Junagadh). As stated earlier, 12 villages namely Antroli, Diwasa, Sangavada, Shil, Lodge, Rahij, Maktupur, Mangrol, Khodada, Khambhadiya, Jujarpur and Chorvad located on the coastal belt were identified and selected for the current study. From these locations, four species which were found to be dominant in the majority of areas were noted to be Cyprus conglomerates, Halopyrum mucronatum, Prosopis juliflora and Casuarinas equisitifolia. Habitats of these plants are saline and hence can be considered as halophytic vegetation. Halophytic vegetation is growing in different parts of the habitat by facing several environmental stresses. SOCIO-ECONOMIC UTILITY OF COASTAL FLORA 1639

Chorvad Cucumis prophetarum Indigofera oblingifolia Jujarpur Sporobolus maderaspatanus erecta Khambhadiya Alternanthera ficoidea Khodada Calotropis procera Amberboa ramose Mangrol Enicostem axillare Limonium stocksii Maktupur Trianthema portulacastrum Trichodesma indicum Rahij

Villages Justicia diffusa Lodge Celosia argentea Taraxacum mongolicum Shil Aloe vera Ipomea pes-caprae Sangavada Salvadora persica Casuarina equisitifolia Diwasa Prosopis juliflora Antroli Suaeda fruticosa Sericostoma pauciflorum 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 Lotus garcini Halopyrum mucronatum No. of species Cyprus conglomerates

Fig. 2: Fig.Village 2: Village-wise-wise species richness. richness.

Table 2: No. ofFor Genera this present study in each, a maximumfamily. of 15 species was found in the village of Lodge, and at least 4 speciesSr. No. were foundFamily in the village of Shil, in theNo. ofcoast Genera between Antroli to Chorvad village. As 1. Fabaceae 3 shown in Fig. 2, it was interesting to observe and note that the species in the rocky area are higher 2. Convolvulaceae 2 than3. in any otherPoaceae habitats such as sand dunes and2 moist areas. Table4. 1: The habitatAcanthaceae in and around Mangrol taluka2 . 5. Amaranthaceae 2 6. HabitatBoraginaceae No. of habitat 1 Location 7. SDChenopodiaceae 9 Antroli, Sangavada,1 Shil, Maktupur, Mangrol, Khodada, 8. Cucurbitaceae Khambhadiya,1 Jujarpur, Chorvad 9. Plumbaginaceae 1 RP 2 Lodge and Rahij 10. Cyperaceae 1 11. M Casuarinaceae 1 Diwasa 1 12. Salvadoraceae 1 13. Asphodelaceae 1 SD=Sand dunes, M=Marshy, RP=Rock pools 14. Asteraceae 1 15. Aizoaceae 1 16. Among Gentianaceaethe habitat of selected coastal sites,1 sand dunes were found to be more followed by rock17. pools and Apocynaceaemarshy region. In the coastal areas1 surrounding Mangrol taluka, 9 villages with 18. 1 sand dunes are given in Table 1 such as Antroli, Sangavada, Shil, Maktupur, Mangrol, Khodada, Khambhadiya, Jujarpur and Chorvad; 2 villages with rocky pool are Lodge and Rahij and 1 village Nature Environment and Pollution Technology • Vol. 19, No. 4, 2020 1640 T. B. Chudasama and S. J. Vyas

Table 3: Checklist of coastal flora showing scientific name, common name, family, habit & utility.

S. Plant name Family Habitat Common name Plant part Utility References No. used 1 Cressa cretica Convolvulaceae H Rudravanti Whole enriches the blood and useful in (Chopra et al. plant constipation 2006) 2 Cyprus Cyperaceae H - Whole used as fodder for animals (Keblawy 2011) conglomeratus plant 3 Halopyrum Poaceae G - Whole coastal dune stabilizer (Khan et al. 1999) mucronatum plant 4 Lotus garcini Fabaceae H - Leaves Used in benefits of kidney, (Ghulam 2002) controls diarrhea, for sleep deficiency 5 Sericostoma Boraginaceae S Karvash, Whole Diabetes, dysentery, urinary (Thakar 1998) pauciflorum Matravalli plant infection 6 Suaeda Chenopodiaceae S Shrubby Leaves Treatment of ophthalmia (Wichens 2012) fruticosa seablight Making soap and glass Whorl plant 7 Prosopis Mimosaceae T Gando baval Wood Production of hard wood for (Gomes 1977) juliflora mosaics, boards and sleepers, good quality firewood 8 Casuarina Casuarinaceae T Saru, she-oak Root, Treatment of dysentery (World health equisitifoliys stem organization 2009) 9 Salvadora Salvadoraceae T Meswak tree, Wood Useful for fuel (Uphof 1959) persica Piludi Roots Used as a toothbrushes 10 Ipomea pes- Convolvulaceae C Morning glory Stem Made in ropes (Burkill 1985) caprae or goat’s foot, Leaves Used to extirpate fungoid Maryada vel growth of ulcers Relief in bladder diseases Root 11 Aloe vera Asphodelaceae H Indian aloe, Whole Cosmetic & medicinal purpose, (Reynolds & Tom Kuvarpathu plant Used in commercially as (Ed.) 2004) an ingredient in yogurts, beverages, and some desserts 12 Taraxacum Asteraceae H Dandelions Whole Treat inflammation, swollen (Roger & George mongolicum plant lymph nodes, cysts and 2004) abscesses, as well detoxifying the kidney and liver 13 Cucumis Cucurbetaceae C Spiked melon Fruit Used as an emetic (Uphof 1959) prophetarum 14 Justicia diffusa Acanthaceae H Water willow Leaves Used in ophthalmic (Chopra et al. 1986) 15 Trichodesma Boraginaceae H Undhaphuli, Leaves, treatment of cough (Subban & indicum Indian borage root AlarmalMangai 2012) 16 Trianthema Aizoaceae H Black pigweed Whole Used as a vermifuge and is (Aggarwal & Kaur portulacastrum plant useful in rheumatism 2017) 17 Limonium Plumbaginaceae H Sea-lavender Whole Used as a food, pharmaceutical, (Akashi & Ayabe stocksii plant cosmetics and other industrial 2010) products 18 Enicostem Gentianaceae H Mahmejo Whole Used as a laxative, stomachic (Chopra et al. axillare plant and tonic 1986) Table Cont....

Vol. 19, No. 4, 2020 • Nature Environment and Pollution Technology SOCIO-ECONOMIC UTILITY OF COASTAL FLORA 1641

S. Plant name Family Habitat Common name Plant part Utility References No. Von Maydell, H. 1990. Trees and Shrubs of the Sahel.used Their characteristics and Uses. Deutsche 19 Lapidagathis GesellschaftAcanthaceae TechnischeH usammenarbeit,Hiran-chaaro GermanyWhole. Antiallergic medicine & used (Panda 2002) cristata (pathar-kotar) plant as a fodder 20 CalotropisVyas , S.J. andApocynaceae Joshi, A.J. 2014.S MineralAuricula composition tree Stem in leavesTermite of some proof halophytic stem used for species (Vonof Maydell procera ‘Bhal’ region in Gujarat. Research Journal of Biology, 2: 99roofing-103 .and building huts 1990) Root Treatment of snakebites Wichens, G.E., David, V. and Goodin, R. 2012. PlantsSeed for arid landsUsed. In:as a Proceedingsstuffing material of inthe Kew capsules mattresses International Conference on Economic PlantsLeaves for AridTreatment Lands of held asthma in the Joderell 21 Alternanthera Laboratory,Amaranthaceae Royal BotanicH Gardens,Calico plant Kew, England,Whole 23-27Bioagent July 1984 in greywater. treatment (Abbasi & Tauseef ficoidea plant 2018) WHO 2009. Medicinal Plants in Papua, New Guinea, World Health Organisation. 22 Boerhavia Nyctaginaceae H Erect Whole Used as a vermifuge Achigan-dako erectaZhang, G., Wang, C., Yang, H., Zhou,spiderling, Z., Zhang, Y. andplant Zhao, L. 2018. Experimental research on2009) Satodi improving the salt tolerance of plants in coastal saline soil - A case study of Huanghua City 23 Sporobolus Poaceae G - Whole Used as a forage (Joshi 2011) maderaspatanusin Hebei Province of . Nat. Env. & Poll. plantTech., 17(2): 459-468. 24 Celosia Amaranthaceae H Common Whole It could purge the liver of (Shen 1997) argentea cockscomb plant pathogenic fire, improve eyesight, and eliminate nephelium

25 Indigofera Fabaceae S Jhil, Jhiladi Leaves Treat skin rash & stomach pain (Chopra et al. oblingifolia Treatment of mercurial 1986) Stem salivation Used as a purgative Root H = herb, S = shrub, T = tree and G = grass and C = Climber PLATE 1

1: Cressa 1: Cressa cre ticacretica 2: Suaeda 2: Suaeda fruticosa fruticosa 3: 3:Sericostoma Sericostoma pauciflorumpauciflorum

4: Ipomea 4: Ipomea pes pes-caprae-caprae 5: Salvadora5: Salvadora persica persica 6: Halopyrum6: Halopyrum mucronatummucronatum

Nature Environment and Pollution Technology • Vol. 19, No. 4, 2020

7: Taraxacum mongolicum 8: Calotropis procera 9: Lotus garcini


10: Justicia diffusa 11: Trianthema portulacastrum 12: Indigofera oblingifolia

4: Ipomea pes-caprae 5: Salvadora persica 6: Halopyrum mucronatum

1642 T. B. Chudasama and S. J. Vyas 4: Ipomea pes-caprae 5: Salvadora persica 6: Halopyrum mucronatum

7: Taraxacum mongolicum 8: Calotropis procera 9: Lotus garcini

7: 7:Taraxacum Taraxacum mongolicummongolicum 8: Calotropis 8: Calotropis p rocera procera 9: Lotus 9: Lotusgarcini garcini PLATE PLATE 1 2


10: Justicia10: Justicia diffusa diffusa 11: 11: Trianthema Trianthema portulacastrumportulacastrum 12: 12:Indigofera Indigofera oblingifoliaoblingifolia

10: Justicia diffusa 11: Trianthema portulacastrum 12: Indigofera oblingifolia

13: Casuarinas equisitifoliys 14: Alternanthera ficoidea 15: Boerhavia erecta 13:13: Casuarinas Casuarinas equisitifoliys equisitifoliys 14: 14: Alternanthera Alternanthera ficoidea 15: 15: Boerhavia Boerhavia erecta erecta

16: 16: Amberboa 16: Amberboa Amberboa ramose ramose ramose 17: 17: Prosopis Prosopis 17: Prosopis juli julifloraflora 18: 18: Cucumis 18:Cucumis Cucumis prophetarum prophetarum prophetarum PLATE 2

Vol. 19, No. 4, 2020 • Nature Environment and Pollution Technology PLATEPLATE 3

19: Limonium stocksii 20: Sporobolus maderaspatanus 21: Aloe vera 19: Limonium stocksii 20: Sporobolus maderaspatanus 21: Aloe vera

13: Casuarinas equisitifoliys 14: Alternanthera ficoidea 15: Boerhavia erecta

16: Amberboa ramose 17: Prosopis juliflora 18: Cucumis prophetarum


19: Limonium stocksii 20: Sporobolus maderaspatanus 21: Aloe vera 19: Limonium stocksii 20: Sporobolus maderaspatanus 21: Aloe vera

22: Trichodesma indicum 23: Celosia argentea 24: Enicostem axillare 2 2: 22:Trichodesma Trichodesma indicum 23: Celos23: Celosiaia argentea argentea 24: Enicostem24: Enicostem axillare axillare

25:25: Cyprus Cyprus conglomeratesconglomerates 25: Cyprus conglomerates PLATE 3 Fig. 3: Plant species of the study area (Plates 1-3). Fig. Fig.3: P 3:lant Plant species species of of thethe studystudy area area (Plates (Plates 1-3). 1-3).

Coastal vegetation is not commonly used for economic traditional and ethnobotanical interests were recorded after gain, but it also identified for ethnomedicinal, handicrafts the critical screening. and many other uses. Numerous reports have documented the utility of coastal flora in rural and tribal areas all over the CONCLUSION world as a successful home remedy against different ailments (Hamburger & Hostettmann 1991, Hammiche & Maiza 2006, The present work reflected a detailed and comprehensive Hussain et al. 2003). Among the species, herbs were found database and descriptive survey of coastal flora which com- to be more (14 sp.) followed by shrubs (4 sp.), trees (3 sp.), piled the economic and ecological utility of the plant species grass (2 sp.) and climbers (2 sp.) (Fig. 3). In the available observed for identifying the potential of the Mangrol coast. literature, the vegetation of coastal flora was highly used in Throughout the 40 km coastline of the study area, twenty-five

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Vol. 19, No. 4, 2020 • Nature Environment and Pollution Technology